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Cell Phone Companies Back for More: Price Hikes, Mandatory Data Plans, Huge Bills

Verizon prepaid customers can buy this basic phone from Walmart for just $15.88. But if you want to use this phone on a postpaid plan, Verizon charges up to $200 for the same phone unless you renew your contract.

As AT&T and Verizon discover an increasing amount of their revenue and profits come from their respective wireless divisions, they’re testing the waters to determine just how much more consumers are willing to pay for cell phone and wireless broadband services.

Verizon Wireless has spent the past year closing loopholes of various kinds and herding an increasing number of customers into mandatory data plans which can add up to $30 a month per phone to your monthly bill.  AT&T wants more if you plan on early upgrades for your cell phone.  A quick review:

Verizon Wireless Locks Down Prepaid Phone Models: Anyone who has shopped for a prepaid phone has probably noticed them dangling from hooks in Walmart and other stores at prices starting around $20.  Most of these prepaid phones are basic models or those deemed cutting edge a few years ago.  Take the LG 5600 — the Accolade.  It’s a phone your father would be comfortable with, covering the basics and designed primarily for making and receiving phone calls.  Verizon Wireless’ retail price for its “postpaid” customers (those who get and pay a bill every month) is $199.99 for the Accolade.  Of course, if you sign a new two-year contract, the phone is free.  But you can find the exact same phone, labeled for Verizon’s prepaid service at prices as low as $15.88.

Verizon claims the deep, deep discounts on prepaid phones are made back from the higher prices prepaid customers pay for airtime.  Some enterprising Verizon postpaid customers have sought these models out to replace or upgrade a worn out or broken phone without having to sign a new two-year contract.  Some other prepaid companies have also activated Verizon’s prepaid phones on their own network, including Page Plus.

Verizon has put the kibosh on both practices.  Customers seeking to activate a prepaid phone on a postpaid account must first use the phone in prepaid mode for a minimum of six months prior to its conversion to postpaid use.  Until very recently, some customers discovered a loophole around this requirement — registering a prepaid phone first on Verizon’s website and then activating it by dialing *228.  So long as a phone had never been activated, it often could be used on a postpaid account from the date of purchase.  But now Verizon tracks which phones are intended for postpaid and prepaid use, and that loophole has been closed.

Page Plus, which resells Verizon’s network, also had to stop activating Verizon prepaid phones almost a year ago.

As a result, those who want discounted cell phone service but keep Verizon’s robust network coverage have been forced to buy handsets at retail pricing, purchase one of several mostly refurbished phones direct from Page Plus, or activate an older phone no longer in use.

Avoiding the Data Plan: What drives an increasing number of Verizon off-contract customers towards “creative solutions” for upgrading their more than two year old phones is resistance to the expensive data plan required for most of their newest and best phones.  For these customers, renewing a contract means a plan change that includes $30 a month extra for data services or a phone downgrade to a basic model to avoid a data plan. Verizon’s remaining data-plan exempt handsets are:

  • Verizon Wireless CDM8975
  • LG Accolade™
  • LG Cosmos™
  • Pantech Jest™
  • Samsung Gusto™
  • Verizon Wireless Salute™
  • Verizon Wireless Escapade®
  • Samsung Haven™
  • Samsung Intensity™
  • Samsung Convoy™
  • Motorola Barrage™

Would you renew a two-year service contract if you had to downgrade your next new phone to a basic model to avoid a mandatory data plan?

For large families accustomed to mid-level phones, the prospect of being stuck with a Jitterbug-like-downgrade or a $30 data plan has kept many from renewing their contracts, sticking with what they already own.

When AT&T announced the end of its flat rate smartphone plan, it said the lower pricing on smaller allowance data packages would represent “savings” for consumers reluctant to upgrade.  It’s hard to accept the same company that set prices so high for data usage in the first place has consumer interests at heart with usage-limited alternatives, especially when they no longer offer an unlimited option for customers who want one.

Verizon also plans to drop its unlimited plan in the near future.  Also on tap is a gradual shift away from so-called “mid-level” phones that consumers can purchase with a reduced rate, but still-mandatory $10 data plan.  Verizon increasingly will push customers between two stark choices — a high-powered, battery-eating smartphone that will give you a heart attack if you drop it or a very basic, stripped down phone with features commonly found on handsets five years ago.

This kind of pricing is driving some cash-strapped consumers to prepaid alternatives, such as Page Plus and Straight Talk on Verizon’s network and Wal-Mart’s new family prepaid plan on T-Mobile.  This is especially true if customers just want to talk and text.

