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Bright House Says No to Internet Overcharging: No Caps – Not Even Under Consideration

Phillip Dampier June 23, 2011 AT&T, Broadband Speed, Data Caps, Online Video, Verizon 1 Comment

Bright House Networks, a cable company primarily serving Florida and other southeastern states says it has no plans to implement Internet Overcharging schemes like usage caps or consumption billing.  But a company spokesperson went even farther, telling Tampa Bay Online the cable company was not even considering them.

Bright House, which relies on Time Warner Cable’s programming negotiators and sells broadband under the Road Runner brand, was among the only companies in Florida that was willing to go on record stating they were not considering limiting broadband customers.

Other providers were unwilling to follow Bright House’s lead:

  • AT&T: “2 percent of our customers were using 20 percent of our bandwidth,” said an AT&T spokesman, so the company slapped 150GB usage limits on DSL customers, 250GB on U-verse customers.  The overlimit fee is $10 for every 50GB extra.
  • Verizon Florida: “At this point, we’ve not implemented any usage controls or broadband caps.  We’ll continue to evaluate what’s best to ensure our customers get the highest quality broadband service for the best value,” the company said.  But it also added: “We’re continuing to evaluate usage-based pricing for our wireline broadband customers.”

“Bandwidth caps stifle consumer choice,” said Parul Desai, public policy counsel for Consumer’s Union.  Desai notes customers do not sign up for pricey high-speed FiOS broadband service from companies like Verizon just to read e-mail.  Customers who are willing to pay premium prices for super high speeds certainly don’t want a usage cap devaluing their broadband package.

Comcast, for example, uniformly limits consumption to 250GB per month, even on high speed plans delivering over 50Mbps service.

“It’s like building a rocket that you blow up after it reaches 250 feet into the air,” says Stop the Cap! reader Will in Tampa, who shared the article with us.  “What is the point of having 50 or 100Mbps service from any provider if they slap a limit on it like that.”

Will thinks customers will abandon higher speed packages in droves once they realize they really can’t use them.

“With some of these companies talking about caps around 40GB per month, you can’t even take your connection for a test drive,” he says.  “You might as well stick with basic speeds, just to remind and discourage you from putting yourself over their stupid limits.”

Desai suspects broadband companies will try limiting their customers, if only because they face few competitors consumers can use instead and they have video services to protect.  But she suspects some consumers will either abandon or seriously downgrade their broadband service and find other ways to trade large files and content.

“It’s not inevitable they’re going to succeed,” she told TBO. “People only find value in broadband because of what they can access with it. If more people feel constrained, they’ll start looking for another way.”

Bipolar Cable Industry Loves<->Hates Netflix; Britt Says It’s About Giving Customers What They Want

Phillip Dampier June 23, 2011 Competition, Consumer News, Data Caps, Editorial & Site News, Online Video, Video Comments Off on Bipolar Cable Industry Loves<->Hates Netflix; Britt Says It’s About Giving Customers What They Want

[flv width=”512″ height=”298″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WSJ Studios disarming cable in battle with Netflix Media Report 6-20-11.flv[/flv]

Wall Street Journal: Top execs of some media behemoths are shifting their public stances toward Netflix Inc. of late. They’re now trying to persuade investors that the video streaming service will expand their business rather than destroy it. (4 minutes)

You are forgiven if you are confused about the love-hate relationship the cable industry has with online video streamers like Netflix — one that the Wall Street Journal likens to manic bipolar episodes.  Weeks after blaming Netflix for getting video programming too cheaply and threatening cable subscriptions, cable industry executives were hugs and kisses about online video at the recent Cable Show in Chicago.

“The reason why there’s interest in these Internet video providers that is that they’re deploying technology that’s making the experience better for consumers,” Time Warner Cable CEO Glenn Britt said in an interview with MarketWatch during the National Cable & Telecommunications Association’s annual Cable Show last week.

“There’s nothing about [cable companies] that stops us from doing that. So I would say … we as an industry just need to pay attention and give consumers what they want. Then there’s no room for these other guys. I don’t mean to say that in a negative way, but it’s true.”


Of course, this is the same man that has earplugs firmly implanted to help resist another rejection of his Internet pricing schemes that Time Warner Cable customers loathed in 2009.  Britt’s desire to give “consumers what they want” just doesn’t play in this part of town while the cable company is installing software to measure and potentially meter broadband usage.

What is different in the online video spectrum is consumers have choices.  They can adopt Time Warner Cable’s glacially-slow rollout of its TV Everywhere concept, watch Hulu, use Netflix, or simply steal content providers don’t want them to watch.  For customers of Time Warner Cable facing competition from AT&T, there is potentially nowhere to run to avoid an Internet Overcharging scheme which could bring the online viewing party to a rapid conclusion when your viewing allowance is used up.

Britt says he is struggling with rights holders to provide more accessibility to online video streaming of popular shows.  He’s also thinking about how many restrictions to slap on subscribers.

