AT&T: Basic Telephone Service In Death Spiral – Deregulate Us For 21st Century Upgrade

Phillip Dampier

In a remarkable statement to the Federal Communications Commission in Washington, AT&T has joined Verizon in predicting the imminent demise of Ma Bell’s classic telephone network.

AT&T writes in its 30 page comment, “That transition is underway already: with each passing day, more and more communications services migrate to broadband and Internet Protocol (IP)-based services, leaving the public switched telephone network (“PSTN”) and plain-old telephone service (“POTS”) as relics of a by-gone era.”

AT&T claims abandoning the old legacy phone network would help the company devote its full resources into staying relevant by constructing a broadband, IP-based network that would deliver voice, data, and video to consumers, presumably over its U-verse platform.  That, according to AT&T, could help the company achieve universal broadband coverage in its service areas, but only if investment-friendly regulations are supported by Washington policymakers.

The Commission has been charged by Congress with formulating a National Broadband Plan that will result in broadband availability for 100% of the United States. That auspicious goal is within reach, but […] will not be met in a timely or efficient manner if providers are forced to continue to invest in and to maintain two networks. Broadband is dramatically changing the way Americans live, work, obtain health care, and interact with the government. Congress and the Commission have rightly made universal broadband access a core national priority. But achieving this goal will take an enormous investment of capital. Private investment from network operators has brought broadband access to over 90% of Americans, and these operators will continue to play a pivotal role in bringing broadband to the remaining 8-10% of citizens who do not currently have broadband access. It is accordingly crucial that the Commission pursue forward-looking regulatory policies that remove disincentives to private investment and encourage operators to extend broadband to unserved areas.

While broadband usage – and the importance of broadband to Americans’ lives – is growing every day, the business model for legacy phone services is in a death spiral. Revenues from POTS are plummeting as customers cut their landlines in favor of the convenience and advanced features of wireless and VoIP services. At the same time, due to the high fixed costs of providing POTS, every customer who abandons this service raises the average cost-per-line to serve the remaining customers. With an outdated product, falling revenues, and rising costs, the POTS business is unsustainable for the long run.

AT&T cites a growing number of Americans cutting their wired phone line service — 22% according to the National Center for Health Statistics.  Craig Moffett from Bernstein Research pegs it closer to 25%, with an additional 700,000 phone lines being disconnected every month.  With a shrinking customer base, the viability of companies providing only wired phone service has come into question.  Verizon and AT&T, the nation’s largest phone companies, have made the judgment it’s a dying business.  Conversely, Frontier Communications and a few other independent phone companies remain believers in rural copper wire phone networks, and are willing to buy the discarded, mostly rural regions their bigger counterparts can’t wait to exit.

But AT&T’s advocacy for an end to “plain old telephone service” is just a tad self-serving when one explores their “To-Do” list for Washington regulatory agencies and lawmakers.  AT&T suggests their future plan benefits all Americans.  Critics would contend it mostly benefits AT&T and its shareholders, especially in light of AT&T’s future revenues being directly impacted by customers disconnecting their AT&T phone lines.  AT&T themselves note collective industry revenue for basic phone service fell from $178.6 billion in 2000 to $130.8 billion in 2007, a 27% decrease.

AT&T’s Action Plan to Avoid Obsolescence Explored

AT&T's U-verse system represents AT&T's broadband-based network

At the heart of AT&T’s proposal for 21st century telephone service is an end to analog telephone service, designed more than 100 years ago to carry voice calls, and the launch of broadband-based service to every home in their service area.  From this new platform, AT&T can deliver telephone, television, and Internet service over a single network.  In fact, they already do in several cities where AT&T’s U-verse has launched. Instead of getting one revenue stream from basic phone service, AT&T can now earn from any number of services a broadband platform can support.

AT&T compares their plan with the transition from analog to digital television, except you won’t have to trade in your existing phones or attach converter boxes to every telephone in the house.  Just like the switch to digital television, AT&T wants a date certain to pull the plug on Ma Bell’s old phone network, the sooner the better.

