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Inside Time Warner Cable’s Free Cable/Reward Programs for Realtors, Property Owners, and Landlords

Phillip Dampier September 24, 2013 Competition, Consumer News, Public Policy & Gov't 7 Comments

courtesy accountsWhen you bought a home or moved into an apartment, were you offered a special discount deal to sign up with Time Warner Cable? Or is cable television already provided as part of your lease?

While everyone enjoys saving on cable television, telephone and broadband service, chances are your landlord or the person who lets the cable installer into the building is getting a better deal than you ever will.

Cable companies often (quietly) offer realtors, builders, condo association leaders, landlords, superintendents and even their assistants free or deeply discounted cable service for a variety of reasons:

  • Building owners and builders are given special consideration to help encourage contract agreements that offer bulk cable service to every resident in the complex. The cable operator usually also gets exclusive use of inside wiring, discouraging the competition;
  • Realtors and property developers are often paid in cash for new subscriber leads, usually resulting from “welcome to your new home” move-in kits, “concierge” services offered by your realtor, or special flyers left at your door that pay rewards every time a customer signs up;
  • Superintendents, landlords, and maintenance staff get free service in return for making life easier for Time Warner Cable technicians trying to get into a large multiple dwelling building on service calls. Free cable, including complimentary HBO and Showtime is almost always an effective incentive for those that can otherwise make life very difficult for service providers.

realtor_topTime Warner Cable has provided free or deeply discounted “courtesy accounts” for more than a decade. For much of that time, the informal agreement required the recipient to provide little more than convenient building access for Time Warner Cable technicians. Participants in the program were also asked to pass along any service issues or complaints.

Sometimes, even customers act as informal salespeople for cable service. Time Warner’s “Shared Savings” Bulk Discount program is available in buildings where 40 residents or 50% of the building, whichever is greater, can be convinced to commit to a service contract with Time Warner Cable lasting up to three years. In return, customers are promised free standard installation, bulk-rate Digital TV service, discounted broadband and phone service, and flexible billing options that can either bill residents directly or dispatch a single monthly invoice to building management where service is bundled with a renter’s lease agreement.

This week, the New York Times reported Time Warner Cable was reviewing its courtesy accounts program and asking participants to recommit themselves (and include their Social Security number on an included IRS tax form).

shared savingsDetails about Time Warner’s Apartment Managers’ Program are hard to find. No cable company wants to openly advertise that select customers are getting cable service for free while others watch their bills continue to grow and grow. The Times outlines the new agreement the cable company is requiring New York City program participants to sign.

Real estate workers are now asked to send employment verification along with a signed, formal contract that includes commitments to act as a goodwill ambassador for Time Warner Cable, help the company sell products, and snoop on tenants suspected of stealing cable.

“It is the intention of Time Warner Cable to provide the Promotional Services contemplated in this Agreement to further solidify and enhance the mutually beneficial business relationship between your property and Time Warner Cable,” one California Time Warner Cable contract states. “In keeping with the spirit of this relationship, we expect the Recipient to be our goodwill ambassador to all employees and residents by positively promoting our products and services. […] Time Warner Cable employees will be allowed access to the property to install, maintain and market services door to door between the hours of 8AM and 9PM.”

min requirements

The Times reports few real estate professionals have any ethical problems making sure the cable company has a reliable point of contact in the building to let workers in without delay and there isn’t much controversy over requests to report service problems either.

But there are concerns about language that informally appoints building workers as deputy ambassadors and marketers of Time Warner Cable products. One offer rewards a free month of Internet to a program participant for every three leads that turn into sales.

timewarner twc“We would consider that a borderline kickback,” Michael Jay Wolfe, president of Midboro Management, a large building management company told the newspaper. “I mean, what are they going to be selling next, Tupperware? They work for the building. They’re not an agent for anybody else.”

Others object to a clause requiring them to “identify, discourage and report” signal theft or equipment tampering, effectively spying on tenants.

