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Verizon Wireless and State Farm – Usage-Based Insurance: Tracking Your Driving Proves Profitable for Both

Phillip Dampier August 15, 2013 Consumer News, Public Policy & Gov't, Verizon, Video, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on Verizon Wireless and State Farm – Usage-Based Insurance: Tracking Your Driving Proves Profitable for Both

drive safeVerizon Wireless sees enormous new revenue opportunities in the “machine to machine” applications business, using its LTE 4G wireless network to exchange data between you and the companies you do business with.

Fran Shammo, Verizon’s chief financial officer, noted that State Farm Insurance is just one example where your wireless carrier and insurance company will quietly collect data about your driving habits based on the car seat law in california and share the information for marketing purposes and to micromanage your driving insurance rates based on your real driving habits.

State Farm Insurance recently signed an agreement with Verizon subsidiary Hughes Telematics, which today embeds microchips into vehicles that can communicate over Verizon’s nationwide wireless network. In the near future, State Farm Insurance customers’ driving habits will be automatically tracked by Verizon Wireless with certain data shared with the insurance company to personalize your auto insurance rates.



“If you know the car insurance industry today, they do everything based on actuarial studies and make you pay based on your driving habits, charging a premium specific to your driving,” Shammo told investors at the Oppenheimer 16th Annual Technology, Internet & Communications Conference. “We will accumulate that data, analyze that, and send that off to State Farm.”

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With the contracts signed, State Farm hopes to expand its Drive Safe & Save program nationwide later this year. It will be voluntary, for now, for customers driving OnStar-equipped vehicles from General Motors and Ford’s Sync system. Others can take part with Hughes’ In-Drive tracking device, installed by the customer. Customers choosing In-Drive will have to pay a monthly fee for the device ranging from $5-15 a month.

Verizon Wireless will benefit from tracking information about where customers are, have been, and are likely to go in the future. State Farm will not benefit from that level of precision, however. Verizon will purposely “fuzz” up those details, depicting vehicles only within a 40-mile radius. But State Farm will still know a great deal about your personal driving habits, which can directly affect your insurance premium.

State Farm says its program is primarily intended to deliver discounts to safe drivers (sometimes up to 50 percent off the highest risk category drivers, such as teens), not penalize unsafe ones. But the insurance company does disclose it will increase rates of policyholders caught driving over their selected mileage category or if they are ever tracked driving 80mph or over for any reason, regardless of the posted speed limit.

The amount of the discount is dependent on a number of factors, mostly based on mileage driven, the time of day the vehicle is on the road, and the rate which one accelerates and brakes while driving. But State Farm agents admit other factors can also penalize you. Making a lot of left turns will cut your discount — more accidents occur during those. When that unfortunately happens, you can go to this web-site. How hard of a turn you make also matters – squealing tires and a fast turn will earn a spanking for aggressive driving. Do you often pass other vehicles? That can hurt your discount as well.

Progressive pitches its "Snapshot" drive tracking system.

Progressive pitches its “Snapshot” drive tracking system.

If you don’t drive the car at all, State Farm will, not surprisingly, praise your driving habits and boost your discount. A car driven under 500 miles a year may get a 30% discount. Drive it close to the annual average of 11,000 miles and your discount plummets to 11%. Long commutes hurt the most. A policyholder driving 16,000 miles a year will only receive 1% off.

Wherever you go, Verizon Wireless and State Farm, among other insurers, will be watching and that bothers some privacy experts.

“It’s a slippery slope,” Paul Stephens, an official with the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, told the Wall Street Journal. While insurers say they don’t track routes driven, Mr. Stephens fears that as programs expand and get more commonplace, insurers may wind up with “a very detailed log of your whereabouts throughout the day.”

A St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter joined over 1.4 million other Progressive insurance customers driving with Snapshot — a competing drive tracking system. He concluded it felt like driving with a nanny.

It beeped at me when I braked too hard or floored it up the ramp to Highway 40. Each beep, I knew, was a demerit that could mean a higher insurance quote.

Like some other programs, Progressive lets you keep track of your performance on its website, measuring your braking, acceleration and mileage. It grades you as excellent, good or “opportunity,” which is a nice way of saying “no discount for you, bub.” It also awards little online merit badges. I got one for “alien abduction,” since I left town and didn’t drive for a week. When I finished the tryout, the system offered me an initial 12 percent discount from Progressive’s normal rate. I’m considering this device.

