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Verizon Downplays Industry Calls for Internet Overcharging: ‘Unlimited’ Part of the Value Proposition

Phillip Dampier December 8, 2010 Broadband Speed, Competition, Data Caps, Online Video, Verizon, Video Comments Off on Verizon Downplays Industry Calls for Internet Overcharging: ‘Unlimited’ Part of the Value Proposition

Verizon’s chief operating officer thinks industry calls for Internet Overcharging schemes like metered billing and usage capped-broadband will harm providers trying to convince customers their multi-service packages represent the best value.

Bob Mudge told Bloomberg News Verizon has little interest heading down the road to charge customers based on what they use, particularly on its FiOS fiber to the home network.  Although Verizon does limit usage on its wireless network, to enforce limits on its fiber network could harm the company’s “value proposition” to consumers.

“The way we’ve structured our pricing is we have a great value proposition with the best speeds in the industry,” Mudge said.  “What we’re thinking about here is to make sure that if you are an Internet user, the total triple or quad play will have so much value and flexibility to you it will prevent you from becoming a niche buyer or seeking to cut the cord.”

Mudge believes customers want to be able to access content across several different device platforms, from home-based televisions, to computers around the home, to wireless devices while out on the go.

Despite Verizon’s enthusiasm for FiOS, the company has continued to put further expansion to new areas on hold.  Only communities already holding signed franchise agreements from Verizon will see fiber to the home from the company anytime soon.

[flv width=”640″ height=”500″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Bloomberg Mudge Says Verizon Is Expanding Its Fios Service 12-7-10.flv[/flv]

Bloomberg News interviews Bob Mudge from Verizon about FiOS and Verizon’s future plans.  (5 minutes)

ComedyMonday at The Chuckle Hut — AT&T: “Our Customers Like Usage-Based Billing”

AT&T Mobility thinks it has a winning strategy when it took away unlimited data plans, forcing new customers to choose high-priced, usage-limited alternatives.  But a new survey from Wall Street research firm Sanford Bernstein found AT&T customers will grab, claw, and scream to keep the peace of mind that comes from having the choice of an unlimited use plan.

Sanford Bernstein’s study found a large number of customers willing to abandon any carrier that takes unlimited data away from them.  About a third of the more than 800 people responding said AT&T’s move toward usage-based billing left them with a bad impression of the wireless carrier.  That’s particularly bad for AT&T, which already scores as America’s lowest-rated wireless company according to Consumer Reports.

AT&T mitigated some of the potential damage by letting existing customers keep their unlimited data plans when they ceased selling the unlimited option this past June.  New customers are forced to choose between two limited-use plans — $15 for 200MB or $25 for 2GB of usage (a tethering option is also available.)  Existing customers will only face that hard choice if or when they change phones, presumably in the next year or two.

Had they not grandfathered in existing customers, Sanford Bernstein’s research suggests a large proportion of customers forced to give up unlimited data would quit AT&T even if it meant buying a new phone and paying a higher bill just to get the unlimited data option back.  When AT&T eventually forces these customers’ hands, Sanford Bernstein predicts trouble.

According to the study, more than 58 percent of the lowest data users said they would dump AT&T overboard and switch to another provider with an unlimited plan. For heavier users, more than two-thirds are prepared to take their business elsewhere.

But even with overwhelming evidence like that, AT&T and some Wall Street analysts think Internet Overcharging schemes do customers a favor.

AT&T's mandatory data plans

“Customers generally have strongly negative perceptions about Usage-Based Pricing, and these are often not correlated with self-interest,” Bernstein analyst Craig Moffett said in a research note analyzing the findings of the survey conducted this past summer. “It is fashionable to argue that loyalty to carriers is dead (except perhaps to Verizon Wireless, whose service level is perceived to be markedly higher than that of its competitors). The new conventional wisdom is that carrier loyalty has been replaced with loyalty to the device. But high inclination to switch carriers and phones to maintain an unlimited plan suggest that perhaps the plan itself is more important than either one.”

