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Hot Springs Family Gets $16,000 Verizon Wireless Bill for Wireless Data Usage

Phillip Dampier March 8, 2010 Data Caps, Verizon, Wireless Broadband 2 Comments

Woe to those who forget to sign up for a wireless data plan from Verizon Wireless.

The cell phone provider recently sent a $16,000 bill to one Hot Springs, Arkansas family for wireless data usage racked up on a daughter’s phone the family didn’t cover with a wireless data plan.

Chris Brown couldn’t believe his eyes when he opened his phone bill online.

“The first thing I think of is, this thing costs more than my truck.  It cost more than a house payment, I couldn’t fathom it, it’s mind-blowing,” Brown told KLRT-TV.

This isn’t the first time this has happened.  A month earlier, the Brown family was billed $3,000 for similar usage and the family asked Verizon Wireless to shut off access to data services on the affected phone, but the charges kept on coming anyway.

Brown says once he got to look at the phone usage online, he saw that the phone was connected to the Internet when the family didn’t even know it.

Verizon Wireless offers tips to customers with children:

  • Limit the times of day they’re allowed to make calls.
  • Keep your kids from getting onto your own phone’s Internet by setting up a password.
  • If you have a limited plan, you will get an alert and have to give approval before you exceed your number of kilobytes or megabytes for the month.

Of course, had Verizon Wireless followed through on what Brown asked for — shutting data access off altogether, none of this would have ever happened.

Other Little Rock customers, especially those forced to move from Alltel to Verizon Wireless, are running into similar experiences.

Among the horror stories:

“My son had the same problem. He was told he had unlimited internet usage and then received a bill for more than $7,000. Verizon had recorded a phone call from my son to customer service and that was the only thing that saved him. But it took more than 4 months and his phone service being disconnected twice before the situation was resolved.”

“I’m not a bit surprised at that ridiculous bill from Verizon! I had the same problem for months last year, to the point that I had to put unlimited texting on both my grandsons’ phones. Then to top that off, we got a bill that had goo-gobs of texting billed to my husband’s phone (to the tune of $9.30), which is rarely used at all. But, this is the killer–all the texts received on his phone were from Verizon, all 62 of them! As soon as my contract is up with them, I will be switching. All the time we had Alltel we never had any problems. The problems started as soon as Verizon took over.”

“I’m not one bit surprised by the ridiculous phone bill that the Hot Springs family received. I also received my first month’s bill from Verizon last year for over $1500. I almost had a heart attack. Verizon lowered the bill, but two months later, even though we carefully monitored the air time, we went over by four minutes and they charged me an additional $90. That was it for Verizon. They are a bunch of crooks. I hooked up to my local phone carrier for $34 a month and I haven’t had one problem since. Verizon should be investigated.”

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/KLRT Little Rock Hot Springs family gets $16,000 cell phone bill 3-3-10.flv[/flv]

KLRT-TV in Little Rock reports on the Hot Springs family that got a $16,000 surprise bill from Verizon Wireless.  (3 minutes)

Sprint: ‘Our $69.99 is Worth More Than Their $69.99’ — Wireless Competition Heats Up

Phillip Dampier March 2, 2010 AT&T, Competition, Sprint, Verizon, Video, Wireless Broadband 2 Comments

Sprint, America’s third largest mobile phone and wireless company, has launched a marketing war on its bigger competitors AT&T and Verizon Wireless scoffing at both providers’ $69.99 “unlimited” calling plans.

“Recently AT&T and Verizon have attempted to confuse the marketplace by lowering their pricing to $69.99, but theirs are for calling only,” said Mike Goff, Sprint’s vice president of corporate marketing.

Sprint launched a new advertising campaign this morning featuring CEO Dan Hesse calling out both carriers for effectively confusing consumers.

Hesse explains most people use their cell phones for more than just making and receiving calls.  Hesse said his larger competitors charge substantially more to use data services, and that many of the latest handsets don’t qualify for the special pricing.