Privacy experts also caution that those refusing to install the currently voluntary drive tracking systems may eventually be lumped into high risk driving pools because insurers may conclude those drivers have something to hide.

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Progressive Snapshot 8-13.flv[/flv]

Progressive’s omnipresent spokesperson “Flo” introduces drivers to Snapshot, the insurance company’s driver tracking system. (1 minute)

afi“You can see who is defensive and who is aggressive,” said Richard Hutchinson, Progressive’s general manager for usage-based insurance. “It gives us very powerful data from an insurance standpoint.”

“If people choose to (sign up for the program), that’s up to them,” said Wisconsin state Sen. Jon Erpenbach (D-Middleton), a longtime privacy advocate. “But I would just caution people to know exactly what they’re getting into.  I have huge privacy concerns (about the program). They are offering a 5 percent discount and I would assume somebody’s rates are going up somewhere else to pay for that.”

Wisconsin-based American Family Insurance takes driver tracking to an even more personal level with its Teen Safe Driver system, which uses DriveCam technology to maintain a comprehensive video and data record of driving habits. If the system detects unsafe driving, a professional driving coach will automatically receive a video file showing the incident, leading to a personal follow-up to discuss the dangerous driving.

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/TeenSafe Drivecam 8-13.flv[/flv]

American Family Insurance’s TeenSafe Driver Program uses an in-car camera to watch teen drivers and automatically sends video of incidents to a professional driving coach if an infraction or unsafe driving is detected. Could insurance companies adopt similar technology for adult drivers for on-the-spot rate adjustments in the future? (3 minutes)



“Armed with this kind of data, an insurance company could eventually theoretically adjust a driver’s insurance rates on the spot, or even notify the policyholder they intend to cancel their insurance,” says Sam Underwood, who feels the insurance industry will soon police more driving infractions than local traffic cops. “While a safe driver may feel they have nothing to hide, their driving details could be subject to disclosure under a criminal or civil subpoena as part of any legal action, driving related or not.”

Ten years ago, privacy experts worried about automated toll collection devices like E-Z Pass being used to track driving habits. Underwood says insurance companies will take that to a whole different level.

“They have a vested interest in reducing insurance claims and payouts and there is probably nothing wrong with that because who wants to be in an accident,” Underwood says. “But under current laws, they are the judge, jury and executioner and can subjectively use this data to set rates as they please. It starts with a tantalizing discount but ends with a compulsory system that will make cell companies like Verizon Wireless a lot of money and let them keep a copy of collected data for who knows what purpose.”

The Wall Street Journal calls the programs “usage based insurance,” priced according to how customers actually drive. But there have been some familiar arguments and “family discussions” that have followed the regular report cards and insurance renewal premiums that arrive after enrolling into the tracking programs:

One day recently, Mr. Scharlau logged onto his State Farm account to learn he so far had earned “A+” grades for left-hand turns and for not topping 80 miles per hour, but only “B+” for braking, acceleration and time of day his Expedition was on the road. Mr. Scharlau said he and his wife now find themselves chatting “about our own driving and what we see around us: ‘Oops, did we just lose points?'”

inDriveLogoShammo says Verizon Wireless is just beginning to profit from this type of machine to machine application. It has well-positioned itself with the acquisition of Hughes Telematics, which develops chipsets that makes it simple to move data over Verizon’s wireless network. Shammo admits it costs just pennies on the dollar to transport information from applications like drive tracking devices. But Verizon isn’t satisfied just charging for data traffic. The real earnings come from processing the data Verizon collects, analyzes and transmits back to clients like State Farm.

“If you then take the next step, though, the value is really in the data in the cloud and how you can utilize data to do the analytics behind that,” Shammo said. “If you look at Hughes Telematics and what they are doing […], it’s not the transport through Verizon Wireless that really creates the average revenue per user increment on that machine to machine [traffic]. It’s all the other analytics behind that. The ARPU on that is $20 to $30 higher than what it would be on a machine-to-machine type application for just transport.”

Verizon Wireless considers machine to machine traffic still in its infancy and primed for more profits. That worries people like Sen. Erpenbach who wonders where it will all end.