AT&T’s Increases ‘Early Upgrade Price’ for Data-Friendly Smartphones by $125

Boy Genius Report obtained a copy of an AT&T memo to its sales force notifying them the price for “Early Upgrade Pricing,” traditionally charged customers who must have the latest and greatest, or accidentally lose or destroy their existing phone, is going up — way up, from $75 to $200:

Beginning Oct. 3rd, Early (Exception) Upgrade pricing for Smartphones will increase from the two-year price plus $75 to the two-year price plus $200.  This change does not apply to iPhone or Basic and Quick Messaging Phones.

Example: BlackBerry Torch $199.99 two-year price + $200 Early Upgrade fee = total price $399.99, a savings of $100 off the No-Commitment price of $499.99.

In return for just a $100 discount, customers sign a new two-year contract that begins with the phone’s replacement.  That contract includes the usual early termination fee of $325, which decreases by $10 per month.  AT&T watchers speculate the price change was designed to stop resale of relatively new phones on sites like eBay or Craigslist, where sellers charge near-retail prices and eat the formerly low penalty for an early upgrade.  It also makes the price of getting the very newest phones that much higher.

Courtesy: Boy Genius Report

Cell Phone Lobby Resists Requirement for Early Warnings Alerting Customers Their Data Allowance Is Almost Gone: “It Will Cause Customer Confusion and Frustration”

Liz Szalay had to dip into her 401(k) retirement account to pay the family’s $2000 Verizon Wireless bill, gone wild with data fees her 14-year old son ran up searching for and downloading songs.

“I would never have allowed my son to accrue such charges, if I had known,” Szalay, a secretary in Niles, Michigan, told Bloomberg News. “What I did to prevent this from happening in the future was have his Internet access completely blocked by Verizon, but not before they made off with a boatload of money.”

Had Szalay received a text and/or e-mail message warning her one of the phones on her account was approaching 80 percent of its monthly data allowance, or was already at risk of racking up huge fees, it would have been possible to stop the damage before it began.

Sen. Udall wants legislation to warn consumers before they run up enormous wireless bills. The industry calls such warnings "confusing and frustrating" for consumers.

Senator Tom Udall, a New Mexico Democrat, wants to make sure she gets that warning.  Udall drafted legislation that would require companies to warn customers when they have used 80 percent of their allotment.

“It’s difficult for the carriers to get up and argue against greater transparency on bills and notifications,” Christopher King, an analyst at Stifel Nicolaus & Co. in Baltimore told Bloomberg. “It’s becoming an issue on the front burner of regulators’ minds.”

The industry’s lobbyists are trying to block the legislation anyway.

The CTIA, the wireless industry lobbying group, is fiercely trying to kill Udall’s bill, claiming warnings will cause “customer confusion and frustration” and that carriers already offer customers the opportunity to check their usage by visiting carrier websites or via a text message.

The lobbyist solution requires consumers to be vigilant and check daily to make sure they don’t exceed any limits.  Udall’s idea puts the onus on phone companies to warn customers, who often have family members that have no idea what kind of cash bonanza they can provide a wireless provider just by using data features built into their phones.

Szalay’s son has a phone that doesn’t require a data plan, but incurs an enormous $1.99 in charges for every megabyte accessed online.  Verizon’s own website notes customers can consume 183 megabytes of data streaming music just five minutes a day for a month.  That’s $364 in data charges.  Five minutes downloading games — 440 megabytes or $875 in data fees.  One need not use their phone for hours a day to incur enormous fees for data usage.  Szalay’s son could have managed the $2,000 bill he caused using his phone for less than 15 minutes each day.

Verizon does not allow customers hit with these bills to retroactively sign up for a data plan to cover the costs, which are the same to Verizon whether a consumer incurs them on an unlimited $30 monthly data plan, or on a pay per use plan with a stinging penalty rate.

And the company objects to any government official telling them to warn customers before the overlimit fees kick in.

“We have several measures in place that allow our customers to monitor their usage and protect against overages — this is a proactive approach on Verizon’s part,” Verizon’s Smith told Bloomberg in an e-mailed statement.

How to Protect Yourself

Both Verizon and AT&T are masters of extracting a maximum amount of money from customers’ pockets.  Verizon is increasingly risking its high rating for customer service and quality by finding new ways to nickel and dime even long time customers to death.  AT&T already has earned a bad reputation and can’t drop much further unless it adopts Sprint’s old strategy of driving its own customers away.  Only through education and careful consideration of your family’s actual usage can you safely navigate around these shark-like wallet biters.

