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Severe Weather Knocks PCL Cable Offline in Parts of Northern Alabama

Phillip Dampier May 20, 2010 Consumer News, PCL Cable, WOW! Comments Off on Severe Weather Knocks PCL Cable Offline in Parts of Northern Alabama

Severe thunderstorms have knocked out several utilities for residents in parts of Alabama tonight including PCL Cable, broadband, and telephone service.  A large number of PCL customers in Decatur and Athens have lost service tonight.

Customers trying to get answers from PCL Cable are getting the usual result when major service outages strike: endless busy signals.

PCL Cable was acquired by Knology Cable last November.  For the record, Knology was answering their customer support lines with no hold time this evening in Huntsville.

A power outage in northern Madison County caused by the thunderstorms moving through the area tonight knocked out power for 600 customers, but service has since been restored.

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