“If I’m State Farm, sure, I want to know about any driving habit of my policyholders,” he said. “I would also love to know, if I’m State Farm, what everybody does in their houses (for home insurance purposes). And I’m sure health companies would love to see people’s grocery lists.”

Verizon Voice Link Wireless Landline Replacement: “Everyone Who Has It Hates It”

Verizon Voice Link

Verizon Voice Link

special reportThe New York State Public Service Commission has announced it will hold public hearings in Ocean Beach in Suffolk County, N.Y. to hear from angry Fire Island residents and others about their evaluation of Verizon’s controversial wireless landline replacement Voice Link, which Verizon hopes to eventually install in rural areas across its operating territories.

“Verizon needs to stop lying,” said Fire Island resident Debi May who lost phone service last fall after Hurricane Sandy damaged the local network. “Don’t tell me you can’t fix my landline service. Tell me you won’t.”

She is one of hundreds of Fire Island residents spending the summer without landline service, relying on spotty cellular service, or using Verizon’s wireless landline alternative Voice Link, which many say simply does not work as advertised. In July, the CWA asserted Verizon is trying to introduce Voice Link in upstate New York, including in the Catskills and in and around Watertown and Buffalo.

“I’ve been on the phone with Verizon all day,” Jason Little, owner of the popular Fire Island haunt Bocce Beach tells The Village Voice. The restaurant’s phone line and DSL service is down again. Just like last week. And three weeks before that. Like always, Verizon’s customer service representatives engage in the futility of scheduling a service call that will never actually happen. Verizon doesn’t bother to show up in this section of Fire Island anymore, reports Little.

“They never come,” he says. So he sits and waits for the service to work its way back on its own — the result of damaged infrastructure Verizon refuses to repair any longer. Until it does, accepting credit cards is a big problem for Little.

It’s the same story down the street at the beachwear boutique A Summer Place. Instead of showing customers the latest summer fashions, owner Roberta Smith struggles her away around Verizon’s abandonment of landline service. She even purchased the recommended wireless credit card machine to process transactions, but that only works as well as Verizon Wireless’ service on the island, which can vary depending on location and traffic demands.

Smith tells the newspaper at least half the time, Verizon’s wireless network is so slow the machine stops working. If she can’t reach the credit card authorization center over a crackly, zero bar Verizon Wireless cell phone, the customer might walk, abandoning the sale.

National Public Radio reports Verizon’s efforts to abandon landline service on Fire Island and in certain New Jersey communities is just the first step towards retiring rural landline service in high cost areas. But does Verizon Voice Link actually work? Local residents say it doesn’t work well enough. NPR allows listeners to hear the sound quality of Voice Link for themselves. (5 minutes)
You must remain on this page to hear the clip, or you can download the clip and listen later.

Verizon's decision is making life hard for Fire Island's small businesses.

Verizon’s decision is making life hard for Fire Island’s small businesses.

The Village Voice notes Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam didn’t make the decision to scrap rural copper wire landline service to improve things for customers. He did it for the company.

“The decision wasn’t motivated by customer demand so much as McAdam’s interest in increasing Verizon’s profit margins,” the Voice writes.

Tom Maguire, Verizon’s point man for Voice Link, has not endeared himself with local residents by suggesting Fire Island shoppers should get around the credit card problem by bringing cash.

“Remember what happened to Marie Antoinette when she said ‘let them eat cake’,” suggested one.

For some customers who appreciate the phone company’s cost arguments, Verizon’s wireless alternative wouldn’t be so bad if it didn’t work so bad.

“It has all the problems of a cellphone system, but none of the advantages,” Pat Briody, a homeowner on Fire Island for 40 years told NPR News.

“I don’t think there’s anyone who will tell you Voice Link is better than the copper wire,” says Steve Kunreuther, treasurer of the Saltaire Yacht Club.

Jean Ufer says her husbands' pacemaker depends on landline service to report in on his medical condition.

Jean Ufer says her husbands’ pacemaker depends on landline service to report in on his medical condition.

“Voice Link doesn’t work here,” reports resident Jean Ufer, whose husband depends on a pacemaker that must “check in” with medical staff over a landline the Ufer family no longer has. “It constantly breaks down. Everybody who has it hates it. You can’t do faxes. You can’t do the medical stuff you need. We need what we had back.”