Both AT&T and Verizon Wireless have started to require consumers with so-called “smartphones” to sign up with a data plan, adding to the customer’s bill whether or not they actually use such services.  Sprint says their unlimited plan also bundles unlimited web browsing, texting, and GPS navigation for the same price — $69.99, available on any phone they sell.

Sprint has had its hands full trying to stem the ongoing loss of its customers to larger competitors.

AT&T has benefited from an exclusive sales agreement for Apple’s iPhone, while Verizon Wireless achieved the top spot among U.S. carriers for its perceived widest coverage area.  Sprint has neither, and historically poor customer service to boot.

Will Sprint’s new campaign make an impact?

Roger Entner, head of telecom research for the Nielsen Co., told Brandweek that AT&T and Verizon are in such a commanding position in the market right now that they are unlikely to respond to Sprint. “They have the luxury of being able to ignore [Sprint],” said Entner, who noted that both AT&T and Verizon added millions of new subscribers in the fourth quarter, many at Sprint’s expense.

Sprint has managed to at least slow customer defections.  In the last quarter of 2009, Sprint lost 148,000 subscribers.  The previous quarter, the company lost 545,000 customers.

[flv width=”640″ height=”378″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Sprint Ad – Just Phone Calls 3-2-2010.flv[/flv]

Sprint CEO Dan Hesse explains why their $69.99 plan is “better” than the competition in this new advertisement.

Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Verizon Wireless for “Mystery Data Charges”

Phillip Dampier March 1, 2010 Verizon, Wireless Broadband 96 Comments

A class action lawsuit has been filed this week to recoup what a law firm has called “improper data charges” for Verizon Wireless customers who discovered $1.99 fees on their phone bills for “data charges” many customers claim they never used.

Goldman Scarlato & Karon, P.C., a law firm with offices in Cleveland, OH and Conshohocken, PA, filed the suit against the wireless giant in federal court in New Jersey.

The lawsuit alleges non-smartphone customers frequently incurred “data fees” on their monthly Verizon Wireless bills.


Stop the Cap! reported on this in 2009, and believes most of the charges appeared after consumers accidentally triggered their phone’s built-in mobile web browser.  Although Verizon Wireless claims it does not charge for accidental access, customers report otherwise.  Many have fought to have data access blocked to prevent future charges.  The fees potentially impacted any account that does not have a monthly data plan.  Verizon Wireless offers a pay-per-access plan starting at $1.99 for non-data customers.

The lawsuit seeks to reimburse customers should the charges be deemed improper.

The law firm is looking for those charged for data services that believe they were billed incorrectly.  Customers can e-mail the firm at [email protected] or call attorney Daniel Karon at (216) 622-1851.

Frontier-Verizon Deal Wins Approval in Oregon; Consumer Protections Part of Deal to Gain Approval

Oregon's telephone company service areas

Frontier Communications has won approval to assume control of telephone lines serving 310,000 Oregonians.

The Oregon Public Utilities Commission Friday unanimously approved the transfer of service from Verizon to Frontier as part of a 14-state transaction.

“First and foremost we want to ensure that customers are not harmed by this transaction.  That’s why we are requiring more than 50 conditions, all aimed at making sure customers are not harmed by this sale,” Chairman Lee Beyer said. “In addition, we are requiring Frontier Communications to spend $25 million on expanding high-speed internet access to its Oregon customers by July 2013.”

In return for approval, Frontier agreed to PUC demands for customer service protections:

  • A commitment that Frontier spend at least $25 million to expand high-speed broadband in Oregon by July 2013;
  • No changes in “commission-regulated” retail service plans for at least three years;
  • Costs of the transition must not be paid by customers in the form of rate increases;
  • 90-day window to change long distance carrier without any fees;
  • An independent audit, paid for by Verizon, to ensure Frontier can handle service for those customers affected by the deal;
  • An opt-out provision letting Oregon’s FiOS subscribers terminate their contracts without penalty if Frontier reduces Internet speeds or drops any of its television channels.

