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Spectrum Changing its On-the-Go Wi-Fi Service, Retiring “CableWiFi” Hotspot ID

Phillip Dampier December 3, 2020 Charter Spectrum, Consumer News, Wireless Broadband 7 Comments

Cable internet customers connecting to Spectrum’s large national network of Wi-Fi hotspots may have to make some adjustments on their mobile devices to keep those connections working.

CableWiFi® is a partnership between Altice USA, Comcast/Xfinity, Cox Communications and Charter/Spectrum allowing their internet customers to share access to those four cable operators’ extensive Wi-Fi hotspot networks while on the go. Once configured, customers coming in range of one will automatically connect, protecting their mobile data allowance.

For years, customers traveling outside of their own cable company’s service area typically connected to “CableWiFi” to access the service. But Spectrum is now dropping support for that and requiring customers to take additional steps to maintain their connection:

In order to connect to the same networks outside of the Spectrum Internet® service area, you will need the Spectrum Internet WiFi profile installed on your compatible device(s).

To install the Spectrum Internet WiFi profile on Android and iOS devices, download the My Spectrum App from the Play Store or App Store and follow the instructions in the app. To download the profile on MacOS devices, click here. A profile for Windows PCs is coming soon.

Visit the Spectrum Out-of-Home WiFi page for additional information.

This profile will also automatically connect Spectrum customers to XFINITY (Comcast’s Wi-Fi) and AlticeWiFi (in Altice USA’s service area). We are uncertain if this will also work with those traveling inside Cox’s service area.

More detailed instructions are also available from a special Spectrum web page.

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4 years ago

Many phone companies are now recording robocalls. Some companies do not use this technology at all, while others use it very lightly. So when a phone call comes in, it will record the numbers, date and time of the call, and then it will send the recording to you. You can then use the information you receive to report the caller to the FCC. If you want to block a telemarketer from ever calling you again, then you should use a service like robocalls blocker to get rid of the Comenity Bank Call Harassment.

Last edited 4 years ago by bbrucealvarez
4 years ago

I tried downloading the Spectrum profile on iOS. It’s strange that the profile does not connect me to Xfinity public networks. Maybe it has not been updated yet.

2 years ago
Reply to  MathMatis

Same issue for me. Does not automatically connect to Xfinity SSIDs. When you look at the device management profile, it only has Spectrum related SSIDs, nothing on 3rd party. Maybe that’s the issue? Did they remove this capability

4 years ago

I really like the useful info you supply for your content. Thank you very much for sharing a smart thought.

3 years ago

Hello, I’ve tried to install the Spectrum profile on my iPhone as well. I don’t understand why the profile shows me as a member of the Xfinity public networks but doesn’t say I’m a member of this network. Maybe it is obsolete.

Emily A. Cox
2 years ago

 LAWYER, 2022 UPDATE: I have had 7 SEPARATE technician appointments come INTO My Home, and the speeds were absolutely NOT verified and I am most definitely 100% NOT getting the speeds I’m paying for, and not even CLOSE. — Not even 1/3 of the speed that I’m supposed to get. I would like the executive of Investigation to get a hold of me, as there is 100% FRAUD going on here at this location IDENTICAL to the Lawsuit that was won against Spectrum for this very SAME DECEPTIVE SCHEME the Attorney General of New York for… Read more »

2 years ago

I don’t understand why the profile shows me as a member root canal of the Xfinity public networks but doesn’t say I’m a member of this network. Maybe it is obsolete.

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