1.  Avoid cell phone company insurance plans unless you are concerned about theft.  With “early upgrade” plans, even at AT&T’s $200 price, it may not be worth paying an expensive monthly fee for insurance.  Also consider Squaretrade, a third party warranty/replacement provider.  They charge considerably lower prices than most (Google around for coupon codes offering up to 30 percent off).  If your phone breaks or is damaged, and you are not on a contract, you might find a suitable refurbished replacement through websites like eBay.  Just make sure the phone wasn’t designated for prepaid service to avoid activation hassles.

2.  If you want Verizon network quality, but don’t want to pay Verizon’s diamond-platinum pricing, consider doing business with one of the new prepaid providers offering month-to-month service that uses the same network as Verizon itself.  Walmart sells Straight Talk, but also consider Page Plus, which offers 1,200 minutes of call time, 1,200 texts, and 50MB of data use for $29.95 per month.  The only downside is that most prepaid providers don’t sell family plans, meaning each user pays the same price.  Walmart’s new prepaid plan changes that with the introduction of a shared family plan, with additional lines given discounted pricing.  But the discounts are not as good as postpaid plans offer, and the service relies on T-Mobile, which is not well-regarded for coverage outside of metropolitan areas.

3.  Smartphones, in addition to being expensive, often deliver horrible battery life.  Some won’t even make it through an entire business day.  Before seeking out one of these premium phones, consider whether you will actually use their features.  Is it worth the price of a $30 a month data plan if you only occasionally use the phone for wireless Internet?  Bragging rights come with a $200 up front price tag and a two year contract that will run up to $720 just for the data plan over two years.  If you drop it, lose it, or it gets stolen, the retail price for most of these phones is north of $500.

4.  Carriers design “gotcha” data pricing into their assumed revenue models.  They know even with online tools, nobody wants the hassle of checking their allowance for data every day, especially when most stopped checking their voice minutes allowance years ago.  While carriers occasionally waive gigantic bills, especially when the media gets involved, you can restrict data access on some or all of your phones if you do not have a data plan and don’t care about this feature.  You should support Senator Udall’s bill as well.  Carrier excuses that a warning message will cause confusion and frustration are laughable.  Getting a $2,000 wireless bill in the mail will cause far more of both.  That the industry objects to even this common sense approach illustrates just how rapacious wireless companies are for additional profits.

5. Educate everyone on your plan about the implications of using the phone to download music and games or watch video.  Unless you are on a flat rate plan, you may want to simply tell your family not to use their phones for these kinds of services without asking permission first.  This gives you an opportunity to check your allowance before Verizon gets a chance to reduce your bank balance.

[flv width=”640″ height=”500″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Cell Phone Savings 10-12-10.flv[/flv]

We have four reports covering consumer news on cell phones that can save you money:  KSHB-TV in Kansas City takes a look at Walmart’s new prepaid family plan using T-Mobile’s network, WIVB-TV in Buffalo reports Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) wants carriers to stop international roaming charges when customers end up making and receiving calls on a Canadian provider’s network from the American side of the border, WFTS-TV in Tampa provides tips on getting lower rates from your cell phone company and WTEV-TV in Jacksonville helps customers analyze cell phone bills for savings.  (6 minutes)

Verizon Wireless’ $50 Million Dollar Oopsy: Refunds Coming for Those $1.99 ‘Mystery Data Charges’

Verizon, the nation’s largest wireless phone company, has agreed to refund erroneous data charges for 15 million subscribers who paid for data sessions they did not initiate.

Those familiar with the proposed refund settlement claim the company could spend between $50-90 million in refunds for customers without data plans who were charged, in some cases repeatedly, $1.99 for a few seconds of web access.

The problem stems from Verizon phones that make accessing data services easy to trigger.  One misplaced button press can launch a data session, resulting in a web access fee.  Verizon repeatedly denied the company was charging customers who accidentally landed on the provider’s wireless home page, but customers loudly claimed otherwise, filing hundreds of complaints against Verizon with the Federal Communications Commission.

Teresa Dixon Murray, a reporter for The Plain Dealer in Cleveland, was among the first to report on the mysterious charges many customers couldn’t figure out, especially as they continued even for customers who placed a “block” on accessing data services or who had powered their phones off and were still charged the fees:

In a column last summer, I chronicled my battle with Verizon after I discovered Verizon had been concocting $1.99 monthly charges for supposed Web use by my family plan numbers. Verizon’s ruse ended the month that my son’s phone was dead and locked away for weeks.

