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Rochester Business Journal Survey Finds Western NY’ers Overwhelmingly Opposed to Tiered Pricing Plans

Phillip Dampier April 20, 2009 Public Policy & Gov't 5 Comments

The Rochester Business Journal polled its subscribers about Time Warner’s plan to create tiered pricing for broadband with usage caps.  Predictably, the results were largely the same as other polls taken on this question.  The majority of people asked do not want metered broadband.  The one option company officials refused to entertain was leaving the existing service plans in place, until heavy protests about the metered tiers forced them to withdraw.

Roughly 860 readers participated in this week’s poll, which was conducted April 13 and 14. Here are the questions asked:

In general, which approach to broadband Internet service billing do you favor?

Flat-fee billing for unlimited: 78%
Tiered usage-based billing: 22%

Do you think legislation is needed to regulate or prohibit tiered pricing for broadband Internet service?

Yes: 62%
No: 38%

Comments generally expressed skepticism about the prospect of their broadband bills declining.  Most expected they’d be forced to pay more for a reduced level of service. [Thanks to Colin for bringing the poll results to our attention.]

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15 years ago

As much as I expected this to result as it did, TWC will not heed the numbers. They will stubbornly march forward regardless.

I believe their is one entity they will yield too. The Government and their regulators.

15 years ago

I read the article and am upset at the fact all the people complaining really have no idea what they are talking about.. They still think they are paying for others.. This is sad, I did not find a place to post there.. We need someone to make it clear they are not subsidizing other users… post some quotes or some figures.. If they do not realize they are no subsidizing TWC will have people on their side on this issue.. they will realize they were wrong when it is too late to do anything…

Ron Dafoe
Ron Dafoe
15 years ago

That is going to be the biggest hurdle I think. Most people don’t even know that Time Warner has a roadrunner Lite plan already that will save them money or that there are already alot of people paying more than they are for faster speeds.

This is the thing that is missing from the news reports. What TW offers NOW and their prices. This would open people’s eyes I think.

15 years ago
Reply to  Ron Dafoe

Very true Ron. After all, you never hear commercials on the tube from TW advertising RR Lite. Actually, one day last year I called them just for kicks and learned that there are actually 4 levels of service available. There is or was a tier below the RR Lite level, but you have to ask them about it because they will never volunteer the information.

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