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Verizon Targets Frontier, AT&T and Cable ‘Digital Phone’ Landline Customers in Rochester, N.Y. and Conn.

Phillip Dampier November 23, 2010 Competition, Consumer News, Verizon, Video 10 Comments

Verizon's Home Phone Connect base station

Verizon Communications has announced a new option for landline customers to ditch their local phone company with a new device that routes home phone calls over Verizon Wireless’ cellular network.

Verizon has chosen two test markets for its new Home Phone Connect service — Rochester, N.Y., serviced by Frontier Communications and Time Warner Cable and Connecticut, which is served by AT&T and Comcast.  (Thanks to our reader Bob for sharing the news with us.)

The service works with your existing home wired and cordless phones.  Customers signing up under a one or two year service contract will receive the base unit free of charge.  Installation is as easy: Just unplug the phone cord from the wall and plug it into the back of the Home Phone Connect device.  The unit supports up to two hard wired (non-cordless) phone lines and a cordless phone base station.  When you pick up any phone around the house, the base station will deliver a familiar dial tone, but all calls are made and received over the Verizon Wireless cell phone network.  You can download an read a copy of the installation manual here.

The service is priced at $9.99 per month for existing Verizon Wireless customers with any existing Family SharePlan that has two or more lines with at least a 700 minutes calling allowance per month.  Customers using Home Phone Connect under this plan will use minutes from their existing wireless service plan.  But since calls to and from Verizon customers and all calls placed during nights and weekends do not eat minutes, this may be a viable option for many customers.

For heavy talkers, or those without a qualifying Verizon Wireless service plan, an unlimited talk time plan is available for a flat $19.99 per month.

All local and domestic long distance calls are included, and the service also comes with these features:

  • Call Waiting
  • Call Forwarding
  • Caller ID (not currently compatible with Caller ID + Name)
  • International Dialing (charged at prevailing Verizon long distance rates)
  • 3-Way Calling
  • Basic Voice Mail (*86)
  • Account Balance (*225)
  • Device Provisioning, (*228)
  • Account Payment (#786)
  • 311, 411, 511, 611, 711 & 911 (some services not available in all areas)
  • Last Number Callback (*69)
  • National Domestic Hope Line (#4673)

The base unit includes a backup battery to power the unit for up to 36 hours idle time/2 hours talk time in the event of a power failure.  Customers relying on landline service that works with a monitored alarm system should check with their alarm company to ensure compatibility with cell network technology.

Michael Murphy, Verizon’s public relations manager for the New England Region, said consumers have the option of keeping their existing home phone number or requesting a new one.  Customers who do switch their current home phone number to Verizon will automatically cancel their existing landline service.  Frontier customers should carefully check their bills to make sure they are not on a Frontier “Peace of Mind” contract before switching.  Any expiration dates adjacent to the type of home phone service described on your bill likely means you are on a term contract.

Customers dumping Frontier before their contract expires could be exposed to early termination fees of up to $300 or more, which will appear on a customer’s final bill.  If you did not authorize a service contract, demand that Frontier drop it from your bill before you switch, and follow up with a complaint to the New York Attorney General’s office if the company fails to comply.

The device is intended to be portable, so you can take your “home phone” with you to any area served by a Verizon Wireless signal.  Just pack the Home Phone Connect base station and take it along.

Verizon carefully chose test markets outside of Verizon landline service areas.  That allows them to pick up new “landline” customers without harming their own landline business.

Verizon Wireless has a very large share of the Rochester, N.Y., market because of its ownership of the legacy Rochester Telephone cellular network.  Verizon delivers far more robust coverage than any other regional cellular provider in western New York.  With a built-in customer base wide open to Verizon’s marketing machine, the phone company could grab a significant number of Frontier landline customers who will see significant savings over Frontier’s comparable landline feature plans that run close to $50 a month after taxes and fees.  The company could also poach a number of Time Warner Cable’s Digital Phone customers, especially those whose first year promotional discount has expired.

In Connecticut, Verizon is challenging AT&T, which provides most of the state with its landline service.  Comcast is the dominant cable operator.

Comcast seemed unimpressed with the challenge being raised by Verizon in its service area.  The cable company hinted Verizon’s lack of a bundled service option including phone, cable, and broadband would hurt its chances of success.

Indeed, Verizon will have to develop some creative marketing to make its Home Phone Connect stand out.  Younger customers have no landlines to switch.  Most of those eager to cut their home phone line have already moved to cellular or Voice Over IP services from their local cable company or other providers like Vonage.  Existing Verizon Wireless customers may be hesitant about using a service that burns their wireless minutes away.  Older customers are unlikely to understand the product and have a built-in resistance to dropping traditional phone service.  Many may resist the notion of being stuck with at least a one year contract for an untested service.

T-Mobile attempted to market an almost identical service under its @Home brand, but judged it a failure and disconnected it earlier this year.

Because the service is being test marketed, its availability is limited to selected Verizon Wireless stores:

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Verizon Home Phone Connect 11-23-10.mp4[/flv]

The New Haven Register set up a video interview with a Verizon representative to demonstrate its new Home Phone Connect service. (1 minute)

Sorry Scranton, You’re Stuck With Comcast Cable… Indefinitely

Phillip Dampier November 3, 2010 Comcast/Xfinity, Competition, Verizon 1 Comment

When people in Scranton and Wilkes-Barre noticed their neighbors in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh —  even Allentown were getting super high-tech fiber upgrades from Verizon, they wondered why northeastern Pennsylvania has been bypassed, left to contend with Comcast as the only cable company in town.

