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Frontier Communications Warns It May Declare Bankruptcy In Early 2020

Phillip Dampier November 13, 2019 Consumer News, Frontier 175 Comments

After years of customer losses and a stifling debt of $17.5 billion, Frontier Communications was warned investors it may be forced to declare bankruptcy reorganization to protect its assets from creditors that are growing impatient with the phone company.

Analysts suggest Frontier is considering a Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing as early as the first quarter of 2020 as part of a sweeping reorganization of the company that will also include replacing its top management.

Bloomberg News reports corporate advisers have already begun looking for a replacement of CEO Dan McCarthy, a long term Frontier executive that began a career at Rochester Telephone Corporation before it was acquired by Frontier. McCarthy replaced former Frontier CEO Maggie Wilderotter in 2015. Since Wilderotter’s departure, Frontier’s share price has spiraled downwards and customers are leaving in droves.


Over 71,000 Frontier customers disconnected service in the third quarter of 2019 alone, the biggest percentage of customer losses of any major residential telecom company in the United States.

Frontier executives have repeatedly blamed the ongoing disconnection of traditional landline service for its declining results, but other phone companies have curtailed losses by upgrading their networks to attract new broadband customers. Frontier has only grudgingly invested in network upgrades over the last decade, particularly in its legacy copper service areas. The company’s fiber assets were primarily acquired from service territories formerly owned by Verizon and AT&T. Frontier, like CenturyLink and Windstream, attracted shareholders a decade ago by paying out a significant amount of revenue in shareholder dividends. After Frontier made further acquisitions of former Verizon landline territories putting itself deeper into debt, the company suspended its dividend in 2018.

Frontier’s reluctance to invest adequately in its network has been noticed by many of its customers. So have the company’s ongoing billing and service problems. Frontier has been under investigation over its service performance in several states and has left some customers out of service for weeks.

A possible bankruptcy filing would allow the company to renegotiate its debts and labor agreements. Layoffs and restructuring cost cutting would likely follow. Frontier recently sold off its properties in the Pacific Northwest in an effort to raise cash to reduce its debts. Further asset sales could be forthcoming.

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4 years ago

The Pacific Northwest territories are not sold off yet.

Joel Johnston
Joel Johnston
4 years ago
Reply to  mikesum32

Seriously? They were acquired by Wave.

4 years ago
Reply to  Joel Johnston

They are being purchased by Northwest Fiber. Wave Broadband is not involved. That being said, it is partially owned by the former owner Steve Weed. https://www.wavedc.com/ https://www.northwestfiber.com/

4 years ago

No big surprise here.

Gloria yeager
Gloria yeager
4 years ago

So many people have had trouble with frontier their service sucks and down most of the time I didn’t like it and most people are going to another company

Vandon John
4 years ago
Reply to  Gloria yeager

Hi Gloria have you checked out Granite Telecommunications?

4 years ago
Reply to  Vandon John

lol granite lines are provided by frontier

4 years ago

Being the worst company in the last 10 years it’s no surprise. Unfortunately a large portion of their service areas they hold a monopoly. I have no other choice for internet or phone service and lte isnt a option. So once they do go under itll be unknown for how long til another company decides to move in and spend the money to install services. I’m happy but sad at same time, I’m happy bc thie ripoff company needs to go. However sad bc I may not have a option for a while.

4 years ago
Reply to  Nick

Exactly!! I feel the same way. I also don’t appreciate their rudeness when I call them about a problem. They really could care less about helping you, like I am a bother to them

4 years ago
Reply to  Pam

Pam have you check out Granite Telecommunications?

4 years ago
Reply to  Vandon

what a joke….. granite is just a CLEC….. you are only putting a middle man in between you and Frontier……for what???? the service is still Frontier. But since Frontier is forced to provide those services to granite below their cost you might save a nickel…..literally a nickel!!!!!

Veronica Klotz
Veronica Klotz
4 years ago
Reply to  Nick

We had no alternative company either. So no computer.

4 years ago
Reply to  Veronica Klotz

Veronica I can help you with voice and internet

4 years ago
Reply to  Veronica Klotz

Hi Veronica have you check out Granite Telecommunications?

4 years ago
Reply to  Nick

You will continue to have service. Due to the nature of things no matter what happens (Chapter 7 or 11) your service will stay up and working. You do not have to worry.

Darla Kello
4 years ago
Reply to  EJ1977

I’m loosing customers because of you been without internet on 8th day so far. I’m hoping customers don’t cancel thier orders now. Frontier owns me big time.

4 years ago
Reply to  Darla Kello

Hi Darla have you checked out Granite Telecommunications?

4 years ago
Reply to  EJ1977

Well, it may stay up but it barely works now, so I doubt much that it’ll be “working”.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dragonflyte

Hey Dragonflyte have you considered Granite Telecommunications?

Joel Johnston
Joel Johnston
4 years ago
Reply to  Vandon

Hey Vandon – stop trolling these people. We get it – you are a reseller for Granite. Same same – they simply resell Frontier Lines. Chill dude!

