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Alaska Communications Pounds GCI Cable Over Usage Caps, Overlimit Fees

Alaska Communications has found a marketing angle to combat Alaska’s dominant cable operator — GCI, which has slapped arbitrary usage caps and overlimit fees (up to $30/GB) on its customers. ACS has made cap-free Internet browsing a hallmark of their marketing campaign:

Alaska Communications vs. the Cable Company

Why Alaska Communications Home Internet is the best choice.

No Nasty Surprises on Your Bill

Tired of nasty surprises on your cable company’s Internet bill from the cable company? With Home Internet Service from Alaska Communications, there are no overage charges. Surf, stream, download, watch, and play – all without worry of “extra fees” for going over your bill. With Alaska Communications Home Internet Service, you won’t go over – it’s unlimited!

No Data Limits

Say you hopped online just a bit more this month – surfing, watching your favorite streaming movies, or maybe the kids were trying to win the online tournament of their favorite game while you were posting to your favorite social media site. We don’t think your Internet should be capped or “throttled.” That means, if you get close to your data limit, the cable company will slow down your Internet to limit your connection. With our Home Internet Service, you’ll get to use the Internet the way you want to – at the speeds you deserve!

ACS recognizes the truth for most broadband customers: They loathe usage caps and throttled broadband speeds, overlimit fees and bill shock. Nobody should have to learn what a gigabyte is and be forced to watch a usage gauge before deciding whether or not to use the Internet as they wish. We congratulate ACS for delivering consumers a better choice in broadband and a worry-free Internet experience. We hope this will send a message to GCI  that Internet Overcharging is unacceptable.

Stop the Cap! recommends our Alaskan readers patronize the state’s largest cap-free ISP: ACS.

Bell’s Lesson on Bait & Switch Student Broadband: Your Generous Allowance is Temporary

Phillip Dampier August 16, 2012 Bell (Canada), Canada, Competition, Consumer News, Data Caps, Editorial & Site News Comments Off on Bell’s Lesson on Bait & Switch Student Broadband: Your Generous Allowance is Temporary

It’s back to school season and Bell is teaching Canadian students a lesson in “bait and switch” broadband — pitching attractive broadband offers with generous usage allowances that evaporate when the school year ends.

Our regular Canadian reader Alex fills us in on the fine print (underlining ours):

The main lure is an extra 250GB of usage per month, but only for the first eight months. The activation fee and part of the monthly fee is also waived for the same amount of time.

Unfortunately, once the promotion expires (timed precisely after two college/university semesters are over), the price can increase by as much as $14 while the usage caps will be decreased by as much as 94%. Bell currently has a $25/month option to add 125GB. With or without it, the limit for usage based billing overlimit fees is $80.

Rogers usually launches a similar promotion for students, at similar prices. Back-to-school is also a competitive market for Canada’s cell phone companies.

Upon closer examination, we found the devil is indeed in the details:

  • Internet 5: After eight months, your Internet usage allowance takes five, dropping like a rock from 265GB to 15GB per month. Your overlimit fee is $2.50/GB, up to $80.
  • Fibe 5/1: After school is out, you’ll wonder why you took this deal when your 265GB allowance gets slashed to 15GB per month. Same overlimit fee as above.
  • Fibe 15/10: You better have a long summer vacation planned when your 325GB usage cap falls to 75GB a month. That’s speed you can’t really use with an overlimit fee of $2/GB, up to $80.
  • Fibe 25/10: $50 a month should buy a lot, but after eight months your 375GB shrinks more than half — to 125GB a month with an overlimit fee of $1.50/GB, up to $80.

Openmedia.ca is recommending Canadians take their own permanent vacation from cable and phone company Internet Overcharging schemes and consider switching to one of several independent ISPs offering far better usage allowances or unlimited use plans. The consumer group has a website to help direct you to the providers serving your province. In their view, not doing business with the bait and switch providers will send them a message they have to do better to compete for your business.

AT&T Paid No Federal Taxes in 2011; Achieved a $420 Million Taxpayer-Subsidized Refund

In an example of corporate welfare at its finest, AT&T effectively paid no federal taxes in 2011. In fact, thanks to lucrative incentives and corporate subsidies, the telecommunications company walked away with a giant taxpayer-subsidized $420 million refund.

CEO Randall Stephenson was paid a higher salary — $18.7 million — than AT&T paid in taxes last year, and thanks to the Bush era tax cuts, Stephenson kept $1,137,456 more of that money for himself in 2011, according to a new report from the Institute for Policy Studies.

How did AT&T actually get paid by the Internal Revenue Service when it effectively owed nothing in taxes? The company used new “accelerated depreciation” rules corporate America lobbied hard for over the past five years. While AT&T was slapping usage caps and overlimit fees on its customers ostensibly to help pay for network upgrades, AT&T wrote off the value of those upgrades on its federal taxes, winning turbo-charged tax deductions for every new cell tower, 4G upgrade, and just about everything else AT&T used to enhance its network.

Under the current accelerated depreciation rules, AT&T gets to write off a higher amount during the first few years an asset is acquired. That saved the company $5.2 billion on their 2011 taxes alone.

But for companies like AT&T, considered “capital-intensive” businesses, it is only the beginning. The Institute reports even greater savings will likely show up in AT&T’s future annual reports. In 2011, Congress expanded depreciation rules and allowed businesses to deduct the entire cost of new long-term investment purchases. Although billed as an anti-recession move, such tax breaks often result in taxpayers bearing a substantial portion of the cost of investments firms would have made anyway.

AT&T was also not hurt too badly by its aborted attempt to acquire Deutsche Telekom’s T-Mobile USA. The phone giant ultimately had to pay a deal breakup fee worth $3 billion in cash and $1 billion worth of wireless spectrum to the German phone company. AT&T wrote off those on their taxes, too, helping the company not only get their tax liability down to zero, it helped win them a taxpayer-subsidized refund.

