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Time Warner Cable, Verizon Insist You Don’t Want or Need Gigabit Broadband

timewarner twcBoth Time Warner Cable and Verizon don’t think you want or need gigabit fiber broadband — the kind of service now available in Kansas City from Google Fiber.

Time Warner Cable’s chief financial officer Irene Esteves says the cable company is content delivering most of the country no more than 50/5Mbps broadband (for at least $10 more than Google charges for 1,000/1,000Mbps service).

“We’re in the business of delivering what consumers want, and to stay a little ahead of what we think they will want,” she told an audience of Wall Street investors at the Morgan Stanley Technology Conference. “We just don’t see the need of delivering [gigabit speeds] to consumers.”

Esteves says she is not opposed to supplying gigabit speeds to business customers.

New Yorkers who want fiber optic broadband will need to buy it from Verizon on their FiOS network.

“We’re already delivering 1-10Gbps service to our business customers, so we certainly have the capability of doing it,” she said.

Despite regular quarterly conference calls where Time Warner executives trumpet the growing interest in higher broadband speeds, Esteves downplayed the importance of Time Warner’s top-tier: 50/5Mbps, claiming only a very small fraction of Time Warner customers opt to receive speeds that high.

Fran Shammo, chief financial officer at Verizon agreed with Esteves during the conference, also arguing nobody needs gigabit speeds today.

“FiOS brings a very different perspective to the household with fiber to the home,” Shammo said. “We actually tested a 1Gbps circuit in New York three years ago, so our FiOS product can deliver that but we just don’t see the need yet from a household to have that much of a pipe into their home.”

Time Warner’s “low interest” 50Mbps premium tier is Verizon FiOS’ mainstream sweet spot. Verizon now heavily markets 50/25Mbps Quantum service as their best value option, charging $10 more per month to upgrade from basic 15/5Mbps service.

Entertainment Producers Call Out Stifling Data Caps That Upset the Online Video Revolution

Phillip Dampier February 27, 2013 AT&T, Comcast/Xfinity, Competition, Data Caps, Online Video, Public Policy & Gov't, Verizon Comments Off on Entertainment Producers Call Out Stifling Data Caps That Upset the Online Video Revolution

Public-KnowledgeData caps protect incumbent big studio and network content creators at the expense of independent producers and others challenging conventional entertainment business models.

That was the conclusion of several writers and producers at a communications policy forum hosted by Public Knowledge, a consumer group fighting for an open Internet.

A representative from the Writers Guild of America West noted that cord-cutting paid cable TV service has become real and measurable because consumers have a robust online viewing alternative for the first time. John Vezina, the Guild’s political director, noted how Americans watch television is transitioning towards on-demand viewing.

New types of short-form programming and commissioned series for online content providers like Netflix are also changing the video entertainment model.

Welch: It is about the money.

Welch: It is about the money.

But a digital roadblock erected by some of the nation’s largest broadband providers is interfering with that viewing shift: the data cap.

Data caps place artificial limits on how much a customer can use their Internet connection without either being shut off or finding overlimit fees attached to their monthly bill. Critics contend usage caps and consumption billing discourage online viewing — one of the most bandwidth intensive applications on the Internet. With broadband providers like Time Warner Cable, AT&T, Verizon, and Comcast also in the business of selling television packages, cord-cutting can directly impact providers’ bottom lines.

Providers have traditionally claimed that usage limits are about preserving network resources and fairness to other customers. But Time Warner Cable admits they exist as a money-making scheme.

Rachel Welch, vice president of federal legislative affairs at Time Warner Cable, says the cable company is not worried about limiting data consumption. It considers monetizing that consumption more important.

“We want our customers to buy as much of the product as possible,” Welch told PC World. “The goal of companies is to make money.”

Time Warner now offers customers a choice of unlimited service or a $5 discount if customers keep their monthly usage under 5GB, but some worry that is only a prelude to introducing expanded usage limits on a larger number of customers in the future.

For many consumers already hard-pressed by high broadband bills, worrying about exceeding a data allowance and paying even more may keep viewers from watching too much content online.

For that reason, Vezina called data caps “anti-innovation.”

“It hurts consumers [and] it hurts creators who want to get as much out to the public in as many ways” as possible, he said.