Verizon responded directly to me in a meeting with several top executives, and they promised to investigate the problems suffered by thousands of customers nationwide. The company in August also promised to change its policy of charging customers if they accidentally hit their phone’s “mobile Web” button. The new policy: To get charged, customers now supposedly have to type in a Web address.

A Verizon Wireless employee anonymously told the New York Times the scheme was a planned money-maker for Verizon, which earned up to $300 million a month just from accidental web access:

“The phone is designed in such a way that you can almost never avoid getting $1.99 charge on the bill. Around the OK button on a typical flip phone are the up, down, left, right arrows. If you open the flip and accidentally press the up arrow key, you see that the phone starts to connect to the web. So you hit END right away. Well, too late. You will be charged $1.99 for that 0.02 kilobytes of data. NOT COOL. I’ve had phones for years, and I sometimes do that mistake to this day, as I’m sure you have. Legal, yes; ethical, NO.

“Every month, the 87 million customers will accidentally hit that key a few times a month! That’s over $300 million per month in data revenue off a simple mistake!

“Our marketing, billing, and technical departments are all aware of this. But they have failed to do anything about it—and why? Because if you get 87 million customers to pay $1.99, why stop this revenue? Customer Service might credit you if you call and complain, but this practice is just not right.

“Now, you can ask to have this feature blocked. But even then, if you one of those buttons by accident, your phone transmits data; you get a message that you cannot use the service because it’s blocked–BUT you just used 0.06 kilobytes of data to get that message, so you are now charged $1.99 again!

“They have started training us reps that too many data blocks are being put on accounts now; they’re actually making us take classes called Alternatives to Data Blocks. They do not want all the blocks, because 40% of Verizon’s revenue now comes from data use. I just know there are millions of people out there that don’t even notice this $1.99 on the bill.”

Verizon’s decision to refund the erroneous data charges also comes long after a class action lawsuit was filed earlier this year against the company by Goldman Scarlato & Karon, P.C., of behalf of customers.

Impacted existing customers can expect credits, typically ranging from $2-6 on their October or November bills.  Former customers will get refund checks in the mail.

The Federal Communications Commission said it was opening an investigation into the Verizon overcharges, seeking a financial penalty from the wireless carrier, according to Reuters.

The news agency noted some customers were billed for data fees just because of software pre-loaded onto phones:

The charges affected customers who did not have data usage plans, but were billed because of exchanges initiated by software built into their phones.

For example, trying out a demonstration of a game that Verizon Wireless had pre-loaded onto a phone would sometimes trigger data transmissions from the phone unbeknownst to the customers who were then charged by Verizon Wireless for the data.

[flv width=”480″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WPRI Providence Verizon To Pay Millions In Refunds 10-4-10.flv[/flv]

WPRI-TV in Providence covers the Verizon overcharges, pondering ‘why did it take more than two years for refunds?’  (3 minutes)

Verizon Wireless Joins the Internet Overcharging Party: Will Limit Wireless Usage in “4-6 Months”

Phillip Dampier September 24, 2010 Competition, Data Caps, Verizon, Wireless Broadband 4 Comments

Fashionably late, Verizon Wireless intends to change its wireless smartphone data plans to end unlimited usage in the next four to six months, according to Verizon CEO Ivan Seidenberg.

Seidenberg said Verizon Wireless’s new data plans, which he says will probably arrive in time for the holiday shopping season, will differ from AT&T’s but he refused to elaborate.

“We’re not sure we agree yet with how they valued the data,” he said at an investor conference Thursday.

The change has been widely anticipated in the wireless industry, as Verizon Wireless and AT&T, the nation’s largest and second largest carriers, charge nearly identical pricing for their wireless services.  Both carriers formerly charged smartphone customers $29.99 per month for unlimited wireless usage.  AT&T eliminated unlimited usage with two new plans unveiled in June with the introduction of the latest Apple iPhone.  One charges customers $15 a month for up to 200Mb of usage, and another charges $25 for up to 2GB of usage per month.  Customers exceeding the limits pay $15 for an additional 200Mb or $10 per gigabyte in additional fees.

Critics charge Verizon’s decision to slap usage limits and overlimit fees on customers is just another attempt to gouge wireless customers, made possible by the two providers’ market power.

Wall Street Journal reader Candace Kalish commented on the new limited usage attitude Verizon seeks to embrace:

What the carriers want is a tiered system with outrageous penalties for slight overages. The banks, car renters, airlines, and credit card issuers do very well with this. It is the most profitable business model since it requires careful underuse or disproportionate costs on the part of their customers. This is why they require people to guess their usage and impose punitive marginal costs on single byte transfers.

