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Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Verizon Wireless for “Mystery Data Charges”

Phillip Dampier March 1, 2010 Verizon, Wireless Broadband 96 Comments

A class action lawsuit has been filed this week to recoup what a law firm has called “improper data charges” for Verizon Wireless customers who discovered $1.99 fees on their phone bills for “data charges” many customers claim they never used.

Goldman Scarlato & Karon, P.C., a law firm with offices in Cleveland, OH and Conshohocken, PA, filed the suit against the wireless giant in federal court in New Jersey.

The lawsuit alleges non-smartphone customers frequently incurred “data fees” on their monthly Verizon Wireless bills.


Stop the Cap! reported on this in 2009, and believes most of the charges appeared after consumers accidentally triggered their phone’s built-in mobile web browser.  Although Verizon Wireless claims it does not charge for accidental access, customers report otherwise.  Many have fought to have data access blocked to prevent future charges.  The fees potentially impacted any account that does not have a monthly data plan.  Verizon Wireless offers a pay-per-access plan starting at $1.99 for non-data customers.

The lawsuit seeks to reimburse customers should the charges be deemed improper.

The law firm is looking for those charged for data services that believe they were billed incorrectly.  Customers can e-mail the firm at [email protected] or call attorney Daniel Karon at (216) 622-1851.

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14 years ago

I found this on my Verizon bill last month on both my phone and my wife’s phone. When I called and complained they didn’t make excuses they offered to remove the charge and said they could completely block the web access if I wanted. So I did.

14 years ago
Reply to  TM

You can completely block data access to stop the problem, but this will also kill picture messaging. Not a great option if you ever want to download any pictures from your phone.

14 years ago
Reply to  Bill

There have been blocks put in to place to block all data and not affect picture messaging. Just an FYI. Call Customer Service and ask for them.

Conrad Senior
Conrad Senior
13 years ago
Reply to  ex-employee

That is not true. For somephones, they will not allow any block at all. In four lines I was able to block all data but not allow text or picture messaging. I was paying a premium for text and picture messaging on two phones and unable to use it. In one case I had to unblock it completely to allow picture messaging. Verizon removed many of these charges after much arguing. I still received these charges even after I had blocked data. In fact I blocked data on the same line five times. Each time I got another $1.99 bill… Read more »

13 years ago
Reply to  TM

we received charges even after blocking all internet services and my daughter did as well. we have unlimited pix and messaging. never go online. never download or upload. usually go to manager to have removed but get tired of doing this every month!!!! and as megan states below: this costs me time and money. and time is money. so im triple charged.

13 years ago
Reply to  TM

VERIZON BIG SCAM, CHECK YOUR PHONE BILLS REGULARLY… check your data coverage…overcharged again and again. Don’t believe their reasoning, they lie continuously… I agree with Verizon wireless Scam 100 percent. They promised unlimited minutes,text and data usage for maximum $220 per month 2 lines. ($149.00 for unlimited mins and text, data $30 per month plus taxes and surcharges) Except they keep sending bills and arguing there is NO request for unlimited usage in their files. Same issue every month for 3 months..YES !!! …. Bills are over $500 each month… After spending 20 LONG hours with their store staff and… Read more »

13 years ago
Reply to  JAZ

Verizon is just a giant money grab, I was told by the store salesman when I changed phones that I would be credited for my data plan which was never used and my account would start over at a zero balance…. I have been arguing with them for months over this and they say they have no record of this so I owe them regardless. Every time I try to rectify this I get the giant run around… from so called supervisor to manager etc…. for hours on end with no resolution. From my perspective they lock you in to… Read more »

14 years ago

I have had to call Verizon Wireless serveral times to get credit for the 1.99 mb charges due to my touch screen phone accidentally triggering the get it now or mobile web and its like pulling teeth to get credit . The last time I called for the credit for this they argued with me and were very rude and said they were valid charges, but finally said they would this one time but not in the future but I had to block a dfferent data feature that would block my pix and video use, how much sence would that… Read more »

13 years ago
Reply to  spz

Yes that would be great if not only Verizon, but all cell phone companies could operate with integrity, and honesty, but they don’t .. Think about it, 1.99 charge to how many millions of customers 87 million minimum, for just 1 month results in $$17,3130,000.00 possible profit depending on how many people notice the charge and call for credit.. I work at one of the call centers in customer service, and i remember when suddenly started receiving call after call about this strange 1.99 mb chg on their bill///I told my sup, “mark my words, this will generate a class… Read more »

14 years ago

Ive been a vzw customer for 12 years and have saved my own bacon due to NUMEROUS charges and/or lack of the company reps providing the correct info. Not to mention the hundreds of hours spent trying to resolve simple and complex issues.

