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Charter Spectrum Raising the Price for Internet Service to $75 a Month

Phillip Dampier November 2, 2020 Charter Spectrum, Consumer News 162 Comments

Charter Spectrum is raising the price of its internet service by $5 a month starting in December, making most internet-only customers pay $74.99 a month for service starting at 100 Mbps.

An internal customer service document obtained by Stop the Cap! shows the company plans to raise the base internet price for all customers except those still subscribed to a package bundle containing traditional cable television. However, if you subscribe to a streaming TV package like Spectrum Choice, Essentials, or Stream, the rate hike will apply.

Customers subscribed to higher speed tiers (Ultra, Gig) or have a grandfathered Time Warner Cable internet package without cable TV can also expect a $5 increase.

Customers will be notified about the rate hike on their November bill, with new pricing taking effect from Dec. 2, 2020.



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4 years ago

Great timing right after their extended down time across the east coast even in areas far removed from Zeta.

Brian h
Brian h
4 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Time to move on to another supplier. They’ll raise their rates right out of business

4 years ago
Reply to  Brian h

Yeah – that would be nice except in my area of central NY there is no other supplier.

4 years ago
Reply to  Fred

Ditto no choices here …CNY ..we have direct for tv but hear that will be going up as well. Brindisi aware?

4 years ago
Reply to  Fred

Write a complaint to NY State Office of the Attorney General. Spectrum is a monopoly in many areas in up state NY also. They can charge whatever they want because they have no competition. The internet should be regulated
like any utility by the State. Seriously complain, we did.

4 years ago
Reply to  Zeb

exactly! This is supposed to be the land of Capitalism and free enterprise, and the US is completely dominated by monopolies, to the detriment of consumers.

4 years ago
Reply to  Fred

we live in Erie, Pa. Velocity is literally at the end of my block, but we cannot hook up with them because, there are not enough people in this area who want it, (says their employee) but maybe it has something to do with who owns the telephone wires

4 years ago
Reply to  Tina

I’m also in Erie, and also have Velocity’s fiber at the end of my block. (Literally, 3 houses down from me!) Can’t get it because the phone company wants to charge them CRAZY prices to run a wire on the poles. 🙁 Completely UNFAIR to the consumers. I have signed up on VNet’s website to let them know I am interested. But the charges will make it cost prohibitive. So I’m stuck with Spectrum’s continually rising prices. Rip off the consumers…

Last edited 4 years ago by Susan
Jim Shields
Jim Shields
3 years ago
Reply to  Brian h

exactly what I told them today, ‘you’ll be the blockbuster’ of cable , we’ll all just go to a fire stick or youtube.tv or other. so I cancelled my premium package with NO argument from them or counter offer & I was paying $270

4 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Isn’t that the truth! From Central Alabama where power was down 6 days.

4 years ago

So basicallly there charging a shii ton of money cause pple are cord cutting and pandameic is still in effect looks like ill be going back to dvd player instead of internet

4 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Greed! They DON’T GIVE A DAMN!

Paul M
Paul M
4 years ago
Reply to  QUINELLA

If you owned a house and wanted to sell it for as much as the market would bare, or were hired at a job and wanted to be paid for as much as you think your worth, then you’re greedy too.

That’s free market capitalism, and it doesn’t care about anyone’s feelings.

3 years ago
Reply to  Paul M

Yep, it’s funny how people complain about a “living wage” and then complain when a company raises rates to pay their employees more. I’m annoyed by the price hike too, I wish there was a real competitor in my area, but I”m not going to claim charter is just being greedy.

Think of it this way, eventually there WILL be a competitor if they keep raising rates.

Rich F
Rich F
3 years ago
Reply to  Paul M

Where in capitalism does ‘Monopoly’ exist? Spectrum works under monopoly conditions and this is NOT capitalism. So if you were the only employee in your neighborhood who could be hired because you had a monopoly on the employment in your area, and you were doing nothing special for labor but were charging 200k/year – would that be healthy capitalism? NO, IT WOULDN’T! EARN THE MONEY!

4 years ago

So what can we do to stop them? My children’s schools have extended on line learning. We really need Ethernet

4 years ago
Reply to  JET


4 years ago
Reply to  JET

Hey jet , go to change.org and start a petition how are single parents supposed to pay for this when majority of them are on a set income and kids are doing virtual classes , this is just not right!