But AT&T’s plan has plenty of strings attached.

First, the company believes the only path to private investment and a successful transition is a near-complete deregulation of the telephone industry.  It wants the federal government, specifically the FCC, to take control of oversight of phone companies across America, if only to end a patchwork of state regulations and service requirements.  Remember, the Ma Bell most Americans grew up with was a regulated monopoly.  In return for guaranteed profits, phone companies agreed to meet service obligations, provide service to any home or business that wanted it, serve the disabled, and provide discounted phone service to the economically disadvantaged.  Rural customers were assured they would have access to phone service and at reasonable prices, and if something stopped working, government oversight ensured problems would be repaired to the customer’s satisfaction.

In AT&T’s view, such requirements are quaint and outdated, and it wants to bear few of those burdens going forward.  Indeed, in a too-cute-by-half aside, the company argues that since it will design the network to operate under the same protocol the unregulated Internet uses, it should be unregulated as well.

Such deregulation could impact a myriad of policies governing phone service that most Americans take for granted — minimum service standards, requirements that telephone companies complete calls between one another – even if competitors, and reasonably priced basic phone service even in the most remote locations.  But AT&T is asking for even more – a comprehensive review and possible elimination of any regulation that could be interpreted as interfering with the transition to an all-broadband telephone network.  AT&T includes everything but the kitchen sink in this category, ranging from service quality requirements, reporting, recordkeeping, data collection, accounting, and depreciation and amortization rules governing how quickly the company can write off obsolete equipment.

Ma Bell's network is due for a retirement, advocates AT&T

Ironically, AT&T wants deregulation -and- access to public taxpayer dollars to construct their new network.  The company advocates government-funded award programs to promote universal broadband access.  One would provide money for wired broadband service, perfect for companies like AT&T that want to build those networks, and another for wireless mobile projects to expand service into unserved or underserved areas, also perfect for AT&T Mobility — the same wireless carrier slammed by Verizon Wireless for largely ignoring rural America with 3G wireless data upgrades.

While there is some justification for a review of federal and state rules that may no longer realistically apply to today’s telecommunications marketplace, AT&T goes out of its way to be self-serving in its recommendations.  It dangles the bright and shiny object of a 21st century broadband-based telephone network, but only if they get to run it essentially “no questions asked,” with little oversight and an infusion of public taxpayer dollars to compliment private investment.

AT&T may be correct that the days for Ma Bell’s “plain old telephone service” are indeed numbered.  But for a company that earns billions in profits and answers to shareholders demanding maximum return, shouldn’t their long term well-being first be a question between AT&T management and shareholders?  Are they incapable of a private course correction that makes their future relevance more secure?  AT&T’s U-verse did not require public tax dollars to be successful, and the company spent generously on lobbyists and astroturf campaigns to smooth the way forward with “statewide franchising,” bypassing local government oversight.

The real question on the table is how far does the Obama Administration and the FCC want to go to achieve universal broadband?  AT&T suggests that only massive deregulation will entice private investors to step up and make the investments required to help achieve whatever definition of “universal broadband” the Commission comes up with.  But that price is way too high to pay.  AT&T answers first and always to its shareholders.  If they want public tax dollars funding, even in part, their transition to an all-broadband future, they must also answer to the other “stockholders,” namely the American people helping to foot the bill.

DirecTV Directly Reaches Your Bank Account With Rate Hike for 2010

Phillip Dampier January 4, 2010 Competition 6 Comments

Cable companies, U-verse, and FiOS aren’t alone in raising prices in the New Year.  Satellite provider DirecTV has mailed a rate hike notice to its subscribers effective February 9, 2010.  Many of their packages are being streamlined, and some existing subscribers to packages not noted below are also impacted with price increases.  Most will see an increase averaging $3 a month.  Thanks to The Gadgetress at The Orange County Register who put it all in chart form.

DVR fees will also increase, from $5.99 to $7 a month.

Those on promotional price packages or a contract term will see no change in pricing until their promotion or contract expires.