The Scranton Times-Tribune went to Verizon to find out why they snubbed the region.

Starting four years ago, Verizon made FiOS available in Philadelphia and surrounding counties, South Central Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh and even Allentown. Now the company wants to cultivate those market, said Verizon spokesman Lee Gierczynski.

“We are focusing on the commitments we have,” he said. “No plans have been outlined for future expansion.”

Smaller local phone carriers don’t have the money involved in providing their own Internet television. Instead, those such as Frontier Communications, re-sell satellite service.

“Offering out television service is expensive, too expensive for most smaller telephone companies,” said telecom industry analyst Jeff Kagan. “So many are reselling satellite service to keep customers who want one bundle and one bill.”

Because of that, satellite television providers, who were never a formidable challenge to conventional cable companies, gained market share, Mr. Kagan said.

Lowell McAdam (left) speaks with Ivan Seidenberg (right). (Courtesy: Fortune)

Verizon ended their FiOS expansion partly because of ongoing negative reaction from Wall Street.  Now with a change in CEO’s, things don’t look promising for upgrades anytime soon.  It was former CEO Ivan Seidenberg that green-lit the idea of replacing old copper wire networks with new state-of-the-art fiber optics.  Seidenberg got his start in the phone business as a cable splicer’s assistant, working with the copper wires and fiber-optic cables that are the backbone of today’s phone companies.

His successor, Lowell McAdam grew up in the wireless industry, which is increasingly responsible for Verizon’s revenue.

At a telecommunications crossroads, Seidenberg’s vision of fiber optic service replacing antiquated copper phone cables may be at risk from new leadership at the helm of Verizon — leadership that lives and breathes in a wireless world.

For phone companies, the choices are clear: suffer ongoing landline losses and hope wireless profits can cover the difference, sell off your landline customers to a third party that specializes in rural areas where wireless signal penetration is insufficient, or make required upgrades to stay competitive with cable companies that are also eroding your market share.

As far as the cable industry is concerned, they’d prefer Verizon just stay out of the video business altogether.  Dr. John “Darth Vader” Malone, a former cable kingpin that owned Tele-Communications, Inc. (TCI), said there is room for only one player in the wired video business — cable companies.

“I’ve never seen overbuilds work … it always ends up badly,” Malone has said repeatedly about cable competition.

So for northeastern Pennsylvania, and millions of other Verizon customers hoping for something better, prepare for a long wait.  Save for satellite services, your local cable company is likely to remain the only television service provider for the foreseeable future.

Multi-Billion Dollar Data Center for Western NY At Risk Unless State Kills Bill Verizon Hates

Verizon’s lobbyists are warning western New York politicians that unless they defeat a state measure to allow Verizon ratepayers to share in the proceeds of any future landline network sell-offs, Verizon may take a multi-billion dollar proposed data center elsewhere.

The Niagara county community of Somerset, population 2,900, is the planned home for the new high-tech infrastructure project.  Verizon officials propose to use Lake Ontario breezes and water to help cool the energy-intensive facility, to be located on 160 acres just yards from the shoreline.  In all, the Verizon campus will consist of three buildings — each 300,000 square feet in size.  If built as proposed, it would be among the largest of Verizon’s 250 data centers around the world.

But there’s a hitch.

While Verizon project manager Bruce Biesecker showed drawings and answered questions from an eager audience of local residents, Verizon lobbyists were telling reporters the entire project could end up in another state because of legislation under consideration in the state legislature.

Our regular reader Smith6612 dropped us a note wondering if we knew about the project.  Yes, we did.  But we also noticed company officials spending almost as much time complaining about interference from Albany threatening to derail the data center as they spent talking about the project itself.  Company officials also rarely named the exact bill in question or how it would directly threaten its data center investment.

Stop the Cap! covered the introduction of New York Assembly Bill 2208/Senate Bill 7263 earlier this year.  Introduced by Assemblyman Richard Brodsky (D-Westchester) and Senator Brian X. Foley (D-Blue Point), the companion bills came in response to watching Verizon sell off large segments of its landline network in a dozen states to Frontier Communications.  Both legislators were concerned the deal forced subscribers to deal with a new phone company that earned an “F” rating from the Better Business Bureau, all while personally enriching company executives and shareholders in a tax-free transaction.  They don’t want to see a repeat performance for rural New York residents.

Brodsky and Foley argue that such sales should be in the interests of ratepayers, especially rural customers who have few alternative choices.  Their legislation would compel Verizon to share 40 percent of the proceeds of any sale with their customers — the ones that pay the monthly bills that made Verizon’s network possible.  Alternatively, Verizon could spend an equal amount on verifiable infrastructure improvements and escape writing checks to ratepayers.  In either case, the legislation forces Verizon to spend less on bonus bonanzas for a handful of deal-making executives and more on the customers who have to live with the results.

Verizon lobbyists and company officials have routinely mischaracterized the legislation, claiming it singles out the state’s largest phone company with a “40 percent tax” that “exempts cable companies.”  They have also repeatedly hinted the legislation could force Verizon out of the state.

“That weighs as heavily in our decision as do things like power, taxes, environment,” Verizon spokesman John Bonomo said. “The business climate in the state is as important as some of those other factors.”