4 years ago
Reply to  JET


Kyle Allen Mann
Kyle Allen Mann
4 years ago
Reply to  JET

Call about their free internet for students.

chris christanis
chris christanis
4 years ago
Reply to  JET

Everybody needs to request greenlight fiber optic service in their area. I know people who have it and they are very happy with it. Less $/faster speed. They can’t get the service in the regions fast enough!

4 years ago

Such bs, so they’ll put profit over people during a damn pandemic that is in no sight of clearing up anytime soon. I have a bundle package but, what abt ppl who just have internet for their kids to do schoolwork? Ppl are still out of work, the senate cared more abt a damn Supreme Court justice then to get another care package for families out of work especially when unemployment is soon to be exhausted for many soon. This is utterly disgusting how spectrum is treating their customers. S**t Spectrum read the room, if ppl can’t afford to pay… Read more »

Tomeka Lloyd
Tomeka Lloyd
4 years ago

Really a price increase in the middle of a pandemic. It’s not like your internet cost is not high enough. I’m barely making ends meet let alone able to pay this internet bill now you’re going to increase it. do you realize how many children will miss their school work because their parents can’t afford to pay you’re jacked up prices. Shouldn’t this be called price gouging. Where is your compassion? Do you realize there’s a lot of people that is out of work and need the Internet just to not go insane? So cold-hearted.

Anthony Bruno
Anthony Bruno
4 years ago
Reply to  Tomeka Lloyd

We’re no longer in the middle of a pandemic. Internet is still considered a luxury or entertainment not a necessity just yet. Kids spend more time gaming and playing on social media than doing schoolwork. Just look at the national failure percentage throughout the US. The online schooling is failing.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anthony Bruno

Huh?, could have fooled me. I live in a Midwest US state and our new CoronaVirus cases are increasing 50% week over week for the same day of the week. Hospitalization rates of people with COVID-19 symptoms attributed to SARS-CoV2 are up by the same percentage. By the end of November 2020 we are on track to have more we COVID-19 patients than space in hospitals in this state. Schools are returning to hybrid or full remote teaching depending on local school district. Pretty much all children will need to have reliable low latency Internet access during teaching hours stable… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Bill

I agree I live in South Georgia and we are still in a crisis with Covid and Internet right now is not a luxury this is required by law in the state of Georgia for parents to have accessTo the Internet for their children to do virtual learning if they don’t attend Then a open case of defacs can happen and the parents will be charged with Not being compliant to school rules , all three of my children are in college, my heart really goes out to single parents who are going to be able to afford this ,… Read more »

Sean R Brockest
Sean R Brockest
4 years ago
Reply to  Anthony Bruno

You’re not in the middle of a pandemic? Cases are still rising. What do you call it? A new beginning of the pandemic?

Jo-Anne Stone
4 years ago
Reply to  Anthony Bruno

Not in the middle of a pandemic? I’m going to fire you with Trump. You two belong together

4 years ago
Reply to  Jo-Anne Stone

Well maybe if nutcase Pelosi was one bit concerned about American people and less about giving illegals free stimulus money, medical insurance and voting rights, we would have $$$ to help us through this time. But let the hatred of ONE MAN make you vote for a Party your affiliated with rather than the greater good of our Country. If your this triggered now wait till tonight, your gonna need to double up on your meds for the next 4 years.

4 years ago
Reply to  Independent1

You could get stimulus if you filed taxes, if you filed taxes you have a as number lmfao stop watching Fox News and think for yourself. If your even capable

4 years ago
Reply to  Independent1

*you’re, *you’re. Oh, and also hardy har har.

3 years ago
Reply to  Independent1

Oh don’t get us wrong. We don’t just hate “one man” – we loathe nazi-loving, criminal-applauding, domestic-terrorist-embracing conservatives universally, because you all seem to hate this country and 75% of the people in it.
Oh, and Biden’s President. Trump’s been impeached twice and will soon be convicted. You’ve lost the House, the Senate, and the White House because Americans have rejected your ideology and your sacred cow.

3 years ago

Oh but you dont hate Antifa-loving, criminal-applauding, domestic-terrorist-embracing liberals?

Joe Swanson
Joe Swanson
3 years ago

Are you mentally ill? Last time I checked it was the Democratic Party burning the American flag. Sounds like you need a reality check on who actually hates America.

