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Mediacom Boosts Speeds Up to 305Mbps; Upgrades Begin in June

Phillip Dampier April 29, 2014 Broadband Speed, Competition, Consumer News, Mediacom 2 Comments

logo_mediacom_mainMediacom sent Stop the Cap! a press release today indicating it is boosting broadband speeds at no charge for customers starting this June and continuing through the summer months.

  • Prime Plus ($59.95), originally 30/2Mbps will be upgraded to 50/5Mbps in early June;
  • Ultra ($79.95), originally 50/5Mbps will be increased to 100/10Mbps in early June;
  • Ultra Plus ($99.95), formerly 105/10Mbps, increases to 150/20Mbps and will be rolled out to most Mediacom systems over the summer. Upload speeds may initially stay at 10Mbps until the upgrades are complete.

Mediacom is testing 305/10Mbps service in Cedar Rapids, Ia. to compete with CenturyLink. It costs $199.95 a month. Standard Internet service ($49.95) remains unchanged at 15/1Mbps.

“Today, we’re either pulling down data or sending something up,” Mediacom spokeswoman Phyllis Peters said. “People want faster speeds coming down because a lot of people maybe are tapping into things coming down. They want more speed in both directions because they’re sharing video files and higher-bandwidth applications.”

The company said it will be the eighth time in the last 10 years it will have increased Internet speeds, in each case without raising prices.

“We’re doubling our network capacity every 18 months,” Peters said.


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Adam Reese
Adam Reese
10 years ago

Still being overcharged out the ass, but at least it stings a little less. Hopefully they don’t raise our prices over time.

10 years ago

If they are doubling network capacity every 18 months, why haven’t my usage caps increased? You can’t have it both ways, Mediacom.

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