Public Knowledge has become increasingly critical of data caps in the last two years. The organization has questioned how ISP’s decide what constitutes a ‘fair’ usage limit and criticized inaccurate usage meters that could potentially trigger penalties and overlimit fees.

AT&T and Verizon Cutting Off DSL Customers Without Warning for Phantom U-verse/FiOS Upgrades

Phillip Dampier February 26, 2013 AT&T, Consumer News, Rural Broadband, Verizon 2 Comments

closedAT&T and Verizon have forced some of their customers to abandon DSL service in favor of fiber upgrades that are sometimes not actually up and running or leave customers with no phone service during power outages.

Wall, N.J. resident James Hallock found his DSL service suddenly stopped working earlier this month, so he called Verizon Communications to get service restored.

“A Verizon tech explained that the service was no longer being offered,” Hallock said.

The termination of his DSL service came with no prior notification, complained Hallock, and Verizon told him his only way back to broadband with the phone company was a forced upgrade to a more costly FiOS package that included phone service that won’t work during power outages.

“In the last outage I saw, people were out of electricity for weeks,” Hallock told the Asbury Park Press in an email. “I don’t believe it’s true that we have to give up traditional phone service, but try spending hours on the phone with Verizon to find out.”

Verizon spokesman Lee J. Gierczynski told the newspaper, “We don’t discontinue a customer’s service without notification, so we’ll have to find out more about what specifically is going on with this customer.”

fiosBut Verizon’s CEO says the company is embarked on a plan to rid itself of its copper wire network, especially where FiOS fiber exists.

“Every place we have FiOS, we are going to kill the copper,” Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam told attendees of an investor conference last year. “We are going to just take it out of service. Areas that are more rural and more sparsely populated, we have got LTE built that will handle all of those services and so we are going to cut the copper off there.”

Jackie Patterson, another Verizon customer, found her DSL service suddenly stopped working on Christmas Day.

“Verizon said that they were discontinuing the service and we had to get FIOS Internet (no more DSL) and FiOS phone service,” Patterson said. “I liked the idea that we still had phone service during blackouts — like during Sandy — but now we won’t be able to have that with FIOS.”

AT&T U-verse uses an IP-based delivery network

AT&T has been doing its part to cut off DSL customers as well. One AT&T customer reported her AT&T DSL service was suddenly terminated without notice in October, 2012 because her neighborhood was scheduled to be upgraded to U-verse, AT&T’s fiber to the neighborhood service. Five months later, AT&T’s U-verse network is still not available, despite the “forcible upgrade,” and nobody at AT&T can tell when it ultimately will be.

“It’ll be resolved on February 22nd,” AT&T promised back in December — two months after Brie’s service initially went dead, she tells The Consumerist.

“A representative showed up today to complete our installation,” complained Brie. “Guess what he found? The lines outside aren’t working. And guess what he told me? He’d talk to his manager. He’d escalate it. He’d get engineering out. He didn’t know how to fix it. He couldn’t tell me when or how or what needed to be done and no timetable as to when the work would be complete.”

Unfortunately for Brie, switching to the local cable company isn’t an option – it doesn’t offer service to her home.

GM’s OnStar Switching to AT&T; Verizon Wireless Services Will Remain Active in Older Vehicles

Phillip Dampier February 26, 2013 AT&T, Consumer News, Data Caps, Verizon, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on GM’s OnStar Switching to AT&T; Verizon Wireless Services Will Remain Active in Older Vehicles

onstarGeneral Motors announced Monday it was planning to introduce built-in 4G wireless connectivity from AT&T in OnStar-enabled vehicles starting with the 2015 model year, gradually ending a relationship GM has maintained with Verizon Wireless since 1996.

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The deal is part of AT&T’s aggressive expansion into the wireless connected-vehicle world and could enable streaming video and other bandwidth-intensive services not now supported by GM’s agreement with Verizon.