3 years ago
Reply to  Independent1

This must be the twilight zone! Unless my page did a detour this was to comment on the internet price going up to the insane price of $80 a month (after tax)! There is not enough competition. There is only one for cable and one using phone line! I think it should count as a monopoly if it is one per delivery method. There are a couple dish networks but still, that needs to change! They want you to just add services. Bundle and shut up about it! Taking advantage of the timing is really low! SPEAK UP!! I SURE… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Jo-Anne Stone

It was hard months ago to understand how folks throughout unaffected areas of the US could not believe what was happening in NY (I’m central NY) and not be scared out of their wits.But it was not a daily reality and some just wanted to go to Home Depot as usual! Now we in NY are much better, but with the experience closely in the rear view window, I for one am not ready to call it anything other than “middle”. Wishing us all a safe return to giving a darn about someone other than ourselves. 🙂

4 years ago
Reply to  Anthony Bruno

Must be nice over there in 1990…please do go back.

3 years ago
Reply to  James

The only thing good about today is being able to watch Netflix and use google… everything else is sh%t lol

4 years ago
Reply to  Anthony Bruno

You’ve gotta be kidding me. I’m using internet/online to find a job after losing one due to pandemic. Have some compassion for others who are less fortunate.

David Rico
David Rico
4 years ago
Reply to  Anthony Bruno

False kids are in school from 7am to 4 pm and end up going to bed at 9 pm so in reality they only get to play games or use the internet to how they want to for only 4hrs to answer u correctly Bruno get your facts straight before insinuating anything

4 years ago
Reply to  Anthony Bruno

I know how u feel they don’t care if there is children. My mom has child@ home. That morning the cable was turned off becuz of pymt. And I called them to tell them pymt wasnt due but turned it off. They wanted there money dont send M.O they want u to use ur DEBIT CARD. There outa control. I said I would put a bad name there becuz their more interested in people paying first those no breaks. They will leave u broke. Spectrum does not care about kids.

Pirate Morgan
Pirate Morgan
4 years ago
Reply to  Anthony Bruno

You’re a special kinda stupid

4 years ago
Reply to  Anthony Bruno

No longer in the middle of a pandemic?!?! Cases are higher than ever. Once a vaccine is administered and the infection rate goes way down we will be at the end of the pandemic. Sure Kids may not be doing well home schooled but this does not justify hiking internet provider pricing for bad internet with no other options for high speed internet. Spectrum is just another money hungry monopoly. Thanks MErica

4 years ago
Reply to  Anthony Bruno

You’re so dumb. The pandemic is at its worst here in the US. Internet is a necessity for online learning that most schools have adopted as the students pandemic continues. . Do you live under a rock.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anthony Bruno

you’re a moron we are still in a pandemic

4 years ago
Reply to  Tomeka Lloyd

The same month my car insurance went up $13. That’s another twenty bucks gone. Where do they think it’s coming from?

3 years ago
Reply to  Tressa

Everyone is going up! For me it has been home insurance, health insurance, and the water bill has all gone up, and now this internet. These people are absolutely heartless. I needed my internet to work from home and now am without a job period so I need it to look for another job. I am going to drop them as soon as I get another job to a different provider, heartless.

Last edited 3 years ago by Amy
4 years ago

How can they do this during a pandemic?! There are so many people that can’t afford it as it is! Kids need their internet for school. What are they thinking?

Anthony Bruno
Anthony Bruno
4 years ago
Reply to  Donna

If people can go out to eat, or hangout at beaches and lakes, then people can go back to work and to school. Society needs to quit using Covid19 as an excuse not to do either.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anthony Bruno

Can you explain how what you wrote relates to whether or not Spectrum’s fee increase is justified? I don’t see the connection.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anthony Bruno


4 years ago
Reply to  Anthony Bruno

People can also perform amateur chainsaw juggling, have unprotected sex with strangers, and be your friend. It doesn’t mean that any of those things are safe or good ideas. I sincerely hope that you lose some people you care about to COVID you subhuman garbage.

jesus christ
jesus christ
4 years ago
Reply to  FUAnthony

JeSus christ…can we quit treating Covid like it’s the deadliest thing to hit earth since the Bubonic plague. Yes, people are dying, and I sincerely feel for them but the survival rate is truly in everyone’s favor. Look up stats and stop pretending/beleiving that if you catch the covid virus you’re in for a sure death…you’re not! Anyway, precaution may be key until vaccines and herd immunity finally take control but until then, the odds are in your favor. Don’t be stupid but at the same time not need to live in a bubble, people. Wake up!!!! ps. yes, I… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  FUAnthony

Nevertheless, people do still need to work somewhere. Food won’t make itself and we can’t live like this forever. Just wear masks, ya know?

