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Nebraska City Commissions Gigabit Fiber Broadband for Every Resident, Business

Phillip Dampier October 15, 2013 Broadband Speed, Competition, Public Policy & Gov't 1 Comment

spiralNebraska City, Neb. understands how super fast broadband can transform local businesses, education, health care, and consumer entertainment. The only problem for the community of 7,277 residents is getting a provider to supply it.

Although incumbent providers Time Warner Cable and Windstream Communications were willing to offer expanded service, only Spiral Communications of Bellevue, Neb., promised to deliver 1,000/1,000Mbps fiber optic broadband to every local resident and business that wants it.

nebraska city“To be competitive with other communities in retaining and attracting industry, businesses, families and individuals and to continue to provide a high quality of life for our citizens, we must have greater bandwidth,” Nebraska City Mayor Jack Hobbie said.

Spiral has begun engineering studies in the Otoe County seat to contemplate the total cost of the network — an expense the company will bear itself. Spiral said it would invest $3 million in the equipment and pay a 3 percent franchise fee to the city.

Prices for the service have not yet been set, but Spiral promises customers can buy less costly Internet speeds of 10-50Mbps.

Currently, Spiral Communications provides wireless Internet service in western Iowa and has a fiber to the home project in Traynor and fiber optic ring around Tabor, both in Iowa.

Comcast Expands 300GB Usage Cap in Alabama, South Carolina; Minimum Overlimit Fee: $10

Comcast-LogoComcast has expanded its 300GB usage cap to Internet customers in Huntsville and Mobile, Ala. and Charleston, S.C.

In these cities the XFINITY Internet allowance includes a $10 penalty for each 50GB segment customers exceed the arbitrary allowance. Alabama and South Carolina join customers in parts of Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi and Tennessee now subject to a usage allowance.

Comcast is also offering a new Flexible Data Option for Economy Plus customers that use less than 5 GB per month.

Customers who do not want the new usage caps can register their displeasure by calling Comcast Customer Security Assurance at 1-877-807-6581, contacting the local news media, or writing to your federal elected officials.


Dear XFINITY Internet Customer:

At Comcast, we recognize that our customers use the Internet for different reasons and have unique data needs. As a reminder, starting November 1, 2013, Comcast will trial a new monthly data plan in this area, which will increase the amount of data included in your XFINITY Internet Service to 300 Gigabytes (GB) and provide more choice and flexibility.

What this means for You

The vast majority of XFINITY customers use far less than 300GB of data in a month. Based upon your recent usage history, it appears this new data plan will have no impact upon you, and you won’t need to do anything, or change your Internet usage. If you are not sure about your monthly data usage, please refer to the Track and Manage Your Usage section below.

We want our customers to use the Internet for everything they want and your service will not be limited to 300 GB . While we believe that 300 GB is more than enough to meet the Internet usage needs of most customers, Comcast will automatically add blocks of 50 GB to your account for an additional $10, should you exceed the 300 GB included in your plan in a month.

In order for our customers to get accustomed to this new data plan, we are implementing a three-month courtesy program. That means you will not be billed for the first three times you exceed 300 GB included in the data plan during a 12 month period. Should your usage exceed 300 GB a fourth time during any 12-month period, an additional 50 GB will automatically be allocated to your account and you will be billed $10 for that data and each additional 50 GB of data in excess of 300 GB during that month and any subsequent months your usage exceeds 300 GB.

Please note that this is a consumer trial. Comcast may modify or discontinue this trial at any time. However, we will notify you in advance of any such change.

For more information on all our data usage plans, please visit www.xfinity.com/datausageplan/expansion

Track and Manage Your Usage

Comcast provides you with several tools to easily track and manage your data plan:

Usage meter – Use the usage meter to see how much data you have used – available at www.xfinity.com/usagemeter

Data Usage Calculator – Estimate your data usage with this tool available at www.xfinity.com/datacalculator. Simply enter information on how often and how much you typically use the Internet, and the calculator will estimate your monthly data usage.

In-Browser Notices and Emails – We will send you a courtesy “in-browser” notice and an email letting you know how much of the data included in your monthly plan you are using. If you have any additional questions about the new data usage plan, please visit www.xfinity.com/datausageplan/expansion

Thank you for being an XFINITY Internet Customer.



Oceanic Time Warner Cable Ends Discounts for Non-Profits; Rates More Than Double for Some

Phillip Dampier October 2, 2013 Consumer News 1 Comment

oceanic twcHawaiian non-profit customers of Time Warner Cable are receiving letters warning the cable company is terminating its discount program for charitable and community groups that could result in rates more than doubling for some customers.

Oceanic Time Warner Cable had provided free or heavily discounted cable or Internet service to qualifying organizations. Those discounts are ending, explains a letter obtained by Pacific Business News.

Time Warner Cable has adopted new policies regarding discounted or free service in light of IRS regulations that require 1099 forms to formalize the value of discounts or forgiven cable bills. The cable company is using the occasion to review its discount programs – ending some while tightening requirements for others.

