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Affected by the Time Warner Outage? Get One Day Service Credit

Phillip Dampier April 27, 2009 Issues 6 Comments

If your Road Runner and/or Digital Phone was impacted by yesterday’s service outage, you can request (they usually won’t give it unless you ask) a one day service credit.  Visit Time Warner Cable, select your service area, and the click the Contact Us button at the top.  You can send an e-mail message with your account information, and request a one day credit for the service outage on April 26th.  [Hat tip: Christopher, who brought this to our attention.]

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15 years ago

Dear Mr. B. , Thank you for contacting Time Warner Cable Email Support. I understand that you were without services and would like to know if a credit would be applied onto your account. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and will be glad to assist you. Unfortunately your service area was hit by an outage, As this was not a planned outage, and being a Sunday things got worse. I request you to please contact us again after 24 hours as by then the services for the entire division will be restored. Once you contact us,… Read more »

15 years ago

: ) Phil. Not only that, but I have to contact them again tomorrow !

Chris Bianchi
Chris Bianchi
15 years ago

Oddly I just put it through as a billing inquiry and said “how much of a credit should I be expecting” and they left me a nice voicemail a half hour later saying “you will be receive a one day credit” with some explanation that they bill by month on a daily basis. I used my social as well and they took it without question.

15 years ago

Well I waited my 24 hours and sent them another e mail… They replied . Dear Mr. B, Thank you for contacting Time Warner Cable Email Support. I understand that you wanted one-day credit on your account as your services were down due to outage. I apologize for the inconvenience and will be glad to assist you. Thank you for your patience and understanding. I have issued you a credit and this will be adjusted against you next months bill. We value you as a customer, and please feel free to E-mail us again or contact our Live Chat at… Read more »

15 years ago

I emailed them Tues morning, got an email back in the afternoon that they were looking into it, and a voicemail Tuesday night that they would credit my account. Hope it works out for all you guys too!

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