3 years ago
Reply to  Anthony Bruno

Over 600,000 folks may disagree with you – some of them ate out, hung out at beaches and lakes. And some were at work. Can we all just stop judging our neighbors, Then is now in some places. Some jobs are no longer available and a fast food job will not replace the wages. We must stop generalizing that everyone is in the exact same circumstances with the exact same needs and opportunities. We can find that true on our own street, our own city, state. The selfie generation is very unforgiving.

4 years ago
Reply to  Donna

Hey Donna , go to change.org and start a petition this is not right!

Kuss khan
Kuss khan
4 years ago

Its starting at 200 mbps* and this is rack rate price.. you’re in a promo for 12-24 months so it’ll be 20 less

Cathy Strzempka
Cathy Strzempka
4 years ago
Reply to  Kuss khan

Where do you live?! We’re only promised 100 mbps, but because we’re at the end of the transmission lines we’re lucky to get 28-36. Spent $$$ on an Eero system on the advice of the last tech who came out here, without any improvement. So I’m now paying $75/ month for 30 mbps while you’re getting 200 for the same price!

3 years ago

A wifi mesh system isn’t going to make your internet faster than what is coming through the line in your wall lol. The tech probably lied to you to cover for spectrum or because he didn’t know what he was talking about. And if your speed is truly because you are remote, then you probably have to move because spectrum aint going to build a building or tower near your house

Last edited 3 years ago by Hiiiiii
4 years ago

As the saying goes, bye Felicia!

4 years ago

People don’t be stupid and fall for the source that does not provide the right information. In Spectrum you are lock in a promotional rate for 12 to 24 months depending in the promo. After those 12 to 24 months it increase 9.99 and after the 24 months it will increase another 9.99 putting the service at standard rate. If you have a router then it will be 69.99 if mot then 74.99. I don’t get whats the big deal when at&t and other companies don’t offer you the same speed or tell you they cant give you more speed… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonimous

Spectrum doesn’t give you a break for having your own equipment any more do they?

4 years ago
Reply to  Fred

It depends. If you are on a legacy TWC Plan, or still on ELP, you are not charged for a modem rental if you provide your own equipment. (Modems are “free” with Spectrum branded plans”.)

If you are paying for home Wi-Fi (which is $5 per month), you can get that eliminated by purchasing and maintaining your own router.

There was no notice of an increase on my October nor November bill. I am still on legacy ELP at $19.99 per month.

4 years ago
Reply to  Doug

Does anyone have information on legacy routers for the old TWC with spectrum? I have basically been back and forth for awhile with TWC and AT&T. Can you purchase them on ebay or some other site then set it up and tell Spectrum to go F themself and get the lower rate of bandwidth? It’s not as if everyone needs these massive pipes of bandwidth but the corps think they have to keep providing more speed to customers when really. not all require it. Thanks.

4 years ago
Reply to  Fred

$5 off if you have your own wi fi

4 years ago
Reply to  Brian


chris christanis
chris christanis
4 years ago
Reply to  Brian

my bill is $74.99. I have my own router and modem

4 years ago

Same here, they said there was nothing they could do.

3 years ago

Nice, that means you are already getting discount then. My bill is 79.99 right now using their router

4 years ago

It’s a host don’t believe it. It’s good service and very better internet and speed and they are reliable. Better than DSL crap!

3 years ago
Reply to  William

Uh no. Thats like saying a sh&t sandwich is better than an old wet sh&t sandwich

Sterling Lutes
Sterling Lutes
3 years ago
Reply to  William

I pay $60 a month for 200mbps symmetrical fiber that actually delivers those speeds 100% of the time. Spectrum is not “good service” they are a monopoly in some areas, don’t defend them.

4 years ago

I’ve got grandfathered 25M bit/s Internet service that was $20/month just before Comcast/Spectrum took over and then raised the cost to $25. Now apparently my service will go to $30. A 50% increase in two years. Sweet… for them. mm wave 5G is starting to deploy in my neighborhood. Hopefully fixed location 5G Internet will be a competition option soon. Right now, Spectrum’s only competitor is AT&T which has a really unreliable outside wire plant, prices higher than Spectrum and data caps. For now StarLink isn’t a practical option here. Even if it were available, StarLink is $99/month plus an… Read more »

4 years ago

The 75.00 a month only applys to long term customers whose promotional discounts have expired. If this is the case they can contact customer service and ask for Retention. They will be able to help bring it back down. Also, for new customers it should be noted that the price will not be 75.00 because they will have the intro price.