Residents who depended on unlimited broadband access from Verizon’s DSL service are being bill-shocked by Verizon’s only broadband replacement option – expensive 4G wireless hotspot service from Verizon Wireless.

Small business owner Alessandro Anderes-Bologna used to have DSL service from Verizon until Hurricane Sandy obliterated Verizon’s infrastructure across parts of the western half of Fire Island. Today he relies on what he calls poor service from Verizon Wireless’ 4G LTE network, which he claims is hopelessly overloaded because of tourist traffic and insufficient capacity. But more impressive are Anderes-Bologna’s estimates of what Verizon Wireless wants to charge him for substandard wireless broadband.

“My bill with Verizon Wireless would probably be in the range of $700-800 a month,” Anderes-Bologna said. That is considerably higher than the $29.99 a month Verizon typically charges for its fastest unlimited DSL option on Fire Island.

Despite the enormous difference in price, Verizon’s Maguire has no problems with Verizon Wireless’ prices for its virtual broadband monopoly on the landline-less sections of the island.

“It’s a closed community,” he says. “It’s the quintessential marketplace where you get to charge what the market will bear, so all the shops get to charge whatever they want.” And that’s exactly what Verizon is doing.

WCBS Radio reports Verizon is introducing Voice Link in certain barrier island communities in New Jersey. But the service lacks important features landline users have been long accustomed to having. (1 minute)
You must remain on this page to hear the clip, or you can download the clip and listen later.

In nearby New Jersey, Verizon’s efforts to introduce Voice Link has met with resistance from consumer groups, the state’s utility regulator, and the Rate Counsel. Over 1,400 customers on barrier island communities like Bay Head, Brick, and Mantoloking cannot get Verizon DSL or landline service any longer because Verizon refuses to repair damaged landlines.

Tom Maguire

Tom Maguire

“The New Jersey coast has been battered enough,” said Douglas Johnston, AARP New Jersey’s manager of advocacy. “The last thing we need is second-class phone service at the Shore. We are concerned that approval of Verizon’s plans could further the gap between the telecommunications ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’ and could create an incentive for Verizon to neglect the maintenance and repair of its landline phone network in New Jersey.”

In some cases, Verizon has told customers they can get landline phone service from Comcast, a competitor, instead.

State consumer advocates note that other utilities including cable operators have undertaken repair, replacement, and restoration of facilities in both New York and New Jersey without the challenges Verizon claims it has.

“Only Verizon, without evidentiary support, is seeking to jettison its obligations to provide safe, proper and adequate service to the public,” wrote the New Jersey Rate Counsel in a filing with the Federal Communications Commission.

New York Senator Phil Boyle, who represents Fire Island residents, is hosting a town hall meeting tonight to discuss the move by Verizon to replace copper-wire phone lines on Fire Island with Voice Link. The meeting will be held at the Ocean Beach Community House in Ocean Beach from 5-7pm.

The New York State Public Service Commission will be at the same location Saturday, Aug. 24 starting at noon for a public statement hearing to hear from customers about how Verizon Voice Link is working for them.

It is not necessary to make an appointment in advance or to present written material to speak at the public statement hearing. Anyone with a view about Voice Link, whether they live on the island or not are welcome to attend. Speakers will be called after completing a card requesting time to speak. Disabled persons requiring special accommodations may place a collect call to the Department of Public Service’s Human Resources Management Office at (518) 474-2520 as soon as possible. TDD users may request a sign language interpreter by placing a call through the New York Relay Service at 711 to reach the Department of Public Service’s Human Resource Office at the previously mentioned number.

Fire Island

Fire Island

Those who cannot attend in person at the Community House, 157-164 Bay Walk, Ocean Beach can send comments about Voice Link to the PSC online, by phone, or through the mail.

  • E:Mail[email protected]
  • U.S. Mail: Secretary, Public Service Commission, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223-1350
  • 24 Hour Toll-Free Opinion Line (N.Y. residents only): 1-800-335-2120

Your comments should refer to “Case 13-C-0197 – Voice Link on Fire Island.” All comments are requested by Sept. 13, 2013. Comments will become part of the record considered by the Commission and will be published online and accessible by clicking on the “Public Comments” tab.

