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Disappointing: An Open Letter Rebutting Public Knowledge’s Lack of Opposition to ‘Usage-Based Pricing’

Phillip Dampier

While reviewing coverage on Comcast’s new usage meter, I ran across a disappointing quote from an article in The Hill newspaper from Gigi Sohn, president of public interest group Public Knowledge:

But as more consumers are downloading movies and streaming TV shows on their computers, bandwidth use is inching up. Imposing caps on consumers can become a form of discrimination, said Gigi Sohn, president of Public Knowledge, this morning at a panel I moderated about copyright and net neutrality.

“Public Knowledge doesn’t oppose usage-based pricing,” she said. “But if you set the cap low enough you discriminate against high-bandwidth applications. “If consumers have a finite amount of bandwidth each month, they could be forced to stay away from bit-hogging sites, like video high-quality video streaming services.

Sohn seems to grasp the very real risk of rationed broadband, but drops the ball completely in not opposing the scandal that “usage-based pricing” represents for broadband users.  It was a real disappointment to see a group fail to understand the implications of these kinds of Internet Overcharging schemes.  As the industry seeks to further monetize broadband usage, these pricing changes guarantee fatter profits and reduced costs for providers, and a higher bill for rationed broadband for consumers.

Comcast’s two year old 250GB usage cap seems generous by today’s standards, but note it has remained the same, despite growing overall broadband usage.  What was generous two years ago is slightly less so today, and could be downright stingy a few years from now.

For customers stuck with providers with a different definition of “generous,” it is even more worrisome.  Rochester, New York faced the prospect of a 5GB usage allowance from the local phone company’s DSL service, or a 40GB allowance from the local cable operator.  The latter called their experiment fair, consumption-based pricing, but in reality it would have tripled the cost of broadband service for residents seeking to maintain the same level of service they enjoyed previously.  There should be plenty to oppose in a $150 monthly broadband bill.

Usage-based billing makes providers very happy counting your money

Internet Overcharging schemes involve all the ways a profitable broadband industry, enjoying record revenue and declining costs, could force consumers to pay more for the exact same service they receive today:

  • The arbitrary usage cap, which ranges incredibly from 5GB-250GB per month, depending on the provider.
  • The false “consumption/usage-based pricing” model which doesn’t actually charge consumers for what they use, but rather confines them into ranges of data allowance plans that carry stiff penalties for consumers who exceed their limit.  Think cell phone plan for broadband, only markup the penalty fee by several thousand percent above cost.
  • The overlimit penalty or fee, which seeks to punish and monetize usage at the same time.  Customers, most of whom don’t have a clue about what a “gigabyte” is, will pay a stiff price for not intuitively knowing how much they’ll use month to month, and pay an overlimit penalty of $1-5 per gigabyte for excess usage.  That’s far above the pennies per gigabyte large providers pay, but it’s a great way to make consumers think twice about daring to use high bandwidth services like online video.
  • The overlimit insurance policy, which Bell Canada introduced to protect consumers from their own rapacious pricing.  They pocket the proceeds from the “insurance” as well, picking customer pockets at every opportunity.
  • The usage meter, not subject to independent scrutiny or verification.  What they say you used, you used, even if you didn’t.  Customers have learned these meters aren’t as accurate as providers suggest they are.

The fact is, customers pay for access based on speed, which has its own natural built-in usage limits.  You can’t exceed certain consumption thresholds if your service doesn’t deliver the speed required to do so.  Heavier users naturally gravitate towards faster speed, often premium-priced tiers.  Lighter users often choose “lite” plans (when the provider makes them aware they exist) which deliver lower speed service perfectly adequate for web page browsing and e-mail.  Current pricing models remain highly profitable for providers, even more so than some of the other components of their “triple play” packages.  It’s the service consumers cancel last.

With a duopoly for wired broadband service in most American communities, tolerating “usage-based pricing” that isn’t (or will be overpriced even when offered) repeats the terrible mistake Canada made which today lives with the results — pricey, slow-speed broadband and a decline in broadband rankings.  Canadians are livid about handing over considerably more of their money for throttled, usage-limited Internet access.