Stephanie Hazmat
Stephanie Hazmat
4 years ago
Reply to  Vandon

Stop repeating

Marcy Ohlemeier
Marcy Ohlemeier
4 years ago
Reply to  Nick

I completely agree- while other providers are two roads up from me they dont provided service in my area, frontier is also my only option.

4 years ago

Hi Marcy have you considered Granite Telecommunications?

4 years ago
Reply to  Vandon

Go away

4 years ago
Reply to  Nick

nick I think I can help you with support !

4 years ago
Reply to  Nick

Hey Nick have you checked out Granite Telecommunications?

4 years ago
Reply to  Nick

i have no choice 14 years til now.. I live clear out in rural area. and DSL SUCKS big time.. Ever since 4G LTE CAME OUT i am now with T-MOBILE and they may a data cap , but they are lot better then FRONTIER is.. I just have hook the telefone wire to my car and rip it out from the ground about 100 feet to the fone box to the road, and that should take care of FRONTIER SH*T service once and for all…. This deal may not work for everyone out in the rural area.. but atleast… Read more »

4 years ago

I live in West Virginia frontier internet is the worst. If my landline phone rings we get kicked off the internet. If I didn’t have to have a land line I would have turned it off a long time ago

4 years ago
Reply to  Frankie

If the phones rings and it kicks you off, more likely it is either a missing DSL filter or a bad one. I agree that Frontier has a lot of issues.

4 years ago
Reply to  Rodney

I agree, sounds like a missing filter or one that was put in backwards. A filter should be plugged into the wall directly, then the line cord going to the phone and not plugged directly into the phone base. Also if a tech comes out, ask that a filter to be installed outside if there is more than one set of inside wire. That will help with several things that can cause problems.

4 years ago
Reply to  Frankie

Hey Frankie have you considered Granite Telecommunications?

4 years ago
Reply to  Vandon


dan thom
dan thom
4 years ago
Reply to  Frankie

if your phones are 2.4ghz cordless that will interupt your wifi

4 years ago
Reply to  dan thom

change channels on your router will fix that

4 years ago
Reply to  Frankie

Maybe your Line filters are bad. Any phone plugged into a jack will require line filter. Just a suggestion.

4 years ago

Here in Connecticut formally Southern New England Telephone bought by SBC in 98’ who then in turn merged with att in 2005. Then in 2014 sold Connecticut to frontier is now in motion to file bankruptcy (2019). Frontier promised to build a fiber network in the state of Connecticut that never happened they didn’t even maintain the plant that was here they did nothing but lie selloff and decrease management and employees. These executives and ceo should be in jail for destroying once a profitable company. Now union employees are in danger of losing there jobs , pension , and… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Pete

No jobs should be lost because of this and in fact it may saves jobs. Phone companies have to stay open no matter what. Under bankruptcy the company will coast for awhile and Business as usual must be upheld. That means all the techs, managers, engineers, construction workers, etc will stay in there position. If the company tries to avoid bankruptcy there is more of a likelihood more jobs will be cut to satisfy the bondholders, debt holders and shareholders. The sooner the better in my opinion. if they can keep the company together jobs will be saved. If they… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Pete

I can help Pete.

4 years ago
Reply to  Pete

Hey Pete have you considered Granite Telecommunications?

john smith
john smith
4 years ago
Reply to  Vandon

what is your obsession with granite???

Joel Johnston
Joel Johnston
4 years ago
Reply to  john smith

They are resellers – they get a commission if you use Granite! Stinkin’ trolls!

4 years ago

Worst Internet service possible and customer service is not any better

dan thom
dan thom
4 years ago
Reply to  David

imagine how the repair techs feel having to listen to complaints for thirty minutes at every job

4 years ago

Finally, let’s get rid of them ! Your service is the absolute worst and I agree, customer service is no better. We all put up with your crap because after talking to 10 people as they bounce you around and spend hours on the phone to get no where, it’s a waste of time. Hope Frontier goes down big time !!

4 years ago
Reply to  Rudy

Let’s not forget when you “get rid of them” that it is other people’s jobs on the line 😞

4 years ago
Reply to  Erin

Yes, Absolutely, I worked for gte/Verizon/frontier for 18 as it was the only good paying job in my town. They closed the door and hundreds of employees lost their jobs and now possibly their pension that our livelihood would depended on at retirement I’m sure the employees being rude is because like us we had to work for a company that was sh*t, trying to defend them when you know it is bs what the company is doing because you have to try to hang in there to keep your job, benefits, pension. As much as I hated it, it… Read more »

4 years ago

Doesn’t surprise me we canceled our internet because we were out of service so much and now we can’t get internet back with them because they won’t upgrade their services and our landline is out more than it is on and even when it is on the copper lines are so bad that they have too much static and loud hum to hold a decent conversation. We were out of service for eight days. I worked for them years ago burying these lines and I know they have been spliced beyond repair. It is sad to see what they have… Read more »

Ruth Stalnaker
Ruth Stalnaker
4 years ago

I think that if Frontier would make the adjustment for high speed internet and have the internet at ALL times instead of customers having to wait days before they can use the internet, then it is so slow that is simply unbelieveable. Plus lower the cost.on phone service they just might have more people wanting the phone company. Better service more customer. I my self have had to wait several hours for to be able to use the internet And when you complain that person is told there are to many using it at one time. That is definitely the… Read more »

4 years ago

I’m in Northeast PA. Got rid of Frontier a while ago. However they still have some services in the area. Recently with the local Fire department we had a telephone pole fire caused by the power lines on the top. PPL responded in about a half hour. Unfortunately Frontier owned the pole. Frontier also was dispatched to respond, however they told the 911 dispatcher that the address didnt exist and they cant find it in their maps. So they wont be responding….. Idk what day and age they live in but the address shows up everywhere since it was a… Read more »

Benjamin Thomas
Benjamin Thomas
4 years ago

Frontier does not even try to fix it’s systems in Northeast Pa where they have a monopoly. 3mbps on a good day and more drops than I care to count!