Another reason some are balking is Time Warner’s insistence on a signed W-9 tax form, which includes the recipients’ Social Security number. In return, to comply with federal law, the cable company must issue an IRS Form 1099-MISC to all individuals that receive courtesy services worth $600 or more in a calendar year. In other words, the IRS is going to know the identities of those getting compensated with free cable service, which may have tax implications, making the service no longer free in the eyes of the tax man.

Ziggy Chau, a spokeswoman for Time Warner Cable defended the program saying it was intended to help customers.

“If there are service issues, customers want those issues fixed yesterday,” said Chau. “The people in these programs, they’re not going to do it for free. We’re building a good relationship.”

Some real estate workers are refusing to sign the new agreements and losing free cable as a result.

Mississippi’s C Spire Wireless Plans to Offer Gigabit Fiber to the Home Service

Phillip Dampier September 24, 2013 Broadband Speed, C Spire, Competition, Consumer News, Public Policy & Gov't, Video, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on Mississippi’s C Spire Wireless Plans to Offer Gigabit Fiber to the Home Service

C_Spire_Fiber_to_the_Home_graphicC Spire, a wireless phone company serving the southeastern United States today announced ambitious plans to deploy a gigabit fiber to the home network in the state of Mississippi, now considered to be one of the worst states for broadband speed and availability.

C Spire Fiber to the Home was introduced by company executives at a news conference this morning attended by community leaders. C-Spire intends to build a fiber network offering 1,000/1,000Mbps broadband, telephone and television service at a competitive price starting in 2014 in select communities in the state.

“As a brand that’s been pushing the envelope of innovation our entire existence, it’s only natural for us to want to provide the ‘what’s next’ to the customers we serve,” said Hu Meena, president and CEO of C Spire Wireless. “The ‘what’s next’ is now here and we’re ready to release the power of 1 Gig fiber to communities that want to experience the immediate and lasting benefits of 100 times the speed and 100 times the opportunities.”

C Spire will use its existing 4,000 miles of fiber optic infrastructure now providing backhaul connectivity to the company’s cell tower network and its commercial customers. An additional 1,500 miles of fiber is scheduled for installation next year.

The cell phone company will follow the lead of Google Fiber, giving Mississippi communities a chance to compete with one another for C Spire’s fiber network. C Spire will be accepting applications from neighborhoods, towns and cities in the state presenting their best case why they should be the first to get fiber to the home service. The communities that want it most, and move quickest, will get it first, promised company officials.

rfiC Spire claimed its proposed fiber to the home network will expand faster and deeper into Mississippi than Google Fiber’s limited network in Kansas City and nearby suburbs.

“While we know some of the tangible benefits that fiber offers to individuals, families, businesses and entire communities, we’ve only scratched the surface of what’s possible with 100-times-faster Internet,” Meena said. “Similar to the transition from dial-up to broadband, no one could fathom that people would one day be able to shop online, download software and watch endless hours of video on YouTube. The undiscovered potential of fiber is what’s most exciting and compelling about our plans.”

Competing communities will be expected to explain how they intend to cut as much bureaucratic red tape as possible to win consideration. The company’s “Request for Information” (RFI) document prominently mentions “streamlined construction,” “advantageous access to public rights-of-way,” and “an attractive local franchise agreement” as the types of help most needed from local governments.

C Spire will likely not entertain franchise proposals that require the company to serve every possible resident. C Spire’s fiber business plan depends on rolling out the service only to neighborhoods where enough demand exists.

Other conditions:

  • C Spire will not give away free service to schools or government buildings;
  • Sizable local participation in the pre-registration process is required;
  • The RFI hints that communities might be in a better position to win if they waive permit fees, issue permits within five business days, offer tax waivers, don’t require a local office for customer interaction, waive any “unacceptable ordinance provision or regulation as requested by C Spire,” and aid in rallying sign-ups for the fiber service.