Public Knowledge advocates for Net Neutrality.  In terms they might better understand, advocating for Net Neutrality while also not being opposed to the industry’s definition of “network management,” defined to create an exploitable loophole, makes Net Neutrality protection meaningless.

Without a ban on such pricing schemes, providers will keep their best possible tool to stop the threat of broadband video competing with their pay television offerings, and can favor certain content partners over others with exemptions from the dreaded cap ‘n tier system.

Matthew Henry, Internet Policy Counsel for Data Foundry, a database company, said on the panel that usage-based pricing presents serious “conflicts of interest” for cable companies that provide both cable TV and Internet services.

As people watch more cable content online, as both Comcast and Time Warner are pushing with their TV Everywhere services, more demands are placed on their broadband networks.

“Companies have a real incentive to force consumers to turn off the computer and pick up the remote,” he said.

Public Knowledge should carefully consider what happens in a Net Neutral world with onerous data caps and consumption pricing that exists for some, but not all online services.  It’s an end run around the kind of open Internet we all support.

A survey conducted by International Data Corporation on behalf of Zeugma Systems, a company that makes an edge router for broadband networks, shows that consumers simply hate bandwidth caps and will likely switch to another carrier if they have the option

Over the last year, over 600 articles here have documented the abuse of consumers’ wallets from such schemes.  We’ve also shown the real world consequences this pricing has in retarding development of new multimedia applications and higher bandwidth features.  Innovative high bandwidth services seeking funding in a usage-capped world are deemed untenable if usage limits or overpriced broadband make customers think twice about using them.  In the south Pacific, online video services have been literally shuttered simply because of data caps.  Australian broadband, littered with caps and consumption billing, has become so bad the government is proposing its own National Broadband Plan to provide relief to those down under.  Public Knowledge’s position would bring that broadband backwater to America if it became commonplace here.

Make no mistake — consumers are overwhelmingly opposed to such pricing, already pay higher-than-average costs for broadband, and are threatened with even higher bills if such schemes are imposed.

Public Knowledge needs to carefully reconsider its position and get on the side of consumers who recognize highly profitable broadband providers don’t need another major payday at their expense.  Free Press understands the implications.  We respect and appreciate Public Knowledge’s hard work for consumers on other issues.  We invite them to join the consumer movement to retain fair broadband pricing.

Comcast’s Meter Spreads Like a Virus Across the Pacific Northwest; Could ‘Consumption Billing’ Be Next?

Comcast's new usage gauge

Broadband Reports noticed Comcast’s usage meter has broken out of its limited trial in Portland, Oregon and customers are receiving notices across the Pacific Northwest noting the company’s usage meter is now available for their ‘convenience.’  But remarkably, Comcast has told 99 percent of their customers they “do not need to check the usage meter” because they won’t be close to the company’s 250GB limit:

We are pleased to announce the pilot launch of the Comcast Usage Meter in your area. This new feature is available to Comcast High-Speed Internet customers and provides an easy way to check total monthly household high-speed Internet data usage at any time. Monthly data usage is the amount of data, such as images, movies, photos, videos, and other files that customers send, receive, download or upload each month.

Comcast measures total data usage and does not monitor specific customer activities to determine data usage. The current data usage allowance for the Comcast High-Speed Internet service is 250GB per month. This means that the vast majority of our customers – around 99% currently – will not come close to using 250GB of data in a month, and do not need to check the usage meter.

That leads to two questions: Why would a company make an effort to produce a meter that is irrelevant to the vast majority of customers, and why institute a usage cap at all if only one percent of customers come close to exceeding it?

The answer, of course, is that most customers won’t need to worry about the limit today, but tomorrow is another matter.

As more broadband users begin watching video over Comcast’s broadband service, they will come perilously closer to the fixed limit Comcast offers — a limit that protects Comcast’s cable television package from customers switching to broadband-based viewing.