How do I join the class?

D. Kirby
D. Kirby
13 years ago
Reply to  Megan

I have saved my own bacon too on many of these charges. I have been with Verizon close to 12 years I think, and carry 5 now 6 different lines with them for data and phones. Until this year I would have said they are responsive when there are issues because let’s face it, the person on the phone in customer service or tech support is not the one doing the programming of the charges. The administrators are the sneaky ones. I have always encountered helpful customer service staff in the past. This year has been a nightmare with them.… Read more »

D. Kirby
D. Kirby
13 years ago
Reply to  Megan

I have saved my own bacon too on many of these charges. I have been with Verizon close to 12 years I think, and carry 5 now 6 different lines with them for data and phones. Until this year I would have said they are responsive when there are issues because let’s face it, the person on the phone in customer service or tech support is not the one doing the programming of the charges. The administrators are the sneaky ones. I have always encountered helpful customer service staff in the past. This year has been a nightmare with them.… Read more »

Willie Mae Pope
Willie Mae Pope
14 years ago

I woild like to join the class action suite against verizon.

Jeanie Bernas
Jeanie Bernas
14 years ago

I’m sitting here reading this mess with Verizon. Let me add something to this forum. My husband and I had to get the wireless internet through Verizon because of my college courses and traveling to Hawaii. Before the month was up (so we could cancel if we didn’t like the service) our card was turned off due to a $3600.00 fee for 4 days of usage. We told them to turn it off then and fix the problem. They never did so it ended up in the corporate office, etc. We were told after more than 30 phone calls if… Read more »

14 years ago
Reply to  Jeanie Bernas

We had the same thing happen when we first got our phones. They said that internet would be free for the first month and then we could decide if we wanted to continue and pay for the service. They sent us a bill before a month was up and the bill was over $3,000. My husband called and called then kept them on the phone for almost two hours before they agreed they would try to reverse some of the charges. He had to keep calling them back, arguing with new people and then finally got most of it reversed.… Read more »

13 years ago
Reply to  Karin

VERIZON WIRELESS BIG SCAM COMPANY…….. CHECK YOUR PHONE BILLS REGULARLY… I agree with Verizon wireless Scam 100 percent. Comments I am reading on this thread…. I can totally agree, the staff at Verizon trick you in sighing the contracts. Bunch of Crooks, you can spend hours and hours trying to solve the bills, it happens again. They dont really care, or give a damn, about your time, why should they, they are getting paid. They promised unlimited minutes,text and data usage for maximum $220 per month 2 lines. ($149.00 for unlimited mins and text, data $30 per month plus $10… Read more »

13 years ago
Reply to  Jeanie Bernas

“I’m now on nerve pills and anti depressants because of the stress this company has caused my family and the thousands of dollars that we do not owe.. I need some suggestions here” Jeanie, You are not alone…I was so sick last weekend, when I couldn’t make a out going call….to my clients early sunday morning….I was directed to financial services…… I was told I owe them $789,83 for month of January 2011 I paid over $1,000 in Nov and Dec , pls don’t even ask me for what…. so stressed from trying to figure out….. I thought I paid… Read more »

14 years ago

Are there any class action lawsuites against Verizon for not honoring discounts from Alltel customers for the duration of their contract? How can they change the contract (which I am locked into for 2 years) before it is up? I was an Alltel customer who was absorbed by Verizon.

Lynn C
Lynn C
13 years ago
Reply to  Kathy

Horrors! I was an Alltel customer for years with only 1 problem and that was because I went to one of their contract offices instead of their actual office (I learned quickly). With Alltel I had service even during our hurricanes, creating a bond with them that I would not have broken. Whammo, Verizon buys out Alltel and there has been nothing but problems ever since for me. It is amazing to me that the laws allow a company to buy another and force the customers to comply with a contract made with the other company but does not force… Read more »

Christine Gabriel
Christine Gabriel
14 years ago

I just spent an hour and a half fighting with Verizon on the phone over charges on my bill for SO CALLED DATA charges. The phone number in question had a block placed on it back in April 2008…mysteriously even though I have a security pass code the block was taken off. Funny how that could happen as I am the SOLE administrator of the account. Verizon told me they can only credit me 3 months! I am sick of these companies taking advantage of the little guys….count me in for the lawsuit!

14 years ago

VERIZON OVERCHARGED ME FOR AN AIR CARD I HAD NEVER USED. I AM OUTONE HUNDRED Ars. i have contacted verizon costumer care and their financial dept ,and sent script from my bank ,but failed to return my money or to get in touch with me concerning this situation,even though ed that someone would contact me. it has been at least six molnths since this is going on.