Verizon officials have not exactly been subtle about what they want to get the multi-billion dollar project ultimately built:  solid opposition to the two bills, which garnered support from consumer and ratepayer groups and the Communications Workers of America.  The legislation passed the state Assembly but ultimately died in the Senate several weeks ago.  Verizon is obsessed about keeping such bills from being reintroduced.

With billions at stake, the western New York delegation of politicians in Niagara and nearby Erie Counties have been especially supine to Verizon’s arguments.  In particular, some Republicans in the state legislature have made it their mission to see the bill permanently killed.

Unfortunately, the quality of the reporting done by local media about Verizon’s lobbying agenda has been especially underwhelming — frequently shallow, lazy, and downright inaccurate.  The assertions raised about the Brodsky/Foley legislation in area newspapers and television news reports makes one wonder if any of the reporters actually read the bills in question.

Take Bill Wolcott’s piece in the Lockport Union-Sun & Journal.

Wolcott never strays far from Verizon’s talking points, describing the bills as “[containing] conditions for givebacks of 40 percent for telephone providers, but does not do the same with cable TV corporations.”

Wolcott does not bother to accurately depict “givebacks” in terms of what they actually are — refunds to Verizon customers.

Verizon’s red herring complaint of unfair treatment is also repeated by the reporter, who apparently does not realize there are major differences between Time Warner Cable, which controls the overwhelming majority of cable subscribers in western and central New York and Verizon’s telephone operations:

  1. Time Warner Cable has no plans to sell off its network to the highest bidder, abandoning rural and suburban areas served today.  Verizon did exactly that in most of the dozen states it left on July 1st;
  2. Verizon’s landline network provides universal service to New York telephone customers, for which it receives a substantial subsidy from the Universal Service Fund;
  3. Time Warner Cable is not held to universal service standards, something Verizon rarely complains about these days now that the phone company is in the same business as Time Warner through its selectively deployed FiOS network (which incidentally is not available in the Niagara county area where the data center is proposed.)
  4. Verizon’s prior landline selloffs have almost always resulted in bankruptcies for the buyers, leaving phone customers uncertain about the level of service they will ultimately receive.

The proposed site for Verizon's data center in Somerset. Lake Ontario is visible in the distance. (Courtesy: WIVB-TV Buffalo)

The Buffalo News reporter did little better, misrepresenting a fundamental part of the bill (underlining ours):

Under the weight of a multibillion- dollar deficit, the State Assembly in the spring passed a bill that would require telephone companies to return 40 percent of their proceeds to the state if they reached a joint venture with another company or sold off some of their properties in New York.

Reporter Teresa Sharp managed to bungle an important fact.  The state of New York would not receive the proceeds — Verizon ratepayers would.

Most television coverage didn’t bother to challenge the inaccurate assertions made by Republican lawmakers or Verizon representatives either.  Talking points were read and reporters simply nodded their heads.

As a public service to the Buffalo-area media, Stop the Cap! presents a primer on the actual language of the legislation Verizon wants to see dead (underlining ours):


What this means is that Verizon has two choices if it chooses to throw its rural New York landline customers overboard — before paying enormous cash bonuses to executives and deliver subscribers into the waiting hands of a potentially unstable buyer, up to 40 percent of the proceeds must be reinvested in improving the existing telephone network.  Barring that, the same percentage of proceeds must be returned to ratepayers in the form of refund checks or service credits.

Verizon may have a major problem giving customers their fair share, but they have no problem asking New York taxpayers for generous tax breaks.

Verizon has applied for a 20-year payment-in-lieu-of-taxes, or PILOT agreement, which would deliver substantial property tax savings, not a small matter in a region with the highest property taxes in the country.  It also wants a sales tax exemption on building materials and the equipment to be installed at the data center.  The sales tax break alone is expected to cost state taxpayers up to $330 million in lost tax revenue.

Because Verizon is upset about the legislation, local politicians have done one better expressing outrage that Albany politicians could drive Verizon to pack up its data center and head out of state.


Somerset Supervisor Richard Meyers was quoted in Wolcott’s piece suggesting New York residents don’t want any part of a bill that returns money to phone customers if Verizon sells them out.

“I’ll tell you who’s calling the shots in the Senate, and that’s the residents of New York state,” Meyers said. “The average citizen in New York state does not like this bill, and I don’t either. I think it stinks. It’s not a necessary bill, and there’s a lot of time and energy wasted.”

Assemblywoman Jane Corwin, (R-Clarence) characterized the legislation as a union plot, quoted bashing the bills in the Lockport newspaper:

“It’s a very bad bill, being pushed by the Communication Workers of America, the union that represents the workforce at Verizon,” she said. “Of all the people that stand to get hurt, it’s the employees that would get hurt the most, and the investors as well. The whole bill doesn’t make sense.”

“This bill chills any business incentive to invest in New York state … because they stand to lose 40 percent of that investment down the line. The playing field will be made uneven, if we start taking 40 percent of that potential away from Verizon and not from the cable companies and Internet companies.”

She  contends that the CWA was putting pressure on the Assembly. “The shame of it all is that it’s been driven by a special interest group. They are the ones pushing this bill.”