4 years ago
Reply to  Theresa

Retention will not help more than once in the lifetime of account. You have to leave spectrum for 30 days and come back.

stephen c neumeyer
stephen c neumeyer
4 years ago
Reply to  Heather

I call them once a year. I have had it for 3 years every year they nock it back down. Mater fact just got off the phone back down to 54.99

4 years ago

How did you do that? Do you say Retentions? Do you say no to their first offer? How does it go?

jesus christ
jesus christ
4 years ago
Reply to  Kyle

call them and tell them their price is too damn high. You are willing to pay $54.99 and nothing more.. IF they play hardball tell them you will cancel and demand to speak to a manager. Typically they are glad to cut it down to 54.99

I just got off the phone with them as well.. 54.99 now

Last edited 4 years ago by jesus christ
4 years ago
Reply to  jesus christ

We are unemployed and tried to get them to even lower our monthly fee a few dollars and they refused.

3 years ago
Reply to  Heather

Then tell them to f off lol. But, you could put it into somebody else’s name in the household to get the new person deal or whatever its called for a year

Sterling Lutes
Sterling Lutes
3 years ago
Reply to  jesus christ

This does work, but only if there is other options in your area. Before we had fiber in my area spectrum was my only option. When I said I would cancel (me already knowing I wouldn’t there is no other options in my area at that time) they said okay haha… they play the game well they will only offer deals when they know you have other options to switch to.

Margaret J Morris
Margaret J Morris
4 years ago

Internet is on and off constantly.

4 years ago


3 years ago
Reply to  Tonie

Lol you are in a spectrum thread there buddy

4 years ago

Hmm, I noticed that my Spectrum bill used to be $99.74 for Ultra, and in July 2020 it lowered to 94.99 and has been that ever since.

I guess it will be going to 99.99 with this change.

4 years ago

They have ripped us off from the begining

Kyle Allen Mann
Kyle Allen Mann
4 years ago

Um, their speeds start at 200 in most areas, and if your promotion runs out, connect to retentions, they can get you 400 for the $75 price and locked in for 3 years with no contract…that is what I did.

Brenda Hunn
Brenda Hunn
4 years ago

Time to get a new service. Al t ready my bill is 192.00 a month from
120 or so. The service goes in and out all the time. They could do better without having to raise prices

4 years ago

I just tried to cancel my cable and they said I cant until the last day of the billing cycle or I’ll be charged the whole month for cable reguardless.it freaking nuts I’m so over spectrum,the only good thing is there internet.

4 years ago
Reply to  Christina

And now it’s getting ridiculously high..

4 years ago
Reply to  Christina

Down grade or cancel, Spectrum will not pro-rate BUT, if you sign up for new service or services, then a pro-rata is available.

4 years ago
Reply to  Christina

We are billed a month in advance so not sure why you could not cancel. Seems if th4ey keep it going they will owe you . Am i correct ? The increases constantly are out of control agree with an above statement there need be competition with the greed.

4 years ago

Is this article still accurate cause I’m looking at my November Spectrum bill and there’s nothing about a price increase on it.

4 years ago

As an example regarding “Notifications,” my Oct 16th billing had a due date of Nov 2. This Oct billing was dated 10/20/2020 (electronic statement/email). Thus, I likely will receive NOV on or about 11/20, whereas it may (or not) contain the said “Notification,” which would correspond to “Notifications were scheduled to begin on bills dated 11/3 or later.” Thank you.