Competitors, including AT&T, CableONE, Suddenlink, and Comcast may raise questions about local governments committing to rally for sign-ups. Some of those competing providers may also complain about their own franchise agreements, which often require widespread service deployment whether there is established demand for service or not.

C Spire is among a handful of companies that have recognized their existing fiber-to-cell-tower and institutional fiber broadband networks are underutilized and have the capacity to support both commercial and residential broadband applications.

C Spire is expected to announce the winning communities later this year or in early 2014.

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/C Spire Fiber to the Home 9-24-13.mp4[/flv]

C Spire introduces Fiber to the Home service and explains the transformational benefits fiber broadband can deliver users. (2 minutes)

Common Cause-NY Wants Anti-Corruption Commission to Review Big Telecom’s Political Contributions

Phillip Dampier September 23, 2013 AT&T, Cablevision (see Altice USA), Comcast/Xfinity, Consumer News, Public Policy & Gov't, Verizon Comments Off on Common Cause-NY Wants Anti-Corruption Commission to Review Big Telecom’s Political Contributions

donor contributionsSince 2005, five cable and telephone companies and their respective lobbying trade associations have donated nearly $12 million to New York politicians, making Big Telecom companies among the biggest political donors in the state. Now a government reform group wants an investigation by the state’s anti-corruption commission.

By exploiting giant loopholes in New York’s campaign finance laws, telecom companies that used to live with annual campaign finance limits of $5,000 are now donating millions to powerful political leaders in Albany – the majority conferences in the legislature, the state party committees, and the governor. Some are using secretive “housekeeping” accounts controlled by political parties. Others hide behind shadowy contributions from “limited liability corporations” (LLCs) established by some of the state’s biggest cable and phone companies and treated under current law as living, breathing people.

“Big Telecom exemplifies the pay-to-play culture which has come to define Albany, giving generously to the leadership in exchange for veto power over bills which favor the public interest,” said Common Cause-New York executive director Susan Lerner.

The Optimum donor to state "housekeeping" accounts among telecom providers is Cablevision.

The Optimum donor to state “housekeeping” accounts among telecom providers is Cablevision.

No telecom company donates more in New York than Cablevision, which has given more than $5.3 million in contributions to state politicians since 2005 as it fights its way through union problems, fierce competition from Verizon, and complaints from subscribers about rising cable prices and questionable service. The cable company doesn’t just donate in name-only. Common Cause-NY discovered Cablevision using eight different LLCs to evade contribution limits, handing over $1.5 million to candidates and committees. Gov. Andrew Cuomo received $130,000 from four different Cablevision-controlled LLCs between July and October 2010. On April 29 of this year, former Nassau County executive Tom Suozzi’s campaign received $190,000 from three Cablevision-controlled LLCs on that single day.

Verizon (82%) and Time Warner Cable (70%) prefer to quietly give the largest percentage of their political donations to the parties’ secretive, soft money “housekeeping” accounts. The Republican and Democratic recipients are not using the money to buy Endust, mops or spare light bulbs, although the average voter might assume as much.

Corporations with an agenda just love New York’s hush-hush “housekeeping” accounts because they come without dollar limits or complete disclosure about how the money was ultimately spent.

The State Board of Elections says “housekeeping” money is supposed to go toward maintaining a party’s headquarters and staff or “ordinary activities that are not for the express purpose of promoting the candidacy of specific candidates.” Unfortunately, nobody bothered to require detailed accounting, allowing funds to disappear down a political rabbit hole, to be distributed at each party’s discretion.

Comcast (59%) and AT&T (53%) are considerably smaller players, in part because neither company serves many wired cable/broadband customers in New York.

Verizon’s corporate PAC also likes to raise relatively large numbers of small contributions given in the name of company executives or employees, not necessarily mentioning the company itself. Campaign finance disclosures may list only the individuals’ contribution(s), not the company that signed their paycheck.


contribution by typeWhere does all the money go?

Common Cause-NY says most of the money is channeled to the most influential politicians in the state, with minority parties and unelected candidates typically getting much less.