What is especially chilling is that Corwin never bothers to mention concern for the one group affected above all others: Verizon landline customers.  To her, they are incidental.  The CWA?  A “special interest group.”  Verizon?  A source of campaign contributions for her.  This year, she has already picked up some nice change from the folks at Big Red:

140 WEST ST. ROOM 2613
NEW YORK, NY 10007
250.00 16-MAR-10 JANE CORWIN CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE 2010 July Periodic B Member of Assembly 142
140 WEST ST; RM 2613
NEW YORK, NY 10007
300.00 01-SEP-10 JANE CORWIN CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE 2010 32 Pre General C Member of Assembly 142

Source: New York State Board of Elections

That’s not bad for a New York Assemblywoman serving a rural district whose total campaign take since her first election is just under $125,000.

State senator George Maziarz (R-Newfane) is just as bad.

“It’s a terrible piece of legislation, and I’m doing all I can to make sure it doesn’t pass,” said Maziarz, who heads the Senate’s Energy and Telecommunications Committee.

Verizon also thanks Maziarz for his efforts, for which he has been well-rewarded in the last two election cycles:

140 WEST
NY, NY 10007
500.00 06-MAY-08 COMMITTEE TO ELECT MAZIARZ STATE SENATE 2008 July Periodic C State Senator 62
140 WEST
NY, NY 10007
4,000.00 26-MAR-08 COMMITTEE TO ELECT MAZIARZ STATE SENATE 2008 July Periodic C State Senator 62
140 WEST
NY, NY 10007
3,000.00 12-FEB-10 COMMITTEE TO ELECT MAZIARZ STATE SENATE 2010 July Periodic C State Senator 62
140 WEST
NY, NY 10007
3,000.00 11-MAY-10 COMMITTEE TO ELECT MAZIARZ STATE SENATE 2010 July Periodic C State Senator 62
140 WEST
NY, NY 10007
3,000.00 27-JUL-10 COMMITTEE TO ELECT MAZIARZ STATE SENATE 2010 32 Pre General C State Senator 62

Source: New York State Board of Elections


The prospect of new high technology jobs and investment are more than promising to an upstate economy that has suffered difficult economic times for years.  But Verizon’s threats to skip Somerset for its new data center because of “anti-business” hostility ignores the company’s own willingness to abandon its rural customers.  In states where Verizon has sold off landline service — ending the prospects for real improvements in broadband and other modern services — communities like Somerset were the first to go, seen as too small and isolated for Verizon’s urban-based business plans.

The legislation Verizon fears protects New York residents, including those in Niagara County, from deals that enrich a handful of executives and Wall Street bankers while delivering sub-standard service to customers left behind.  Verizon’s record of sell-offs has been a disaster for customers, forced to endure long-term service disruptions, inaccurate bills with unfair charges, low quality broadband, and high prices.

Ironically, Verizon’s fear is totally misplaced, assuming they intend to remain committed to serving customers across the state — from cities as large as New York -and- towns as small as Somerset.  Even using Verizon’s own language, they can avoid the 40% “tax” if they simply keep providing service to their customers.

That’s just one of many facts the media in western New York needs to do a much better job of communicating to their readers and viewers.

[flv width=”640″ height=”500″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Verizon Data Center 10-18-10.flv[/flv]

WIVB and WKBW-TV in Buffalo delivered several one-sided reports about the proposed Verizon Data Center while allow inaccurate information about Assemblyman Brodsky’s proposed bill to go unchallenged.  (8 minutes)

Bought and Paid For – Tea Party & Minority Group Opposition to Net Neutrality

Big Telecom Cash works its magic

As the fall elections near, the rhetoric and sheer nonsense from those opposed to important consumer broadband reforms has reached a fever pitch.  And as our reader Karen writes, too many Americans and the candidates they support just don’t get it.

Here in Delaware, Tea Party candidate Christine O’Donnell exemplifies what Net Neutrality supporters are up against — complete ignorance and big cash contributions.  Before she went into hiding, I attended one of Christine’s rare public events and asked her about where she stood on Net Neutrality and her response was she believed “all sides should be represented on the Internet.”  So she thinks Net Neutrality is about views expressed online, not stopping the telecom industry from slowing or blocking access to websites.

At least 35 of the Tea Party groups are opposed to Net Neutrality, mostly because their financial backers (big corporations and billionaire-funded front groups) have convinced members they should be.  Many others are stupid enough to believe Glenn Beck and his pal Phil Kerpen at Americans for Prosperity who say Net Neutrality will “censor” the Internet or turn control of it over to Barack Obama.

Conservative groups heavily funded by corporate interests they refuse to identify are backing various chapters of so-called “Tea Party” groups and feeding them talking points generated by companies like AT&T and Verizon in opposition to Net Neutrality.  The Center for Individual Freedom runs a website StopNetRegulation, edited by conservative activist Seton Motley, dedicated to derailing broadband reforms.  Motley was also quoted in The Hill in late September warning Republicans about antagonizing Tea Party types with their support for Net Neutrality in Congress.  Only then his comments came as leader of the group “Less Government.”  Judging from the organization’s website, Motley is also in favor of reduced size websites because his amounts to a single sentence.

Seton is convinced the end of the net world, as we know it, comes November 30th when the government could “seize control of the Internet.” That’s the date of the FCC’s November meeting, at which Seton suspects Julius Genachowski will finally move to reclassify broadband as a telecommunication service. 

Seton completely misrepresents reclassification as saddling the Internet with “the same rules as landline telephones.”  I read that claim somewhere before… oh yes, straight from AT&T and Verizon lobbyist talking points.