Ian M
Ian M
4 years ago

I can’t wait to get fiber service from a local company. It can’t come soon enough and I’m already excited to dump Spectrum when fiber is finally here.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ian M

Come on Greenlight!

chris christanis
chris christanis
4 years ago
Reply to  Dan

OMG! You took the words out of my mouth! They can’t come soon enough! They are so close to me, but just not there yet. I am in chili and I even walked around and handed flyers out.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ian M

I’ve been waiting years for Verizon fios to come in my area…

4 years ago

Man, this is some BS. I’m paying $70 a month for internet now. It used to be like $60 or $65. Charter is the only service available where I live too

chris christanis
chris christanis
4 years ago
Reply to  Mike

I was paying $40 just a couple years ago. You would have to call all the time and threaten to cancel. Same old song and dance every time they raised their rates. Now they don’t care cause they know they are the only ones around with fast service. Anybody wanna start an internet business? LOL

4 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Same here, only charter and the competitor has issues so I’m stuck with high cost cable and Internet at $70.

candie bennett
candie bennett
4 years ago

Can NOT believe they raised prices in the middle of pandemic when so many people are out of work and need the internet to stay in touch with people they can no longer see in person. This company should be ASHAMED. I would cancel in a blink but there are no other providers in my area and that’s why Spectrum can rape us all.

candie bennett
candie bennett
4 years ago

I just started a petition on Change.org “internet fees” go there and sign up to complain about high internet fees.

4 years ago
Reply to  candie bennett

if you search “internet fees” on change.org you get 678 results. Can you be more specific?

4 years ago

7 yrs ago I paid $19.99 for internet and now its $74.99 for the same exact s**t! WTF!!!

4 years ago

going to call spectrum daily so they have to hire extra person to deal with me. worth the extra 5 bucks.

4 years ago
Reply to  CQT

I just did the phone game with them, gave the “customer service” person not a piece of my mind, but the entire thing. Been with them my entire life, tomorrow I will finally call a new service provider! I said I wanted to put in a formal complaint to someone who makes decisions. They kept trying to “escalate” my call and then I finally told them that I was leaving. I could not imagine working for this company and hearing from people after they have pulled this coup.

4 years ago

Just received my December 2020 bill. My internet ONLY was already $74.99. Now it went up to $79.99. For what? We live where there is NO other option.

4 years ago

Spectrum has a monopoly here in Montana. So it’s use them or have nothing.

4 years ago

Call your representatives to break up Spectrum as it has gone too big and has monopolized the industry.

4 years ago

It’s so great to be paying a monopoly. Is the additional money so they can grease more politicians’ palms in Albany? Just asking.

James Davis
James Davis
4 years ago

Remedy? First confirm you were / were not notified – I checked my Nov statement and there’s zero mention of the rate increase…so I contacted support and they said an email was sent – lie. Next step file a complaint against them with the FCC and watch them resolve your complain faster than ever!

4 years ago

Considering the service is regularly interrupted, and the cost of just internet service exceeds my monthly electric bill, I’d say things are long past out of hand! Given they have a virtual monopoly, it would be great to see an alternative.

4 years ago

These guys are such thieves! Their service hardly even works half the time! No competition they can chare what they want, this is outrageous! They get 1 out of 5 stars from me!!!

4 years ago
Reply to  Gary

0 stars from me. I wish this company would burn to the ground. Taking advantage of people who are hurting financially, it’s just plain sick

4 years ago

we need to do a nation wide boycott and we all go without service for 90 days. it will hurt them much more than it will harm us. at the end of the 90 days they will be begging for customers so hard core they will let you pay half this cost. It’s time we showed them supply and demand only works if they keep things affordable.

4 years ago
Reply to  James

well guess this means I’m going to be reducing my bill tomorrow, just internet only now, bye bye phone! save myself 15$

3 years ago
Reply to  James

: I’ve been thinking this for years. Problem is, NO ONE WILL DO IT! I’d do it in a heartbeat if everyone else would jump on board and follow suit. But they won’t. Instead they just come to sites like this and complain in the forum like it solves anything.

Like James said, a nationwide boycott would get this greedy ass company’s attention quick. Until then they will continue to raise it over and over again. Why? Because they can. Because no one does a damn thing about it.

Ken Marrero
Ken Marrero
4 years ago

Thank you for raising everyones rates! When people have to choose! Do I pay my rent late or pay the internet bill so my son or daughter can do school work?

4 years ago

So this is how Americans pay some of the highest internet rates in the world. Put simply, divide up the served areas to ensure no competitive overlap, then keep raising rates in the knowledge that most Americans (if at all) have only one internet service provider. These internet service providers work closely with local “licensing” entities to ensure that there is no way that consumers can avoid or limit these increases. with cable-cutting increasing at an alarming rate, outfits like Charter/Spectrum is aggressively “re-tuning” their business model to maintain or increase profitability. That’s the American way!

4 years ago

Yeah just before Christmas, what the heck!! And no notification what so ever. It would be nice if my service was worth it, but we’ve had crappy service for years here.