14 years ago

I would like to join the lawsuit! Our bill was always much higher than it should have been, so we just stopped service with them!!

14 years ago

I have nothing but disgust for verizon. I HATE them. I have been lied to and lied to by their sales reps. 1. purchased a wireless broadband network card for my laptop. Supposedly it was to be $59.95 per month with 5 GB was told by the sales rep that it was “virtually impossible” to go over the limit. I believed him because I had a similar card with AT & T and never went over. First bill $500 , next $1500! When I called to ask WTF is going on, I was told “oh you must be downloading music… Read more »

14 years ago
Reply to  Rebecca

To everyone that signed a contract for service….good luck in court 🙂

Jeanie Bernas
Jeanie Bernas
14 years ago
Reply to  Obvious

It’s not about the contract.. and there are several people who have won in court. 😉

Jeanie Bernas
Jeanie Bernas
14 years ago
Reply to  Rebecca


14 years ago

This happens to me all the time. I have traced it to a game on my cell phone that periodically goes out to ‘check for updates’. I never download any updates, but I get dinged for $1.99 every time just because it queries the web. I got tired of calling Verizon every month to argue the charges so I asked them to block the internet. The problem with this is it kills my ability too send/receive pictures messages, which is a service I am paying for. I am trying to find a compromise, but Verizon is absolutely unwilling to address… Read more »

Michael Vawter
Michael Vawter
14 years ago

Verizon is deliberately denying cable service to TiVo users by automatically turning their cable box off after software and programming updates. TiVo is not able to control the Verizon box when it is off and therefore records what Verizon refers to as blank screensaver. I have lost hundred of hours of programming. This is a well known problem and there is even a special forum on the TiVo web site that discusses this problem. Several solutions have been proposed, and Verizon has even claimed to fixed the problem but it still persist. This only became an issue earlier this year.… Read more »

14 years ago

I am reconsidering renewing my cell plan with Verizon. What I want is a Droid, but I can’t fit into my budget the additional cost of the data plan. My intent is to add the data feature later, once I do have the money. Anyway, my question is… do you think it makes sense for me to join in on the suit if I am merely considering getting the Droid? The way I see it is their requirement to add the data package is prohibiting me from being able to get the phone I want. As an aside, I noticed… Read more »

Steve Wilson
Steve Wilson
14 years ago

You CAN get a cheaper data plan, but Verizon insists you have a data plan with any Smart Phone. That’s one of the ways I got screwed. They set up my second line for a Blackberry I didn’t have – so I never got to put the phone *I* wanted on that line and I got to pay for the data plan for their imaginary phone.

14 years ago

In regards to joining a class action lawsuit because you can’t get the phone you want because it comes with a required data plan I would have to say that would be a rather frivolous addition. The DROID is a Google device… Google being internet, internet being data, the bare essentials of the device mean you would need the 29.99 data for your own good. Imagine being billed 1.99/mb for your phone doing what it does. Not to mention not having access to almost every aspect of your phone you are paying for if you managed to get data blocked.… Read more »

Route 123
Route 123
14 years ago

You’ll be sorry. The Droid plagued me and my friends also. Verizon has corrupt billing practices.

14 years ago

I first had Midwest Wireless that was bought out by Alltel which was just bought out by Verizon. With each switch I had to change my phone because something on the new system would not work on my old “previous provider” cell phone. Verizon has yet again said that for the “data charges” I can not block anything as my cell phone is too old and that I need to get a “verizon” phone. My phone is not even a year old and last year when I had to replace my old phone as it was only a year old… Read more »

14 years ago

I was with Alltel for 15 to 20 years and a very happy customer, never a problem. Then verizon took over and it has been a problem ever since. First off let me tell you that we are truck drivers and travel all over the US. We were in Texas when our laptop died so we went and bought a new one well our alltel air card would not work in the new computor. This was at the time when Verizon was taking over, so we had to go to Verizon and get a new air card. By the way… Read more »

Route 123
Route 123
14 years ago
Reply to  Steve

I have screen shots of data transferred exceeding several MB’s in a session that was a few seconds long and all that I had done was log on. I used more than 3 GB’s researching there corrupt billing and credit failures. VZW are financial rapist. The customer service agents are commissioned on the overages, therefore they hold their ground regardless of the facts. Standard response ” I don’t have that information.