The Wall Street firm’s research is hardly news to consumers, who have repeatedly expressed loathing contempt for Internet Overcharging schemes like so-called “usage-based billing,” “data caps,” and speed throttles that kick in when carriers decide customers have used the service enough.

Consumers are willing to pay a higher price just knowing they will never face dreaded “bill shock” — a wireless company bill filled with hefty overlimit fees charged for excessive data usage.  They also have no interest in being penalized by arbitrary usage limits that punish offenders with speed throttles that reduce wireless speeds to dial-up or lower.

AT&T was the first major carrier to throw down the gauntlet and force customers into choosing between a “budget plan” that is easy to exceed at just 200MB of usage per month or an inadequate, overpriced 2GB tier that costs just five dollars less than the now-abandoned unlimited use plan.

Wall Street firms like Sanford Bernstein worry their investor clients may be exposed to a revenue massacre when competing carriers like Verizon Wireless, which retains an unlimited plan for now, unveils its own version of the popular Apple iPhone.  The result could be a massive stampede of departing customers headed for top-rated Verizon Wireless, even if it means paying early termination fees.

AT&T spokesman Mark Siegel sees things very differently however, telling CNET News AT&T’s new limited option plans deliver more choice and flexibility for data-hungry users.

“We have found that our customers in fact like usage-based billing,” he said. “They appreciate having choices in data plans. This is probably because a majority of customers can reduce their costs through our plans.”

If true, Siegel could prove that contention by revealing how many of AT&T’s grandfathered-in unlimited data customers were willing to give up that plan and downgrade to one of the new limited use plans.  Siegel declined.

Moffett told CNET News his firm’s study found large numbers of existing customers using just a few hundred megabytes of usage per month who want to pay for an unlimited pricing plan, if only as insurance.  For many, they recognize the smartphone-oriented explosion of data applications will only grow their usage further in the days ahead, and what may be a tolerable usage limit today will be downright paltry tomorrow.

Underusing an unlimited data plan represents fat profits for AT&T, but doesn’t solve the problem of getting price-resistant customers to upgrade their older phones.  AT&T believes cheaper, limited use plans may do the trick.  But the company also decided to eliminate the unlimited use option, fearing some customers could cannibalize profits by downgrading currently underutilized unlimited service, knowing they could always return to an unlimited data plan when use justified it.

Verizon Wireless Sees the Light And Throws a “Sale” on Its Unlimited Data Plan, But for How Long?

Meanwhile, Verizon Wireless has settled on a more aggressive strategy to win many of its month-by-month customers back to two year service agreements with smartphone upgrades tied to an “unlimited data plan sale” that reminds would-be customers they still offer unlimited data, and gives many the chance to pay $10 less per month for it.

Customers either upgrading a current device to a smartphone on a family plan or adding a new line of service with a smartphone on a family plan will get $10 per month credit for each new smartphone line, for up to 24 months.  Although the plan was originally designed to promote “free extra lines” by crediting back Verizon’s $9.99 charge for each additional line of service, in many markets Verizon salespeople are now spinning the credit as a “sale on the unlimited data plan” instead.

Even primary line customers on a family plan can upgrade to a smartphone and get the credit.

But customers with expired contracts on legacy plans no longer sold by Verizon will have to give those up and start a new Family SharePlan starting at $69.99 per month for 700 shared minutes.  For those on popular retired plans like America’s Choice Family SharePlan, that represents a $10 rate hike for the exact same number of minutes and a loss of features including deducting mobile web use from available minutes instead of charging $1.99 per megabyte for access.

The unlimited data plan will effectively cost $20 a month for each smartphone on the account, and customers who want to use text messaging or other messaging features are likely going to need another add-on plan to cover that, starting at $5 a month.  And then the junk fees and government mandated charges further increase the bill:

  • Tolls, taxes, surcharges and other fees, such as E911 and gross receipt charges, vary by market and as of November 1, 2010, add between 5% and 39% to your monthly bill and are in addition to your monthly access fees and airtime charges.
  • Monthly Federal Universal Service Charge on interstate & international telecom charges (varies quarterly based on FCC rate) is 12.9% per line.
  • The Verizon Wireless monthly Regulatory Charge (subject to change) is 13¢ per line.
  • Monthly Administrative Charge (subject to change) is 83¢ per line.