[…]I think the carriers’ actions indicate a much greater concern with short term profits rather than long term innovation and even great profitability.

[…]Since carriers impose rates on a take it or leave it basis, I don’t see rates improving much in the near future. I’ll stick with my ancient $30 a month plan and a cheap flip phone with an iPod Touch. When competition kicks in, possibly in the next 10 to 20 years, and they offer more for my money, I’ll consider a smarter phone. Right now the market is still what they used to call a natural monopoly, and the pricing structure proves it.


Seidenberg made it clear the new Internet Overcharging schemes will arrive in time for the company’s introduction of its fourth generation data network – Long-Term Evolution, more commonly known as LTE.  Earlier, Verizon hinted to its investors it intends to market its LTE service at a premium price, anticipating customers will be willing to pay a higher price for faster service.  This, despite the fact LTE will deliver Verizon dramatically increased capacity at a lower overall cost, in terms of bang for the spectrum buck.

Company officials are still considering whether LTE pricing will carry a per megabyte charge with little or no usage allowance or a more common usage allowance plan with overlimit fees.  Either way, few expect wireless will offer an effective competing alternative to wired broadband service, unless one’s monthly usage is below 5GB.  Above that amount, overlimit fees could quickly accumulate, leaving customers with wireless bill shock.

Dave Burstein, publisher of DSL Prime, commented back in January about wireless data pricing:

Charging at the this level, if the other wireless carriers go along, is a blatant attempt to protect their other services. [A government agency] filing points out the likely reason: “The Commission also must keep in mind that the two largest US wireless providers, Verizon and AT&T, also offer wireline services in major portions of the country, raising the question of whether these providers will market these services as replacements for wireline services.”

If his prices carry the day, the […] broadband plan will accomplish very little. The [plan] implicitly counts on wireless for competition, because new wired networks are highly unlikely and their plan doesn’t change that. Wireless voice in the U.S. is a weak cartel, data a relatively strong cartel. [Verizon’s] signals may inspire the other carriers to also drastically cut the basic data allowance.  Or not.

If there’s a significant cut in the 5GB wireless allowance, then the broadband plan needs a huge redirection to measures that work [in] a telco-cable duopoly. That’s so tough I don’t know if Washington can do that.

Thanks to our regular reader Bones for sending word.

Former Alltel-Verizon Wireless Customers: AT&T Is Coming By Year’s End – Free Phones, Wireless Modems

Phillip Dampier September 5, 2010 AT&T, Competition, Consumer News, Video, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on Former Alltel-Verizon Wireless Customers: AT&T Is Coming By Year’s End – Free Phones, Wireless Modems

When Alltel announced the sale of its wireless business to Verizon in 2008, few Alltel customers could have foreseen they’d technically end up changing cell phone providers not once, but twice.  That’s because the federal government ordered Verizon to sell off Alltel’s assets in communities where Verizon already had a substantial market share.  For the sake of competition, the majority of Alltel customers in 18 states affected by the federal government divestiture order will become AT&T customers shortly.

That poses a problem because Alltel’s network and phones use CDMA network technology.  AT&T uses a different standard called GSM.  The two standards are not compatible.  Since AT&T has no intention of operating a CDMA network for Alltel customers, once AT&T converts Alltel’s cell sites to operate on its own network, every Alltel customer will be left with phones and equipment that will no longer work.

To make the deal work, AT&T has agreed to provide, at no charge, comparable brand new phones and other equipment to Alltel customers being moved to AT&T’s network.  No new contract is required, and customers will not be forced to extend one to receive the new AT&T equipment.

But that deal doesn’t extend to handing out free iPhones to Alltel customers.  If you want one of those, you will have to pony up the same money every other AT&T customer pays, and sign a new two-year contract.

This week, AT&T announced it was speeding up the transition, and many customers will be choosing new free phones around the end of this year or in early 2011.  Originally, AT&T expected it would take until mid-2011 to complete network conversions.  Complete details can be found on the AT&T-Alltel Transition Website.

For residents in the north-central United States, the iPhone craze has been something other Americans have experienced.  For much of the Dakotas and Montana, the transition will bring the first opportunity to get the popular smartphone at the subsidized price AT&T offers all of its customers on contract.