Bandwidth Hog? One customer consumed 897GB last November... using a backup method Comcast itself recommends to customers

Once Internet Overcharging schemes get their foot in your door, it’s usually only a matter of time before they force their way in and start looking for your checkbook.

Would Comcast seek to eventually lower today’s 250GB limit?  Perhaps, but there is no evidence of anything imminent.  It has been done before in Canada and sold as a “money-saver,” offered with an “insurance policy” Bell had the chutzpah to suggest “protected” customers from overlimit fees.  Monetizing broadband use is a hot topic for providers seeking enhanced revenue from their broadband divisions.  Time Warner Cable tried to convince customers it would tie revenue earned from its own Internet Overcharging experiment into expansion of their local broadband networks.  That was proven blatantly false when upgrades commenced in areas never part of “the experiment,” while those that were have been bypassed for DOCSIS 3 upgrades.

Some might believe such limits protect providers from dreaded hordes of malicious “bandwidth abusers,” a broadband urban legend comparable to the Cadillac-driving welfare queens we heard about in the 1980s.  In truth, the handful of so-called “abusers” have quietly been dealt with under the terms of existing Acceptable Use Policies for years without inconveniencing the vast majority of customers with arbitrary usage limits.  But the industry-sponsored narrative persists, usually in the form of some neighborhood hacking teenager sucking your bandwidth dry and costing you money.

What constitutes “excessive” or “fair” use ludicrously ranges from Frontier’s infamous 5GB usage allowance to Comcast’s 250GB limit.  Every company insists their limit is the fairest and that 99 percent of customers won’t exceed it, no matter what it is.

Are there consumers moving a lot of data across Comcast’s network?  Yes.  One Broadband Reports reader in Spokane posted a usage report showing a whopping 897GB of consumption in November.  Was he running a torrent client swapping an illicit copy of Avatar with people all over the world?  Was he downloading lots of illegally obtained music and movies?  Was he running a commercial business on a residential connection?  No.  It turns out he was retrieving a backup to restore data from a failed hard drive.  In fact, Comcast recommends customers use online backup services, and even provides customers with a free, limited version of Mozy, which includes an easy path to upgrade to much larger storage plans.

Even Comcast doesn’t believe in the usage-limits-solve-congestion meme. In response to a query from IP Democracy back in February, 2008:

“Most [ISPs] recognize that a metered approach doesn’t solve peak-hour usage pressures.”

But it will do wonders for a provider’s bottom line.

Approve Verizon-Frontier Deal Because Frontier Can’t Do Any Worse for West Virginia?

We’ve heavily covered the proposed sale of Verizon landline service to Frontier Communications since the deal was announced last spring.  This should not come as a big surprise, considering Frontier Communications’ decision to insert a 5GB monthly usage limit in their Acceptable Use Policy in the summer of 2008 was what instigated the launch of Stop the Cap! in the first place.  Frontier’s decision was boneheaded at best in a city like Rochester with a very aggressive cable competitor only too willing to bash Frontier for implementing it if they thought it would win more customers.

But of course Frontier Communications’ Rochester operation is an anomaly for ‘rural America’s phone company.’  For the majority of rural customers, it’s far easier to slap customers around with a usage cap and 1-3Mbps DSL service when those customers have few, if any practical alternatives.  Unfortunately, there is real money to be made from their business plan serving frequently non-competitive communities with incrementally-upgraded “just enough” broadband service with unfriendly terms and conditions attached.

In several of the 14 states impacted by the proposed sale, the relatively small number of customers involved made it easy for regulators to quickly approve the proposal with few conditions attached. The deal flew under the radar and got scant press in most of these states.  Washington, Ohio, and West Virginia are another matter.  Regulators are taking a closer look at the deal in all three states where most of the controversy is taking place.  The deal is most contentious in West Virginia, where Verizon’s exit threatens to turn most of the state’s landline business over to Frontier Communications.