To gain influence on the state level, Big Telecom companies contribute to the governor, attorney general, and the majority parties controlling the state Assembly and Senate, with Republicans getting the lion’s share (over $3.5 million) in the Senate and Democrats (over $1.6 million) in the Assembly.

For local issues of interest to the state’s local cable and phone companies, contributions are funneled to influential county-level political machines, perhaps helpful in making life difficult for a competing Wi-Fi project, a municipal fiber network, or helping to cut red tape to place a cell tower in a controversial location.

The top six recipients of Big Telecom’s political cash in the legislature:

  • Key Party Leaders: Dean Skelos ($117,700), Tom Libous ($57,150), Jeff Klein ($49,450), and Sheldon Silver ($32,749.61)
  • Current and former Chairs of the Senate Energy and Telecom Committee: George Maziarz ($79,718.02) and Kevin Parker ($34,444.00).

Common Cause-NY notes the corporations involved don’t give money without expecting something in return. After generous contribution checks were deposited, a number of telecom consumer protection bills mysteriously died in committee or never made it to the floor. The same fate did not meet bills offering special tax breaks for cable and Internet Service Providers that have cost New York taxpayers nearly $500 million and counting.

“Multi-million dollar campaign contributions clearly help Big Telecom maintain the status quo of corporate control, high prices, and lax regulation,” Common Cause-NY concludes.

where is the money going

top ten recipients

The legislature is rife with examples of bills that would have likely passed with popular support but suddenly or “mysteriously” didn’t:

  • common cause nyA 7635-A / S5630-A: Establishes a moratorium on telephone corporations on the replacement of landline telephone service with a wireless system.
    • The “VoiceLink” moratorium bill, passed the Assembly, had broad bi-partisan support in the Senate but never came to a vote.
  • S542: Relates to enacting the “Save New York Call Center Jobs Act of 2013,” which requires prior notice of relocation of call center jobs from New York to a foreign country; directs the Commissioner of Labor to maintain a list of employers who move call center jobs; prohibits loans or grants.
    • The “Call Center Jobs Act” would take away tax breaks and state grants if companies move a call center to another country. The bill passed the Assembly in 2012 (A9809) and had bipartisan support in Senate but was blocked. The 2013 bill died in Senate committee.
  • fair electionsA6003/S5577 — Directs the Department of Public Service to study and report on the current status of cable television systems providing services over fiber optic cables.
    • Bipartisan support in Assembly for further oversight of broadband but gets little support in Senate, the same bill was also blocked in 2012.
  • A5234/S1075 — Enacts the “Roadway Excavation Quality Assurance Act” demanding utility companies or their contractors shall use competent workers and shall pay the prevailing wage on projects where a permit to use or open a street is required to be issued.
    • Bipartisan support in the Senate and Assembly but no passage in either 2012 and 2013.
  • A6239/S4550 — Creates the State Office of the Utility Consumer Advocate to represent interests of residential utility customers.
    • Bipartisan support in Assembly, dies in Senate.
  • A6757/S4449 — Requires providers of electric, gas, steam, telephone and cable television services to issue standardized bills to residential customers; provides the standards for such bills shall be established by the Public Service Commission.
    • Bipartisan support, passes Assembly, dies in Senate.

“Here’s the evidence that giant telecom companies are taking advantage of huge loopholes and lax regulations so they can increase profits, often at the expense of everyday New Yorkers,” said Karen Scharff, executive director of Citizen Action of New York on behalf of the Fair Elections for New York campaign. “It’s time for our leaders in Albany to acknowledge the ever-growing wealth of evidence that we need to fix our broken campaign finance system and pass a comprehensive Fair Elections system centered around publicly financed elections.”