Nancy K. Buckner
Nancy K. Buckner
4 years ago

I am in Western North Carolina and might as well not have landline service. Frontier service here is out half the time. I have been told by the repairmen it can’t be repaired until new cable is put in. In fact my phone is totally dead now. This has gone on more of this year,every time it rains, no service. I am told the cable is filling up with water. It seems a hopeless cause.

4 years ago

Who gets 6mbps ? We sure dont service works 30% of the time at best

Michael Gibbons
4 years ago
Reply to  Brian

try 4 times faster!!! 14MBPS DOWN 3-4MBPS UP!!! T-MOBILE….. Who the hell wants to deal with FRONTIER!!! i done ripped the 200foot cable up from the house to the ROAD!! that took care of the FRONTIER PROBLEM ONCE AND FOR ALL…

Amanda Ellis Ellis
Amanda Ellis Ellis
4 years ago

I was at at 3 until Frontier in California decided that anyone who got more than 1 was too much. They fixed it do that it immediately. It caused service disruption to anyone who was receiving more than 1 mbps. I was out of service completely from Aug.11- Aug.24th and now I am only allowed to get a 1 even tho my range is 3-4. The only activities I can do slowly but successfully is enail and some surfing . They also only reimbursed me $4.00 for all that time I was without service. Smh!!!

Lisa Creston
Lisa Creston
4 years ago

We have them in Tennessee and the customer service is always so nice and helpful! Very responsive! And our internet is pretty good. 😊. Generally speaking, we’are pretty happy. Plus it’s all we’ve got so we’d be real disappointed if they left!!

4 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Creston

Hi! Lisa have you considered Granite Telecommunications?

Anneta Arthur
Anneta Arthur
4 years ago

Unfortunately, this has been Frontiers pattern for at least 25 years. I followed them out of curiosity since 1995. They buy out phone companies with empty promises to the government to upgrade old phone lines and equipment and just don’t do anything except layoffs, buyout packages, and closing doors. Then blame others because they are going under. The employees are overworked so much. It’s sad that this is going on, but no one knows how to change it. Therefore, the customers don’t have a choice but to go with a different provider. It took a month for a new install… Read more »

4 years ago

What do you expect when you have terrible costumer service lousy cable service when Your picture freezes, you call wait for a half hour then transfered to another dept, wait another half hour and
That person can’t help you. This is only a few things. They deserve to go under. It’s a blessing they will be gone

Bonnie Bartle
4 years ago

Brand new user, and quite honestly after 2/3 weeks of hiccups the service is awesome. Better than TimeWarner/Spectrum.

4 years ago
Reply to  Bonnie Bartle

Bonnie now that Frontier is filing chapter 11 have you ever considered Granite Telecommunications?

4 years ago
Reply to  Vandon

Vandon how much is Granite paying you to post these messages on everyone’s comment? Granite only resales Frontiers services…….you should get a real job.

4 years ago
Reply to  Vandon

Vandon, have you ever tried Granite Telecommunications? I hear it >>rocks<<! xD
Oh… and…. GO AWAY!

Veronica Klotz
Veronica Klotz
4 years ago

I live out in country. Had Frontier,phone ,internet and TV package with satellite service. My phone and internet was a joke. It was off more than on.We went to cell service. Much better 90% of the time.

Vickie Rice
Vickie Rice
4 years ago

Finally, They have the worst service, and their customer service is no better. We have all put up with them for to long. No body has an answer for any questions you have, they pass you off to a half a dozen people who doesn’t know any thing either. They also are the most uncaring company I have ever had to deal with. I feel that before they go down everyone with Frontier that has went with out internet, and phone as much as we have here where I live in West Virginia should get at least a year or… Read more »

Coni Roese
Coni Roese
4 years ago

West Virginia Landline Phones are useless!! Cannot hear conversations! Sounds like your in a drum! Customer Service??? Forget it! There is None! Unless you waits hours to get cut off! Internet is dropped every day!! Everyday!! If it rains or the wind Blows you are done for hours! Worst Overall Service I have ever had!

4 years ago
Reply to  Coni Roese

US Cellular and HughesNet. haven’t had a landline or cable for 10+ years.

