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Sandy’s Impact: Lower Manhattan Phone Service Not Back to Normal Until May 2013

Phillip Dampier December 18, 2012 Consumer News, Public Policy & Gov't, Verizon, Video 3 Comments

outorderNew York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has called Verizon’s notification that phone service in lower Manhattan will not be back to normal until late next spring “unacceptable.”

Hurricane Sandy’s storm surge ruined at least 95 percent of Verizon Communications’ landline network in the lower half of Manhattan leaving numerous businesses without phone service with little hope service will be restored this year.

“Their schedule right now says that lower Manhattan is not going to be back up until May,” Bloomberg said in a recent speech.

The mayor is upset with Verizon’s timetable because a number of major buildings in the area cannot be reoccupied by business tenants until telephone service is restored, and Verizon is facing questions about why it will take a half-year to get phone service back up and running to everyone that wants it.

When local cable news channel NY1 asked Verizon how many customers were still without service, a spokesman told the reporter it did not know, adding some customers have priorities more pressing than phone service.

Verizon has chosen not to replace much of the damaged copper infrastructure and plans to invest in more reliable fiber optics in its ongoing effort to meet its FiOS rollout obligations in New York City, but that does not satisfy many business owners who cannot process credit card transactions or, in some cases, run their businesses as long as phone lines remain out of service.

This week a coalition of interest groups petitioned New York’s Public Service Commission asking them to impose new requirements on the state’s utility companies to develop comprehensive emergency response plans that acknowledge climate change and the extreme weather events that accompany it.

The petition was filed by the Columbia Law School Center for Climate Change Law, Natural Resources Defense Council, New York League of Conservation Voters, Pace Energy and Climate Law Center of Pace Law School, Municipal Art Society of New York, Earthjustice, Environmental Advocates of New York, and Riverkeeper.

The petition notes in the past two years alone, New York City has been hit by two of the largest hurricanes in history (Irene and Sandy).

The group’s observations are shared by some of the state’s highest elected officials.

“In just 14 months, two hurricanes have forced [New York City] to evacuate neighborhoods — something our city government had never done before,” New York City Mayor Bloomberg wrote in an editorial for Bloomberg View. “If this is a trend, it is simply not sustainable.”

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo echoed Bloomberg’s concerns:

Extreme weather is a reality. It is a reality that we are vulnerable. And if we’re going to do our job as elected officials, we’re going to need to think about how to redesign, or as we go forward, make the modifications necessary so we don’t incur this type of damage…. For us to sit here today and say this is a once-in-a-generation and it’s not going to happen again, I think would be short-sighted…. I think we need to anticipate more of these extreme weather type situations in the future and we have to take that into consideration in reforming, modifying, our infrastructure.

verizonThe coalition claims current utility policies are designed for short-term disaster response procedures, which they call inadequate.

Most utility companies develop plans based on historic weather patterns the environmental groups argue cannot take into account the more extreme weather patterns afflicting the state. The PSC can mandate utilities do more.

New York’s utility infrastructure is also deemed outdated, with much of it exposed above-ground, vulnerable to storm damage. The state also lacks more advanced technology including smart electricity grids, telecommunications fiber rings that can reroute around cable cuts, and reinforcement of vulnerably placed generator plants, telephone switches, and utility substations.

Despite the criticism, Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam remained upbeat about Verizon’s performance, particularly noting strong growth in wireless.

In the third quarter when Sandy struck, Verizon picked up 1.54 million more contract customers, exceeding the 901,000 estimate predicted by analysts polled by Bloomberg News. The wireless profit margin at Verizon also reached a new milestone – 50 percent, up from 49 percent in the second quarter.

[flv width=”534″ height=”320″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/NY1 Bloomberg Criticizes Verizon For Slow Recovery Of Service 12-6-12.mp4[/flv]

NY1 reports business customers in lower Manhattan are not too pleased waiting for Verizon to repair their landlines.  (2 minutes)

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Verizon Restoration of Verizon’s Lower Manhattan Cable Vault 11-12.flv[/flv]

Verizon produced this video showing off its own restoration efforts in a downtown Manhattan cable vault.  (3 minutes)

Va. Congressman: Verizon Deserves a ‘D’ for D.C. 911 Service; Wants FCC to Step In if Telco Won’t

Phillip Dampier December 10, 2012 Consumer News, Verizon, Video Comments Off on Va. Congressman: Verizon Deserves a ‘D’ for D.C. 911 Service; Wants FCC to Step In if Telco Won’t

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) is fed up with Verizon Communications. The company handles most of the region’s 911 calls and has performed that task poorly in the last few years, argues Connolly.