DirecTV service 2009 price 2010 price Increase
Premier $109.99 $114.99 4.5%
Lo Maximo $109.99 $114.99 4.5%
Choice Xtra $60.99 $63.99 4.9%
Choice $55.99 $58.99 5.4%
Preferred Choice $35.99 $38.99 8.3%
Jadeworld $36.99 $39.99 8.1%
Optimo Mas $44.99 $47.99 6.7%
Total Choice Mobile n/a $63.99 n/a
Plus HD DVR $75.99 $79.99 5.3%
Plus DVR $65.99 $69.99 6.1%
Select $48.99 $51.99 6.1%
Basico $32.99 $35.99 9.1%

For those who are curious, the 2010 prices are between 9.5 percent to 60 percent higher than 2008’s prices:

DirecTV service 2008 price 2009 price 2010 price 08-10 increase
Premier $104.99 $109.99 $114.99 9.5%
Lo Maximo $104.99 $109.99 $114.99 9.5%
Plus HD DVR $72.99 $75.99 $79.99 9.6%
Plus DVR $62.99 $65.99 $69.99 11.1%
Choice Xtra $57.99 $60.99 $63.99 10.3%
Familiar Ultra $54.99 $57.99 $60.99 10.9%
Choice $52.99 $55.99 $58.99 11.3%
Preferred Choice $32.99 $35.99 $38.99 18.2%
Select n/a $48.99 $51.99 n/a
Basico $29.99 $32.99 $35.99 20.0%
Basic (international) $9.99 $12.99 $15.99 60.1%

DirecTV E-Mail to Subscribers:

Dear DIRECTV Customer,

Your business is important to us. We want you to know about any changes to your DIRECTV® service as far in advance as possible. That is why we are writing to let you know of a potential change to your DIRECTV bill.

On February 9, 2010, new pricing will be applied to DIRECTV programming packages and services.

DIRECTV is the leader in satellite television and will continue to bring you the best in entertainment:

New Rates for DIRECTV® Service: New prices take effect February 9, 2010, and will appear on billing statements issued after that date. See the detailed information below as it relates to your service. If your current DIRECTV base package price is part of a national promotional 12-month or “Lock in Your Price for 12 Months” offer, you will continue to receive this price for the remainder of your offer period. As of next month’s bill, your promotional price will be shown on your statement as the new price along with a credit. Note: if you change your current base package, you may no longer be eligible for the credit.

Base Packages: Base packages include local channels, where available. Packages and their new prices: CHOICE™ $58.99/mo. CHOICE XTRA™ $63.99/mo. PREFERRED CHOICE™ $38.99/mo. PREMIER™ $114.99/mo. TOTAL CHOICE® MOBILE™ $63.99/mo.

The following legacy base packages* and their new prices: BASIC $15.99/mo. BÁSICO™ $35.99/mo. DIRECTV LIMITED $27.99/mo. FAMILIAR™ $51.99/mo. FAMILIAR ULTRA™ $60.99/mo. OPCIÓN ESPECIAL® $35.99/mo. OPCIÓN EXTRA™ $43.99/mo. OPCIÓN EXTRA ESPECIAL® $52.99/mo. OPCIÓN PREMIER® $108.99/mo. OPCIÓN ULTRA ESPECIAL® $54.99/mo. OPTIMO MÁS PLUS DVR $53.99/mo. PLUS DIRECTV $36.99/mo. PLUS DVR™ $69.99/mo. PLUS HD DVR™ $79.99/mo. SELECT CHOICE® $41.99/mo. TOTAL CHOICE® $57.49/mo. TOTAL CHOICE® LIMITED $48.99/mo. TOTAL CHOICE® PLUS $61.49/mo. SELECT will increase $3.00/mo. DIRECTV® DVR Service fee $7.00/mo.