Steve Wilson
Steve Wilson
14 years ago

Last year I added a second line to my plan. Last fall I called Verizon and asked to have their “Mobile Broadband connection removed. They said it had been. I just added up my bill and I’ve been paying an average of over $190/mo for a $120/mo plan. And I was never able to get my old ENV phone working on my second line – because Verizon had the line set for another Blackberry – and charged me for one (complete with $29.99/mo data package). After CONSTANT email and phone calls, they admitted today that I shouldn’t have been charged… Read more »

Paul Moncrief
Paul Moncrief
14 years ago

I’m exhausted from dealing with Exec CS. Over 8 hours alone last week.
Additionally, the Roadside Assistance Plan they offer at $5/month per line of use, FAILED to answer two calls from my daughter stalled in the fastlane of a Portland tunnel. This left her helpless and in a very dangerous position for herself and other motorist until she was rescued by a highway patrolman. They offered a $5 credit for that months service fee.
I will not be cheated from this FINANCIAL RAPE.

14 years ago

Much like the other stories you have heard, the same goes for me. I just got off the phone with them as I do every month to have credits applied. I too have a $129.00 per month plan with data blocks on my childrens lines and a 9.99 data package on my phone and my bill continues to escalate to $225 plus every month. Removing data charges and fees for services that had been blocked since Dec of 2009 from my kids lines is a monthly chore. When I asked how much to cancel all lines, she politely and rather… Read more »

Uncle Ken
Uncle Ken
14 years ago
Reply to  Mckisa

It is a shame that not so long ago Verizon was looked upon as the saving grace that could or would make many of these problems go away. Then they changed. Picture all you wanted and fiber to the house as a bonus. then the backroom deals started. As predicted it quickly spread to all major providers. Caps and tiers quickly becoming the norm and when contracts run out what a surprise people are in for espically for areas that have no options. Board members and share holders are loving it. The deals will go on except much deeper under… Read more »

Brenda Weber
Brenda Weber
14 years ago
Reply to  Mckisa

I won’t be locked into an agreement again. I buy recent phone models from Ebay and have them activated. You’re only stuck with a plan to get cheaper phone pricing. Ebay has been a saving grace for me when a phone has been broken. I’ve used this option many times and it has worked out great. You just need to know what you want in a phone.

Joe Williams
Joe Williams
14 years ago

I dropped the family share plan because my g/f hardly used her phone and the monthly bill was getting outrages and her phone was hardly used,so I switched over to the 59.99 plan for myself and everymonth the bill is 30 to 40 dollars over the 59.99 and I hardly use the minutes or the text….some days I never use my phone…..I e mailed customer support today and asked why my bill is so hi and I am waiting for an answer…..I feel like I am being raped because i am in a 2 year contract and to get out… Read more »

Katina Cosby
Katina Cosby
14 years ago

I just got off the phone with Verizon, after re-directing a situation that happened to me back in February of this year. I purchased cell phones for my 3 children back in 2008 and at that time immediately put blocks on their lines because they were only needing their phones to text , receive and make phone calls. The problem comes in where on Dec 24th 2009 I purchased new phones for my children because you get a free upgrade every year. Well when I purchased the phones, OF COURSE I told the sales rep to keep the blocks on… Read more »

14 years ago

Ok had it with Verizon and all the misc charges . 9.99 data charges, 1.99 data charges and premium messaging charges 9.99 for months and they refuse to remove them . Please include me in the lawsuit and i have been a customer for about 15 yrs .

Jennifer King
Jennifer King
14 years ago

I have spoken with Verizon numerous times regarding data charges on my phones. I have 4 phones on a family plan. There were data charges for months on my mother and father’s phones. At the time that this was happening, my parents didn’t even know how to text! There is no way they were accessing the internet on the phones. Verizon refused to give me any credit whatsoever. I was told that you cannot accidentally access the internet on your phone, that you would have to actually hit the accept button for it to happen. I know this is not… Read more »

14 years ago

MANY COMPLAINTS; ongoing issues.
a. Billed each month, for past 5 months ($1.65 to $5.28) for ‘data’ usage. HAVE NEVER transfered or
recieved 3rd party data. (Verizon data, billing: yes)
b. Have asked, and submitted my phone to their office for DISCONNECTION of any possible ‘data’; STILL BEING BILLED; no change.
c. (and the worst); they always say they will “credit my bill”; but any changes they theoretically do DOES NOT SHOW UP; so repeated calls.
d. Other than the above: Great service, Great reception; makes AT&T look like a feeble pretender.