The implications of AT&T’s imminent arrival in the area doesn’t seem to bother the other dominant provider – Verizon Wireless.  In South Dakota, AT&T’s entry into the market may cause some to switch to AT&T, if only for the iPhone.  But Karen Smith, spokeswoman for Verizon Wireless in the Great Plains region, says Verizon is confident with the lineup of phones it already offers and remains the nation’s largest wireless carrier even without the iPhone.

Current Verizon customers like Jill Garrigan of Rapid City told the Rapid City Journal she’d consider switching to AT&T to grab the iPhone, but she’d much prefer buying one from Verizon Wireless.

“If Verizon carried the iPhone, I’d probably consider getting it from Verizon,” Garrigan said.

Many other South Dakotans share concerns about the higher monthly wireless bills the iPhone brings, and they’re not interested in paying a lot more just to own one.

Garrigan’s friend, Jessica Simon, said she’ll keep her current Samsung phone, thank you very much.  The reason?  “It’s all the additional money and all the surcharges,” she told the newspaper.

But local cell phone dealers believe the arrival of Apple’s iPhone will cause a sensation across the region, and they’ve already fielded calls from customers anxious to acquire one.

Stop the Cap! has created a map showing the areas due for early conversion for your convenience.

Areas shaded in red are scheduled for early conversion to AT&T's GSM Network (click to enlarge)

[flv width=”640″ height=”500″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Alltel ATT Transition Ahead of Schedule 9-4-10.flv[/flv]

Stop the Cap! has compiled news reports from across the region regarding the AT&T-Alltel transition and its impact on states including the Dakotas, Montana and Wyoming.  Clips courtesy of WDAY-TV Fargo, N.D., KGWN-TV Cheyenne, Wyo., KECI-TV Missoula, Mont., and KFYR-TV Bismarck, N.D. (4 minutes)

Upgrade Specifics

The following counties are on AT&T’s early upgrade list (RSA=Rural Service Area):

Alabama: Greater Dothan area and RSA 7 including Butler, Coffee, Covington, Crenshaw, Geneva and Pike Counties.

Arizona: RSA 5 including Gila and Pinal Counties.

Colorado:  RSA 4 includes Chaffee, Custer, Fremont, Lake and Park Counties. RSA 5 includes Cheyenne, Elbert, Kit Carson and Lincoln Counties. RSA 6 includes Dolores, Hinsdale, La Plata, Montezuma, Ouray, San Juan and San Miguel Counties. RSA 7 includes Alamosa, Archuleta, Conejos, Mineral, Rio Grande and Saguache Counties. RSA 8 includes Bent, Crowley, Kiowa, Otero and Prowers Counties. RSA 9 includes Baca, Costilla, Huerfano and Las Animas Counties.

Michigan: Greater Muskegon area and RSA 5 includes Benzie, Lake, Leelanau, Manistee, Mason, Missaukee, Osceola and Wexford Counties. RSA 7 includes Gratiot, Isabella, Mecosta, Montcalm and Newaygo Counties.

Montana: Greater Billings and Great Falls areas and RSA 1 includes Flathead, Glacier, Lake, Lincoln, Pondera, Sanders and Teton Counties. RSA 2 includes Blaine, Chouteau, Hill, Liberty and Toole Counties. RSA 4 includes Daniels, Dawson, McCone, Richland, Roosevelt, Sheridan and Wibaux Counties. RSA 5 includes Granite, Lewis and Clark, Mineral, Missoula, Powell and Ravalli Counties. RSA 6 includes Broadwater, Deer Lodge, Jefferson, Judith Basin, Meagher, Silver Bow and Wheatland Counties. RSA 7 includes Fergus, Golden Valley, Musselshell, Petroleum, Stillwater and Sweet Grass Counties. RSA 8 includes Beaverhead, Gallatin, Madison and Park Counties. RSA 9 includes Big Horn, Carbon, Rosebud and Treasure Counties. RSA 10 includes Carter, Custer, Fallon, Powder River and Prairie Counties.

New Mexico: Greater Las Cruces area and RSA 1 includes Cibola, McKinley, Rio Arriba, San Juan and Taos Counties. RSA 5 includes Grant, Hidalgo and Luna Counties. RSA 6 includes Chaves, Eddy, Lee, Lincoln and Otero Counties.