Still, Verizon’s $10 sale may be enough to convince some customers avoiding smartphone upgrades to take the plunge.  Those doing so until the end of today through Verizon’s website can get free activation of their new phones.

Verizon hopes the offer will push a number of its legacy plan customers to abandon their old plans and grab a new smartphone at a subsidized price, putting those customers back on two year contracts.  The offer expires January 7, 2011 (and the $10 credits stop after 24 months).  The sale is only good on the unlimited data plan.

Verizon Targets Frontier, AT&T and Cable ‘Digital Phone’ Landline Customers in Rochester, N.Y. and Conn.

Phillip Dampier November 23, 2010 Competition, Consumer News, Verizon, Video 10 Comments

Verizon's Home Phone Connect base station

Verizon Communications has announced a new option for landline customers to ditch their local phone company with a new device that routes home phone calls over Verizon Wireless’ cellular network.

Verizon has chosen two test markets for its new Home Phone Connect service — Rochester, N.Y., serviced by Frontier Communications and Time Warner Cable and Connecticut, which is served by AT&T and Comcast.  (Thanks to our reader Bob for sharing the news with us.)

The service works with your existing home wired and cordless phones.  Customers signing up under a one or two year service contract will receive the base unit free of charge.  Installation is as easy: Just unplug the phone cord from the wall and plug it into the back of the Home Phone Connect device.  The unit supports up to two hard wired (non-cordless) phone lines and a cordless phone base station.  When you pick up any phone around the house, the base station will deliver a familiar dial tone, but all calls are made and received over the Verizon Wireless cell phone network.  You can download an read a copy of the installation manual here.

The service is priced at $9.99 per month for existing Verizon Wireless customers with any existing Family SharePlan that has two or more lines with at least a 700 minutes calling allowance per month.  Customers using Home Phone Connect under this plan will use minutes from their existing wireless service plan.  But since calls to and from Verizon customers and all calls placed during nights and weekends do not eat minutes, this may be a viable option for many customers.

For heavy talkers, or those without a qualifying Verizon Wireless service plan, an unlimited talk time plan is available for a flat $19.99 per month.

All local and domestic long distance calls are included, and the service also comes with these features:

  • Call Waiting
  • Call Forwarding
  • Caller ID (not currently compatible with Caller ID + Name)
  • International Dialing (charged at prevailing Verizon long distance rates)
  • 3-Way Calling
  • Basic Voice Mail (*86)
  • Account Balance (*225)
  • Device Provisioning, (*228)
  • Account Payment (#786)
  • 311, 411, 511, 611, 711 & 911 (some services not available in all areas)
  • Last Number Callback (*69)
  • National Domestic Hope Line (#4673)

The base unit includes a backup battery to power the unit for up to 36 hours idle time/2 hours talk time in the event of a power failure.  Customers relying on landline service that works with a monitored alarm system should check with their alarm company to ensure compatibility with cell network technology.

Michael Murphy, Verizon’s public relations manager for the New England Region, said consumers have the option of keeping their existing home phone number or requesting a new one.  Customers who do switch their current home phone number to Verizon will automatically cancel their existing landline service.  Frontier customers should carefully check their bills to make sure they are not on a Frontier “Peace of Mind” contract before switching.  Any expiration dates adjacent to the type of home phone service described on your bill likely means you are on a term contract.

Customers dumping Frontier before their contract expires could be exposed to early termination fees of up to $300 or more, which will appear on a customer’s final bill.  If you did not authorize a service contract, demand that Frontier drop it from your bill before you switch, and follow up with a complaint to the New York Attorney General’s office if the company fails to comply.