Stop the Cap! has been reviewing the public comments left on more than a dozen news sites, forums, and printed letters to the editor regarding the deal.  We’ve seen comments obviously coming from Frontier employees, union members, politicians, business leaders, and competitors.  But the vast majority come from ordinary consumers who have concerns about what the deal will do to their telephone and broadband service.  Most of the comments from consumers that embrace the sale don’t do so because they are fans of Frontier.  They simply loathe Verizon and want an alternative.  Boiled down, the consensus among those in favor of Frontier taking over is “let them try… they can’t do any worse than Verizon.”

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WCHS Charleston PSC Phone Hearing 1-12-2010.flv[/flv]

WCHS-TV in Charleston covers West Virginia’s Public Service Commission hearings reviewing the proposed deal.  Frontier employees arrived in Charleston to lobby for the sale. (1 minute)

Desperate for Broadband

There are a lot of West Virginians who still have no broadband options.  Frontier claims Verizon provides only 60 percent of their customers with a broadband option — DSL service that tops out at 7Mpbs, if you live in an urban area.  Those that don’t have often waited years for Verizon to extend DSL service into their communities or neighborhoods.  It’s a problem common in mountainous, often rural states like West Virginia where infrastructure costs can be prohibitive.  Customers believe that Frontier Communications will tolerate a lower return on their investment providing DSL service to those customers Verizon ignored.

Promising to expand broadband service in rural, unserved areas is a common sales point for all of the prior Verizon sell-offs.  Hawaiian Telcom promised improved broadband service and speed.  Fairpoint promised to expand DSL availability to 75 percent of all access lines within 18 months of the sale, 85 percent within two years and 95 percent within five years.  Frontier Communications promises to expand broadband service as well, claiming they already provide 92 percent of their existing West Virginia customers with the option.  Of course, Hawaiian Telcom and FairPoint both reneged on their commitments before going bankrupt.  Frontier Communications hasn’t yet been held to any specific commitment or timeline in West Virginia as part of their proposed takeover of service.

Consumer Reports rated TV, phone, and Internet providers, including Verizon and Frontier, in its February 2010 issue

To those suffering with dial-up or satellite fraudband, -any- broadband option seems like a miracle, even if it turns out to be 1-3Mbps DSL service with a 5GB allowance.  But as those kinds of anemic speeds arrive, cutting edge multimedia-rich broadband applications will become increasingly mainstream and leave these customers behind, again.  With a 5GB usage limit, it wouldn’t matter anyway, because customers will never be able to take advantage of services that will rapidly blow through those limits.  Make no mistake, a user’s broadband experience at 1.5Mbps with a 5GB allowance is going to be considerably different than a customer enjoying online multimedia from a cable provider or the next generation broadband service from Verizon FiOS or AT&T’s U-verse.  Think e-mail and basic web browsing, and that’s about all.

What kind of broadband experience does Frontier Communications bring?  This month, Consumer Reports rated Frontier dead last among DSL providers that own and operate their own broadband networks (subscription required).  The magazine rated 27 regional fiber, cable, and satellite providers and Frontier’s DSL ended up #19 on the list, the lowest rating of any DSL provider selling service on its own network.  Only Earthlink, which usually buys access on other providers’ networks came in lower among DSL providers.  Verizon actually scored higher than Frontier.

Frontier’s DSL service merited a 67 out of 100 score, rating only fair on value, speed, reliability, and customer support, based on 56,080 Consumer Reports subscribers who have a home Internet account.

Frontier’s phone service rated even lower, second to last in the survey.  Frontier was rated fair on value, reliability and call quality.  Only Mediacom did worse.  Verizon scored much better on reliability.  The magazine’s survey of phone companies was based on 37,484 respondents with phone service and was completed in the spring of 2009.

The consumer magazine did not recommend DSL for broadband access, suggesting consumers would do better with fiber optic broadband first, and cable modem service second.