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Al Jazeera US islanders battle telecom giant 8-13-13.flv[/flv]

Al Jazeera reports Fire Island residents are fighting to keep their landlines, especially after having bad experiences with Verizon Voice Link. (3 minutes)

The Incredibly Hackable Femtocell: $250 Lets You Listen In on Cell Calls, Read Text Messages

Phillip Dampier August 6, 2013 AT&T, Consumer News, Verizon, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on The Incredibly Hackable Femtocell: $250 Lets You Listen In on Cell Calls, Read Text Messages
A Samsung femtocell offered by Verizon Wireless.

A Samsung femtocell offered by Verizon Wireless.

The wireless industry’s push to offload wireless traffic to microcells and other short-range femtocell base stations has opened the door for hackers to intercept voice calls, SMS text messages and collect enough identifying information to clone your phone.

Researchers from iSec Partners demonstrated femtocell vulnerability last month at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas, successfully recording phone calls, messages, and even certain web traffic using a compromised $250 Samsung “network extender” sold to consumers by Verizon Wireless.

Once anyone gets within 15-20 feet of a femtocell using compatible network technology (CDMA or GSM), their device will automatically attempt to connect and stay connected to a potentially rogue cell signal repeater as long as the person remains within 50 feet of the base station. Many phone owners will never know their phone has been compromised.

“Your phone will associate to a femtocell without your knowledge,” said Doug DePerry from iSEC Partners. “This is not like joining a Wi-Fi network. You don’t have a choice. You might be connected to ours right now.”

During the demonstration, the presenters were able to record both sides of phone conversations and compromise the security of Apple’s iMessage service. All that was required was to trick Apple’s encrypted messaging service to default to exchanging messages by plain text SMS. Phones were also successfully cloned by capturing device ID numbers over Verizon’s cell network. Once cloned, when the cloned phone and the original are connected to a femtocell of any kind, at any location, the cloned unit can run up a customer’s phone, text, and data bill.

“Eavesdropping was cool and everything, but impersonation is even cooler,” DePerry said.

Although the very limited range of femtocells make them less useful to track a particular person’s cell phone over any significant distance, installing a compromised femtocell base station in a high traffic area like a restaurant, mall, or entertainment venue could allow hackers to quietly accumulate a large database of phone ID numbers as people pass in and out of range. Those ID numbers could be used to eventually clone a large number of phones.

iSEC Partners believe femtocells, as designed, are a bad idea and major security risk. Although Verizon has since patched the vulnerability discovered by the security group, DePerry believes other vulnerabilities will eventually be found. He worries future exploits could be used to activate networks of compromised femtocells controlled by unknown third parties used to snoop and steal from a larger user base.

iSEC says network operators should drop femtocells completely and depend on implementing security at the network level, not on individual devices like phones and cell phone extenders.

AT&T’s femtocells support an extra layer of security, so they are now unaffected by hacking. But that could change eventually.

“It’d be easy to think this is all about Verizon,” said Tom Ritter, principal security engineer at iSec Partners. “But this really is about everybody. Remember, there are 30 carriers worldwide who have femtocells, and [that includes] three of the four U.S. carriers.”

iSec Partners is working on “Femtocatch,” a free tool that will allow security-conscious users to automatically switch wireless devices to “airplane mode” if they ever attempt to connect to a femtocell. The app should be available by the end of August.

Time Warner Cable Customers in Upstate New York Howling About Broadband Rate Hikes

frontier offer

Frontier is enticing Rochester-area customers to “say goodbye to Time Warner Cable.”

Time Warner Cable’s relentless rate increases, particularly on its broadband service, are leading to calls for more competition in the upstate New York cities of Buffalo and Rochester, now dominated by Time Warner, Verizon Communications (Buffalo), and Frontier Communications (Rochester).

“Bloodsuckers,” came the terse reply of Cathy Slocum.

Frontier Communications is making the most out of the cable company rate increases with a new “Goodbye Time Warner” ad campaign (that incidentally includes a link to Stop the Cap!’s coverage of TWC’s modem fee). It is pitching $19.99 broadband price-locked for two years — an improvement over its earlier offers thanks to a major reduction in sneaky fine print.