Stephenson’s disastrous failed deal to acquire AT&T’s smaller rival did not hurt him too much either, although some under him quickly took early retirement after the deal fell apart. Ultimately, AT&T’s Board of Directors sent him a message he could afford to ignore — a salary cut of just $2 million — less than 10 percent of Stephenson’s pay package. But with the Bush era tax cuts softening the blow, that slap on his salary really only cost him $862,544.

The Institute’s larger point is that tax cuts and general corporate tax policy has now moved well beyond “lower taxes” and has now increasingly shifted to providing taxpayer-financed subsidies and corporate welfare to corporations earning record profits while the United States continues to rack up enormous deficits. CEO pay also continues to flourish, only enhanced further with the added financial benefits of a temporary Bush Administration tax cut that is long beyond its intended expiration date.

Comcast’s No-Longer-Confidential Forthcoming Broadband Service/Price Changes

Our friends at Broadband Reports have managed to get at least one confirmation of a leaked slide from an internal company presentation outlining major changes in Comcast’s broadband service and speeds, but initially only in areas where Verizon’s fiber to the home network FiOS has given the cable operator a run for the money.

The biggest changes will be price reductions for customers signed to triple play packages and fast speeds from the cable company. Comcast sees an opportunity to exploit Verizon’s recent price increases for its FiOS broadband offerings, and hopes new, lower-priced broadband will hold and possibly even win back customers.

The new pricing is anticipated to take effect in early 2013 in FiOS areas, but “most of Comcast’s markets” will see these prices by the end of next year. Customers who do not bundle other services will pay a $15 surcharge.

As Karl Bode points out, Verizon’s rate increases have made FiOS a difficult sell for standalone basic broadband. Verizon FiOS’ entry level 15/5Mbps service is now priced at $70 a month.

The new pricing information does not include references to usage caps. Comcast has announced it is testing 300GB usage caps with overlimit fees in some markets.

  • Comcast Basic (5/2Mbps): $29/month
  • Comcast Performance (25/5Mbps): $49/month
  • Comcast Preferred (50/10Mbps): $69/month
  • Comcast Extreme (100/25Mbps): $99/month
  • Comcast Premier (300/75Mbps): $119/month
Comcast appears to have slashed the price of its 300Mbps tier from an anticipated $300/month to $119/month.

Mediacom Introduces Formal Usage Caps; White Powdery Substance Mailed to Company

America’s worst-rated cable company is facing an apparent customer backlash on two fronts — its introduction of usage caps and at least one disgruntled unidentified citizen who mailed Mediacom a white powdery substance that forced a temporary closure of one hospital and left two Mediacom employees and two Washington County, N.C. sheriff’s deputies quarantined Wednesday.

Deputies launched an investigation after Mediacom employees handled and opened a plain envelope that was found to contain an unknown substance. Employees unintentionally exposed two sheriff’s deputies to the material after they responded to the incident. As a precaution, Mediacom’s Plymouth office was evacuated and both employees and police were decontaminated in an area hospital also placed on lockdown.

All are reportedly doing fine and the unknown substance was sent to Raleigh for further examination. Authorities won’t release further details about the envelope or its contents as the investigation is ongoing, but did say the substance turned out not to be harmful.

Earlier this month the cable company announced it was introducing variable usage caps for customers who either add or change broadband services after August 1. Current customers will be grandfathered under Mediacom’s informally uncapped usage plans, but cannot make changes to their packages without choosing one of several new usage-limited plans. (Thanks to Stop the Cap! reader Curt for sending along the details.)

The caps range from 150GB for Mediacom’s lightest-use plan Launch, which offers 3Mbps downstream, 250GB for the popular 15/1Mbps Prime plan, to 999GB for the company’s 50/5 Ultra and 105/10Mbps Ultra Plus plans.

A Mediacom representative explained the company’s reasons for the usage caps:

“We’ve implemented the usage allowances to ensure we can deliver on our promise of Always Faster Internet,” said “Chad” — from Mediacom Social Media Relations in Gulf Breeze, Fla. “In reality, only 2% of our users exceed our usage allowances. This 2% can use over 19 times what the average household would use, and this can dramatically impact the service you experience in your home. It could cause us to raise our rates for everyone, just to accommodate the excessive use of a few.”

Unfortunately, not every Mediacom customer currently has access to a company-developed usage measurement tool. If a customer exceeds their limit, Mediacom will charge a flat $10 for every 50GB segment over that amount.

Mediacom’s need to implement usage caps is open to debate, however.

The company’s latest 10-Q report filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission, Mediacom admits it has already increased rates for its broadband customers – heavy users and otherwise. At the same time, Mediacom admits its costs to operate its broadband service have dropped 18.7%, principally due to lower connectivity costs.

In fact, the largest costs Mediacom faced included:

  • Field operating costs, which grew 13.7% as the company increasingly relies on outside, third-party contractors;
  • Marketing costs increased 13.8% to pay for the company’s rebranding, junk mail marketing, and advertising;
  • Employee costs increased 23.5%, primarily to beef up its marketing and direct sales to potential business customers.

Nothing in Mediacom’s required declarations to the SEC show any impact by so-called “heavy users” on its broadband service costs or revenues. If they represented any potential threat to the company’s value to investors, disclosure as a “risk factor” is required by law.

[flv width=”480″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WNCT Jacksonville Investigation continues following Mediacom Powder 8-8-12.flv[/flv]

WNCT in Jacksonville, N.C. covers a potential anthrax scare when an unidentified person mailed a plain envelope to Mediacom in Plymouth containing a white, powdery substance.  (2 minutes)

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