It doesn’t matter to Seton and other conservatives that Genachowski went out of his way to say he would not be applying any onerous telephone-era regulations on today’s broadband providers.  In fact, Genachowski’s actions to date have moved at such a glacial pace, friends have to occasionally check his pulse to make sure he’s still with us.

So what is so big, bad, and scary about Net Neutrality?  It simply guarantees your Internet Service Provider doesn’t start throttling your speeds when accessing websites and Internet applications they dislike, cannot block access to websites critical of their agenda, and are not allowed to extort payments from content providers just to allow traffic onto “their” networks.

While that may pose a Halloween freak-out for the profit-obsessed phone and cable companies, it’s hard to find actual consumers (not paid by said providers) who want their Internet service blocked or slowed down.

Seton goes way over the top turning this into a First Amendment free speech issue.  That argument only works for the likes of AT&T and Verizon who find their corporate right to overcharge people for broadband being infringed.

Seton then argues his view must be right because even minority groups support his position.  As readers here already know, most of the groups he names to bolster his argument are “dollar-a-holler” organizations willing to peddle the phone and cable company agenda on their letterhead in return for donation checks.

So have many additional normally Democrat paragons, including several large unions: AFL-CIO, Communications Workers of America (CWA), International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW); several racial grievance groups: League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), Minority Media and Telecom Council (MMTC), National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Urban League; and an anti-free market environmentalist group: the Sierra Club.

Reach Out and Touch Someone... LULAC accepts another giant check from AT&T

If you ever wondered why AT&T and Verizon spend so much on contributions to these interest groups, Seton Motley just handed you the answer — so he and the companies he supports could name drop them in arguments against pro-consumer broadband reform.  And considering the CWA and IBEW represent phone company workers, it’s not a surprise to see them on their side of this issue either.  Wherever you look amongst those in opposition to Net Neutrality, a check from AT&T and/or Verizon is almost always waiting to be deposited.

The Obama-Has-Concentration-Camps-crowd parked on Andrew Breitbart’s website ate it up and wrote comments like this:

The communist can’t control the people with a internet that is out of control, all dictatorships have the power over what the people can read, free thinkers in this day and age are considered terrorist, Republicans, conservatives, anti abortionist, Oath Keepers, Christians, ex military, people who think the Constitution is still the law of the land, my lord, the communist can’t have these sorts communicating with each other over the internet, why, they may all come together one day and put a stop to the one world government goal, you know, the goal of making the world one big slave camp.

This kind of wild opposition has even corporate Republicans on edge, according to The Hill.  A major talking point of Net Neutrality opposition is that such “sweeping changes” should not be enforced by the FCC, but from legislation enacted in Congress.  But because Tea Party elements are opposed to the concept altogether, and Republicans are loathe to hand Democrats their votes on much of anything, even a corporate-friendly Net Neutrality bill introduced by Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) went up in flames.  Waxman’s bill would have enacted some protections, but only until 2012, at which point it was open season on broadband consumers.

The Hill piece delivered a disappointing fact of life for much of today’s Congress, beholden first to corporate interests (underlining ours):

In a striking sign that people who normally align themselves with telecommunications companies may line up behind the bill if it is industry-backed, ardent net-neutrality critic Brett Glass, founder of a wireless company, is open to it. He tweeted on Monday, in a note to Americans for Prosperity executive Phil Kerpen, that the Waxman legislation seems “more reasonable than I expected.”

In a note earlier this month, analysts at Stifel Nicolaus wrote that although Republican House members “may not have incentive to solve a political problem for Democrats,” some may support the bill “if there’s a push by” phone and cable companies and at least some Internet companies.

But the shilling for Big Telecom has never been a one-party-problem.  While Republicans appear to be moving in lock step against Net Neutrality, a number of groups and politicians on the Democratic left have also been only too willing to take AT&T money and run to a microphone to oppose a free and open Internet.

The Los Angeles Times gave plenty of space on an issue we’ve written repeatedly about on Stop the Cap!:

Key minority groups are backing the carriers’ efforts to thwart the net neutrality proposals, which would, for instance, prohibit carriers from charging more to give some residential and corporate customers priority in delivering online content.

“When you give national civil rights groups millions of private dollars, there’s no firewall strong enough to keep that money out of their policy,” said Malkia Cyril, executive director of the Center for Media Justice.

Cyril and other consumer and public advocates have been buoyed by comments from Federal Communications Commission member Mignon L. Clyburn, a prominent African American and daughter of Rep. James E. Clyburn (D-S.C.).

She said in a speech in January that she was surprised that most statements and filings by “some of the leading groups representing people of color have been silent on this make-or-break issue” of net neutrality.

“There has been almost no discussion of how important — how essential — it is for traditionally underrepresented groups to maintain the low barriers to entry that our current open Internet provides,” Clyburn said.

AT&T's cash machine benefits groups like LULAC

At issue are the enormous contributions from big phone and cable companies like Comcast, AT&T and Verizon that routinely translate into what we’ve called “dollar-a-holler” advocacy.  After the checks get deposited, many of these groups generate innocent sounding letters of support for the latest merger, deregulation, or policy debate — always in favor of Big Telecom and too often directly against the interests of the people they claim to represent.

No group better exemplifies this than the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), a particularly eager player in the cash for advocacy game.  And the group doesn’t care whether the money comes from Verizon or AT&T.  They’re on board with both.