Mildred manwarren
Mildred manwarren
4 years ago

Why wouldn’t it, I had trouble with my phone for two years,they keep telling me it was inside wiring I finally told them it was outside my house for two years and finally last month they sent a young lady out and she listened to me and found the problem was in local station near me. They wouldn’t even gave me any credit on my bill,with having trouble for two years, they don’t listen to there customers at all

John Hendrickson
John Hendrickson
4 years ago

You pay for the use of the internet and can not use it call them and they are always working on it there costumer service sucks

4 years ago

We live in WV and unfortunately, Frontier is it. It took a month to get it hooked up because they person they sent to install it didn’t want to climb a pole. Then they couldn’t find a problem with our line. Finally got it and it is so slow I wanted to scream every time I used it. We had a power outage and it took 2 weeks for them to look at it. We got hooked up in March and every time the power even flickered it was our for at least 2 weeks. Our modem was located in… Read more »

Yvonne Sickler
Yvonne Sickler
4 years ago

I hope this is a good problem for Frontier customers. Our service can not get much worse

4 years ago

I don’t see how their hurting for money, they collect your bill but don’t put a dime back in upgrades, they got Patrick the AG in their pockets and the idiots of WV re elected him

linda loughren
linda loughren
4 years ago

I had no problems with frontier all the years i had with them. I just have internet i love the service. Thank you Frontier !

Clara Cox
Clara Cox
4 years ago

My phone and internet was out 23 days one month, I called several times, they would give me a repair date, no show from them.
They were suppose to credit me for the time it was out, but guess what, they credited me with $10.23. My bill per month was $100.00+ at that time, they have since raised it to $103.81.
Their above the ground cables has trees fallen across them on Ohio, US Highway 52.

R. Griggs
R. Griggs
4 years ago

I would like to say that promises upon promises to upgrade landlines have fallen in disappointments in YOUR SERVICES FRONTIER!! You bought my Verizon account here in south central Ohio and raised the prices for your poor service and now your execs want to blame landline service for mass leaving when YOU ARE TO BLAME for less than status quo service IT’S LIKE YOU ARE TRYING TO GET CUSTOMERS TO LEAVE SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF THE LANDLINES!!??

Cindy Phillips
Cindy Phillips
4 years ago

That’s cause your coverage sucks. being in a rural area .. I would of left too but I don’t have any other options in NorthMoreland.

Cindy Phillips
Cindy Phillips
4 years ago

That’s cause you aren’t providing the service that we deserve. Terrible. I would of switched too but dont have an option in my area.

Kim sayre
Kim sayre
4 years ago

Your service is horrible your poles can lay for months I have pictures of this I have picture of wires losing there coating in places you can touch the lines there’s even a place that has a strap holding the line back from the road so it won’t get jerked loose tied to a tree and boxes laying open with wires exposed to weather I could go on and on even how slow the internet is and how they were willing to upgrade my service to take my money knowing my service wouldn’t get any better I’m done complaining now… Read more »

Mary F Piccone
Mary F Piccone
4 years ago

What about retiree’s pensions are they protected if Frontier files bankruptcy??

4 years ago
Reply to  Mary F Piccone

Join the discussion…I did some research on this. I retired 3 months ago. I just submitted paper work for lump sum for Jan 2020. If Frontier goes BK before then I will not get a lump sum. Instead I will received an annuity from the PBGC (pension benefit gaurentee corp). Your pension is gaurenteed up to $4100 a month

Bruce Glover
Bruce Glover
4 years ago

cutting it close ! I hope you get your full pension or lumpsum , you deserve it . I am a bond holder and am preparing for the worst , my Frontier Bonds are a small portion of my portfolio but no one wants to lose money , Good Luck to You !

4 years ago
Reply to  Mary F Piccone

And retiree medical benefits?

Mary F Piccone
Mary F Piccone
4 years ago

If Frontier does file do the retirees lose their monthly pension or is protected ??

4 years ago
Reply to  Mary F Piccone

It will depend on which bankruptcy they file, but no probably not. Pensions are not protected under bankruptcy laws so if there is money left then it will be paid out. More then likely people under the pension will get something, but not what it was going to be. More then likely a bulk payout will be done. It is the unfortunate part of the bankruptcy. All union contracts are opened back up once bankruptcy is done and pensions are generally protected under union contracts.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mary F Piccone

That is my understanding anyways, but I am no means a corporate bankruptcy expert.

Mary F Piccone
Mary F Piccone
4 years ago

if Frontier files do the Retirees lose their monthly Pensions or is protected under law

4 years ago

Could be their terrible predatory practices and awful customer service……………..

4 years ago

Frontier has screwed over their customers for years! I live in such a rural area and it’s all that’s available so I just keep paying for nothing! My download speed at its best is 0.002 Mbps!! I keep it for our phone and what little internet we get because my husband operates a business from home and can occasionally get an email or message in or out. I have been told from very reliable sources that Frontier has the materials to fix our areas issues already stored in a building close by for several years, however they ARE NOT going… Read more »

4 years ago

Not surprised.. Service is off and on constantly..Poor service, representative communication sucks… Constant billing issues… But like others,I have no other option..They are the only service provider in my area…Which I think is Ridiculous! Especially since another company provides service to many of my neighbors..Even more ridiculous!!!