The device is intended to be portable, so you can take your “home phone” with you to any area served by a Verizon Wireless signal.  Just pack the Home Phone Connect base station and take it along.

Verizon carefully chose test markets outside of Verizon landline service areas.  That allows them to pick up new “landline” customers without harming their own landline business.

Verizon Wireless has a very large share of the Rochester, N.Y., market because of its ownership of the legacy Rochester Telephone cellular network.  Verizon delivers far more robust coverage than any other regional cellular provider in western New York.  With a built-in customer base wide open to Verizon’s marketing machine, the phone company could grab a significant number of Frontier landline customers who will see significant savings over Frontier’s comparable landline feature plans that run close to $50 a month after taxes and fees.  The company could also poach a number of Time Warner Cable’s Digital Phone customers, especially those whose first year promotional discount has expired.

In Connecticut, Verizon is challenging AT&T, which provides most of the state with its landline service.  Comcast is the dominant cable operator.

Comcast seemed unimpressed with the challenge being raised by Verizon in its service area.  The cable company hinted Verizon’s lack of a bundled service option including phone, cable, and broadband would hurt its chances of success.

Indeed, Verizon will have to develop some creative marketing to make its Home Phone Connect stand out.  Younger customers have no landlines to switch.  Most of those eager to cut their home phone line have already moved to cellular or Voice Over IP services from their local cable company or other providers like Vonage.  Existing Verizon Wireless customers may be hesitant about using a service that burns their wireless minutes away.  Older customers are unlikely to understand the product and have a built-in resistance to dropping traditional phone service.  Many may resist the notion of being stuck with at least a one year contract for an untested service.

T-Mobile attempted to market an almost identical service under its @Home brand, but judged it a failure and disconnected it earlier this year.

Because the service is being test marketed, its availability is limited to selected Verizon Wireless stores:

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Verizon Home Phone Connect 11-23-10.mp4[/flv]

The New Haven Register set up a video interview with a Verizon representative to demonstrate its new Home Phone Connect service. (1 minute)

Better Late Than Never: FCC Chairman Admits Displeasure with Verizon-Google Net Neutrality Pact

Courtesy CTIA

Julius Genachowski

Federal Communications Chairman Julius Genachowski signaled recognition he was outmaneuvered by some of America’s largest broadband companies when he told attendees at the Web 2.0 Summit last week that a Verizon-Google compromise on Net Neutrality did serious harm to the Commission’s own plans on the subject of a free and open Internet.

“I would have preferred if they didn’t do exactly what they did when they did. It slowed down some processes that were leading to a resolution,” Genachowski said.

Genachowski was referring to last summer’s sudden agreement between the two tech giants — former opposites on Net Neutrality — regarding a proposed compromise.  Under its terms, Verizon would guarantee free speech rights on the Internet, but Google would concede Verizon’s rights to use limits, throttles, and other “network management” techniques on its wireless networks, which are critically important to Verizon’s bottom line.  Genachowski had been advocating broad-based Net Neutrality protections for all technologies, including wireless.

When word of Verizon and Google’s proposal hit the New York Times, it caused a series of confidential talks among industry players and FCC staffers to collapse.  That wasn’t bad news for consumer groups, who were locked out of the discussions from the start.  But it also may have also taken the wind out of the sails of the regulatory body’s urgency to implement broadband reform policies, as members of Congress opposed to the concept used news of the voluntary agreement as cannon fodder against “unnecessary and intrusive” government regulations.

It also embarrassed the FCC, which Daily Finance calls the most ineffectual regulatory agency in Washington.

Ever since the talks collapsed, all sides have been frustrated by the Commission’s apparent ongoing inaction on Internet policy.  Genachowski had made speeches earlier this year that left many with the impression Net Neutrality was a front burner issue at the Commission.  But as 2010 draws nearer to a close, the Commission has made no progress on the issue.  The incoming Republican Congress will not make it any easier, and consumer groups continue to call on the Commission to act before the end of the year.