Union Bashing – The enemy of my enemy is my friend

A significant minority of comments were focused entirely on union bashing, completely ignoring the specifics of the Frontier-Verizon sale.  All these people knew was that if the Communications Workers of America or other union was involved, they were the “real problem,” accusing union bosses of opposing the deal until they were paid off.


Reality trumps anti-union talking points.  Consumers can review for themselves who correctly predicted the outcome of the last two deals of the recent past.  They were the CWA and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, who accurately identified the service problems, the network transition problems, the debt load that prevented service expansion and upgrades, and the eventual bankruptcies experienced at Hawaiian Telcom and FairPoint Communications.  It turns out that asking front line employees who work in the office and out in the field maintaining the network are well positioned to give an honest assessment of these transactions that others seek to candy coat to get the deal done.

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WSAZ Charleston Frontier Defends Deal 1-12-2010.flv[/flv]

WSAZ-TV in Charleston delivered this decidedly pro-Frontier news report on the company’s efforts to counter opposition to the proposed sale. (3 minutes)

The Opposition

A large number of comments from those who oppose the deal believe they will actually be far worse off with Frontier.  Most relate the experiences of themselves or their friends and family who live in Frontier service areas, and they’re unhappy with Frontier’s poor customer service, reliability, and slow speed DSL.  Many were also unhappy with Frontier’s automatically-renewing contracts committing customers to stay with the company or face a steep early cancellation penalty.  Many more lament the lack of a future with Verizon fiber optics.

David Swanson, who blogs from his home in Golden Valley, Arizona just dumped Frontier for his local cable provider – Golden Valley Cable & Communications.  He says he was overpaying for Frontier’s DSL and phone package.  Together, after fees and taxes, $90 a month went to Frontier and $73 a month went to DirecTV for television service.  With his new cable bundle, he pays $100 a month for everything.  He uses Boost mobile for his phone, and has no need for a landline.

Reviews on DSL Reports aren’t exactly positive about Frontier either.

One Rochester customer isn’t happy with the “spotty service” he’s experienced on Frontier’s aging copper wire infrastructure, noting they don’t seem to be in any hurry to upgrade facilities in western New York.  He’s stuck with unreliable DSL service far slower than what Time Warner Cable’s Road Runner service can provide. Another customer in Lowville, New York admits he has to live with Frontier’s slow speed DSL because there is no other provider available.  In Kingman, Arizona one customer rated the company’s DSL service “slightly better than nothing.”

Even customers who had had good things to say about Frontier in forums often acknowledge their service simply isn’t a good value when considering the high cost charged for the slow speed received.

What Can Be Done?

At this point, it is critical impacted customers contact their state utility commission and state representatives and tell them this deal does not work for you.  It is true Verizon wants out of these service areas, and should they win the right to withdraw someone will have to assume control of landline operations in these communities.  But the terms and conditions for the company seeking to provide service should favor customers and not the Wall Street dealmakers.  Strict financial pre-conditions should be in place to guarantee the buyer is up to the task of providing service and upgrades.  Historically, it’s been far too easy to simply renege on the deal with a quick trip to Bankruptcy Court to shed the debt these deals pile on, and be rid of the service commitments that were part of the approval process.

A company that believes they’ll earn plenty from this deal should be spending plenty to provide quality broadband service starting at 10Mbps, not the 1-3Mbps service Frontier provides most of its rural service areas.  What chance do communities in West Virginia have to stay competitive in a digital economy that requires faster broadband access without the ridiculously low usage limits Frontier includes in their customer agreements?  In fact, usage limits and other Internet Overcharging schemes should be explicitly banned as part of any sales agreement.

Holding Verizon responsible for the outcome of deals that benefit them and their shareholders while sticking customers with a bankrupt provider must be considered.  An important component of past Verizon’s landline-dumping-deals involves the Reverse Morris Trust — delivering a tax-free transaction for Verizon and piles of debt for the buyer. That puts all the risk on ratepayers, lower level employees who are among the first to go when cost-cutting begins, and head-scratching regulators wondering where it all went wrong.  The only ones not doing any hand-wringing are Verizon’s accountants and the executive management of both companies who conjure up such deals.  That’s because they are rarely held accountable, and often win retention bonuses even while a company is mired in bankruptcy.