4 years ago

Worse internet service EVER, When I call about problems they won’t even talk about it they just say it will be better in 2020 because they are fixing it then, I want all my money back that I’ve payed for high speed internet that I paid for But NEVER GOT!!!😡😡😡😡

4 years ago

I think if you gave better prices & didn’t think the big wigs deserved that big pay that they get, the services would be so much better. Sick to death of greed in this country.

Don Jones
Don Jones
4 years ago

This is one surprise. It was intended from the beginning. Frontier has raped their employees and customers and sucked on the government tit all while doing it. Maggie boosted her Ego by growing the company while all the time grooming old Dan as the hatchet man once her empire came crashing down. Oh by the way, all the top execs were guaranteed golden parachutes so when the ground fell out from under them, they could land very softly. This deserves a government inquiry and the guilty parties prosecuted. They have robbed the American tax payers in CAF monies intended to… Read more »

4 years ago

Where I live I have no other option for internet or broadband besides frontier. So they know I have no other options so they charge me an arm and a leg, even though if the wind blows the wrong way I lose service. It’s ridiculous, not to mention that their customer service sucks and you’re on hold for over an hour just trying to talk to someone.

Suzanne Cyr
Suzanne Cyr
4 years ago
Reply to  Myranda

I love frontier.
This will be a great loss

4 years ago
Reply to  Myranda

Unless you live on Mars, you can get HughesNet…

4 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

HughesNet isn’t that much better.

Stephanie Hazmat
Stephanie Hazmat
4 years ago
Reply to  Myranda

Omg I know how you feel. I was without servers for 5 months.Not to mention the Technicians that they send to the house I’m a self know more than they do and I smell like ‘Liquor’ He stumbles around and tells me my internets good when I’m testing it myself and it’s not.

4 years ago

They sold me service that wasnt even in my area but told me it was. I’ve been waiting to get my deposit back for over a month and a half. What joke this place is. good ridden. They must need my 70.00 more then I do. Help with that debt. Lol

Susan Barnes
Susan Barnes
4 years ago

Frontier SUCKS ! We have their internet and can only get it after 1AM so you have to go to bed early and set yor alarm for after midnight so you can get internet. Would have gone with another phone service but unfortunately Frontier is the only one in our area ! To say I HATE Frontier is an understatement !!!

Stephanie Hazmat
Stephanie Hazmat
4 years ago
Reply to  Susan Barnes

I totally agree

William Wright
William Wright
4 years ago

Is there any news about the current retirees? It would be nice to know what’s going on with them.

Lisa Smith
Lisa Smith
4 years ago

Why can’t we just get simple good quality products and service anymore? Why do small or large businesses think they can get away with delivering mediocre service and products and stay in business? It doesn’t work that way. We live in America. We have the people and resources to be the most innovative country in the world! Why are we settling for mediocrity? Who wants to start a wireless service company with me? We could deliver great product and service to our customers for a good rate and make a decent living, not a greedy killing. Just a nice decent… Read more »

William Rindos
William Rindos
4 years ago

Only game in town,they stink!

4 years ago

Good their service SUCKS

4 years ago

Oh look it’s KARMA riding in on a White horse in all her full glorious splendor. Our business had Frontier Phone service for over 30 years, all was fine until we decided to move our number over to a cell phone. Frontier attempted to charge us a contract termination fee of over $2500.00. Guess what we NEVER had a contract!!! Our attorney presented several emails To and From Frontier that took place over the period of 2 years that stated several times that we had NO contract whatsoever and that the Most we would owe would be the final bill… Read more »

4 years ago

Poor Management at the top! Zero vision! They need to return any bonuses or perks they received.

Don F
Don F
4 years ago

The problem I face is Frontier is the only service that is financially accessible in my area. The only other option is very expensive HughesNet Satelite service. There is no cable alternative in my area. Otherwise, I would have already switched.

Cheryl J
Cheryl J
4 years ago

Connecticut here. AT &T should have NEVER been allowed to sell us to Frontier in the first place in 2014. They were a terrible company before our little state got bought. It’s shameful that it happened and someone(s) should be put in jail for allowing a multi bazillion dollar company to unlaod us to a failing company. AT&T stripped us down to the bare minimum of assets here: trucks, inventory, equipment, managers, employees, and even shut off employee entry badges so we couldn’t get into buildings the day after the cut. AT&T started the mess here and should be held… Read more »

Carolyn Wishy
Carolyn Wishy
4 years ago

No surprise! I dropped Frontier, have Midco. Great servicce!

Robert Enger
Robert Enger
4 years ago

Frontier purchased FTTH systems, which have great potential to please customers (promoting retention). But then they appear to have failed to provide proper transit and peering capacity that is required to allow the FTTH customers to experience speedy (viral-marketing-worthy) performance. They essentially spent a LOT to buy the FTTH last-mile, then shot themselves in the foot with a bazooka by hobbling the system with inadequate external connection capacity. Even FTTH customers are angry with them. What was Frontier management thinking???

4 years ago

Well I can understand why, the service here is awful. But they are going to get their money. And when you call ,can’t get no one that speaks English clear enough for me to understand. I am thoroughly disgusted with it all.

4 years ago

The only thing that surprises me about this is that it didn’t happen sooner. The service is crappy at best and, their customer service is abysmal.