“The whole purpose of 911 is that when you need it, it works,” Connolly told WUSA-News.

After several high profile 911 failures during significant storm events, Connolly and a few other congressmen are demanding Verizon resolve its 911 problems or face an intervention from the Federal Communications Commission.

The elected officials want Verizon to voluntarily comply, but if they won’t, all suggest it is time for the FCC to strengthen regulations and oversight to assure residents they will be met with a 911 operator when they call instead of a busy signal or nothing at all.

Verizon countered it takes its role in handling calls to 911 seriously, and when an issue arises, the company is quick to investigate, correct and apply any lessons learned across their system.

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WUSA Washington Gerry Connolly Va- Democratic Congressman critical of Verizon for its 911 performance 12-6-12.flv[/flv]

WUSA reports Connolly has grown tired of repeated failures with Washington, D.C.’s 911 system, handled by Verizon Communications. He wants the company to make changes to increase the service’s reliability, especially during storms when demand on the 911 system is greatest. (2 minutes)

FCC’s Pai: If Liberals Win on Net Neutrality, They’ll Ban Usage-Based Internet Billing Next

Phillip Dampier December 10, 2012 Data Caps, Net Neutrality, Public Policy & Gov't 1 Comment


Republican FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai has warned forthcoming court rulings on Net Neturality could set the stage for more active oversight of Internet Service Providers, including a possible ban on usage-based pricing and data caps.

Speaking at the 2012 Annual U.S. Telecoms Symposium at the Phoenix Center in Washington, D.C. Dec. 6, Pai said 2013 will be an important year for broadband policy.

“The most important action probably will not occur either at the FCC or on Capitol Hill,” Pai said. “Instead, it will take place in the federal courthouse about a mile away on Constitution Avenue.”

The D.C. Court of Appeals is currently weighing a court challenge from Verizon that argues the federal agency has no regulatory authority to implement and oversee the open Internet policies that are the cornerstone of Net Neutrality.

Republicans have traditionally been hostile to the concept of Net Neutrality, because it restricts private providers from using network management concepts that could open up new revenue streams. Without Net Neutrality, providers could artificially reduce the performance of certain websites while enhancing others, usually based on financial agreements.

Many Democrats and consumer advocates want Net Neutrality to guarantee that all websites are treated equally, and that paying customers deserve a service unfettered by artificial obstacles or additional expense imposed by providers.

Even if the court finds in favor of Verizon, Pai fears the FCC’s Democratic majority will respond by emphatically asserting its oversight powers, reclassifying broadband as a “telecommunications service.” Since the Bush Administration, broadband has been regulated as an “information service,” subject to more restricted oversight.

“Should the D.C. Circuit uphold the FCC’s order, I would expect to see revitalized efforts to expand the Commission’s regulation of the Internet,” Pai said. “In particular, I would not be surprised if the FCC looked into whether we should stiffen our oversight of the network management practices of wireless broadband providers and whether we should begin to regulate usage-based pricing.”

“Under no circumstance will I support […] reclassification,” he added. “I am convinced that grafting the creaky, burdensome common carrier regulations onto the Internet would dramatically slow broadband deployment, reduce infrastructure investment, frustrate innovation, hamper job creation and diminish economic growth.”

Current FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski has expressed repeated support for usage-based pricing in the market as an innovation in Internet pricing. With the chairman and his Republican colleagues in agreement, it seems unlikely the agency will consider curtailing the practice. So far, the FCC has not even responded to repeated requests to further investigate usage pricing and data caps.

AT&T’s and Verizon’s Tax Windfall Could be Ending; AT&T Paid No Federal Tax Last Year

Phillip Dampier December 6, 2012 AT&T, Consumer News, Public Policy & Gov't, Verizon 1 Comment

Although Americans are paying higher cell phone bills than ever before, some of America’s largest wireless providers have been saving a fortune, enjoying near-tax-free status thanks to an economic stimulus package that allowed companies to write off expenses associated with expanding their businesses.