Susan French
Susan French
14 years ago

I fought with Verizon for four months and five bad Droids. They are completely fragmented from one center to another, one rep to another. They lie. They deny. They can’t give you a straight story on charges. Now, after I left them for the IPhone, they’re chasing me for $181 I don’t owe them and they can’t justify. It has now been referred to a collection agency and will go on my credit record…and I’m still fighting them to get an explanation or have them remove charges. I had to go through the BBB twice, the FCC twice and finally… Read more »

tim lamrock
tim lamrock
14 years ago

in the course of a few years verizon makes up data charges,for miss use of buttons at 2.99 a pop @ 1500 any time minutes and freinds and famiy kept going over on my minutes so they say verizon was just screwing me at the tune of 250,00 to five hundred a month keeping me barryed in a big bill had my phones ported to sprint paid a hundred to verizon on my bill one wekk the next week in retaliatoin they sent a 500.00 dollar bill to collectoins on me some one needs to put a stop to this”CORPRET… Read more »

tim lamrock
tim lamrock
14 years ago

i would be willing to join in on any lawsuit against these bastards in any way shape or form make a complaint to the better bussines beuro, federal trade commision theses corpret pigs need to be put in ther place with a milloin dolar fine a week for screwing people over

14 years ago

I have a very similar problem with their FIOS home service. There is a charge for a security bundle and a game play pak that i never request that will show up on my bill. This has happenned a few time over the last couple years. Fortunately my wife is very aware of the bills and catches it. They turn it off and refund but it is a hassle.

mark aiello
14 years ago

Count me in with the class action law suit. Verizon is BS. Ever since verizon took over alltel, i have not been able to keep up with my bill that just kept going up every month. Yah i finally dumped them. sue me. i never signed crap with the bums. count me in.

13 years ago
Reply to  mark aiello

I never received payment for this lawsuit, my sister did $65.00. I was charged fees and never received payment. I’m on a govt watchlist and am being chased by their illegal mobile ops crews that steal, maim and kill people and freedom and democracy. What gives? Why is america going along with this. I deserve to have the things and life I have earned and worked for. I can’t even get or keep what I earn. Why are you all supporting this illegal, criminal community policing bull-crap? Why am I denied the right to work and raise my own child… Read more »

Jeanie Bernas
Jeanie Bernas
14 years ago

Jeanie Bernas says: October 4, 2010 at 4:36 pm I’m sitting here reading this mess with Verizon. Let me add something to this forum. My husband and I had to get the wireless internet through Verizon because of my college courses and traveling to Hawaii. Before the month was up (so we could cancel if we didn’t like the service) our card was turned off due to a $3600.00 fee for 4 days of usage. We told them to turn it off then and fix the problem. They never did so it ended up in the corporate office, etc. We… Read more »

14 years ago

Verizon has been over charging me since 2008. Five dollars on my phone for my vcast, they said my phone only needs a $9.99 plan and $15 a month for my daughters phone for internet service I didn’t order. They gave me a 3 month credit on my daughters phone and told me I should have caught it sooner.

Judith Wilkes
Judith Wilkes
14 years ago

I fell that I have been over charged by Verizon Wireless I was charged for calls made from Verizon to Vreizon. I never got a copy of the contract that was made Nov. 14 2009.
Besides the $5.00 a month for data.

M. Berger
M. Berger
14 years ago

For those that talk about requesting a block on data….. My wife and I went through that MORE than once, and they STILL charged us for data. Data that was never used. So, whatever. lol

14 years ago

I’m 1 of the unfortanate 1s who had alltel during the buy out.they said they wouldn’t change our contract, & they didn’t. Instead they jacked our phone bill up from $220.00 a month to $330.00 & month. When I called them they had no explanation, & I was told I must be wrong because they are not. Well, I keep my old bills, & I compared. With alltel, we were charged for taxes 1 time @ the beginning of the bill, & that’s all. With verizon were charged the initial taxes @ the beginning of the bill, & then charged… Read more »

Amanda Le
Amanda Le
13 years ago
Reply to  vallory

I have a family plan with 3 lines. 2 of the lines are not smart phones and don’t have a data package. I noticed these $1.99 charges on my bill. When I called, Verizon said I accidentally pressed a button that went into the browser. So I decided to put a block on data for that line. When I saw the charge again, I spoke to my sister about it and found out there is a class action law suit. I asked the user of that line if he goes on the internet, he said no. I checked the shortcut… Read more »

14 years ago

I’ve had Verizon for years as a Family Plan, I changed the plan to a Single Plan user with unlimited text and 1100. Minutes for one month the bill was $487! I went round and round with them, they said that I never changed my plan nor did I ever have unlimited text. They couldn’t explain the data charges either! This went on for months still never got it resolved so I took my number and went elsewhere. US that have been taken advantage of should get reimbursed if this case is won.

Clive Houston-Brown
Clive Houston-Brown
14 years ago

We are 14 months into a 2 year contract with Verizon Wireless – I have had to contact them a number of times to remove false Data Download, VZ Navigator, and Text messaging from my phone AND to block those services permanently. Each time the say they will put a permanent block on and 3 times they have credited me for 2 months of improper charges, but now as I study all the bills I see I have been charged for Verizon Navigator for all but 2 months of our contract. Because I have combined billing I didn’t catch it… Read more »

Loretta Hill
Loretta Hill
14 years ago

Verizon have been during this for years, that one of the reason that i left them for the hidden charges. I don’t think I had them for a year. They refuse to resolve any thing, now this is on my credit report, because they refuse to do anything. It did not stop me from changing company.