Regulators should insist Verizon play a fundamental role in insuring that customers are protected even after the deal closes, honoring commitments and financing operations should the buyer fail soon after the sale is complete.  Under these conditions, customers are protected and Verizon might think twice about structuring a deal that loads the buyer down in insurmountable debt.

“This deal is driven by greed — and we can learn from Northern New England’s and Hawaii’s experience to make sure it does not come to pass here or in the other 13 states,” said CWA’s District Two Vice-President Ron Collins, who has been leading the campaign in West Virginia.

Dissatisfied With Sprint? 30-Day Window to Get Out With No Cancellation Penalty Expires January 31st

Phillip Dampier January 13, 2010 Data Caps, Editorial & Site News, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on Dissatisfied With Sprint? 30-Day Window to Get Out With No Cancellation Penalty Expires January 31st

Customers unhappy with Sprint’s mobile service need not wait until the end of their contract term to switch providers without incurring an expensive early termination fee.  Sprint has changed its pricing for their monthly regulatory fees from $.20 to $.40 per month.  Although it sounds all-official-sounding, in fact it’s nothing more than pure profit padding.  It’s a “junk fee” thrown on to customer bills ostensibly to pay for the company’s costs of complying with legal regulations.  In fact, a lot of it probably ends up paying for their lobbyists.

No matter, because you can use this pesky fee to your advantage if you were thinking of switching providers.  Your contract with Sprint includes a clause pertaining to a “materially adverse changes” to your contract with Sprint, and paying even more for your Sprint service sounds mighty adverse to me.

This means you get to break your contract, leave, and pay them zero in cancellation fees on the way out the door.  If you are happy with Sprint service and want to stay, you can also use the extra charge to extract free add-ons, like a free texting plan or other calling feature.  Maybe you want a new and better phone now at a substantial discount instead of waiting until the end of your contract.  Or maybe you just want to refuse paying this junk fee.  All things are possible during your 30-day window of opportunity to your favor, depending on the representative you reach and their authority to act on your behalf.

The Consumerist has some great pointers to prepare you for the call or online chat you are about to have with Sprint.  Be prepared for some varying degrees of push back from the company representatives, many who will be under-informed about your right not to pay junk fees and get out of your contract without penalties:

  • When you call, they will ask you why you are canceling and try to get you to say you are unhappy with some other aspect of the service. You need to stick fast to your guns and insist, no matter what, that the only reason you are canceling is because you are rejecting this materially adverse change in contract terms and conditions.
  • Not looking forward to playing head-games over the phone? Some readers have had better luck using online chat. “They just copy-and-paste a few canned pleas for you to stay, and all you have to do is type no thanks,” says commenter ohenry. “Plus then you can save your chat.”
  • Yes, you can keep your phone number and port it to another provider.
  • Yes, you may be able to use this to switch to a month to month plan.
  • You only have January 31, 2010 to cancel.

The Consumerist site has a comments section with the experiences of those looking for the exit.

Verizon Wireless Data Corral: Herding Customers Into New Data Plans Starting January 18th

Verizon Wireless is expected to unveil three new data plans on January 18th, including a new smartphone-mandatory “unlimited broadband” 3G plan priced at $29.99 per month, according to documents obtained by Broadband Reports.

The documents, provided by a Verizon Wireless employee, show the company is moving towards mandating all of their customers select some sort of data plan as part of their monthly service.  But unlike some wireless providers that leave options open to customers, Verizon wants to herd customers into data plans based on the types of phones they use:

  • Simple Phones: Basic handsets that are designed for making and receiving phone calls and sending quick text messages from a numeric keypad, typically at older network standard speeds;
  • 3G Multimedia: 3G-capable phones that may include a simple keyboard, and are designed for simpler text messaging and occasional data access;
  • 3G Smartphones: Blackberry, Android, Windows-capable, and eventually the iPhone all qualify for this classification.