OnStar currently relies on Verizon’s CDMA digital network to provide a car phone and slow speed data network to share vehicle diagnostics and enable certain remote functions. Current vehicle owners can continue to use OnStar services delivered over Verizon’s wireless network. But starting in mid-2014, most new Chevrolet, Buick, GMC and Cadillac models will be equipped with AT&T 4G LTE service instead. In Canada, OnStar will continue to rely on Bell Mobility.

att_logoNew GM vehicle owners receive one free year of OnStar’s basic service, which includes automatic collision notification, stolen vehicle and roadside breakdown assistance, remote door unlock, remote horn and light flashing to find a vehicle, remote vehicle diagnostics, and a built-in speakerphone that can be used to make or receive calls (after an initial trial, customers must buy additional minutes). Some newer GM models also allow OnStar staff to slow down a stolen vehicle and even disable it. After one year, the basic Safe & Sound package can be continued for $18.95 a month ($24.95 in Canada). Drivers that want to add turn-by-turn navigation pay $28.90 a month ($39.90 in Canada), which also includes all the basic features offered in the Safe & Sound package.

OnStar has traditionally only offered limited interactive data service with its telematics system, mostly powered through spoken voice commands. The new agreement with AT&T could mean your next GM vehicle will become a roving hotspot, powering smartphones, laptops, built-in televisions, and various in-car apps that need a 4G data connection to work well.

AT&T expects expansion into wireless in-car communications will be highly lucrative at a time when smartphone sales are starting to slow. There is no word on the cost for the AT&T-enabled version of OnStar, but prices will likely be higher than traditional OnStar service plans, and will vary depending on the amount of data consumed.

gm“We’re sitting on the greatest growth opportunity in history,” Ralph de la Vega, CEO of AT&T Mobility said in an interview with CNNMoney. “With Mobile Share, we don’t care so much anymore about what you’re doing on the network … but all those things like cars and home security are where the monetization opportunity is.”

In its latest annual Visual Networking Index, Cisco predicts by 2017 the average American will use a total of 6.2GB of data per month on various mobile devices. Last year, consumers used an average of 752MB. At current AT&T pricing without an unlimited data option, the average customer will pay at least $40 more per month in data use charges within four years.

AT&T’s rush into vehicle connectivity, home security, and wireless machine-to-machine communications will also place more burdens on AT&T’s network at the same time the company is complaining about spectrum shortages.

Ford Motor says GM’s OnStar system has one significant flaw: it lacks an upgrade path. GM vehicle owners are stuck with the technology that comes built-in with the car. Historically, that has been a problem. In the early 2000s, OnStar customers with older analog-only service lost access to OnStar completely when Verizon dismantled its analog wireless network. More recent GM vehicle owners are frustrated to find the newest OnStar features are only available to the most recent new buyers. Vehicles as little as 24 months old are still unable to use OnStar’s smartphone app, which enhances the value of OnStar for subscribers.

Ford says it will stick with its SYNC system, developed with Microsoft, which links the owner’s smartphone with the vehicle using Bluetooth. Users upgrading a phone can continue to use Ford SYNC by pairing the new phone with the in-car system, bringing along any new features like faster data connectivity.

Verizon FiOS Offers Easy $10 Upgrade to 50/25Mbps Service: Click Your Remote Twice

Phillip Dampier February 21, 2013 Broadband Speed, Competition, Verizon 5 Comments

fios quantum 285x190Verizon FiOS has made it easy for broadband customers to upgrade to 50/25Mbps service for $10 more a month.

Getting access to the company’s introductory Quantum tier is as simple as going to FiOS TV Channel 500 and clicking the OK button twice with your remote control. Within one hour, your speeds will be upgraded. For those who don’t subscribe to FiOS TV, you can visit the FiOS Quantum website or use the MyFiOS smartphone app.

A promotion for new customers includes an introductory offer of FiOS TV, Quantum 50/25Mbps, and telephone service for $89.99 a month with a $250 debit card rebate in certain markets.

Last summer, the company launched the Quantum brand to market its highest speed tiers: 50/25Mbps, 75/35Mbps, 150/65Mbps or 300/65Mbps.

Verizon says the company noticed an increasing demand for faster speed service because customers are connecting more devices to the Internet. Streaming multiple online videos at the same time, for example, can burden slower speed Internet services.

Verizon says the faster speeds also keep the company ahead of its cable competition, which has struggled to provide affordable faster tiers of service and remains limited on upstream speeds.

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Verizon FiOS Quantum Upgrade 2-15-13.flv[/flv]

Verizon FiOS is now offering broadband customers a $10 upgrade to 50/25Mbps service just by clicking a button on your FiOS TV remote control twice.  (1 minute)

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