Comcast Hires ‘Internet Guy’ to Embrace Broadband Innovation; Start By Killing the Usage Cap

Phillip Dampier September 23, 2013 Broadband Speed, Comcast/Xfinity, Consumer News, Data Caps, Editorial & Site News, Net Neutrality Comments Off on Comcast Hires ‘Internet Guy’ to Embrace Broadband Innovation; Start By Killing the Usage Cap
Phillip "Unlimited Innovation depends on Unlimited Access" Dampier

Phillip “Unlimited Innovation depends on Unlimited Access” Dampier

Comcast wants to embrace innovation and change. Before it can succeed, the cable company needs to permanently retire usage caps and consumption billing schemes, now being market-tested for possible reintroduction nationwide.

Comcast today announced it created a new executive position — vice president of consumer services for video, phone, Internet, and home products and appointed Marcien Jenckes to the position. His role is to oversee development of ideas for new products and services that can be sold to Comcast customers.

Jenckes says Comcast’s product lines are blurring as convergence between television and broadband continues. His role is to keep customers of both services happy by embracing innovation and change.

He will find his hands tied should Comcast bring back its usage cap, now under serious consideration. Limiting residential broadband limits customers’ interest in innovative new online applications that carry the threat of a wallop to one’s wallet from overlimit fees. Comcast ditched its arbitrary 250GB usage cap in the spring of 2012, but continues to think about bringing it back. This year, Comcast has tested a new 300GB cap in certain states tied to an overlimit fee for customers exceeding their usage allowance.

Customers don’t like usage caps one bit. Neither should Comcast “innovators” like Mr. Jenckes.

The future of Internet innovation is likely to be developed on a platform that delivers faster Internet speeds, opening up new high bandwidth applications not easily possible today. Usage caps are anathema to that kind of innovation because customers will be unlikely to embrace new services that blow their usage allowance away.

If Mr. Jenckes is seriously interested in promoting a new spirit of innovation at Comcast, he should start by pressing his fellow executives to ditch usage caps and consumption billing once and for all. The future of unlimited innovation in broadband has its best chance of success with unlimited access.

Cox Closes Down Summer Trial of flareWatch, An Online Video Alternative to Cable TV

Phillip Dampier September 19, 2013 Competition, Cox, Data Caps, Online Video Comments Off on Cox Closes Down Summer Trial of flareWatch, An Online Video Alternative to Cable TV

flare-logoCox has pulled the plug on its summer trial of flareWatch, an over-the-top virtual cable TV service that works over an existing broadband connection. The sudden end of the trial, now scheduled for Sept. 27, comes several days after new participants found orders for the accompanying Fanhattan-made set-top box canceled without warning. Customers who paid $99.99 for the box, later reduced to $49.99, are supposed to be getting refunds according to Cox Customer Care.

“This limited trial was conducted as part of Cox’s ongoing customer research to determine how to best evolve our offerings to meet customers’ changing needs,” according to a Cox official. “We remain focused on helping customers discover and connect to the things they care about in ways that are easy-to-use and reliable and we will continue to test and explore new products. We will continue to evaluate the flareWatch trial results to determine how this might impact future product plans.”

Flarewatch over

Peter Litman got confirmation flareWatch has been put out.

Customers visiting Cox’s website dedicated to the IP-based video service found only a “Service Unavailable” message greeting them.

Cox’s flareWatch service offered about 100 channels (many over-the-air) for $34.99 a month, with a cloud-based DVR feature, and was available only to Cox customers in Orange County, Calif., with Preferred Internet service. Use of the service counted against your monthly Cox broadband usage allowance.

Later in the trial, Cox raised the price by $5 a month and bundled Rhapsody’s streaming music service and a small video-on-demand feature. It also cut the purchase price of the hardware in half.

Trial participants report the notification Cox was terminating the service seemed sudden and perhaps unplanned.

Cox says otherwise.

“As planned, the Orange County trial has successfully completed. We collected excellent customer feedback and usage data to inform our broader deployment of Fan TV,” said a Cox spokesperson. “As announced in May, Fanhattan plans to work directly with pay TV service providers to distribute Fan TV. Making sure it’s ready for primetime requires rigorous testing, trial customer feedback and constant iteration. This limited trial was a small, early step in that direction.”

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