Free Press President and CEO Josh Silver issued this statement:

“We are heartened to hear Chairman Genachowski finally express his disappointment with the Verizon-Google proposal. The loud public backlash made it evident that consumers would not accept a deal that would have divided the Internet into fast and slow lanes and allowed Internet service providers to block and prioritize content accessed through wireless devices. Clearly, relying on backroom deals cut between giant industry players is not the way to make policies that protect the public interest.

“The American people are still waiting for the chairman to deliver on his promise to establish real Net Neutrality rules that would prevent AT&T, Comcast and Verizon from creating toll roads on the Web. There is only one Internet, and consumers need clear rules to ensure that they are protected from Internet service providers who are seeking to monetize and monopolize the Web to pad their bottom lines.”

Frontier’s Future Plans: Delivering DSL and DirecTV Options for Its FiOS Customers, Contracts for Others

Phillip Dampier November 18, 2010 Audio, Broadband Speed, Competition, Frontier, Rural Broadband, Video 5 Comments

Don’t want blazing fast fiber optic broadband speeds?  Unhappy with fiber optic quality video and want to go back to putting a satellite dish on your roof?  If the answer to either question is “yes,” Frontier Communications has good news for you.

The phone company, which assumed control of a handful of communities formerly served by Verizon’s fiber-to-the-home FiOS network, has announced it will begin marketing DSL and satellite TV services to its fiber customers.

Frontier CEO Maggie Wilderotter told investors on a third quarter results conference call that FiOS broadband could be too expensive.

Wilderotter noted Verizon would not allow customers in a FiOS neighborhood to buy DSL service, which leaves budget-minded customers behind.

“Now, FiOS starts at like 50Mbps and it’s very expensive. It’s like $50 a month for a customer. So they left a whole host of customers behind from an affordability perspective who didn’t need that kind of capability on broadband.” Wilderotter explained. “We have just over the last 30 to 60 days opened up DSL in all of the FiOS markets to give the customer choice. So the customer can choose whether they want FiOS broadband or they want high-speed Internet service, typically, and in those markets we’re offering around 6 to 7Mbps.”

Time Warner Cable occasionally runs promotions helping customers break free from Frontier's multi-year service contracts.

Of course, Frontier FiOS starts at 15Mbps — not 50, and that costs $50 a month for standalone service.  For $99, ($89 in Verizon FiOS areas), customers can get broadband, cable TV and unlimited phone service.  Frontier’s “Turbo” DSL service is priced at $40 a month for up to 7.1Mbps service.

Wilderotter also noted their FiOS customers can also choose to skip fiber video and go with DirecTV.

“We think that customers should be able to choose what kind of video they want,” she said. “We have aggressive offers in the market for both DirecTV and for FiOS video, but in our vernacular, what we care about is keeping the customer, getting the customer to take more products and services from us and making sure the customer is happy with the choice.”

Wilderotter said Frontier is prepared to tolerate more congestion on its DSL circuits than Verizon permitted, which opens the door to potential traffic slow-downs down the road.

“We’ve opened up in many of these locations the opportunity to sell high-speed service up to 95% capacity on the equipment that we have out in the field. Verizon had set a parameter at 75%,” Wilderotter said.

The company continues to study whether Frontier FiOS is worth maintaining or expanding outside of the Verizon territories where it was originally constructed.

“We are still evaluating it from a financial perspective and a customer perspective, and from a cost perspective and a revenue perspective,” Wilderotter told investors. “In terms of what that does for us overall, what it does for churn, how much does it really cost to extend this capability in the markets that we’re in today — we think that analysis and evaluation will go on through the first quarter [of 2011] and then we’ll be able to make some [decisions] in terms of what we want to do with FiOS from an expansion perspective or a maintenance perspective.”

Frontier Communications CEO Maggie Wilderotter answered questions about broadband expansion and the impact of the fall elections on telecommunications policy in Washington. (11 minutes)
You must remain on this page to hear the clip, or you can download the clip and listen later.


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Frontier's largely rural service areas provide a captive audience for the company's DSL broadband service.

