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Comcast’s Phone Service Implicated in Florida Woman’s Death; Husband Sues, Claiming Negligence

Phillip Dampier October 28, 2010 Comcast/Xfinity, Consumer News, Video 1 Comment

Seymour and Sidell Reiner (Sun-Sentinel)

A Boynton Beach family’s tragic story may give Comcast phone customers second thoughts about whether the cable company’s “digital phone” service is a help or hindrance in an emergency.

Seymour Reiner arrived home last Thanksgiving to find his wife of 62 years dead on the floor from a cut ankle.  But his shock turned to anger when he learned his beloved wife Sidell’s death likely came after Comcast, the company that delivers his phone service, could not quickly manage to provide emergency officials with their home address.

Comcast customers in south Florida who dial “0” from their Comcast phone lines hear a message indicating they should press “0” if the call is a 911 emergency, which Sidell apparently did at least 10 times.

“Help me! Help me, please! Help me! Help me!” Sidell pleaded in disturbing recordings (warning: graphic content) obtained by the Sun Sentinel newspaper.

Sixteen minutes later, when paramedics finally arrived, it was too late.  An hour after that, Seymour arrived home to find the phone laying next to Sidell’s body.

The 81-year old Florida grandmother cut her ankle after dropping some crystal glassware, hitting an artery that caused major bleeding.  She reached for her phone and dialed “0” hoping to reach an operator, but was instead connected with Comcast’s call center.  The cable company eventually transferred the call to Palm Beach County’s 911 emergency services center, but by that time, her anguished pleas for help were barely audible.

The county’s 911 dispatcher asked Comcast’s operator for Reiner’s address, which she could not provide.  Minutes passed as Comcast tried to figure out the address where the call originated from, and an ambulance was eventually dispatched.  Emergency responders arriving at the Sidell’s home left after nobody answered their knocks on the home’s locked front door.  Sidell was unconscious by that time.

Now the Reiner family has filed a lawsuit against Comcast demanding unspecified damages for the cable company’s performance during the tragic events, and also has served notice they may sue the county and fire rescue service for their alleged negligence.

Reiner appeared visibly upset at a press conference held earlier today announcing the lawsuit.  He told several reporters he doesn’t want anyone else to suffer the tragedy he faced when his phone provider couldn’t quickly handle a call for help that ultimately resulted in his wife’s death.

Gary Cohen, the family’s attorney, was livid about Comcast.

“They have her address when it comes to a bill, but when it comes to saving her life, they can’t find her address?” Cohen asked.

The lawsuit led the news across several cities in south Florida, and viewers heard the story first-hand:

“Her phone number, when we put in her phone number, it is showing that there is no information available on that number,” the Comcast operator says.

“Oh, goodness,” the Boynton Beach operator responds.

Cohen accused Comcast of being indifferent about the urgency of Reiner’s desperate pleas for help and said the cable company dropped the ball.

“This was a life-deciding call and there doesn’t seem to be a lot of communication that this is a desperate situation,” Cohen said. “”Nobody took responsibility in saving her — no one went that extra mile and did what they needed to do.”

Cable company and other “Voice Over IP” phone services have been criticized in the past for not passing through important caller-ID information to emergency responders that includes up to date addresses of where the calls originate.  Some traditional phone companies have used past failures by alternative providers to warn consumers not to disconnect landline service because of possible delays in emergency response.  The Reiner family may prove to be a case in point.

Comcast spokeswoman Marta Casas-Celaya said her company does not comment about pending court cases and declined to answer general questions about services provided when a caller dials “0.”  Another statement indicated the company felt “deeply saddened for the Reiner family’s loss.”

[flv width=”640″ height=”500″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Boynton Beach Tragedy 10-27-10.flv[/flv]

Several Florida TV stations gave this story the lead on their evening newscasts. [WPBF-TV & WPTV-TV West Palm Beach, WFOR-TV Miami, WPEC-TV West Palm Beach]  (9 minutes)

Washington Post Hackery: Editorial for NBC-Comcast Merger Downplays WaPo’s Own Conflict of Interest

The Washington Post editorial page yesterday published a self-serving piece that openly advocated the approval of a merger between NBC-Universal and Comcast, creating one of America’s largest and most concentrated media companies.  But considering who owns the Post, the editorial might as well have been written by Comcast CEO John Roberts.

Containing only a non-specific disclosure that the newspaper “has interests in broadcast and cable television,” the editorial laments interference from “advocacy groups” that oppose the merger, claiming they are “poor prognosticators of the effects of large media mergers.”  The newspaper found no problems with media concentration in the United States, which itself should be an indictable offense, until one realizes the company that publishes the newspaper is, itself, a concentrated media company.

The Washington Post and Cable One are both owned by the same company.