“If we do not receive a reply from you within 30 days of this notice to update your account, it will be necessary for us to disconnect your existing services,” the letter explained.

Becky Dunning, managing director for the non-profit Honolulu Theatre for Youth called Time Warner to learn what “update your account” meant.

“The biggest thing is that when I called the number I was told that they aren’t offering discounted rates to nonprofits anymore, and that we’d have to pay their existing business rates; for our organization that means we would go from paying $106 a month to $227, which is a big difference — more than double,” Dunning said. “We can’t exist without Internet service.”

Dunning said the group would probably stay with Time Warner and attempt to make up the difference from somewhere in the organization’s budget.

Slow YouTube Videos? It’s ‘Google’s Fault Because Of Overwhelmed Server Farms’

Phillip Dampier October 2, 2013 Broadband Speed, Consumer News, Online Video 2 Comments

Frustrated YouTube fans have complained all year about degraded performance, videos that don’t play, and endless rebuffering of online videos. Now a third-party has placed the blame for this on YouTube’s owner Google, which is allegedly running server farms overloaded with YouTube video traffic.

YouTubeSandvine’s Dan Deeth argues that super fast broadband speed and the providers that deliver it are not always the best indicators of subscribers’ ‘Internet quality of experience.’ More important, Deeth writes, is how well an Internet-delivered application or content works for consumers.

Broadband users typically blame their Internet Service Provider when a website refuses to load or an online video staggers from one “buffering” pause to the next. But the bottleneck is sometimes beyond the control of your provider and may even reside at the content distribution network sending you the streamed video.

Among the most frustrating online video experiences this year comes from YouTube, owned by Google. Users complain videos never start, timeout, constantly buffer, or downshift to lower video quality.

“The enormous increase in ads all seem to play fine, but there are dozens of times the video itself never begins at all or quickly times-out to rebuffer,” said James Bellwar.

Hyun Soo Park, a YouTube contributor that earns side income from sharing ad revenue says YouTube is getting hopeless.

“My fans are giving up and are occasionally even angry at me because they think I am responsible for the ads that play fine and the videos that do not,” said Hyun.

Blame Google, says Deeth:

We can rule out ISPs being the root cause of YouTube’s quality issue. Instead, we can conclude that the root cause of the degradation in quality is likely occurring because of an oversubscription in the Google server farm (where YouTube is hosted) which makes YouTube unable to meet high lunch time and evening video demand. This oversubscription would result from a commercial decision by YouTube to regarding how much capital they wanted to invest in server capacity to maintain quality.

For those interested in examining further, YouTube has a ‘my speed benchmark’ that seeks to measure ‘maximum demand’. You can use these benchmark tools to not only view your historical YouTube performance, but also measure in real-time the performance of a video you are viewing.

YouTube performance at Stop the Cap! HQ

YouTube performance at Stop the Cap! HQ

While consumers are caught in the middle of the finger-pointing, there is a solution to keep YouTube videos from endlessly buffering. PC World offers a way to force YouTube to send the entire video instead of the current system that only pre-buffers small segments of content. Make sure to browse the comment section in the article for tips on getting it to work with your browser.

Common Cause-NY Wants Anti-Corruption Commission to Review Big Telecom’s Political Contributions

Phillip Dampier September 23, 2013 AT&T, Cablevision (see Altice USA), Comcast/Xfinity, Consumer News, Public Policy & Gov't, Verizon Comments Off on Common Cause-NY Wants Anti-Corruption Commission to Review Big Telecom’s Political Contributions

donor contributionsSince 2005, five cable and telephone companies and their respective lobbying trade associations have donated nearly $12 million to New York politicians, making Big Telecom companies among the biggest political donors in the state. Now a government reform group wants an investigation by the state’s anti-corruption commission.

By exploiting giant loopholes in New York’s campaign finance laws, telecom companies that used to live with annual campaign finance limits of $5,000 are now donating millions to powerful political leaders in Albany – the majority conferences in the legislature, the state party committees, and the governor. Some are using secretive “housekeeping” accounts controlled by political parties. Others hide behind shadowy contributions from “limited liability corporations” (LLCs) established by some of the state’s biggest cable and phone companies and treated under current law as living, breathing people.

“Big Telecom exemplifies the pay-to-play culture which has come to define Albany, giving generously to the leadership in exchange for veto power over bills which favor the public interest,” said Common Cause-New York executive director Susan Lerner.

The Optimum donor to state "housekeeping" accounts among telecom providers is Cablevision.

The Optimum donor to state “housekeeping” accounts among telecom providers is Cablevision.

No telecom company donates more in New York than Cablevision, which has given more than $5.3 million in contributions to state politicians since 2005 as it fights its way through union problems, fierce competition from Verizon, and complaints from subscribers about rising cable prices and questionable service. The cable company doesn’t just donate in name-only. Common Cause-NY discovered Cablevision using eight different LLCs to evade contribution limits, handing over $1.5 million to candidates and committees. Gov. Andrew Cuomo received $130,000 from four different Cablevision-controlled LLCs between July and October 2010. On April 29 of this year, former Nassau County executive Tom Suozzi’s campaign received $190,000 from three Cablevision-controlled LLCs on that single day.