*These packages are no longer available for sale. Customers who currently subscribe to these packages may maintain them as long as their account is in “good standing”, as determined by DIRECTV in its sole discretion. For complete pricing and packaging information, visit

Cable Cartel’s Plan to Kill Online TV: No Cable Subscription? No Online TV – Consumer Groups Call That Collusion

Phillip Dampier January 4, 2010 Comcast/Xfinity, Data Caps, Issues, Online Video 17 Comments

Comcast blocks C-SPAN programming for those who are not Comcast customers

Public interest groups today began an offensive against the cable industry’s attempts to stave off potential online video competition with an industry dominated and controlled online video platform that guarantees consumers won’t cut cable’s cord.

Free Press, Media Access Project, Public Knowledge and Consumers Union are sending letters to the Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission calling for a probe into the industry’s “TV Everywhere” project, designed to weed out non-cable subscribers from accessing online video programming.

The undertaking, which the industry claims will eventually rival Hulu in size and scope, seeks to provide their broadband customers with on-demand access to as much programming as possible, as long as they subscribe to a corresponding video programming and broadband service package.

Known in the industry as a “pay wall,” the system would assure pay television companies affiliated with the project that they will not lose subscribers from customers cutting the cord to watch programming online for free.  Consumer groups call that collusion, and accuse the industry of secretly meeting to outline the TV Everywhere concept and may be violating anti-trust laws in the process.

“The old media giants are working together to kill off innovative online competitors and carve up the market for themselves,” said Marvin Ammori, a law professor at the University of Nebraska and senior adviser to Free Press. Ammori’s report: TV Competition Nowhere: How the Cable Industry Is Colluding to Kill Online TV, is included in the mailing to the federal agencies.

Ammori says the industry has a long history of controlling behavior.

“Over the past decade, they have locked down and controlled TV set-top boxes to limit competing programming sources; they have considered imposing fees for high-capacity Internet use in ways that would discourage online TV viewing; and they have pressured programmers to keep their best content off the Internet,” Ammori writes.

In addition, these companies, which already dominate the Internet access market, have threatened to discriminate against certain online applications or have already been caught violating Network Neutrality. Indeed, the FCC issued an order in 2008 against Comcast for blocking technologies used to deliver online TV, noting the anti-competitive effect of this blocking. While it may be economically rational for cable, phone and satellite companies to squash online competitors, the use of anti-competitive tactics is bad for American consumers and the future of a competitive media industry.

The latest method of attack aimed at online TV, however, may be the most threatening — and is also likely illegal. Competition laws aim to ensure that incumbent companies fight to prevail by providing better services and changing with the times, not by using their existing dominant position and agreements to prevent new competitors from emerging.

TV Everywhere has a simple business plan, under which TV programmers like TNT, TBS and CBS will not make content available to a user via the Internet unless the user is also a pay TV subscriber through a cable, satellite or phone company. The obvious goal is to ensure that consumers do not cancel their cable TV subscriptions. But this plan also eliminates potential competition among existing distributors. Instead of being offered to all Americans, including those living in Cox, Cablevision and Time Warner Cable regions, Fancast Xfinity is only available in Comcast regions. The other distributors will follow Comcast’s lead, meaning that the incumbent distributors will not compete with one another outside of their “traditional” regions.

In addition, new online-only TV distributors are excluded from TV Everywhere. The “principles” of the plan, which were published by Comcast and Time Warner (a content company distinct from Time Warner Cable), clearly state that TV Everywhere is meant only for cable operators, satellite companies and phone companies. By design, this plan will exclude disruptive new entrants and result in fewer choices and higher prices for consumers.

This business plan, which transposes the existing cable TV model onto the online TV market, can only exist with collusion among competitors. As a result, TV Everywhere appears to violate several serious antitrust laws. Stripped of slick marketing, TV Everywhere consists of agreements among competitors to divide markets, raise prices, exclude new competitors, and tie products. According to published reports and the evident circumstances, TV Everywhere appears to be a textbook example of collusion. Only an immediate investigation by federal antitrust authorities and Congress can prevent incumbents from smothering nascent new competitors while giving consumers sham “benefits” that are a poor substitute for the fruits of real competition.


