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Rumor Mill: Tier 3 San Antonio Tech Suggests Customer Caps “Are Back in January 2010”

Phillip Dampier April 24, 2009 Issues 6 Comments

StoptheCap! reader Corey is back in touch this afternoon to say he just completed a phone call with a Level 3 Road Runner service technician in San Antonio.  He asked the technician what he knew about the caps.  Here is what Corey relays back to us:

He told me “as of our most recent meeting yesterday morning, we will be coming out with a meter to show people their actual usage and will be introducing the consumption based billing sometime in October with actual billing beginning in January.”

He also said the billing was required, “because we are coax based and not fiber optic, so we do have problems with people streaming high definition video and causing congestion in large residential areas, especially apartments and mobile homes.”

Now I have no idea whether these kinds of techs have this kind of information or not.  It might be true, it might not.  It sounds a bit like what the original “revised” plan was before last Thursday when Senator Schumer announced the whole thing was shelved for now.  But it would hardly surprise me if this was their actual intent.  I have no doubt that this fight isn’t over.  I also think it’s becoming obvious that the ‘listening tour’ company officials keep putting out there is window dressing.  As I told Senator Schumer’s office last week, I’m fully expecting that Time Warner will bring back the exact same nonsense all over again, except the summer of the gas gauge will be their attempt to placate customers about how much usage they have, if you believe their gauge and if your usage doesn’t fluctuate between the nicest weather of the year and the lousiest.

I will be working this issue behind the scenes next week.  If this is true, it isn’t exactly the consultation with the community the company was promising last week.  It’s just more of the same.  If you are in San Antonio, perhaps you can manage to land a discussion with another Tier 3 rep and get the same, or a different story, and report back in our comments section.

This is why we stay engaged in the fight, and why everyone else must as well.

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15 years ago

Well if thats the case they can kiss my $55 dollars a month goodbye for Road Runner, and I know I won’t be the only one!

Corey Williams
Corey Williams
15 years ago

The first call i made was outsourced.. the second time i asked to speak to someone locally.. this guy assured me he was tier 3 and he knew what he was talking about… He was very matter of fact about the meters and the billing.. I was floored.. i was expecting wishy washy answers… Believe me i WISH it was’nt true. uverse currently has caps? or no.. anyone know for sure? back to the bat phone…

15 years ago

In other words, TWC really hasn’t changed their stance on caps one iota? Unbelieveable, yet believable… This post makes me think that everything is back to square one.

TWC will have to brace for losing more customers – at least in the markets where there is actual competition.

As for the other markets, its just abuse of monopoly market power.


15 years ago

ATT does not have caps but on one mark as of yet, I think it is a 150GB with warnings if you go over or something… but not real sure about that. When you talk to ATT they will just tell you they are testing it, but are not sure if they will be moving to that model or not. I myself think they are waiting to see how things work out with TWC right now so they dont have to stick their neck out… and maybe pickup more customers in the process as we all move away from TWC.… Read more »

15 years ago

AT&T has caps in 2 markets RENO NV. nv Beaumont, TX same has twc with $1.00 overage fee

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