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Wildblue Censors Links to Stop the Cap!; We Are “Counter-Productive,” Says Satellite ISP

Phillip Dampier August 1, 2012 Consumer News, Data Caps, Editorial & Site News, WildBlue/Exede, Wireless Broadband 4 Comments

Wildblue’s customer forum will not allow its readers to link to Stop the Cap!, because in the view of Wildblue’s forum moderators, we are “counter-productive.”

We suspect the company is uncomfortable about exposing customers to the fact Wildblue is selling “broadband” satellite service with a “fair usage policy” so strict many customers cannot actually use the service for more than basic web browsing and e-mail. Wildblue consistently ranks  near the very bottom of broadband service providers rated by Consumer Reports (only HughesNet is worse).

The good news is Wildblue still allows customers to use Google. Most will have no trouble finding us even when the company spends time and effort censoring a direct link.

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James R Curry
James R Curry
11 years ago

The obvious question is “Counter-productive to what”?

11 years ago

Counter-productive to CEO Tom Moore’s lifestyle

11 years ago

I’ve gotten the same crap, that they will not let one to even POST a link to the Federal trade commission, Attorney General’s office of the state they are located in. I have complained about deceptive practices, mentioned class action suit and that folks who have been deceived request REFUNDS. Needless to say the loyal forum users went ape. Wonder how many of them are sponsored by the “company”.. My complaint was simple. One is told on the Legacy service which got Wild Blue started, that you get X amount of upload and download, your “bandwidth”. Contract says in the… Read more »

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