The benefits of controlling the marketplace of video and online entertainment is a lucrative one, earning players billions in profits each year.  Losing control of the business model risks the industry repeating the mistakes of the music industry, which overpriced its product and alienated consumers with annoying digital rights management technology and lawsuits.  It also risks a repeat of the newspaper industry which many in the cable industry believe made the critical mistake of giving away all of their content for free.

With online video services like Hulu generating enormous online traffic from its free video programming, the cable industry fears they might already be headed down the road newspapers paved.  TV Everywhere is part of a multi-pronged defense plan according to Ammori.

Indeed, what the industry cannot control themselves, Internet Overcharging schemes like usage caps and “consumption billing” can handily manage.

Ammoni notes:

Cable and phone companies have proposed cap-and-metered pricing for Internet service that appears to target online TV. Unlike the current all-you-can-eat monthly fee-plans, cap-and-metered pricing would charge users based on the capacity used. As a result, downloading or streaming large files will be more expensive than smaller files. In March 2009, Time Warner Cable announced metered pricing trials in four cities that would have made watching online TV cost prohibitive.

AT&T is testing a metering plan on its wireline U-verse service with hopes for national expansion. Even under generous allowances for bandwidth, users could not watch high-definition programming for many hours a day.

In response to trials by Time Warner Cable, a House bill was introduced in Congress, and Time Warner Cable dropped its immediate plans under consumer pressure. The company stated the plans would be reintroduced following a “customer education process.”

“Online TV is this nation’s best shot at breaking up the cable TV industry oligopolies and cartels. Permitting online distributors to compete vigorously on the merits for computer screens and TV screens will result in increased user choice, more rapid innovation, lower prices and a more robust digital democracy,” Ammoni concludes.

Must Fee TV: Broadcaster Consent Fees Will Turn ‘Free TV’ Into ‘Fee TV’ For Cable Subscribers

Phillip Dampier January 4, 2010 Mediacom, Video 1 Comment

Americans can look forward to additional rate increases in their monthly cable bills on top of the usual annual rate increases already underway as broadcast stations demand, and get, cash in return for cable carriage.

Just a few days after Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks concluded their precedent-setting agreement in principle with News Corporation’s Fox network, other networks and television stations owners are lining up to get their piece of the action.

The cable operators’ agreement to pay an estimated 50-60 cents per month per subscriber for the right to put Fox-owned local broadcast stations on the cable dial will likely be used as the starting point for negotiations between other cable operators like Comcast, Cox, Cablevision, and Charter when their agreements with stations and broadcast networks come up for renewal.  If every major broadcast network and station owner gets the same 50-60 cents per month, or more, those costs will certainly be passed on to subscribers.  That’s just the beginning says David Joyce, media analyst for Miller Tabak , a Wall Street trading firm.  Joyce believes annual increases demanded by networks could easily be in the 7-8 percent range.  Bloomberg News predicts that could add up to more than $5 billion dollars a year.

[flv width=”640″ height=”500″] Retransmission Consent Will Force Cable Bills Higher 1-4-10.flv[/flv]

Bloomberg News interviews David Joyce, a media analyst who predicts annual 7-8% increases for retransmission consent. (3 minutes)

Sinclair owns stations in these communities

There is nothing new about these kinds of disputes — just the sums involved.

Sinclair Broadcast Group owns television stations serving nearly 22% of the United States (mostly Fox affiliates), and has contentious negotiations for retransmission consent agreements with Mediacom, a cable operator serving mostly smaller cities in the midwest and south.

The two companies just agreed to an eight day extension of their negotiations over a new agreement to replace the one that expired December 31st.

“We just decided we wanted to avoid, with such important events coming up, the disruption that it would cause customers,” Sinclair General Counsel Barry Faber said. “I don’t expect there will be a further extension. We recognize we’re giving up, perhaps, a small amount of (negotiating) leverage, but we don’t think it’s very much. Our channels are worth so much more than we are asking for.”

Sinclair has been willing to force its stations off Mediacom cable systems in the past to prove its point.  But another experience with angry sports fans upset over the interruption of Fox programming was apparently sufficient to give negotiations another week.