Customers can get up to 6Mbps service (up to 12Mbps available in limited areas) at the special offer price as long as they keep a Frontier landline active with a qualifying calling package. There are no contracts with this promotion, but Frontier’s pesky $9.99 “Broadband Processing Fee” applies if customers ever choose to disconnect Internet service. A free Wi-Fi Internet router is included and the company claims it offers “free Internet activation.” But an installation fee still applies, discounted if customers choose the self-install option. Taxes, governmental and other Frontier-imposed surcharges also apply and new Frontier customers are subject to credit approval, which will show up as an inquiry on your credit report.

In the past, we have taken Frontier to task for its expensive early termination and modem rental fees, as well as its bundling requirements, but the company has since ditched most of these as part of its new self-proclaimed reputation as “BS free.”

Unfortunately, Frontier’s DSL speeds can wildly vary, so if you take advantage of their offer, be sure to verify the speed actually get at your home or office. If the service proves too slow to your liking after installation, you can negotiate canceling within the first two weeks without any termination fees.

Where FiOS is available in Buffalo, Verizon is offering promotional pricing on its bundled services, including an $84.99 offer including 50/25Mbps Internet with a Verizon landline offering unlimited calling. This is cheaper than Time Warner’s offer with considerably faster upload speeds and no modem fees. In parts of Buffalo, Verizon is authorized to offer broadband and phone service only, although several suburbs have franchise agreements that allow the phone company to also sell television service. A large part of the city and other suburbs are still stuck with Verizon’s copper network, however, which means DSL is the best they can offer.

Time Warner Cable’s new customer promotions, useful when negotiating a customer retention deal, have resumed bundling Standard tier (15/1Mbps service) Internet speeds into most offers. Previously, the company bundled 3Mbps service in many of its promotions. Broadband-only customers can pay as little as $34.99 a month for a year of Internet service at 15/1Mbps speeds, assuming one buys their own cable modem. A double play offer of broadband basic television (around 20 channels, mostly local over-the-air) with 30/5Mbps Internet service is now priced at $94.97 a month after a $5.99 mandatory modem rental fee is included (not optional with this package).

Time Warner Cable executives have repeatedly told investors its higher priced promotions are intentional to increase revenue and profits even if the company loses customers by charging higher prices.

fios offers

Verizon FiOS offers in the Buffalo area.

“I moved here from the New York City area a year ago where we had two cable companies — Cablevision and Verizon FiOS,” noted Stephen O’Brien. “Competition changes everything. Not only were the rates much lower than here, the companies would offer you all kinds of incentives to switch from one to the other. One time we switched and got a free iPod Touch. The argument that the rate increase is needed to cover investment is the biggest red herring of all — Cablevision and FiOS spent many times more on infrastructure, yet their rates were much lower.”

Stop the Cap! recommends Time Warner Cable customers check out our guide to getting the best deal possible from TWC.

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WGRZ Buffalo Time Warner Rate Hikes 8-6-13.flv[/flv]

WGRZ in Buffalo reports upstate New York residents are upset about two recently announced broadband rate hikes. Time Warner Cable says it needs the money to keep up its broadband service’s reliability. What alternatives do customers have?  (2 minutes)

Why Time Warner Cable Can Jack Up Rates Willy-Nilly: Lack of Competition

cable ratesAlthough cable and phone companies love to declare themselves part of a fiercely competitive telecommunications marketplace, it is increasingly clear that is more fairy tale than reality, with each staking out their respective market niches to live financially comfortable ever-after.

In the last week, Time Warner Cable managed to alienate its broadband customers announcing another rate increase and a near-doubling of the modem rental fee the company only introduced as its newest money-maker last fall. What used to cost $3.95 a month will be $5.99 by August.

The news of the “price adjustment” went over like a lead balloon for customers in Albany, N.Y., many who just endured an 18-hour service outage the day before, wiping out phone and Internet service.

“They already get almost $60 a month from me for Internet service that cuts out for almost an entire day and now they want more?” asked Albany-area customer Randy Dexter. “If Verizon FiOS was available here, I’d toss Time Warner out of my house for good.”

Alas, the broadband magic sparkle ponies have not brought Dexter or millions of other New Yorkers the top-rated fiber optic network Verizon stopped expanding several years ago. The Wall Street dragons complained about the cost of stringing fiber. Competition, it seems, is bad for business.