North Dakota: Greater Fargo, Grand Forks, and Bismarck areas and RSA 1 includes Burke, Divide, McLean, Mountrail, Renville, Ward and Williams Counties. RSA 2 includes Benson, Bottineau, Cavalier, McHenry, Pierce, Ramsey, Rolette and Towner Counties. RSA 3 includes Barnes, Dickey, Griggs, LaMoure, Nelson, Pembina, Ransom, Richland, Sargent, Steele, Traill and Walsh Counties. RSA 4 includes Adams, Billings, Bowman, Dunn, Golden Valley, Grant, Hettinger, McKenzie, Mercer, Oliver, Sioux, Slope and Stark Counties. RSA 5 includes Eddy, Emmons, Foster, Kidder, Logan, McIntosh, Sheridan, Stutsman and Wells Counties.

South Dakota: Greater Sioux Falls and Rapid City areas and RSA 1 includes Butte, Harding, Lawrence and Perkins Counties. RSA 2 includes Campbell, Corson, Dewey, Potter, Walworth and Ziebach Counties. RSA 3 includes Brown, Edmunds, Faulk, McPherson and Spink Counties. RSA 4 includes Clark, Codington, Day, Deuel, Grant, Hamlin, Marshall and Roberts Counties. RSA 5 includes Custer, Fall River and Shannon Counties. RSA 6 includes Bennett, Gregory, Haakon, Jackson, Jones, Lyman, Mellette, Stanley, Todd and Tripp Counties. RSA 7 includes Aurora, Brule, Buffalo, Charles Mix, Davison, Douglas, Hand, Hughes, Hyde, Jerauld and Sully Counties. RSA 8 includes Beadle, Brookings, Kingsbury, Lake, Miner, Moody and Sanborn Counties.RSA 9 includes Bon Homme, Clay, Hanson, Hutchinson, Lincoln, McCook, Turner, Union and Yankton Counties.

Virginia: Greater Danville, Norton and South Hill areas and RSA 1 includes Buchanan, Dickenson, Lee, Russell, and Wise Counties and Norton City. RSA 8 includes Amelia, Brunswick, Lunenburg, Mecklenburg and Nottoway Counties.

Wyoming: Greater Casper area and RSA 1 includes Big Horn, Hot Springs, Park and Washakie Counties. RSA 2 includes Campbell, Crook, Johnson, Sheridan and Weston Counties. RSA 4 includes Albany, Goshen, Laramie, Niobrara and Platte Counties. RSA 5 includes Converse County.

Verizon Wireless Uses Tricky Math to Prove Paying More Saves You More

Verizon Wireless customers increasingly confront mandatory data plans costing $10-30 a month even if they don't intend to use their phones to access data services

An increasing number of Verizon Wireless customers at the end of their two-year contracts are suspended in time, unwilling to upgrade their phones because of costly mandated data plans that dramatically boost cellular phone bills, especially if everyone in the family wants an improved phone.

Kathy Vega, who lives in Rotterdam, N.Y., is just one example.

She complained to the Albany Times Union she’s effectively trapped with her old phone, an LG enV, because any upgrade will expose her to new mandatory data plans costing as much as $30 extra per month.

She’s been a satisfied Verizon Wireless customer for years. She also has Verizon Internet service, a Verizon e-mail address and a Verizon land line at home. She’s been a virtual walking, talking advertisement for the company’s products and services.

That’s why Vega was so irked by Verizon’s response when she tried to replace her enV phone and add a second one for her stepfather for free, thanks to a Father’s Day promotion the company was running.

Vega recalls that she was told that she’d have to pay another $30 each month for a “media pack” that would provide Internet and e-mail access.

It’s not clear to her now whether the additional price quoted to her was actually $30 per phone, which was her understanding at the time, or a total additional cost of $30 per month, based on a $9.99 data plan for each phone.

The Maroon enV model like hers on Verizon’s Web site now requires a data package costing “$9.99 or higher.”

The exact amount is almost irrelevant, as far as Vega is concerned. She just doesn’t see why she should have to pay for services she doesn’t use — especially since she wants the same phone she already has with no data charge.

[flv width=”480″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Loyal Verizon customer laments plan – The Advocate 8-19-10.flv[/flv]

Kathy Vega explains her plight to the Albany Times Union Advocate.  (1 minute)

Good luck.

Verizon Wireless, like AT&T, is increasingly exposing loyal customers like Vega to hidden rate increases in the form of mandatory service add-ons, in this case to cover data usage.  While Verizon’s most basic cell phones are still free from these fees, the phones most popular with consumers these days all come with bill busting add-on requirements.

Vega pays $116 a month for cell phone service now.  Verizon’s salespeople don’t always volunteer the company offers a lower usage data plan for $10, so assuming she follows the path laid before her by Verizon’s in-store staff, she could face quite a rate hike.