[flv width=”640″ height=”500″] Murdoch Bullies His Way to Agreement 1-4-10.flv[/flv]

Bloomberg News explains how Rupert Murdoch bullied his way into an agreement with Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks that could change the landscape of broadcast television forever.  (4 minutes)

[flv width=”640″ height=”500″] Sports a Major Factor of Cable Dispute 1-4-10.flv[/flv]

The ‘Holy Grail’ of cable programming essentially boils down to silly ball games.  Sports programming is one of cable’s biggest expenses, yet few would dare to alienate sports fans, as this Bloomberg report explores.  (2 minutes)

Fox, Bright House Networks and Time Warner Cable Reach Agreement in Principle That You Will Pay For

Phillip Dampier January 4, 2010 Video Comments Off on Fox, Bright House Networks and Time Warner Cable Reach Agreement in Principle That You Will Pay For

After much sound and fury, and plenty of media attention, Fox programming remained on Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks systems through the New Year’s festivities, as the three companies reached “an agreement in principle” to make cable customers ultimately pay more for the right to watch Fox broadcast stations and cable networks.

The wide-ranging agreement covers all of Time Warner Cable’s more than 12 million subscribers as well as 2.4 million Bright House customers.  The deal encompasses Fox-owned, Fox-affiliated television stations covering nearly four million Americans and Fox’s sports and entertainment cable networks seen nationwide.

The major point of contention between Fox and the two cable companies was the fee for carriage rights to Fox television stations.  Known as “retransmission consent,” cable operators must obtain permission from television station owners before they are allowed to put them on cable lineups.  For years, broadcasters were happy just getting clear pictures to cable’s extended reach into suburban and rural communities.  But over the years, broadcast interests have sought cash payments from cable operators in return for that consent.

Leveraging their popularity, station owners feel they have plenty to room to negotiate higher payments, and the cable industry has tried to avoid setting any precedent for cash payments, fearing a new benchmark set with one station owner will soon become the asking price for every other major station in a community.  Cable operators have traditionally signed agreements that launch station or network-owned cable channels instead of large direct cash payments, but Fox’s game of hardball suggests those days are over.

While none of the companies involved would disclose the terms of the final agreement, industry analysts suggest the parties met somewhere near the middle of their respective asking price.  Fox had demanded $1.00 a month per subscriber for each of its affiliated television stations, while Time Warner Cable suggested a quarter per month per subscriber was a fair offer.  Most agree the final deal is in the 50-60 cent range, not including any extras Time Warner Cable threw in on the cable network side.

Chase Carey

All of the parties represented at the negotiating table were pleased with the outcome.

“We’re pleased that, after months of negotiations, we were able to reach a fair agreement with Time Warner Cable — one that recognizes the value of our programming,” News Corp. president and COO Chase Carey said in a press release. Time Warner Cable president and CEO Glenn Britt adds that his company is “happy to have reached a reasonable deal with no disruption in programming.”

Amusingly, Bright House Networks’ own press release is a mirror copy of Time Warner Cable’s — only the names have been changed:

We’re pleased that an agreement has been reached with no disruption in programming for our customers,” said Steve Miron, Chief Executive Officer, Bright House Networks.

Who wasn’t represented at the negotiating table?  Customers.  Ultimately, whatever amount agreed to, it will be added to customers’ bills in future rate increases.

If other networks seek similar terms, cable operators may have to fork out as much as $5 billion a year — and would likely pass the cost on to subscribers, Craig Moffett, an analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein in New York told Bloomberg News.

“The broadcast networks are really struggling to find a viable business model,” Moffett said. “They’re looking at the cable networks that make money both on advertising and the money that the cable operators pay them and saying, ‘We need a dual revenue stream to survive too.’”

[flv] TWC Fox Reach Agreement 1-4-10.flv[/flv]

CNBC reports on the deal reached just in time to prevents sports fans from missing out on their New Year’s football games on Fox. (2 minutes)

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