Verizon Wireless formerly offered a paltry 25MB package for $9.99 with a 50 cents per megabyte overlimit fee and a stingy 75MB package for $19.99 per month with a 30 cents per megabyte overlimit fee.  These might be suitable for someone trying to navigate a mobile web browser on an older generation phone from a numeric keyboard, but were priced unattractively for those with more advanced phones.

The 75MB package appears to be history after January 18th, but the 25MB package will remain with a reduced overlimit fee of 20 cents per megabyte (that’s an incredible $200 per gigabyte) .  Customers who don’t want -any- data plan for their basic wireless phone will be forced onto Verizon’s “pay as you go” plan, which charges $1.99 per megabyte.  It’s this plan that subjects customers to those $1.99 mysterious “data charges” on their bill, caused when a customer invokes the phone’s web browser (intentionally or otherwise, if you believe customers.)

Customers who don’t own smartphones and don’t use their phones to access many data services will find themselves being corralled into one of Verizon’s new data plans, whether they like it or not, once they try and renew their contract or make “certain account changes” under their existing contract.  If you’re a smartphone user, your choice will be the $29.99 unlimited data plan or the $29.99 unlimited data plan.  In other words, smartphone customers don’t get a choice.  Only owners of more basic phones will be able to choose from overpriced “pay as you go” service, a paltry 25MB offering, or what the company will upsell as the “best value” — the $29.99 unlimited plan.

“Even some basic phones such as the LG VX8360 will require data plans starting the 18th,” says Broadband Reports‘ tipster. Some examples of 3G Multimedia phones: LG Chocolate Touch, LG enV3, LG enV Touch, LG VX8360, Motorola Entice, Motorola Rival, Samsung Rogue, Samsung Alias2 and Nokia Twist.

The launch of an unlimited data plan on Verizon Wireless’ 3G network will make Apple happy.  The iPhone manufacturer has reportedly advocated generous data plans for iPhone customers who find themselves required to purchase plans for both voice calling and data with AT&T.  If the iPhone’s arrival on Verizon Wireless’ network is imminent this summer, having an unlimited data plan available to customers would make sense.

Although the fine print isn’t available to us, Karl Bode at Broadband Reports notes the documents he’s seen indicate no hidden usage cap, like AT&T’s formerly advertised “unlimited” plans that were limited to 5GB in the fine print.

Broadband Reports ran an exclusive story this morning breaking the news about Verizon's new data plans.

Still, for customers pushed into purchasing a data plan they may not want, it’s another case of Internet Overcharging.  That’s particularly true with Verizon, which claims to be a proponent of “paying for what you use,” yet still doesn’t offer all of their customers that option.  Instead, customers who don’t want to pony up $29.99 a month (or don’t have to because they don’t own a smartphone) are stuck paying for overpriced “pay as you go” plans or a paltry 25MB plan priced not to sell.  Even their “unlimited” plan may not last for long.  As Verizon Wireless works towards their 4G network launch, unlimited pricing may never be a part of it.

The Verizon Wireless documents explain what’s really happening here when it instructs employees pushing data plans to up-sell customers: “think of how dissatisfied they would be if they received their bill with excessive Pay As You Go charges!”  That is a powerful tool to motivate customers to choose a more expensive plan they may not need or want, just to protect themselves from the nasty surprise of an enormous bill at the end of the month.

With the evolving wireless phone marketplace now opening up new options for consumers to bypass the wireless company’s own products and services, overcharging consumers for accessing competitors’ products on their network guarantees a nice payday for Verizon Wireless no matter how you use your phone.

It’s why year after year, despite an increasing number of minutes thrown into your plan’s bucket, your cell phone bill never seems to actually decrease.  After all of the additional add-ons, surcharges, and fees attached to the bill, it has become easier than ever to approach $100 a month for cell phone service in the United States.

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