David L Walls
David L Walls
4 years ago

I just changed to Suddenlink, TV, Internet and phone,, simply because of cost AND the fact Frontier intends to make a Customer sign a four year contract begining In Jan of 2020 on their internet service, which is poor at best and goes off line continually, but they never seam to want to fix the problem, just ping it , and say it’s ok. But not ever sending a technician .

kim smith
kim smith
4 years ago

they r ridiculous,shut of service with a bill of 112.00 and they charged me 450.00 ,im not paying it,i didnt re sign a contract for 2 years and that’s why there charging me

4 years ago
Reply to  kim smith

Hello Kim have you ever considered Granite Telecommunications?

4 years ago
Reply to  Vandon

I’m not Kim, and I’ve never considered Granite Telecommunications. …and I don’t really care to either.

Jean Grubbs
Jean Grubbs
4 years ago

They don’t know how to fix the problem know more

4 years ago

Internet service and Crappy Telephone service for $140 a month,, They need to step aside and let someone else take over, There’s no residentual service worth $140 per month. Then have a problem it takes 2 weeks to get someone out to fix it,

Diana Mugrage
Diana Mugrage
4 years ago

Makes sense, my service from Frontier suxs, has for a long time too! Very unhappy customer!

4 years ago
Reply to  Diana Mugrage

When Frontier came to ATT to buy the Connecticut ( SNET) area they had people working with the locals to check various methods used to support and operate on a daily basis. I over heard the tier 3 support manager ask if he could do a walk around with the Frontier people who will be in Connecticut to do the support. He was told their will be no local support people and the technicians in the field and CO’s will have to make a call to the Texas group. He asked how they expect the remote people to “see” a… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Diana Mugrage

HI Diana have you ever considered Granite Telecommunications?

4 years ago
Reply to  Vandon

How many times do I need to mock your repetitive trolling comment?….sigh maybe your name is an acronym. Virtually Annoying Nag Droning On Neverending??

4 years ago

If I had another choice for internet I would disconnect. I have been a costumer since 2012. The last 4 years have been awful. Hopefully the restructuring will help.

4 years ago

I have been very unhappy

4 years ago
Reply to  Lisa

Hello Lisa have you ever considered Granite Telecommunications?

4 years ago
Reply to  Vandon

Hey dickstick granite runs on the same switch and lines as frontier. So stick your “have you tried granite” up your sorry ass

4 years ago
Reply to  Ang

Anyway to block this Vandon troll?

Virginia Turnbull
Virginia Turnbull
4 years ago

I’m tired of being out of phone service for several weeks at a time and then being billed as if my phone was working during those outages. That’s stealing!

roben l anderson
roben l anderson
4 years ago

Here in middle Tenn, they are awful in the last few months the internet doesn’t work at all I changed last week no more frontier.

Elley Dohme
Elley Dohme
4 years ago

All the complaining about their service does no good.. When a new company comes in, what is that going to change. Its still going to be copper wire service and still crappy. People that live in rural areas are screwed no matter who takes the areas over. NO provider is going to run fiber optic or cable down dirt roads or deep in the mountains – no matter who they are. So no matter if its frontier or whoever, its still going to be crappy

4 years ago
Reply to  Elley Dohme

Some REMCs in Indiana are running fiber down the dirt roads in southern rural Indiana

4 years ago
Reply to  Elley Dohme

Hi Elley have you ever considered Granite Telecommunications?

4 years ago
Reply to  Elley Dohme

In fact they do run fiber service to some pretty remote rural locations in some counties, using Federal grants and provide excellent service there.

Cindy McMurray
Cindy McMurray
4 years ago

Its know wonder you have lost 71,ooo customers you have the worst phone service ever. My phone is out more than it works. My phone lines should be up in the air and not laying on the ground.

4 years ago
Reply to  Cindy McMurray

Hello Cindy have you ever considered Granite Telecommunications?

4 years ago

Weeks without service? They left me without service for a month and a half. On top of that they canceled not one, but two appointments for repair in that period of time and never even told me they canceled them! That was just the final straw after losing my internet for about a week at a time every month for over a year. I have satelite internet now. I don’t care if it costs me twice as much. Nothing can convince me to use Frontier internet again.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tyler

Hi Tyler have you ever considered Granite Telecommunications?

Tishie Bernath
Tishie Bernath
4 years ago

Thats because they suck!!! No one knows anything.. Send bill before equipment.. Bill keeps going up.. Service is poor.. Was on phone yesterday for 2 hours with them.. There own employees complain

4 years ago
Reply to  Tishie Bernath

Tishie have you ever considered Granite Telecommunications?

Judy Thurman
Judy Thurman
4 years ago

Maybe will get someone alot better

M Furniss
M Furniss
4 years ago

We left Frontier after many cable pairs being “switched “. Upon reporting no phone service by cell phone, my husband told the repair service of the problem. (There was a cable splicer/repair person down the street working in the cable). He told them of this and they argued with my husband that no one was in the area. I had just come home and that service/repairman was still there. To add to the story, my husband’s mother was ill, so we needed a landline and they were told of this situation. To make matters worse, my husband retired from the… Read more »

4 years ago

No surprise with this announcement. They are a crap company, with crap services, crap technicians, support and even systems. Hard to believe Dan sleeps so well at night.