4 years ago

Time to share internet with your neighbors. I’ve Just bought Ethernet cable and connected my TP-link Archer router to neighbors’ router and created repeater. (-75$/mo or 900$/year). Damn Spectrum monopoly

4 years ago

They did NOT inform customers of the price increase on November bills.

4 years ago
Reply to  Bett

no email, no mail, they just increase the price on December bill, no notification what so ever

4 years ago

Spectrum is a typical big company they could care less about the customer. I have been with them for well over 40 years. I think this is the end of them for me. Lucky for me I have two other options for internet.

I can leave Spectrum and get a new customer price from another provider until they raise there price then move on to another provider and get a new customer price again.

The cable companies need to be regulated just like the Gas companies and other monopoly companies.

4 years ago

This is supposed to be the land of Capitalism and free enterprise, and the US is completely dominated by monopolies, to the detriment of consumers. Plus the US ranks as one of the most expensive countries for internet

Screen Shot 2020-12-23 at 12.54.30 PM.png
4 years ago

Mine is $79.99 a month… fkkrs

4 years ago

Ugh, they noted the price increase on the news section of my bill. It’s so subtle you would barely notice if you didn’t go searching for it. $74.99 for internet is OUTRAGEOUS!! Time to search for a new provider.

Screen Shot 2020-12-25 at 12.39.01 PM.png
4 years ago

So mine went from 45 for the first year, to 60 after one month to 75 the month after!! Some BS.

Andrey Andreychuk
Andrey Andreychuk
4 years ago

Do anybody tried tmobile home internet? It’s $50 a month.

4 years ago

how fast is tmobile internet?

4 years ago
Reply to  tet

50- 70 mbps download/ 40 mbps upload in some areas but when alot of people get on it drops to 40 mbps.

Last edited 4 years ago by Chiller
4 years ago

I live in Los Angeles, CA and Spectrum just raised my bill from $79.99 to $84.99

Summary Service from 12/18/20 through 01/17/21
Previous Balance 79.99 Payments Received -Thank You! -79.99
Remaining Balance $0.00
Internet Services 84.99 Current Charges $84.99
Total Due by 01/04/21 $84.99

4 years ago

Just got a email with my bill raised by $5. I literally scraped to pay the $9000 per year taxes in this pandemic and still have thousands of dollars in heating and other bills to pay. I get no notification from Spectrum. I’ve been with Time Warner/Spectrum since 2009. They are quick to call you 50 times a day for a late payment but can’t provide proper service. From $69 to $75 in a month? If there was any other provider in the area not only myself buy I’m sure there would be a long line of people turning in… Read more »

John D Williams
John D Williams
4 years ago

I wouldn’t care if spectrum went out of business I’m leaving America needs a public option like every other country there is not enough money in the world to satisfy  those greedy pigs

4 years ago

Pretty soon we will have to pay to vote!

4 years ago

Greenlight needs to expand service. Even if they choose to charge $60 a month for internet I’d drop Spectrum like a brick and take it. I used to be paying $235 a month for triple play with silver and nothing good was even there to watch. 3 years now I’ve given up the tv and that saved alot of headaches, now it’s time to give up the whole service. I know people who dropped Spectrum tv more than 10 years now and nothing bothers them. Now I’m pretty sure alot of people will start dropping the full service and invest… Read more »

4 years ago

just saw online how much CEO of Charter Spectrum makes…..how much? oh just a tad under NINE MILLION! (yeah you can see why Spectrum has to keep raising their prices to line the CEO’s pockets!)

Kenneth Lord
Kenneth Lord
4 years ago

We are living during a time when everyone is struggling to survive during the worst pendemic our country has ever seen. Spectrum decided it would be a great time to raise their internet rates. More than ever before people need their internet for school, shopping, banking, etc. That says a lot about Spectrum and how they don’t care about their customers.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kenneth Lord

Spectrum advertises “no contract”. That is because they are a monoply and do not need contracts. No contract means they control the price and the service. Spectrum can raise the price at any time with out a contract.

Not a happy customer
Not a happy customer
4 years ago

High five to the bonus’s you pay out yearly. What most executives get 20% of their yearly salary. Guess that’s why the pay hike huh. Have your customers that are struggling foot the bill while your employees get all your services free. But their not free are they. You extend the cost to your customers …. while not notifying them any pay increases. Bs

John Doyle
John Doyle
4 years ago

Elon Musks Starlink is almost ready and with incredible speed.