MarketWatch talked with Britt and found him dealing with nagging questions about how many devices each user account should be authorized to use for viewing. “Should it be three, should it be 10? If I make [that number] too small, you’re not going to be happy as a customer,” Britt philosophized. “If I make it too big, you’re going to give the password to all of your friends, and they won’t have to buy a subscription to begin with.”

Is Netflix Driving Cord Cutting? New Evidence Suggests ‘Not Really’

Phillip Dampier June 23, 2011 Online Video Comments Off on Is Netflix Driving Cord Cutting? New Evidence Suggests ‘Not Really’

As Netflix traffic continues to grow, analysts are pondering whether Netflix is a primary driver behind consumers cord-cutting their pay television packages in favor of watching video content online.

A recent article in The New York Times claims that Netflix may be behind the recent decrease in cable television households, citing a report from the Diffusion Group, a media analyst.  The group’s study claims 32% of satellite, telephone, or cable-delivered pay television customers were planning to downgrade or cancel their packages in 2011, a giant increase from the 16% measured in 2010.

[trefis_forecast ticker=”NFLX” driver=”0532″]

Trefis, another research firm, is challenging those assertions, noting an in-depth review of the study finds only around 7% of those planning to pull the plug cited Netflix as the chief reason.

What is causing a rush to downgrade or cancel service?  Rate increases, particularly for add-on services like premium channels or extra tiers including sports and movies.  Time Warner Cable recently boosted prices for HBO to as high as $15 a month for many subscribers.  Netflix may have an impact on these consumers, deciding to drop premium services like HBO, Showtime, and Starz!  For several dollars less than what these premium channels charge, Netflix customers have unlimited access to the company’s streaming video library.

Relentless annual rate hikes have often triggered subscribers to review their packages and delete services to keep the bill stable.  Economic distress is also a widely cited factor among those completely canceling pay television.  The report does not measure how many consumers, especially younger ones, don’t ever start a pay television subscription.  These subscribers never had a cord to cut.

Time Warner Cable Installing Metering Technology, CEO Claims Company Not Sure If It Will Use It

Phillip Dampier June 17, 2011 Data Caps 22 Comments

Time Warner Cable CEO Glenn Britt says the cable company is once again testing technology to allow it to implement the same type of Internet Overcharging system consumers immediately rejected in 2009.

Speaking at the Cable Show in Chicago Thursday, Britt said the company has not yet decided whether it will actually introduce the system, but will have the technology in place to quickly implement it.

Unlike some other cable companies with a fixed bandwidth limit, once again Time Warner is considering a combination cap and tier system with fixed allowances for different levels of service.  In 2009, Time Warner Cable proposed a usage allowance of just 40-60GB per month for their Standard Service customers.  Customers seeking unlimited use service faced broadband bills as high as $150 a month.

Customers overwhelmingly rejected the pricing scheme in test markets in 2009, and political pressure only hastened the shelving of the test.  But Britt remains undeterred, telling Wall Street investors he remains a true believer in usage-based billing

Wall Street analysts told Bloomberg News they didn’t have a problem with it.  Bloomberg also quoted Netflix CFO David Wells as saying he had no objection to Internet providers covering the cost of increasing bandwidth capacity.  But Bloomberg quoted Wells speaking on a June 1 conference call, not in reaction to Britt’s specific announcement yesterday.  Further, Wells clarified his comments were directed towards network optimization and traffic shaping, not broadband usage caps.

Netflix is among the most likely online services that would expose broadband customers to potential overlimit fees, especially if Time Warner Cable brings back the same usage allowances it proposed in 2009.

Time Warner Cable Acquires NewWave Communications Systems in Tenn., Ky.

Phillip Dampier June 14, 2011 Consumer News 10 Comments

Time Warner Cable will acquire cable systems in western Tennessee and Kentucky owned by NewWave Communications for $260 million in cash, the company announced this morning.

Some 70,000 subscribers are affected by the sale, expected to close in the fourth quarter of this year.  It marks Time Warner’s first entry into the state of Tennessee, currently dominated by Comcast and Charter Cable.  In Kentucky, Time Warner already serves around 100,000 customers.

The transaction will make NewWave Communications, already a tiny cable operator, even smaller as it plans to continue serving 80,000 customers in Arkansas, Illinois, Missouri, and South Carolina and those formerly served by Avenue Broadband in Indiana and Illinois.

Time Warner’s cash deal increases speculation the company also remains interested in acquiring Insight Communications, another cable operator up for sale with systems in the same region served by NewWave.  Time Warner Cable favors large regional operations serving contiguous territories.  But if a bidding war erupts, CEO Glenn Britt has warned the company won’t pay a premium price for mergers and acquisitions.

NewWave’s subscribers have been through a lot in the last decade.  Many were originally served by aging cable systems owned and operated by Charter Cable, who sold them to NewWave with mixed results.  NewWave’s public image is tarnished to some degree by some of its vocal, disaffected customers.  The company endures a “NewWave Communications Sucks” Facebook page and blog posts like, New Wave Communications: The Worst ISP in America.  The most frequent complaints: poor service and oversold broadband slowing down in the evenings.

Competition for NewWave is primarily from the phone companies, often AT&T and Frontier Communications.

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