4 years ago

Frontier is a JOKE…but not a funny one. We live in such a rural area we have zero choice but to stay with them. My Dad is under hospice care and just to get a medical “notation” on the account you have to jump through a million hoops AND DO IT EVERY YEAR!!!! FRONTIER SUCKS!!!! I cannot wait until they go belly up and hopefully a local company will buy out their lines in our area and we can finally have an option for both phone service and possibly get actual high speed internet in our area like the rest… Read more »

concerned customer
concerned customer
4 years ago

Why wouldn’t Frontier replace the operations EVP Ken Arnt and also the SVP’s that have caused so much of the customer issues going on now. Their policies have really hurt the customer experience and are driving customers away. They are also driving the best employees away to other companies.

4 years ago

The problem is not the people at the top. They can not turn lead into gold. The problem starts with 40+ year old copper phone lines that can not control the line noise. Replacing underground lines is where the real money will have to be spent to upgrade Frontiers system. At the rate they are losing customers they will not be able to do the needed underground cable installations.

Paul Houle
Paul Houle
4 years ago
Reply to  Lee

@Lee, I recently got an upgrade from Frontier to 18 Mbps; it’s not as good as what I would have gotten if Charter had fulfilled it’s commitment to New York State, but it is a major improvement. Although my phone line is buried much of the way, Frontier didn’t dig one bit. I think the county got a crew to put up optic fiber on utility poles for wholesale use to the crossroads by my house. Frontier then came and installed a DSLAM at the crossroads, so now I have a shorter loop. The big trouble is that Frontier has… Read more »

4 years ago

Poor management says it all! Why the CEO was allowed to hang on so long is anyone’s guess. The service is great! The workers in the field are great! The problems are software and poor upper management along with poor customer service over the phone.

4 years ago

Monitors would you please ban, block or delete the spammers that constantly bring up Granite Telecommunications. If they were even in my area I would not use their service just because of agrivation they have caused on this page.

Laughing at frontier drowning!
Laughing at frontier drowning!
4 years ago

I’m in Ohio and don’t have the time to bore you with how bad Frontier sucks! These ppl couldn’t run a good yard sale. I refer to them as Frontier Mis-communications. Could easily win worst company in U.S.

4 years ago

I had Frontier for 4 years. I had no choice. The DSL sucked. Grass would grow faster. I have a medical condition that necessitated having a landline. I lived in Cell Phone Hell where there was poor to no signal. When I got the landline I asked them to red flag the account for my medical condition. If I needed a service call they were so full of excuses as far as how long I would have to wait for a tech which could be up to a week. For the longest time I had to deal with a ground… Read more »

4 years ago

What happens to retirees health insurance ?

4 years ago

They took over Verizon Fios in Florida back in 2016 and it’s been a downhill spiral since. I blame both Verizon and them for this mess. I wouldn’t recommend Frontier to my worse enemy. I hope they go out of business so Verizon can come back to Florida

ralph clark
ralph clark
4 years ago


Bill Denham
Bill Denham
4 years ago

Their service is a joke. It’s out more then it’s in. The price is not worth it. Total crap service.

Jason vindas
Jason vindas
4 years ago

I hope they closed i try to work with them and they like to hired lazies.fat asses close the doors please

4 years ago

I just cancelled everything with them. Got a Consumer Cellular cell phone, unlimited talk for $20+tax. Cheaper than Frontier. Ported my landline number, no additional cost. Bye, bye, bye.

Lynn Salus
Lynn Salus
4 years ago

Frontier is awful! We pay for 6Mbs and they throttle us down to 1Mbs. We can not get any other service due to where we live so we are stuck with frontier. 24 years we put up with outages, slow speed, disconnections. We can not watch netflix and be on a computer or another tv with netflix at the same time because we will lag so bad. I become so violent my blood pressure rises.

Michele Bright
Michele Bright
4 years ago

It’s a horrible company and should just go out of business entirely. They are useless in rural areas and refuse to maintain or replace needed equipment to accommodate internet functionality. Phone service is unstable and unreliable, ranging from issues to unusable staticky line to disconnected calls with disrupted line service. Frontier has made it painfully clear they do not appreciate our business, nor care about anything past taking our money for what service offerings are convenient to throw at us, with no concerns of quality or improvement. People have widely complained both within Frontier as well as escalated to the… Read more »

4 years ago

No surprise. Pay a premium for 25 mb download and count ourselves lucky. No local contacts, nobody knows what plans are for the area…..including their tech support. All tech support can do is walk you through checking the modem when there is a problem even when multiple neighbors report the same problem. MN is awarding grants for upgrading rural broadband and Frontier didn’t even bother to apply. I wrote a letter of complaint to MN AG office and Frontiers lawyers only response was that I was not an account holder (in my partners name).