The newspaper owns Cable One, a particularly nasty, low-rated cable operator that spied on its broadband customers and overcharges them for broadband service through a complicated Internet Overcharging scheme.  In fact, Cable One is the cable company that brought America the “$10/GB overlimit fee,” a low blow for the company’s customers on the so-called “economy tier,” which delivers pathetic 1.5Mbps service with a maximum limit of just 1GB!  This is the kind of cable company that proves sometimes dial-up service -is- better.

As far as the Post is concerned, the FCC will keep America safe from any uncompetitive market-power-enabled-abuses from a Comcast-NBC behemoth, itself a stunning statement from a newspaper that claims to know what is really going on in Washington.

Even our readers know complaining to the FCC about anything is like talking into a black hole.

When it comes to the Washington Post editorial page, profits come first, and Cable One can generate them with its own abusive pricing practices.

For the rest of the country, the irony of a dead-tree-format newspaper finger-pointing at advocacy groups (that don’t own cable companies), accusing them of getting the future wrong is a mighty rich irony.

The reality-based America I live in thinks media is already too-consolidated, too shallow, and increasingly abusive and too expensive.  The Post‘s advocacy of a mega-merger like Comcast-NBC only points to just how out of touch the newspaper is getting these days.  As Americans clamor for more media diversity, more competition, and more choices at lower prices, the Washington Post is just fine with the exact opposite.  But then you’d expect that from a company whose business plan depends on it.

Last Week’s Tornado Damage Still Leaves Many Without Cable, Internet Service in NY Boroughs

Phillip Dampier September 23, 2010 Cablevision (see Altice USA), Consumer News, Video 1 Comment

Big Apple Day

Thousands of New Yorkers impacted by last week’s tornado outbreak face indefinite wait times for restoration of cable and broadband service from the area’s two biggest providers — Time Warner Cable and Cablevision.

Last week’s storms have left debris from thousands of downed trees and utility poles still in the streets in some parts of the impacted areas, leading to criticism of city officials and cable providers for slow cleanup efforts.

In particular, calls to Time Warner Cable have been a frustrating experience, reports the NY Post.  Cable subscribers cannot get through to the cable company, and when they do, they receive little or no information about when exactly their service will be restored.  The company added a recorded message to help get customers off the phone, telling subscribers “technicians are doing everything they can” to restore service and that actual representatives can’t provide any other information.

Jayant, one of our readers in the hard-hit Flushing area in Queens made sure to request service credit for his cable outage, knowing many providers won’t provide service outage credits if they are not specifically requested.

“Considering the enormous amount of damage here, I can understand being without service over this past weekend — restoring power should and does come first, but since Tuesday Verizon and ConEd cleared out of this area after finishing repairs and some of us are still waiting for the cable company to show up,” he writes.  “Forget about calling them — it’s busy signals or ‘extended hold times’ that I suspect run into days at this point.”

He’s using Virgin Wireless’ unlimited mobile broadband service he read about on Stop the Cap! for now.

Another Queens resident shared her frustration with the Post:

“I was very tolerant until [yesterday] morning,” said Helen Cassano of Queens, who relies on TV to help entertain her bed-ridden mother who’s under 24-hour care. “It was a big storm. I understand there’s a lot going on, but talking to people in the area now, their cable is on and I want to know why mine isn’t on . . . maybe they’re not working hard enough.”

A TWC spokesperson said that “more than 75 percent” of service has been restored to affected customers, with those in Bayside, Murray Hill, parts of Flushing, Forest Hills and Middle Village being hit the hardest.

“Although a Time Warner Cable truck may not be visible on your street, engineering and technical teams may be working in the vicinity or behind the scenes to restore service,” the spokesperson said.

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WABC New York Slow recovery from last week’s tornadoes in some New York neighborhoods 9-20-10.mp4[/flv]

WABC-TV covers some angry New Yorkers who are still waiting for services to be restored from a tornado outbreak a week after the storms hit.  Copper thieves were among the busiest, cleaning up downed cable-TV, phone and power cables to make a quick buck.  (2 minutes)

[flv width=”640″ height=”500″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/NY Tornado 9-23-10.flv[/flv]

Here is a far more comprehensive and detailed look from New York television stations, including WPIX, WABC, WCBS, and NY1 of the impact of last Thursday’s tornado outbreak in the city.  (51 minutes)

HissyFitWatch: Epix Cuts Deal With Netflix, Time Warner Retaliates By Keeping Network Off Cable Lineups

Phillip Dampier September 22, 2010 HissyFitWatch, Online Video 4 Comments

Epix, the pay-TV channel from Viacom, Lions Gate and MGM, will -not- be coming to Time Warner Cable lineups anytime soon.

Why? Because the network ‘cheapened themselves’ when they agreed to get in bed with Netflix, which will offer online video streaming of the three studios’ movies just 90 days after appearing on the channel.

Time Warner Cable Chief Financial Officer Rob Marcus said the network did itself no favors with that deal.  He told attendees at the Bank of America/Merrill Lynch Media, Communications & Entertainment Conference that Epix’s online video deal “devalued the channel.”

