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FCC Chairman Calls for Cable Industry to Close Broadband Gap

Phillip Dampier June 15, 2011 Consumer News, Data Caps, Public Policy & Gov't 1 Comment


This morning in Chicago, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski congratulated the cable industry for their part in delivering broadband service to America.

Appearing at the cable industry’s trade show, Genachowski said the next problem to conquer is broadband adoption — reaching the 100 million Americans that either don’t want or can’t afford the service.

“As an industry, you’ve connected two-thirds of Americans to broadband – and I applaud you for that,” Genachowski said. “Now, let’s work together to connect the last third — nearly 100 million people — so all Americans can participate fully in our 21st century economy and society.”

To address the issue of broadband adoption, Genachowski plans to create a Broadband Adoption Task Force to be headed by his senior counselor, Josh Gottheimer.  The group will accept input from public and private sources to try and find ways to get broadband service into more homes.

The cable industry has recently argued that elimination of flat rate broadband service would allow the industry to create lower priced, lower usage tiers of service to reach customers.  But even existing “light usage” service plans that deliver lower speeds at lower prices have not made a major difference in convincing millions of potential customers to sign up.

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13 years ago

Given his track record so far, I believe that Genachowski is only paying lip service to the idea of universal and affordable broadband. I predict that his next job will be as a legal counsel or lobbyist for one of the big telecoms.

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