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Georgia Property Developer Uses Gigabit Fiber to Attract Residents, Tenants

Phillip Dampier October 7, 2013 Broadband Speed, Competition, Consumer News, Hotwire 1 Comment

hotwireGeorgia’s first gigabit fiberhood will serve residents of a luxury $600 million development now under construction in an Atlanta suburb.

North American Properties is partnering with Hotwire Communications to install an ultra high-speed fiber to the home broadband network offering gigabit speed to every resident, hotel guest, retail shop, restaurant and office worker at the Avalon development in Alpharetta, located north of Atlanta.

alpharetta“This is a game-changer for Alpharetta,” said Alpharetta mayor David Belle Isle. “Nowhere else in Georgia can you get gigabit service to your home and nowhere else but Alpharetta can a business take advantage of this cost-effective way to future-proof their operations.”

Avalon is a 2.4 million square foot mixed-use development that will open in October 2014. Phase one will consist of 250 luxury rental homes (average rent $1,400), 101 single-family homes ($400,000-1.7 million), 400,000 square feet of retail and restaurants and 108,000 square feet of loft office space.

The property developer hopes fiber broadband will help it attract around 800 permanent residents as well as be a selling point for commercial tenants.

Hotwire Communications specializes in overbuilding multiple dwelling residences with fiber service. The nearest competitors are Comcast and AT&T, neither which offer speeds at Hotwire’s level.

Comcast Expands 300GB Usage Cap in Alabama, South Carolina; Minimum Overlimit Fee: $10

Comcast-LogoComcast has expanded its 300GB usage cap to Internet customers in Huntsville and Mobile, Ala. and Charleston, S.C.

In these cities the XFINITY Internet allowance includes a $10 penalty for each 50GB segment customers exceed the arbitrary allowance. Alabama and South Carolina join customers in parts of Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi and Tennessee now subject to a usage allowance.

Comcast is also offering a new Flexible Data Option for Economy Plus customers that use less than 5 GB per month.

Customers who do not want the new usage caps can register their displeasure by calling Comcast Customer Security Assurance at 1-877-807-6581, contacting the local news media, or writing to your federal elected officials.


Dear XFINITY Internet Customer:

At Comcast, we recognize that our customers use the Internet for different reasons and have unique data needs. As a reminder, starting November 1, 2013, Comcast will trial a new monthly data plan in this area, which will increase the amount of data included in your XFINITY Internet Service to 300 Gigabytes (GB) and provide more choice and flexibility.

What this means for You

The vast majority of XFINITY customers use far less than 300GB of data in a month. Based upon your recent usage history, it appears this new data plan will have no impact upon you, and you won’t need to do anything, or change your Internet usage. If you are not sure about your monthly data usage, please refer to the Track and Manage Your Usage section below.

We want our customers to use the Internet for everything they want and your service will not be limited to 300 GB . While we believe that 300 GB is more than enough to meet the Internet usage needs of most customers, Comcast will automatically add blocks of 50 GB to your account for an additional $10, should you exceed the 300 GB included in your plan in a month.

In order for our customers to get accustomed to this new data plan, we are implementing a three-month courtesy program. That means you will not be billed for the first three times you exceed 300 GB included in the data plan during a 12 month period. Should your usage exceed 300 GB a fourth time during any 12-month period, an additional 50 GB will automatically be allocated to your account and you will be billed $10 for that data and each additional 50 GB of data in excess of 300 GB during that month and any subsequent months your usage exceeds 300 GB.

Please note that this is a consumer trial. Comcast may modify or discontinue this trial at any time. However, we will notify you in advance of any such change.

For more information on all our data usage plans, please visit www.xfinity.com/datausageplan/expansion

Track and Manage Your Usage

Comcast provides you with several tools to easily track and manage your data plan:

Usage meter – Use the usage meter to see how much data you have used – available at www.xfinity.com/usagemeter

Data Usage Calculator – Estimate your data usage with this tool available at www.xfinity.com/datacalculator. Simply enter information on how often and how much you typically use the Internet, and the calculator will estimate your monthly data usage.

In-Browser Notices and Emails – We will send you a courtesy “in-browser” notice and an email letting you know how much of the data included in your monthly plan you are using. If you have any additional questions about the new data usage plan, please visit www.xfinity.com/datausageplan/expansion

Thank you for being an XFINITY Internet Customer.



Slow YouTube Videos? It’s ‘Google’s Fault Because Of Overwhelmed Server Farms’

Phillip Dampier October 2, 2013 Broadband Speed, Consumer News, Online Video 2 Comments

Frustrated YouTube fans have complained all year about degraded performance, videos that don’t play, and endless rebuffering of online videos. Now a third-party has placed the blame for this on YouTube’s owner Google, which is allegedly running server farms overloaded with YouTube video traffic.