Epix may have irritated the cable company for another reason — it streams much of its content online for its subscribers to watch anytime they like, outside of the industry’s TV Everywhere project.

Indeed, the majority of cable operators seem to share Time Warner’s sentiment, as the new HD pay channel faces a virtual embargo from the industry’s big players, including Comcast and DirecTV.  In fact, Epix’s four million subscribers come primarily from just three companies — Verizon FiOS, DISH Network, and Cox Cable.

[flv width=”480″ height=”292″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Introduction to Epix.flv[/flv]

A short introduction to Epix.  (1 minute)

Charter Cable: “Where’s Our Money?” Reno Woman Faces Huge Cable Bill, E-Mail Held Hostage After Tragic Fire

Phillip Dampier September 13, 2010 Charter Spectrum, Consumer News, Video 4 Comments

Anita Brown (left) watches as a January fire took everything she owned, including her two beloved cats.

A Reno, Nevada woman has learned that even after a disaster, Charter Cable wants their money and will stop at nothing to get it, even if it means holding your personal e-mail hostage.

Anita Brown lost everything in January after a tragic fire, started by another tenant in her building who left a candle burning unattended.  While she watched nearby as all of her possessions burned in the fire, her only thoughts were for her two companions  — her beloved cats.

They didn’t survive the fire. Neither did a cable box, phone jack and broadband modem belonging to Charter Cable.

As Brown tried to contemplate starting her life all over again, the cable company found out about the fire and began demanding their equipment back.

Brown was stunned to find the local cable company so insistent about the matter, so she showed them a picture they requested of the “modern art” her cable box now resembled.  It literally melted in the fire.  She also presented the cable company with a copy of the fire marshal’s report showing the fire was not her fault.

Charter’s response?  Pay us $1,000 immediately for the damaged equipment or else.

Brown, who faced replacing every article of clothing she owned and locating a new place to live had other priorities for her dwindling financial resources.  Still, she offered to make monthly payments to cover the loss, if only to avoid Charter’s collection department and damage to her credit. They told her someone would be in touch.

That someone was a Charter technician who turned up a week later to disconnect her relocated cable service.  A payment of $25 made him go away, service intact.  A week later, while she was attending a family funeral, a technician returned and disconnected service anyway.  Then the bills started arriving.

Charter had subsequently reduced the amount owed for the damaged equipment to $500, still out of reach financially for the Reno woman.  She signed up with another provider.  Meanwhile, Charter keeps sending her bills demanding payment and Brown worries they’re on the verge of trashing her credit.

Brown's cable box literally melted in the fire

A local Reno television station reporting on Brown’s plight found Charter’s local employees less than helpful, refusing to work out a solution to the cable nightmare.  A national media representative for Charter was sympathetic, however, and the company may find its way to a mutually acceptable resolution soon.

It can’t come soon enough for Brown, who isn’t even sure she should owe a penny for a box burned in a fire she didn’t start.

Even worse, the only contact list of friends and family Brown has left is locked up in her e-mail box, now held hostage by Charter Cable, who refuses to let her access it until her current bill is settled -and- she promises to stay with Charter Cable.

Cable customers often discover they are on the hook for lost or damaged company-owned equipment.  Most cable company subscriber agreements hold customers responsible for replacement or repair costs for returnable equipment. 

Stop the Cap! strongly recommends consumers obtain a signature or receipt when returning cable equipment and hang onto it at least six months after disconnecting service.  That evidence will save you hundreds of dollars in case the company claims you didn’t return equipment.  With today’s digital cable requiring set top boxes, many homes have several.  The cost of replacing all of them could become astronomical.

If you rent, purchasing inexpensive renter’s insurance is a must to protect your possessions.  Your landlord insures the building you live in, not the things inside your apartment.  Many homeowner and rental insurance policies cover damaged cable equipment in case of a fire or other natural disaster.  Ask your insurance agent to check your coverage.

After a loss, don’t forget to claim the value of that equipment so you can reimburse cable companies that do not forgive these types of losses.

As for Brown, she is still waiting to find out if Charter has a heart.  The damage stories like this do to a company’s reputation may carry a price higher than the cost of the cable box.  Some Reno viewers saw the story and are taking their business elsewhere.

“Thanks for the heads up. We just moved here, and are weighing our cable/satellite options,” writes Diana from Sparks. “That makes my decision a bit easier.”

Kelly in Reno added, “Sounds about right for Charter – big corporate, heartless, money-sucking [profanity deleted]! What do they think is going to happen if they just void this bill, that everyone will start burning down their houses to get out of paying for equipment? Come on, have a heart Charter!”

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/KOLO Reno Charter Cable Pursues Fire Victim 9-11-10.flv[/flv]

KOLO-TV in Reno told Brown’s story.  The ironic part of this story is that an advertisement preceding the clip was from none other than… Charter Cable.  (1 minute)

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