Under accelerated depreciation, both AT&T and Verizon have been able to slash tax obligations by claiming deductions for capital investments most analysts believe they would have made with or without the income tax windfall. Despite this, both companies have raised prices and have cut jobs and employee benefits.

Washington lawmakers are now debating tax policies that could reduce or end corporate subsidies and raise their tax payments.

The stimulus incentives were designed to promote spending and investment by large corporations retrenching in the face of the Great Recession. Through a combination of special interest amendments guaranteed to favor certain businesses and creative accounting, the two largest wireless companies in the country wrote off investments originally planned before the stimulus package was enacted.

Without the corporate welfare package, telecom analyst Craig Moffett predicted AT&T would have paid a 35% tax rate over the past four years, amounting to $29.3 billion in taxes. Instead, it paid $13.3 billion total. Last year it paid 0% — nothing.

Verizon Wireless has skirted around its tax bill thanks to its offshore partner Vodafone. By shifting certain money overseas, and through other creative measures, Verizon ended up paying a 6% tax rate — $1.3 billion total taxes in four years. Not bad for America’s largest wireless operator. Two years ago, Verizon was estimated to have paid nothing at all.

Citizens for Tax Justice and the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy claim corporate tax subsidies effectively cost taxpayers $14.5 billion for AT&T and $12.3 billion for Verizon Wireless over the past four years. Only one company benefited more than AT&T and Verizon: mortgage underwriter Wells Fargo.

If the ability to take accelerated depreciation were to be withdrawn in current tax negotiations, AT&T and Verizon would both find themselves paying taxes at rates comparable to many upper-middle class Americans.

AT&T would see its tax rate rise from 13.3% in 2013 to 29 percent by 2016. Verizon will pay 25% in 2013 and 27% by 2016. Both companies would still continue to aggressively pursue loopholes and other write-offs, including larger contributions to both companies’ pension plans which would reduce cash liabilities.

Details Emerge Around Verizon/Redbox Instant Online Video Service: $6/Mo Undercuts Netflix

Phillip Dampier December 6, 2012 Competition, Consumer News, Online Video Comments Off on Details Emerge Around Verizon/Redbox Instant Online Video Service: $6/Mo Undercuts Netflix

Verizon and Redbox will launch an unlimited online video streaming service next year that will undercut Netflix’s monthly subscription price and offer discounts off movies rented from Redbox’s ubiquitous DVD kiosks.

Details emerged about Redbox Instant when GigaOm discovered the online help section intended to assist beta test customers was initially available to the public.

Some of the points GigaOM uncovered:

  • Subscriptions start at $6 a month, but the number of movies and TV shows available will be considerably smaller than what Netflix offers. There will also be a considerable amount of title duplication between Netflix, Amazon Video, and Redbox Instant;
  • For $8 a month, the service will also bundle four Redbox credits redeemable for kiosk rentals, with movie reservations taken online and through mobile apps. Unused credits expire at the end of the month;
  • In addition to online viewing, customers can also watch on Android/iOS devices, Xbox 360 and select Samsung Smart TVs and Blu-ray players;
  • Newer titles will be available on-demand starting at $0.99 each;

Redbox is accepting e-mail addresses of potential customers interested in more information about the service. It is very possible the venture will expand its beta test, inviting those pre-registered to try the service before it is formally introduced to the public.

Some investors on Wall Street have gotten increasingly jittery about Netflix’s largest competitors, because all of them operate diverse businesses that can help subsidize entertainment licensing costs and still undercut Netflix pricing. Amazon charges $79 a year for its Amazon Prime + Video service. Comcast offers its service at $4.99 per month. Netflix has already been under pressure to raise prices even before signing an exclusive streaming deal with Disney estimated at a value of $300 million per year.

“That figure is ironic to say the least because $300 million is what Starz demanded of Netflix 15 months ago as condition for renewal of that exclusive arrangement, and Netflix turned that bid down,” said Eric Savitz in Forbes. “Now, it appears Netflix is paying $300 million per year for the Disney-branded content which would have been on Starzplay in the first place.”

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