Brent A. Wilkes, executive director, penned this guest editorial for the Houston Chronicle, for which he was called an “idiot” by at least one of the newspaper’s readers:

Net-neutrality rules should prevent broadband providers from engaging in anti-competitive behavior, but they should not be commandeered to insulate wealthy Internet applications companies from paying their fair share of the broadband bill. Any new rules must protect consumers both by ensuring their unfettered access and by shielding them from having to shoulder all the costs for faster broadband networks that our nation so badly needs. Such an approach will not please the special interests, but it will be a double win for consumers.

From AT&T’s talking points to Wilkes editorial.  “Wealthy Internet applications companies” already pay for their own bandwidth and for the Internet’s expansion.  Search engine companies like Google and Yahoo! construct data centers with their own money just to maintain their services to consumers, generating jobs and helping local economies.  Wilkes ignores the fact broadband providers already earn plenty from their subscribers — consumers and businesses who pay a monthly fee so they can access those “wealthy Internet applications companies.”

But that is not enough.  Now broadband providers want to be paid twice.  To facilitate their argument, they’ve invested more than a million dollars in LULAC alone to defend their position, which ultimately brings Latinos (and everyone else) the high broadband bills today that Wiles scaremongers will be forthcoming tomorrow.

Wilkes was shocked, shocked by the implication that phone company money would have anything to do with LULAC going out of its way to comment on arcane telecommunications policy issues, always in favor of its benefactors.

“It’s kind of like saying the minority organizations can’t think for themselves,” Wilkes said, adding that any suggestion that minority groups were mouthpieces for the industry was “offensive.”

Verizon played along:

“I can tell you we do not, and have not ever, given money to minority organizations so that they will support our positions on any topic,” said Peter Thonis, a spokesman for Verizon Communications Inc. “We talk to many groups about our positions, and some agree with us and some do not.”

So if Verizon talked to Stop the Cap! about their positions, do you think we’d receive a handsome check from the phone company?

Britt cut out all of the middlemen and picked up the phone to personally lobby FCC Chairman Genachowski about broadband reform.

The Times documented numerous other examples:

For instance, David Cohen, Comcast’s executive vice president, joined the board of the National Urban League three years ago as part of a three-year partnership to promote the league’s various educational programs. Comcast, now seeking FCC approval to buy a controlling interest in NBC Universal, was recognized that year for being one of several sponsors to donate $5 million or more to the organization.

On the local level, the Greater Sacramento Urban League has Barbara Winn, a Sacramento-area director of external affairs for AT&T, as its chairwoman and Linda Crayton, Comcast’s senior director for government affairs in California, as vice chairwoman.

That affiliate’s president, David B. DeLuz, wrote to the FCC in January that net neutrality rules “will strongly reduce broadband network investments and ultimately raise prices.” DeLuz said in an interview that the two telecom executives on the chapter’s board have not influenced its net neutrality stance.

“The Urban League does not engage in pay to play,” he said. “Just because [telecoms] write a check to us doesn’t mean they write the only check to us.”

The most remarkable part about the Urban League’s argument is that in a sea of corporate cash, competing checks can cancel each other out.

While the blizzard of bucks continues to descend on Washington, Time Warner Cable CEO Glenn Britt decided his cable company could cut out the middlemen and go right to the man with the plan to reclassify broadband.  Unlike ordinary consumers, Britt had no trouble getting FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski to take his call, allowing him to personally lobby against Net Neutrality and those nasty broadcasters trying to overcharge him for permission to carry local broadcast stations on the Time Warner Cable dial.

[flv width=”480″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/ATT Net Neutrality There’s a problem.mp4[/flv]

It seems like only yesterday AT&T’s Ed “Our Pipes” Whitacre was clamoring for the right to deliver the Internet to consumers his way, complete with pay walls and speed throttles.  Very little has changed since Big Ed left for Government Motors with his $158 million AT&T golden parachute.  The name at the top has changed, but AT&T still recognizes money buys friends and influence.  (2 minutes)

Cell Phone Companies Back for More: Price Hikes, Mandatory Data Plans, Huge Bills

Verizon prepaid customers can buy this basic phone from Walmart for just $15.88. But if you want to use this phone on a postpaid plan, Verizon charges up to $200 for the same phone unless you renew your contract.

As AT&T and Verizon discover an increasing amount of their revenue and profits come from their respective wireless divisions, they’re testing the waters to determine just how much more consumers are willing to pay for cell phone and wireless broadband services.

Verizon Wireless has spent the past year closing loopholes of various kinds and herding an increasing number of customers into mandatory data plans which can add up to $30 a month per phone to your monthly bill.  AT&T wants more if you plan on early upgrades for your cell phone.  A quick review:

Verizon Wireless Locks Down Prepaid Phone Models: Anyone who has shopped for a prepaid phone has probably noticed them dangling from hooks in Walmart and other stores at prices starting around $20.  Most of these prepaid phones are basic models or those deemed cutting edge a few years ago.  Take the LG 5600 — the Accolade.  It’s a phone your father would be comfortable with, covering the basics and designed primarily for making and receiving phone calls.  Verizon Wireless’ retail price for its “postpaid” customers (those who get and pay a bill every month) is $199.99 for the Accolade.  Of course, if you sign a new two-year contract, the phone is free.  But you can find the exact same phone, labeled for Verizon’s prepaid service at prices as low as $15.88.