Josh S.
Josh S.
3 years ago
Reply to  John Doyle

Yeah but it’s $500 for the equipment and $100 monthly for the service.

3 years ago
Reply to  Josh S.

give it a few years and Spectrum will be 100$ a month as well. This is inevitable at this rate.

Carlos A Morales
Carlos A Morales
4 years ago

I was with previous company called Bright house paying a rate of $39.99. Once Spectrum took over 3 months later the increased to $59.99, I was ok with that the in August this year again to $59.99 and now, six months later January 2021 I have to pay $74.99. Absolutely abusive but the worse thing, this is what is called, monopoly because no other company can compete in the same area. Take advantage that lost of people are working from home.

Doug C.
Doug C.
4 years ago

We have Spectrum here in California City, CA and my bill today shows that this increase of $15 to my billing will be just the beginning because in one year that -$25 Promotion price will expire on 12/14/2021. Who will solve this price increase and what has to happen to get a cost of living price for my kids to stay in school on line?

4 years ago

Price increase of 10% is fair given my data utilization has increased by 100%.

Gregory May
Gregory May
4 years ago

$5 increase for what? Because I only need their broadband and no other service I’m being hit with and extra $5/month – I was with Earthlink that provided service via Spectrum, but Spectrum severed ties with them so I’m stuck with them again and they are the only provider available. I live in Mt Washington LOS ANGELES and want to know why SPECTRUM is the ONLY provider available to me. What ever happened to free enterprise and competition? I guess the check Spectrum are paying to City of Los Angeles “INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AGENCY” must be a hefty amount because it… Read more »

4 years ago

Notices how Charter grandstands on their “generous contributions” to over 50,000 homes that can’t afford internet for school children but raise everyone’s rates? In other words, they are not being charitable at all, their customers are paying the price for their charitable act. What a farce.

4 years ago

Disgusting .. in the middle of a pandemic when I as an educator depend on the internet and have no other real choices they choose to go up on their rates. Disgusting example of a monopoly just gouging their customers.

Manish Patel
Manish Patel
4 years ago

I just contacted Frontier Internet, they have much lower prices for direct copper connection to your house, but there fastest downloaded in Gilroy is 3MB, no date for Fiber or Gig speed yet, Charter is ridiculous $75 for 100Mbps, they are so far behind the 8 ball, raising prices but not the speed, Gig speed is $130 no promo rates.

3 years ago

The price is not humanly right. It won’t be long it will eclipse our electric bill.

Mark Clackum
Mark Clackum
3 years ago

I switched to AT&T

3 years ago

This is ridiculous, when will it end. 80$, 90$, 100$, 200$…..
In most area, they pretty much have monopoly.

Last edited 3 years ago by DAVE
3 years ago


Pieto. julek
Pieto. julek
3 years ago

In Maine, they are getting 100 million of taxpayer $ to increase reach to rural communities. Another business that gets subsidies to grow business? Rate increase jump by $5 this year? Why does no one question this. Not a service but a utility!

Tracey Crockett
Tracey Crockett
3 years ago

FYI! Anthony Bruno is a field tech for spectrum in Thousand Oaks but he likes to stand on a soap box and talk about things he has no personal comprehension of since he lives in a 7000sq foot house with an elderly lady where he pays no rent or utilities. BTW. I just cancelled spectrum and switched to frontier and my bill was cut in half and my internet speed is 5 x faster.

Kathylee Cammorata-Regan
Kathylee Cammorata-Regan
3 years ago

Spectrum is no different than any other business in this country. When there is an increase of customers then the prices are increased, which includes long term customers. Now that many are live streaming and switching off of cable TV, Spectrum is increasing their prices on live stream, even if you are bundling phone, and internet. The live stream service was increased by $22 per month and at the time there was no verbiage about an increase after 12 months and this was not on my bill or in their internet advertisements. Now there is the verbiage that prices will… Read more »

3 years ago

there is very little price change if you facing an issue regarding spectrum then contact the customer support department

Sean B Winegar
Sean B Winegar
3 years ago

In 2 years spectrum has hiked my internet 33% from $45 to $60, and now 25% to $75 for some basic 200mbps speed that is unreliable at best, and at the worst cuts out and unusable for hours. All I can say is f**k this sh*t I’m out. It’s a monopoly here in STL.

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