4 years ago

I hope frontier does go out business…. i had to put them for 15 years or ever since they bought the GARBAGE LEFT BEHIND FROM VERIZON….. They refuse to upgrade the 43917 area… 1mbp down and 384k up!! that is DSL GARBAGE.. i finally got rid of them a month ago.. And i am very happy that i did.. Not only they refuse to improve the service, they jacked the price $5 to $8 a month and i said thats enough!! SO LONG FRONTIER BYE BYE…. BYE BYE FRONTIER…..

Paul I. Jones
Paul I. Jones
4 years ago

The main reason for my staying with Frontier, is the dependable LOCAL service, not in another country, all service is here in America, I don’t have someone in India calling me about service, or with Tech support from Bangladesh as I listen to them turning the page, and advising your problem will be moved to the next level and more page turning, The service by a company here in America supporting American workers is one of the reason why I will stay with Frontier till it is ends or comes out of this. “Support America” and it’s American Workers. Lakewood,… Read more »

Gwen Brown
Gwen Brown
4 years ago

They are charging me $230 a month .No HBO, NO STARZ, NO SHOWTIME? ?

Michael Gibbons
4 years ago

Please go out of business FRONTIER… i had got rid of them in JAN, T-MOBILE has a data cap at 22gig but anything then had to fight frontier with the STUPID SLOW DSL 1MBPS DOWN & 384KBPS up,, and the the bill skyrocking from $89 to $114
Got the fone wire ripped out 1/2 way but still got to rip the rest out just to show frontier the crappy service they provide…

4 years ago

After Frontier dumped yet again 10 more channels Starz/Encore we decided our contract was null& void. We were promised a credit which we never saw So we adjusted our bill on our terms. They are now bending over backwards to give us a better package at a better price and we will hold them hostage for awhile.

4 years ago

I’ve tried to stay a Frontier customer, but they just don’t want to have me. They’ve done nothing to keep me, they promised a discount because we have such terrible service, but then they took that back, saying the system just won’t allow what they offered to me. Seriously? What kind of customer service is that? Our service is TERRIBLE, the internet drops all the time, we still have a landline, if it’s raining out, that landline doesn’t even work! THIS COMPANY NEEDS TO GO AWAY.

4 years ago
Reply to  beverly

If their equipment can not reach the download speed they sold you that is fraud. No it will not be a constant speed that matches what they sold, but it should be able to reach that speed. Short weights in goods you buy at the grocery store is fraud. Same for short amounts at the gas station.

4 years ago

I don’t think I have ever run into a more poorly run company. A single phone line cost $110 per month – far more than most alternatives. VM stopped working 2 weeks ago, after multiple calls, still not working. Customer Service folks in India sound like they are standing in a train station. Frontier executives blame a change in customer behavior. Wrong! The issue is Frontier. I am in the process of moving my service away from Frontier if I can. Been on hold and cannot find anyone to disconnect my service. If I stop paying them, they will call… Read more »

susan hannigan
susan hannigan
4 years ago

That’s sad news. I live in Black Rock Ct. (aka Bridgeport). Next door app, so many, many people want to leave optimum cause of the recent increases. Enough is enough. There are many complaints, especially customer service for frontier and optimum. But frontier offers a better price.. a titch more respectful to the regular ol’ consumer. And that’s me. I think if you stick around in the northeast, you would continue to grow. We’re all gonna jump ship… and choose you. You should stick it out till 2021.

George Jung
4 years ago

the only people who get sucky service is people from Connecticut and ones who have DSL, how’s it an agents fault from Frontier, when it’s based of your area? or you going to move house to get better services? probably not cause you’re staying where you can afford. and SOME agents have actually been really helpful in TX.

4 years ago

Poor customer service, false advertisement, constant problems and zero reliability. Company should of done went under years ago. You pay for 12mbps and you might get 1mbps if ya lucky. You notify them and they react like you don’t know what you are saying. Shame on them for such bad business practices.

4 years ago

They are worst phone company I’ve dealt with in my 34 years in business looks like karma caught up with them lol.

William M Cronin
William M Cronin
4 years ago

In the 2000’s at GTE/Verizon they told us cable could NEVER keep up with the future bandwidths of fiber, maybe not, but they come close enough for 99% of users. They also told us that “voice/telephony” was a problem as it was technically VOIP, and all that left would come back. My Dept. in Tampa had 160 employees in 1996, had 40 when I retired in 2015. They we wrong or lieing.

Wendy in Tampa
Wendy in Tampa
4 years ago

I can’t stand Frontier. They are the biggest liars I have ever known. They cap us almost every hour every day and we have to reboot our internet continuously. They told us they don’t cap anyone like other internet companies do. That is the biggest load of cap I have ever heard and seen !!! Totally fed up and looking to change to another company asap.

Michael Gibbons
4 years ago

Just a a update since its September now 2020,, Got rid of FRONTIER back in january of this year, Been with T-MOBILE for 8 months. I live clear out in the MIDDLE of no mans land.. Being tmobile operates on the lower 600mhz band with or the UHF tv band. their signal goes alot further. I have no complaints, Wonder what is the update with FRONTIER in the 43917 area?? One thing they are not accepting no new DSL customers OF THIS WRITING,,,, Does that tell anyone anything? YES THEY ARE 100% PURE SH%T….. Still just REFUSING to upgrade this… Read more »

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