YouTubeSandvine’s Dan Deeth argues that super fast broadband speed and the providers that deliver it are not always the best indicators of subscribers’ ‘Internet quality of experience.’ More important, Deeth writes, is how well an Internet-delivered application or content works for consumers.

Broadband users typically blame their Internet Service Provider when a website refuses to load or an online video staggers from one “buffering” pause to the next. But the bottleneck is sometimes beyond the control of your provider and may even reside at the content distribution network sending you the streamed video.

Among the most frustrating online video experiences this year comes from YouTube, owned by Google. Users complain videos never start, timeout, constantly buffer, or downshift to lower video quality.

“The enormous increase in ads all seem to play fine, but there are dozens of times the video itself never begins at all or quickly times-out to rebuffer,” said James Bellwar.

Hyun Soo Park, a YouTube contributor that earns side income from sharing ad revenue says YouTube is getting hopeless.

“My fans are giving up and are occasionally even angry at me because they think I am responsible for the ads that play fine and the videos that do not,” said Hyun.

Blame Google, says Deeth:

We can rule out ISPs being the root cause of YouTube’s quality issue. Instead, we can conclude that the root cause of the degradation in quality is likely occurring because of an oversubscription in the Google server farm (where YouTube is hosted) which makes YouTube unable to meet high lunch time and evening video demand. This oversubscription would result from a commercial decision by YouTube to regarding how much capital they wanted to invest in server capacity to maintain quality.

For those interested in examining further, YouTube has a ‘my speed benchmark’ that seeks to measure ‘maximum demand’. You can use these benchmark tools to not only view your historical YouTube performance, but also measure in real-time the performance of a video you are viewing.

YouTube performance at Stop the Cap! HQ

YouTube performance at Stop the Cap! HQ

While consumers are caught in the middle of the finger-pointing, there is a solution to keep YouTube videos from endlessly buffering. PC World offers a way to force YouTube to send the entire video instead of the current system that only pre-buffers small segments of content. Make sure to browse the comment section in the article for tips on getting it to work with your browser.

Liberty’s John Malone Still Angling for Charter-Time Warner Cable Merger

Phillip Dampier October 2, 2013 Charter Spectrum, Competition, Consumer News Comments Off on Liberty’s John Malone Still Angling for Charter-Time Warner Cable Merger


So far Dr. John Malone isn’t getting very far with his ambitious plan to merge Charter Communications and Time Warner Cable into a single cable company, but that has not stopped him from trying.

GDP Insider reports Malone is quietly keeping the pressure on Time Warner Cable management to do a deal with Charter. Malone controls a substantial interest in Charter Communications.

Liberty Media, a holding company controlled by Malone, is spearheading the courtship under the direction of Greg Maffei, Liberty’s CEO. It’s a tall task, considering Time Warner Cable is a larger company than Charter.

Both men are betting they will get a friendlier reception after current CEO Glenn Britt retires at the end of the year.

TWC’s new chief financial officer, Artie Minson, isn’t exactly rebuffing Malone and Maffei.  Minson said that in the event of an acquisition or merger deal, the company will consider taking on more debt to help finance the transaction.

Many Charter shareholders are unconvinced such a deal is worth the amount of debt likely required to finance it, especially as cable television subscriber numbers continue to erode and the rate of new broadband sign ups has peaked.

Malone has argued a combined Charter-Time Warner Cable could realize savings in cable and broadcast retransmission fees through volume discounts.

AT&T, Apple Settle Unlimited Data Class Action Lawsuit; Original iPad Owners Get Payout

Phillip Dampier October 1, 2013 AT&T, Consumer News, Data Caps, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on AT&T, Apple Settle Unlimited Data Class Action Lawsuit; Original iPad Owners Get Payout
The "breakthrough" unlimited data deal with AT&T didn't last long.

The “breakthrough” unlimited data deal with AT&T didn’t last long.

When Apple first introduced its AT&T 3G-equipped original iPad, both companies marketed it with an unlimited 3G wireless Internet plan that soon became unavailable for new buyers and left grandfathered customers enduring a speed throttle when AT&T decided you used their network too much.

Burned customers banded together and sued both Apple and AT&T for bait and switch unlimited broadband. The two companies have now decided to settle, and as well as a whopper payout for the attorneys who filed the class action case, original iPad owners are going to share the proceeds:

  • Customers purchasing a 3G-ready iPad before June 7, 2010 will receive a $40 check from Apple, even if you still have a grandfathered unlimited data account.
  • Customers purchasing a 3G-ready iPad before June 7, 2010 who never activated an AT&T unlimited tablet mobile data plan will get a $20 discount off AT&T’s current $50 a month data add-on for up to one year.

Customers complained the steep price premium they paid for a 3G-equipped iPad wasn’t worth Apple’s asking price once AT&T removed the unlimited data option that Steve Jobs called part of a breakthrough deal.

Customers will not receive any awards until after February of next year, when the settlement is expected to be approved.

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