Confronted with her options, Vega is toughing it out with her current phone and an expired contract — like many other Verizon Wireless customers.

For those who have been loyal to Verizon for years, it’s galling to find higher priced monthly bills when it’s time to renew a contract and upgrade a phone.

Jen Smith said she was peeved when she learned of the new data program and associated costs.

“It’s sickening. I also hate that they have no customer loyalty. We have been with Verizon since they took over for Bell Atlantic Mobile in the area (~11 years ago). We have six phones and spend about $320 a month for them. You’d think we’d get a little better service for that, or a free accessory or some little perk, or heck, even a polite customer service specialist, but nope,” she writes.

Reader Sarah discovered the same thing, and she headed out the door to Sprint:

“This is exactly why I left Verizon over a year ago. I wanted a Palm. I didn’t want the data plan. Even though you can put a block on the phone to prevent the “unintentional use” of the data plan, they refuse to sell any smart phone without a data plan. So I had to go to Sprint. Can’t say I’m totally pleased with Sprint, but at least I could get what I wanted, and that was no data.”

For Verizon spokesman John O’Malley, it’s all a matter of doing some math.

He told the Times Union’s Cathy Woodruff, who serves as the newspaper’s consumer advocate, mandating data plans actually saves customers from unexpectedly high bills. He described circumstances where many owners of such devices had been racking up unexpected charges, suffering bill shock from Verizon’s punitive charge of $1.99 per megabite of data consumed.

“Customers who purchase these phones tend to take full advantage of the phone’s capabilities for surfing the Web, checking e-mail, etc.,” O’Malley said. “We’ve seen that those customers use an average of 17 megabytes of data per month. At our pay-as-you-go rate of $1.99 per megabite, that would cost them more than $30 a month.”

The $9.99 data feature provides up to 25 megabytes of data per month, which would cost nearly $50 under the old pricing policy, which makes the package “more cost effective,” he said.

Woodruff argued it won’t save any money for customers who don’t use data services.

But beyond that, we contend O’Malley’s math only works when using Verizon’s numbers.

It was Verizon Wireless that set the price of $1,990 per gigabyte of usage for “occasional users.”  Had Verizon chosen pricing more reflective of its actual costs, consumers finding an extra dollar or two on their bill for a piddly 17 megabytes of data would still leave Verizon fat and happy, more than covering their costs.  By inflating accidental and occasional use pricing into the ionosphere, O’Malley has a stronger argument to sell customers mandatory data plans that protect them from data pricing traps created by Verizon itself.

Overpricing data plans for loyal Verizon Wireless customers who can’t or won’t jump for joy at the prospect of spending $100 a month or more for a single cell phone with data service are now shopping around for better deals.  Unfortunately, they won’t find them at AT&T, who generally charges the same prices Verizon does.  But the financially-stressed consumer can find savings if they are willing to explore the second-tier of carriers, ranging from Sprint and T-Mobile and prepaid plans that require no contract.

Sprint promotes itself as a better value than larger carriers AT&T and Verizon

Sprint is banking on Verizon and AT&T overplaying their hand and overcharging their customers.  With Sprint’s newest handset hit — the HTV Evo, which also works on Sprint’s slowly growing 4G network, the company is attracting another look by advanced smartphone users.  Sprint’s latest marketing also targets families weary of tricks and traps from their cell phone provider, especially usage-limits and allowances.  Sprint bundles more services into its unlimited plans than other carriers, and its prepaid unit, Virgin Mobile, is no longer limiting wireless broadband usage on its 3G network.

Sprint’s biggest challenges to regain its top-tier footing come from years of bad customer service which company CEO Dan Hesse now assures is behind them, and a considerably more limited coverage area that simply cannot compare to AT&T and Verizon.

But for customers like Vega, being able to use the phone she wants and not pay gotcha fees for services she doesn’t use may be enough to compel a switch. 

Verizon isn’t fooling her.


As Woodruff observes, “it seems foolish for Verizon to close out options for loyal customers, though, at a time when options can be such a strong selling point.”

“I just think (Verizon’s data package) is their way of building it to create more revenue, which I understand,” Vega told Woodruff, “but the customer should have a choice.”

She is so right.

Cathy Woodruff is known to Times Union readers as The Advocate.  Cathy covers telecommunications issues regularly in her column which appears twice-weekly in the newspaper.  She has covered the capital region of New York around Albany for more than 25 years, becoming The Advocate in July, 2009.  She grew up in Herkimer County in upstate New York. Her column is highly recommended.

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