Verizon (82%) and Time Warner Cable (70%) prefer to quietly give the largest percentage of their political donations to the parties’ secretive, soft money “housekeeping” accounts. The Republican and Democratic recipients are not using the money to buy Endust, mops or spare light bulbs, although the average voter might assume as much.

Corporations with an agenda just love New York’s hush-hush “housekeeping” accounts because they come without dollar limits or complete disclosure about how the money was ultimately spent.

The State Board of Elections says “housekeeping” money is supposed to go toward maintaining a party’s headquarters and staff or “ordinary activities that are not for the express purpose of promoting the candidacy of specific candidates.” Unfortunately, nobody bothered to require detailed accounting, allowing funds to disappear down a political rabbit hole, to be distributed at each party’s discretion.

Comcast (59%) and AT&T (53%) are considerably smaller players, in part because neither company serves many wired cable/broadband customers in New York.

Verizon’s corporate PAC also likes to raise relatively large numbers of small contributions given in the name of company executives or employees, not necessarily mentioning the company itself. Campaign finance disclosures may list only the individuals’ contribution(s), not the company that signed their paycheck.


contribution by typeWhere does all the money go?

Common Cause-NY says most of the money is channeled to the most influential politicians in the state, with minority parties and unelected candidates typically getting much less.

To gain influence on the state level, Big Telecom companies contribute to the governor, attorney general, and the majority parties controlling the state Assembly and Senate, with Republicans getting the lion’s share (over $3.5 million) in the Senate and Democrats (over $1.6 million) in the Assembly.

For local issues of interest to the state’s local cable and phone companies, contributions are funneled to influential county-level political machines, perhaps helpful in making life difficult for a competing Wi-Fi project, a municipal fiber network, or helping to cut red tape to place a cell tower in a controversial location.

The top six recipients of Big Telecom’s political cash in the legislature:

  • Key Party Leaders: Dean Skelos ($117,700), Tom Libous ($57,150), Jeff Klein ($49,450), and Sheldon Silver ($32,749.61)
  • Current and former Chairs of the Senate Energy and Telecom Committee: George Maziarz ($79,718.02) and Kevin Parker ($34,444.00).

Common Cause-NY notes the corporations involved don’t give money without expecting something in return. After generous contribution checks were deposited, a number of telecom consumer protection bills mysteriously died in committee or never made it to the floor. The same fate did not meet bills offering special tax breaks for cable and Internet Service Providers that have cost New York taxpayers nearly $500 million and counting.

“Multi-million dollar campaign contributions clearly help Big Telecom maintain the status quo of corporate control, high prices, and lax regulation,” Common Cause-NY concludes.

where is the money going

top ten recipients

The legislature is rife with examples of bills that would have likely passed with popular support but suddenly or “mysteriously” didn’t:

  • common cause nyA 7635-A / S5630-A: Establishes a moratorium on telephone corporations on the replacement of landline telephone service with a wireless system.
    • The “VoiceLink” moratorium bill, passed the Assembly, had broad bi-partisan support in the Senate but never came to a vote.
  • S542: Relates to enacting the “Save New York Call Center Jobs Act of 2013,” which requires prior notice of relocation of call center jobs from New York to a foreign country; directs the Commissioner of Labor to maintain a list of employers who move call center jobs; prohibits loans or grants.
    • The “Call Center Jobs Act” would take away tax breaks and state grants if companies move a call center to another country. The bill passed the Assembly in 2012 (A9809) and had bipartisan support in Senate but was blocked. The 2013 bill died in Senate committee.
  • fair electionsA6003/S5577 — Directs the Department of Public Service to study and report on the current status of cable television systems providing services over fiber optic cables.
    • Bipartisan support in Assembly for further oversight of broadband but gets little support in Senate, the same bill was also blocked in 2012.
  • A5234/S1075 — Enacts the “Roadway Excavation Quality Assurance Act” demanding utility companies or their contractors shall use competent workers and shall pay the prevailing wage on projects where a permit to use or open a street is required to be issued.
    • Bipartisan support in the Senate and Assembly but no passage in either 2012 and 2013.
  • A6239/S4550 — Creates the State Office of the Utility Consumer Advocate to represent interests of residential utility customers.
    • Bipartisan support in Assembly, dies in Senate.
  • A6757/S4449 — Requires providers of electric, gas, steam, telephone and cable television services to issue standardized bills to residential customers; provides the standards for such bills shall be established by the Public Service Commission.
    • Bipartisan support, passes Assembly, dies in Senate.

“Here’s the evidence that giant telecom companies are taking advantage of huge loopholes and lax regulations so they can increase profits, often at the expense of everyday New Yorkers,” said Karen Scharff, executive director of Citizen Action of New York on behalf of the Fair Elections for New York campaign. “It’s time for our leaders in Albany to acknowledge the ever-growing wealth of evidence that we need to fix our broken campaign finance system and pass a comprehensive Fair Elections system centered around publicly financed elections.”

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