Verizon claims the deep, deep discounts on prepaid phones are made back from the higher prices prepaid customers pay for airtime.  Some enterprising Verizon postpaid customers have sought these models out to replace or upgrade a worn out or broken phone without having to sign a new two-year contract.  Some other prepaid companies have also activated Verizon’s prepaid phones on their own network, including Page Plus.

Verizon has put the kibosh on both practices.  Customers seeking to activate a prepaid phone on a postpaid account must first use the phone in prepaid mode for a minimum of six months prior to its conversion to postpaid use.  Until very recently, some customers discovered a loophole around this requirement — registering a prepaid phone first on Verizon’s website and then activating it by dialing *228.  So long as a phone had never been activated, it often could be used on a postpaid account from the date of purchase.  But now Verizon tracks which phones are intended for postpaid and prepaid use, and that loophole has been closed.

Page Plus, which resells Verizon’s network, also had to stop activating Verizon prepaid phones almost a year ago.

As a result, those who want discounted cell phone service but keep Verizon’s robust network coverage have been forced to buy handsets at retail pricing, purchase one of several mostly refurbished phones direct from Page Plus, or activate an older phone no longer in use.

Avoiding the Data Plan: What drives an increasing number of Verizon off-contract customers towards “creative solutions” for upgrading their more than two year old phones is resistance to the expensive data plan required for most of their newest and best phones.  For these customers, renewing a contract means a plan change that includes $30 a month extra for data services or a phone downgrade to a basic model to avoid a data plan. Verizon’s remaining data-plan exempt handsets are:

  • Verizon Wireless CDM8975
  • LG Accolade™
  • LG Cosmos™
  • Pantech Jest™
  • Samsung Gusto™
  • Verizon Wireless Salute™
  • Verizon Wireless Escapade®
  • Samsung Haven™
  • Samsung Intensity™
  • Samsung Convoy™
  • Motorola Barrage™

Would you renew a two-year service contract if you had to downgrade your next new phone to a basic model to avoid a mandatory data plan?

For large families accustomed to mid-level phones, the prospect of being stuck with a Jitterbug-like-downgrade or a $30 data plan has kept many from renewing their contracts, sticking with what they already own.

When AT&T announced the end of its flat rate smartphone plan, it said the lower pricing on smaller allowance data packages would represent “savings” for consumers reluctant to upgrade.  It’s hard to accept the same company that set prices so high for data usage in the first place has consumer interests at heart with usage-limited alternatives, especially when they no longer offer an unlimited option for customers who want one.

Verizon also plans to drop its unlimited plan in the near future.  Also on tap is a gradual shift away from so-called “mid-level” phones that consumers can purchase with a reduced rate, but still-mandatory $10 data plan.  Verizon increasingly will push customers between two stark choices — a high-powered, battery-eating smartphone that will give you a heart attack if you drop it or a very basic, stripped down phone with features commonly found on handsets five years ago.

This kind of pricing is driving some cash-strapped consumers to prepaid alternatives, such as Page Plus and Straight Talk on Verizon’s network and Wal-Mart’s new family prepaid plan on T-Mobile.  This is especially true if customers just want to talk and text.

AT&T’s Increases ‘Early Upgrade Price’ for Data-Friendly Smartphones by $125

Boy Genius Report obtained a copy of an AT&T memo to its sales force notifying them the price for “Early Upgrade Pricing,” traditionally charged customers who must have the latest and greatest, or accidentally lose or destroy their existing phone, is going up — way up, from $75 to $200:

Beginning Oct. 3rd, Early (Exception) Upgrade pricing for Smartphones will increase from the two-year price plus $75 to the two-year price plus $200.  This change does not apply to iPhone or Basic and Quick Messaging Phones.

Example: BlackBerry Torch $199.99 two-year price + $200 Early Upgrade fee = total price $399.99, a savings of $100 off the No-Commitment price of $499.99.

In return for just a $100 discount, customers sign a new two-year contract that begins with the phone’s replacement.  That contract includes the usual early termination fee of $325, which decreases by $10 per month.  AT&T watchers speculate the price change was designed to stop resale of relatively new phones on sites like eBay or Craigslist, where sellers charge near-retail prices and eat the formerly low penalty for an early upgrade.  It also makes the price of getting the very newest phones that much higher.

Courtesy: Boy Genius Report

Cell Phone Lobby Resists Requirement for Early Warnings Alerting Customers Their Data Allowance Is Almost Gone: “It Will Cause Customer Confusion and Frustration”

Liz Szalay had to dip into her 401(k) retirement account to pay the family’s $2000 Verizon Wireless bill, gone wild with data fees her 14-year old son ran up searching for and downloading songs.

“I would never have allowed my son to accrue such charges, if I had known,” Szalay, a secretary in Niles, Michigan, told Bloomberg News. “What I did to prevent this from happening in the future was have his Internet access completely blocked by Verizon, but not before they made off with a boatload of money.”

Had Szalay received a text and/or e-mail message warning her one of the phones on her account was approaching 80 percent of its monthly data allowance, or was already at risk of racking up huge fees, it would have been possible to stop the damage before it began.

Sen. Udall wants legislation to warn consumers before they run up enormous wireless bills. The industry calls such warnings "confusing and frustrating" for consumers.

Senator Tom Udall, a New Mexico Democrat, wants to make sure she gets that warning.  Udall drafted legislation that would require companies to warn customers when they have used 80 percent of their allotment.