In fact, Verizon Wireless and Time Warner Cable are now best friends. Verizon Wireless customers can get a fine deal — not on Verizon’s own FiOS service — but on Time Warner’s cable TV. Time Warner Cable originally thought about getting into the wireless phone business, but it was too expensive. It invites customers to sign up for Verizon Wireless service instead.

timewarner twcThis is hardly a “War of the Roses” relationship either. Wall Street teaches that price wars are expensive and competitive shouting matches do not represent a win-win scenario for companies and their shareholders. The two companies get along fine where Verizon has virtually given up on DSL. Time Warner Cable actually faces more competition from AT&T’s U-verse, which is not saying much. The obvious conclusion: unless you happen to live in a FiOS service area, the best deals and fastest broadband speeds are not for you.

Further upstate in the Rochester-Finger Lakes Region, Time Warner Cable faces an even smaller threat from Frontier Communications. It’s a market share battle akin to United States Cable fighting a war against Uzbekistan Telephone. Frontier’s network in upstate New York is rich in copper and very low in fiber. Frontier has lost landline customers for years and until very recently its broadband DSL offerings have been so unattractive, they are a marketplace afterthought.

Rochester television reporter Rachel Barnhart surveyed the situation on her blog:

Think about this fact: Time Warner, which raked in more than $21 billion last year, has 700,000 subscribers in the Buffalo and Rochester markets. I’m not sure how many of those are businesses. But the Western New York market has 875,000 households. That’s an astounding market penetration. Does this mean Time Warner is the best choice or the least worse option?

Verizon-logoThat means Time Warner Cable has an 80 percent market share. Actually, it is probably higher because that total number of households includes those who either don’t want, need, or can’t afford broadband service. Some may also rely on limited wireless broadband services from Clearwire or one of the large cell phone companies.

In light of cable’s broadband successes, it is no surprise Time Warner is able to set prices and raise them at will. Barnhart, who has broadband-only service, is currently paying Time Warner $37.99 a month for “Lite” service, since reclassified as 1/1Mbps. That does not include the modem rental fee or the forthcoming $3 rate hike. Taken together, “Lite” Internet is getting pricey in western New York at $47 a month.

Retiring CEO Glenn Britt believes there is still money yet to be milked out of subscribers. In addition to believing cable modem rental fees are a growth industry, Britt also wants customers to begin thinking about “the usage component” of broadband service. That is code language for consumption-based billing — a system that imposes an arbitrary usage limit on customers, usually at current pricing levels, with steep fees for exceeding that allowance.

frontierRochester remains a happy hunting ground for Internet Overcharging schemes because the only practical, alternative broadband supplier is Frontier Communications, which Time Warner Cable these days dismisses as an afterthought (remember that 80 percent market share). Without a strong competitor, Time Warner has no problem experimenting with new “usage”-priced tiers.

Time Warner persists with its usage priced plans, despite the fact customers overwhelmingly have told the company they don’t want them. Time Warner’s current discount offer — $5 off any broadband tier if you keep usage under 5GB a month, has been a complete marketing failure. Despite that, Time Warner is back with a slightly better offer — $8 off that 5GB usage tier and adding a new 30GB usage limited option in the Rochester market. We have since learned customers signing up for that 30GB limit will get $5 off their broadband service.

internet limitIn nearby Ohio, the average broadband user already exceeds Time Warner’s 30GB pittance allowance, using 52GB a month. Under both plans, customers who exceed their allowance are charged $1 per GB, with overlimit fees currently not to exceed $25 per month. That 30GB plan would end up costing customers an extra $22 a month above the regular, unlimited plan. So much for the $5 savings.

Unfortunately, as long as Time Warner has an 80 percent market share, the same mentality that makes ever-rising modem rental fees worthwhile might also one day give the cable company courage to remove the word “optional” from those usage limited plans. With usage nearly doubling every year, Time Warner might see consumption billing as its maximum moneymaker.

In 2009, Time Warner valued unlimited-use Internet at $150 as month, which is what they planned to charge before pitchfork and torch-wielding customers turned up outside their offices.

Considering the company already earns 95 percent gross margin on broadband service before the latest round of price increases, one has to ask exactly when the company will be satisfied it is earning enough from broadband service. I fear the answer will be “never,” which is why it is imperative that robust competition exist in the broadband market to keep prices in check.

Unfortunately, as long as Wall Street and providers decide competition is too hard and too unprofitable, the price increases will continue.

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