Lk Burke
Lk Burke
14 years ago

Here’s a new Verizon rip-off: they preload a monthly data access charge of 44.99 on every Blackberry sold. If you want the 29.99 plan, the sales rep has to override the preloaded charge at point of sale. Did not happen with my phone and I was charged higher rate. Plus taxes and surcharges which they won’t credit until some future point, they expect me to pay the surcharges now on an amount I don’t owe. How many people are “preloaded’ to be overcharged because the 6 page bill is too hard to figure out? How many sales reps forget, don’t… Read more »

Christine Brochier
Christine Brochier
14 years ago

I would indeed like to join the class action suit.More than likely have been paying there Data charges for 4-5 years…When I caught it @ $44.99 per month they only credit me for 4 months or so.They said they could only go that far back,.I bet they owe me alot more money….

chris a. ortega
chris a. ortega
14 years ago

I feel like i have been over charged for years but Verizon explains all the charges are justified and what can a person do about it but early in 2009 I tried the internet cards that plug into my laptop for internet at my office I had 30 days to return the two cards which I did and by the way I got three cards for whatever reason but before the thirty days were up I returned them as they did not work very well at my location. I started receiving bill after bill and after dozens of phone calls… Read more »

Jeanie Bernas
Jeanie Bernas
13 years ago

CONTACT THE FCC AND THE BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU… and good luck… They did the SAME THING FOR ME but I had the $3600.00 in charges on my air card for 4 days… Still fighting this mess.. and now it’s threats to be turned over to a collection agency… and THEY HAVE YET TO STOP OUR SERVICE after phone call and phone call to stop the service.. UNBELIEVABLE that they are getting away with this. It makes me insanely angry.

Tommy Snider
Tommy Snider
13 years ago

I keep getting screwed by these clowns month after month i can let ya go into my online account with these guys cuz its nothing but crap im supposed to have unlimited internet and lookin right now there saying i owe em an additional $239.40 for it.. PLease help this is going way to far!!!!

Cheryl Tucker
Cheryl Tucker
13 years ago

I am absolutely sick of being ripped off from Verizon over the years. I was foolish and signed another two year agreement after the first one was over. Now almost one month before my second two year plan was complete, my phone broke. I was not going to get another one through the insurance and stay with Verizon. So I switched to AT&T on the main line (was on a famliy plan). I called Verizon before I did this to find out the scoop and to find out when my daughter’s plan expired. I told them the situation and that… Read more »

Cassandra Snyder
Cassandra Snyder
13 years ago

This line especially describes my situation: “Stop the Cap! reported on this in 2009, and believes most of the charges appeared after consumers accidentally triggered their phone’s built-in mobile web browser. Although Verizon Wireless claims it does not charge for accidental access, customers report otherwise.” Me and my boyfriend shared a plan through Verizon for about three years. A couple months ago I received the bill and it was up to $1000 for the month. I called Verizon and talked to them about it because the extra charges were from data usage. While on the phone, the lady told me… Read more »

Jeanie Bernas
Jeanie Bernas
13 years ago

Hi… Mine was $3600.00 for 4 days of use but not steady use… They shut us off without warning and then called to ask us when we were going to pay this bill… I thought it was a joke… We did not use this .. and how can someone use this much data in 4 days when we do not stream videos, games, music, etc.? We were moving during this time and argued and argued… Still fighting with them.. They’ve yet to turn our service off after repeatedly telling them we are severing our contract… and will continue to dispute… Read more »

Michael A Gibson
Michael A Gibson
13 years ago

I had Verizon back in 2008 and incurred similiar charges. I had unlimited everything for 136 dollars a month before taxes. I started seeing these 9.99 and 1.99 DATA charges on my bill. I did not think anything of it at first, but then my bill kept being 350 dollars a month and one was for 455 dollars which i have not paid yet. I would like to know from someone how to get involved with this Class Action Law Suit that is filed against Verizon for these charges.

theresa allen
theresa allen
13 years ago

Hi. can any one tell me please whats with this suit. my husband would so love to join in on this, there is way to much for me to get in to it now but we as well paid 400.00 a month cell bills with verizon an just started paying internet charges for my husbands cell and he just did not use that internet on his phone i would have to show him and do it for him as well. we did have the internet and had to drop it was told my bill would drop to 255.00 a month… Read more »