What is missing from Oregon’s agreement?

  • A prohibition of Internet Overcharging schemes like Frontier’s 5 gigabyte “acceptable use” policy that potentially limits customer’s broadband use.  Expanded broadband that customers can only use for basic web browsing and e-mail, without fear of exceeding the limit, indefinitely punishes rural Oregonians with no broadband alternatives;
  • A specific definition of what constitutes “broadband” speeds.  Frontier can continue to deliver the 1-3 Mbps it routinely provides to its less urban service areas.  While better than nothing, Oregon regulators could have used the deal as leverage to win 21st century broadband speeds from Frontier, not yesterday’s ‘barely broadband;’
  • Fines and penalties that will punish a provider that does not invest appropriately in high service standards to provide quality service, and a trigger to permit automatic cancellation of operating certificates should Frontier go bankrupt.

Too many of these deals offer upsides for Wall Street and little benefit to consumers, especially those dependent on their landline phone company for basic communications services.  By forcing requirements that prove costly for a provider to renege on, investors will understand their gains will only happen when they are assured Frontier is doing right by their customers, as well as their shareholders.

Oregon is the sixth state to approve the sale.

Frontier currently serves only 12,000 customers in the state, mostly in southwest Oregon, including the communities of Azalea, Canyonville, Cave Junction, Days Creek, Glendale, Myrtle Creek, O’Brien, Riddle, Selma, and Wolf Creek.

The company’s new customers will come mostly from Washington County, east Multnomah County, and from several pockets of customers in the northwestern part of the state.  Oregon’s largest telephone provider is Qwest Communications, but the state has numerous smaller independent providers as well.

Verizon’s $18.5 Million Retirement Gold Watch

Phillip Dampier February 26, 2010 Verizon 4 Comments

Strigl, who has 18.5 million reasons to smile

It used to be when a truly valued employee choose to retire, he or she might get away with a gold watch and a retirement bash, but those days are over.

While the rest of America copes with layoffs, high unemployment, and a decline in real income, the chosen few retire in style, walking away with stunning parting gifts.

Take Verizon’s Dennis F. Strigl, the company’s former president and chief operating officer.  After years of service to Verizon, he decided to retire this past December.  In addition to whatever parties his fellow employees threw him at the end of the year, Strigl will also receive an $18.5 million separation payment this July.  That’s 14 times his former annual salary of $1.32 million dollars.  Verizon claims in its filings with the Securities & Exchange Commission that it was “required” to cough up the 18 million because of Strigl’s employment contract.

DealBook’s Perk Watch found out plenty more:

There are other goodies thrown in as well for Mr. Strigl, including a $1.9 million short-term plan award, a $451,000 executive life insurance benefit, and a tax gross-up worth $367,478. Mr. Strigl will also have his telecommunications services covered for the next five years, which the company estimates will cost around $11,500 ($192 a month).

A Verizon spokesman, Bob Varettoni, said in an e-mail message that Mr. Strigl’s employment agreement “was used as a retention vehicle when Bell Atlantic completed its acquisition of GTE in 2000, forming Verizon and Verizon Wireless. So it was a contractual payment under a legacy employment agreement.”


Walk into your boss’ office and ask where your retention vehicle is in your employment contract.

Executive suite Money Parties don’t stop with Strigl.  Doreen A. Toben, who stepped down as chief financial officer last March and left the company in June, received $3.5 million under her employment agreement and also entered into a one-year consulting agreement that paid her $125,000 each month. And at the end of 2008, when William P. Barr retired as Verizon’s general counsel, he received a payment of $10.38 million six months after he stepped down from the company, according to Perk Watch.

For those on the lower floors, the company will provide you a free cardboard box to collect your belongings and get out of the building.  After slashing 17,000 jobs in 2009, Verizon has announced it expects to cut another 13,000 employees in 2010.

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