In the near term Frontier has several plans to get more aggressive in the marketplace to meet its target goal of losing only 8 percent of their customers per year — a goal that illustrates legacy phone companies are still on a trajectory towards fewer and fewer customers:

  1. Don Shassian, executive vice president and chief financial officer of Frontier reports expansion of DSL remains a top priority for Frontier.  The company is on track to deliver access to 300,000 additional homes by the end of the year.  Verizon delivered access to 64 percent of Frontier’s acquired territories.  Frontier wants to get that number up to 85 percent.  But part of that target is not just expanding service to unserved areas.  It’s also trying to win back customers lost to other providers through promotions and incentives.
  2. Frontier plans to resume aggressive promotions in the coming weeks and months, including its “free Netbook” promotion, which provides a Netbook computer to new customers signing up for several packages of services, committing to remain with Frontier for at least two years.
  3. Frontier intends to push “price protection agreements” on as many customers as possible.  Their “Peace of Mind” program locks customers into multi-year contracts with stiff cancellation penalties.  Wilderotter noted: “I think, as you know, in our legacy markets, 96% of all of our sales are on a price protection plan and we have close to 60% of our residential customers on a one-, two- or three-year price protection plans. That number is below 15% in the acquired markets. So we’re also driving for price protection plans with every sale that we’re doing in these new markets as well.”  Such contracts dramatically discourage a customer from disconnecting Frontier, because fees for doing so can exceed $300 in some cases.  Frontier has been heavily criticized by some customers and State Attorneys General for deceptive business practices regarding contracts.

Frontier continues to enjoy a lack of solid cable competition in its largely rural service areas.  Shassian reports Comcast competes with Frontier in only about 32% of homes in some areas, Time Warner Cable in about 23%, and Charter below 15%.  With reduced competition, Frontier often represents the only broadband option in town.

Frontier is also spending an increased amount of time coping with copper thefts, especially in West Virginia where the company is warning would-be thieves it will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

“Damage to our facilities can affect communications access in an emergency, increase company costs and consumer rates, and disrupt community phone and broadband connections,” said Lynne Monaco, Frontier’s Director of Security. “When network connections are severed by copper thieves, it endangers customers and emergency responders and poses significant risks of personal injury and property damage.”

Just last week, West Virginia state police solved another copper caper that disrupted service for some customers.

The Charleston Daily Mail reports:

Photo Credit: West Virginia Regional Jail Authority

Stephanie Burdette of Charleston was arrested in connection with a copper wire theft.

Trooper A.B. Ward from the South Charleston detachment went to the Fishers Branch area of Sissonville last Thursday afternoon when a Frontier worker discovered a section of the communications line missing. The worker found that 300-feet of the 400-pair line, valued at about $5,000, was missing, according to a complaint filed in Kanawha Magistrate Court.

A trooper who had worked on a similar investigation told Ward to check the home of Ervin “Tubby” Page, 49, where troopers had previously found evidence of wire burning. Ward went to Page’s home, described as a Goose Neck travel trailer parked next to the Guthrie Agricultural Center in Sissonville, and found three burn barrels about 50 feet in front of the trailer. One of them was on fire.

Page’s girlfriend Stephanie Marie Burdette, 25, of Cross Lanes, was at the scene when the trooper arrived. Ward spoke to her then checked out the barrels where he found aluminum wrap, which is used to cover the copper communications wiring, and pieces of copper cabling, the complaint said.

Frontier customers are encouraged to report any suspicious activity around telecommunications equipment and facilities by calling the company’s toll free security line 1-800-590-6605. Anyone witnessing a theft in progress should not confront the suspects but should immediately call 911 and then call Frontier. Vehicle and suspect descriptions are very useful. This is a community safety problem, and the cooperation of the public is critical.

[flv width=”500″ height=”395″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WOWK Charleston Copper Thieves 11-15-10.flv[/flv]

WOWK-TV in Charleston covers Frontier’s difficulties with copper wire thieves across the state of West Virginia.  (1 minute)

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