“It’s difficult for the carriers to get up and argue against greater transparency on bills and notifications,” Christopher King, an analyst at Stifel Nicolaus & Co. in Baltimore told Bloomberg. “It’s becoming an issue on the front burner of regulators’ minds.”

The industry’s lobbyists are trying to block the legislation anyway.

The CTIA, the wireless industry lobbying group, is fiercely trying to kill Udall’s bill, claiming warnings will cause “customer confusion and frustration” and that carriers already offer customers the opportunity to check their usage by visiting carrier websites or via a text message.

The lobbyist solution requires consumers to be vigilant and check daily to make sure they don’t exceed any limits.  Udall’s idea puts the onus on phone companies to warn customers, who often have family members that have no idea what kind of cash bonanza they can provide a wireless provider just by using data features built into their phones.

Szalay’s son has a phone that doesn’t require a data plan, but incurs an enormous $1.99 in charges for every megabyte accessed online.  Verizon’s own website notes customers can consume 183 megabytes of data streaming music just five minutes a day for a month.  That’s $364 in data charges.  Five minutes downloading games — 440 megabytes or $875 in data fees.  One need not use their phone for hours a day to incur enormous fees for data usage.  Szalay’s son could have managed the $2,000 bill he caused using his phone for less than 15 minutes each day.

Verizon does not allow customers hit with these bills to retroactively sign up for a data plan to cover the costs, which are the same to Verizon whether a consumer incurs them on an unlimited $30 monthly data plan, or on a pay per use plan with a stinging penalty rate.

And the company objects to any government official telling them to warn customers before the overlimit fees kick in.

“We have several measures in place that allow our customers to monitor their usage and protect against overages — this is a proactive approach on Verizon’s part,” Verizon’s Smith told Bloomberg in an e-mailed statement.

How to Protect Yourself

Both Verizon and AT&T are masters of extracting a maximum amount of money from customers’ pockets.  Verizon is increasingly risking its high rating for customer service and quality by finding new ways to nickel and dime even long time customers to death.  AT&T already has earned a bad reputation and can’t drop much further unless it adopts Sprint’s old strategy of driving its own customers away.  Only through education and careful consideration of your family’s actual usage can you safely navigate around these shark-like wallet biters.

1.  Avoid cell phone company insurance plans unless you are concerned about theft.  With “early upgrade” plans, even at AT&T’s $200 price, it may not be worth paying an expensive monthly fee for insurance.  Also consider Squaretrade, a third party warranty/replacement provider.  They charge considerably lower prices than most (Google around for coupon codes offering up to 30 percent off).  If your phone breaks or is damaged, and you are not on a contract, you might find a suitable refurbished replacement through websites like eBay.  Just make sure the phone wasn’t designated for prepaid service to avoid activation hassles.

2.  If you want Verizon network quality, but don’t want to pay Verizon’s diamond-platinum pricing, consider doing business with one of the new prepaid providers offering month-to-month service that uses the same network as Verizon itself.  Walmart sells Straight Talk, but also consider Page Plus, which offers 1,200 minutes of call time, 1,200 texts, and 50MB of data use for $29.95 per month.  The only downside is that most prepaid providers don’t sell family plans, meaning each user pays the same price.  Walmart’s new prepaid plan changes that with the introduction of a shared family plan, with additional lines given discounted pricing.  But the discounts are not as good as postpaid plans offer, and the service relies on T-Mobile, which is not well-regarded for coverage outside of metropolitan areas.

3.  Smartphones, in addition to being expensive, often deliver horrible battery life.  Some won’t even make it through an entire business day.  Before seeking out one of these premium phones, consider whether you will actually use their features.  Is it worth the price of a $30 a month data plan if you only occasionally use the phone for wireless Internet?  Bragging rights come with a $200 up front price tag and a two year contract that will run up to $720 just for the data plan over two years.  If you drop it, lose it, or it gets stolen, the retail price for most of these phones is north of $500.

4.  Carriers design “gotcha” data pricing into their assumed revenue models.  They know even with online tools, nobody wants the hassle of checking their allowance for data every day, especially when most stopped checking their voice minutes allowance years ago.  While carriers occasionally waive gigantic bills, especially when the media gets involved, you can restrict data access on some or all of your phones if you do not have a data plan and don’t care about this feature.  You should support Senator Udall’s bill as well.  Carrier excuses that a warning message will cause confusion and frustration are laughable.  Getting a $2,000 wireless bill in the mail will cause far more of both.  That the industry objects to even this common sense approach illustrates just how rapacious wireless companies are for additional profits.

5. Educate everyone on your plan about the implications of using the phone to download music and games or watch video.  Unless you are on a flat rate plan, you may want to simply tell your family not to use their phones for these kinds of services without asking permission first.  This gives you an opportunity to check your allowance before Verizon gets a chance to reduce your bank balance.

[flv width=”640″ height=”500″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Cell Phone Savings 10-12-10.flv[/flv]

We have four reports covering consumer news on cell phones that can save you money:  KSHB-TV in Kansas City takes a look at Walmart’s new prepaid family plan using T-Mobile’s network, WIVB-TV in Buffalo reports Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) wants carriers to stop international roaming charges when customers end up making and receiving calls on a Canadian provider’s network from the American side of the border, WFTS-TV in Tampa provides tips on getting lower rates from your cell phone company and WTEV-TV in Jacksonville helps customers analyze cell phone bills for savings.  (6 minutes)

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