13 years ago

I feel I had the worst exp. I was with them for years and I had received upgrades and added a line. We have always had unlimited texts becuz I have 3 teenagers that’s how they communicate. I checked my bill online and it says 6500$ my jaw dropped. I called them immediately and they said the guy had clicked unlimited text but didn’t apply it to the phones. So they said it would take a month for the charges to roll off. So when the next month came around it still said 4000 something.. they said it will take… Read more »

gina stofel
gina stofel
13 years ago

after being with alltel/verizon for 7 years in which there were never 2 bills alike, i figured out they were hidden fees all over the place. the icing was when i recieved 3 consecutive bills over 1000.00. i called the first month they gave me credit. i called the next month and they told me i had been put on 3 different plans . i know i didnt do it so they gave me credit AGAIN. the third month they said all they could do was 50 % of bill which left 841.00 thats when i told them to cancel… Read more »

13 years ago

Please add me to the law suit. I’ve been getting “DATA” charges all over my cellphone bills for a couple years now and verizon doesn’t have an answer for me on where they are coming from other than that I must be using the web on the cell phone and accruing the charges. I have NEVER used the web on my LG 8300. If I were, I would get a more internet user friendly phone. I have an unlimited text/pic. plan and already had my “web access blocked” on the phone but verizon informed me that my “Back-up Assist” uses… Read more »

13 years ago
Reply to  Andy

Hi there,
After speaking with few present and ex employees that worked at Verizon….. I am planning to take action, I could use the extra help, to make my case even stronger …. send me your experience directly to my email, not on the forum pls. I can make a great presentation with all the ongoing Verizon scam….

Also considering to make a video presentation, for utube…. checking into domain names, verizonscam.com…. lol!

This message is intended for everyone that has been scammed by Verizon….to contact me directly.

Traci Ly
Traci Ly
13 years ago

Verizon has been unfairly charging me cell phone fees for services i did not subscribe or used under my family plan. The first bad experience is charging me for messaging costs because they informed me that a family member used the service. I paid the costs and informed them that i want all messaging capability to be cancelled. They did that; however, in two months, i was again charged a messaging costs. The second bad experience is that they charged me for internet use and downloading from the internet. They charged me for the usage over $60 per month. I… Read more »

13 years ago
Reply to  Traci Ly

I have a chocolate and was told i have to have the internet in order to use the phone. Other option was junk phones I never use the internet on my phone but still get charged

13 years ago

I just called Verizon the other day, because my husband had a $50 extra charge on his phone bill, because he went over his minutes. He doesn’t talk on the phone that often so I called Verizon and was wondering what caused him to go over, and the lady I spoke too, said that he had about 120 minutes of data charges on his bill, he was over by 105 minutes, keep in mind. I said okay maybe he went on the internet, but I was a little suspicious about that, because he wouldn’t know how to get on it,… Read more »

Rebecca Sharp
Rebecca Sharp
13 years ago

Like the rest of you, I have been ripped off by Verizon for months, it started back in December, 2009, which seems to be the date set to “RIP OFF AS MANY CUSTOMERS FROM HERE ON OUT UNTIL WE GET CAUGHT” kickoff date. I have been with Verizon for over ten years. I check my bill every month online. When I discovered the first “Data charge” it was for $2.99, then in January, 2010 it went up to $9.99. Every month without fail I called them and spent hours on the phone just trying to get a credit for the… Read more »

13 years ago

This is unbelieveable…everything listed above are the same games they are playing with me. I get the mystery $1.99/mos data charge and they cannot tell me what we did to incur it. Then i get automatically upgraded in data plans without my knowledge or consent. Verizon is a very dishonest company, and they are stealing from consumers. I find it shocking all of this has happened to soo many others. And yes, the data blocks for us also end up mysteriously removed. Legal action needs to be taken against Verizon….but i saw the small settlement recently….that is a joke. We… Read more »

Judy Murphy
Judy Murphy
13 years ago

I was an Alltel customer before Verizon buyout. Never have any problems. Now (thankfully) my contract has run out.
Yesterday I went online w/ Verizon “chat” questioning how I was going over my 500 minutes when I hardly used the phone. I was told that my minutes were used with INCOMING CALLS as well as outgoing. When did that start? She said “it has been like that” and that only SPRINT does not use air time w/ incoming calls.
I have had the same plan for 4 years and it was never like that before.

Martin Schwartz
Martin Schwartz
13 years ago

My girlfriend and I have been having problems with Verizon ever since she got her Droid phone. When mystery charges started appearing on her bill, we asked the local representatives why they were there and we were told that sometimes a message will appear on the screen and, if not declined, will be automatically accepted. They refused to remove the charges until I told them I thought the practices were illegal and then they were removed and blocked. Now her phone has been suspended for having over $500 in voice data charges when we told them at the outset that… Read more »

Judith Rodrigues
13 years ago

On July 12, 2010 five months ago this sixteen year old girl brenda Calerdon took it upon herself and walks in saying she wanted a palm cell phone with texting, internet, photos, games, and the works. She said she knew me; I was in college at the time. order location(15184 01 #514856 pmt 1 of 1 order type p3. The sales person didn’t bother to ask her for an ID or any money down. Instead she walked out with it. I didn’t find out with Verizon until August that I got a huge bills with 3 phones # I went… Read more »

Judith Rodrigues
13 years ago

On July 12, 2010 five months ago this sixteen year old girl brenda Calerdon took it upon herself and walks in saying she wanted a palm cell phone with texting, internet, photos, games, and the works. She said she knew me; I was in college at the time. order location(15184 01 #514856 pmt 1 of 1 order type p3. The sales person didn’t bother to ask her for an ID or any money down. Instead she walked out with it. I didn’t find out with Verizon until August that I got a huge bills with 3 phones # I went… Read more »

Brad Weldon
Brad Weldon
13 years ago

I have been a verizon customer since it was available in Colorado I have 4 phones on my account Im one of those people who calls Verizon almost every month to object to my charges. Last month I was told that I could Block the Data Charges on all my lines “HURRAY” I finnally get to fix my problem . Now I get my bill and find that because my Daughter had broken her phone and replaced it with a used blackberry device They charged me a Data Plan for that line .She then replaced that phone with a junk… Read more »

13 years ago

This is crazy, we have NO choice or NO voice in what we wan and do not want, Their are many like myself who do NOT what this or do we use it or ever will… Verizon says then get non smartphone, so it seems we have to choose from the crappy phones, and Just because we would like to use the nicer phone for our own reasons, like Camera/Pictures/Video that are good,Outside speaker phone,mp3/nice sound, strong vibrate, that have media cards, etc.al BUT we do NOT want or are we interested in using the internet…So we must by the… Read more »

cindy gutierrez
cindy gutierrez
13 years ago

I’ve been with verizon for almost 2 years and they ripped me off after family member hit internet data
by accident .They refuse credit my account say owe for data1100.00 which crazy they won’t help
me at all reduce bill want pay full amount college student how could pay that this economy
SHAME ON YOU VERIZON ! Tired shady business practices added unlimited emailing
up for that nor other shady charges on my bill, The customer service rude won’t help
you.I am so angry for what they did to me.

13 years ago

My family had to buy the cheaper $10 per phone limited data pack for our phones because we need texting and the only texting phones require data plan. So we are paying for data and a seperate texting plan. Thier excuse was they can not turn off the data on these particular phones. However since it was so easy to accidentally go over our data limits we had that feature turned off. Now we can not access the internet at all. However are still billed for the data. LOL wait a minute they told us it couldnt be turned off..… Read more »

john mack
john mack
13 years ago


13 years ago

I work for AT&T…for those of you who think it is a good idea to have cell phone service with us on non-smartphones….bad idea! We STILL charge $2.00 each time someone accidentally gets on the internet without a data package. Of course it can be blocked, that’s not the point because you can’t use MMS when internet is blocked. I keep wondering when the big-wigs of AT&T will find out about this class action lawsuit against Verizon and fix the problem! I was one of the millions of (former) Verizon customers who received a check in the mail for the… Read more »

J. K. Byrne
J. K. Byrne
13 years ago

From the internet I find that your firm is involved in a suit against Verizon for bogus data download charges. I have had the problem twice, once for 1.99 and once for 9.99 (most recent bill for the period January 20 – February 19, 2011. Today (March 1, 2011), after a lengthy conversation with “Steven” we got (we trust) the 9.99 charge removed. This does not seem like an accidental hitting of a web connection button. In fact “Steven” told us the charge was for “automatic updates” or “horoscope services” or “something like that”. We told Steven that we do… Read more »

Dolores Jones
Dolores Jones
10 years ago

Verizon is ripping off customers by removing alerts and ignoring parameters and limits for data you may have placed on your account. When you call them to complain about 900$ bills they tell you they don’t know how it got changed. YOU ARE NOT SAFE YOUR ACCOUNT CAN BE HIGHJACKED ONLINE and THEY WILL TELL YOU THEY HAVE NO WAY OF CHECKING TO SEE HOW YOUR PARAMETERS GOT REMOVED…IMAGINE ….TAKE YOUR BUSINESS ELSEWHERE OR YOU WILL BE SORRY… I AM heading to court hoping to sue them LOOKING other victims will be contacting media..planning to fight them!!!

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