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TDS Telecom: Losing 5.5 Percent of Its Landline Customers Every Year

Phillip Dampier August 9, 2011 Broadband Speed, Competition, Consumer News, Rural Broadband, TDS Telecom Comments Off on TDS Telecom: Losing 5.5 Percent of Its Landline Customers Every Year

TDS Telecom, the Madison, Wisc. independent telephone company serving about 1 million landline customers in rural and suburban communities in 30 states, is losing 5.5 percent of those customers every year, as consumers increasingly drop their landline telephone service.

In second quarter financial results reported to investors this week, TDS noted it is increasingly dependent on selling DSL broadband and managed data services to stabilize long term revenues and minimize line losses.  Like many independent phone companies, TDS’ largely rural service areas offer the opportunity of delivering broadband service to areas unserved by cable broadband, and unlikely to find robust cell phone or wireless data coverage.

Vicki Villacrez, TDS’ chief financial officer, reports the phone company now has a 60 percent penetration rate for residential landline customers taking DSL service.

TDS is losing more than 5% of their landline customers a year, which limits potential growth.

“High speed data subscribers grew 6% year-on-year.” Villacrez said. “We continue to attract healthy levels of new customers and they are taking higher speed. Over 80% of our data subscribers are taking speeds of three megabits or greater and 16% are taking greater than 10 megabit speeds.”

Because TDS customers are migrating to faster speeds, where available, the company’s average revenue per subscriber has remained stable at $37 per month.  That comes from a combination of the higher prices some customers pay for better service minus line losses, customer defections and retention offers delivering discounts to those threatening to switch providers.

TDS is also adopting similar strategies other phone companies are trying to hang onto customers: marketing their own triple play package of voice, broadband, and television service.  Like most smaller phone companies, TDS delivers voice and data over their existing copper wire network and relies on a resale arrangement with DISH Network to provide satellite television.

About 26 percent of TDS customers are enrolled in the company’s triple play package, up 2,700 customers in the quarter.

But the company’s cost control measures also signal TDS’ unwillingness to invest noticeably in expanding their DSL footprint to additional customers, or dramatically improve their existing network.  The company admits it plans to limit investment in new residential customers, and consolidated cash expenses were down 2.1% for the period, reflecting reduced spending.

Where is TDS willing to invest?  In data center assets and future acquisition opportunities.  TDS intends to broaden its presence in managed hosting and will continue to explore mergers and acquisition opportunities with other small, independent phone companies.

Water Tower Fire Wipes Out WiMAX and Cell Phone Service on Madison, Wisconsin’s West Side

Phillip Dampier May 20, 2010 Consumer News, TDS Telecom, Video 1 Comment

This empty water tower in Madison, Wis. caught fire Friday as workers began painting preparations, disrupting wireless communications services on the city's west side for months. (Photo: WMTV Madison)

A water tower fire on Madison’s west side has wiped out WiMAX broadband service for at least 150 fixed wireless broadband customers, leaving them cut off for so long, provider TDS Telecom is canceling their service and assisting customers in switching providers.

A Madison utility manager said workers Friday were preparing to paint the 100,000-gallon tower in the 2700 block of Prairie Road when insulation around communications cables caught fire.  Smoke was visible from the empty water tower for miles, and several nearby homes had to be evacuated because of fears of a potential collapse.

City engineers have since deemed the tower safe, but the real impact will be several months of interrupted broadband and cell service from several area providers who depended on the tower as an antenna site.  The tower was particularly crucial to TDS Telecom, which depended on its strategic location to deliver its wireless broadband service in western Madison.  It will take several months to restore service.

“Based on our discussions with the City, we anticipate it could take a very long time to repair the damaged tower,” states DeAnne Boegli, TDS National Public Relations Manager. “Since this is the only viable tower location TDS can use to serve these homes, and because temporary solutions are not available, our customer’s best option is to select another facilities-based communications provider.”

TDS will assist all 147 impacted customers in changing their service without penalty and remove the equipment from customer homes at their request and convenience. The company is also providing the customers a month’s service credit.

“Unfortunately, this accident has left us with no reliable or timely restoration options. TDS understands communications services are critical to our customers and we want to get them transitioned as quickly as possible, even though it means they must select another provider,” said Boegli.

Affected cell phone companies are trying to establish temporary cell tower sites to improve service in the area while repairs get underway.

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WMTV Madison Water Tower Fire Wipes Out WiMAX 5-14-10.flv[/flv]

WMTV-TV in Madison broke into regular programming to deliver a special report on the fire.  We’ve also included some raw video of the fire.  (11 minutes)

Broadband Stimulus Blockade – Frontier’s Stimulus Applications Rejected in WV – ‘If Only You Approved Our Deal!’

Phillip Dampier February 16, 2010 Broadband Speed, Competition, Editorial & Site News, Frontier, Public Policy & Gov't, Rural Broadband, Video Comments Off on Broadband Stimulus Blockade – Frontier’s Stimulus Applications Rejected in WV – ‘If Only You Approved Our Deal!’

Frontier's broadband stimulus requests were also shot down when West Virginian cable operators objected

Even companies whose raison d’être these days is to provide better phone and broadband service to rural Americans are being turned down. Frontier Communications, who wants to take control of 617,000 phone lines in West Virginia from Verizon was, in part, promoting rural broadband stimulus funding as a benefit of the deal. After all, a phone company specializing in serving the underserved would stand a better chance of securing broadband stimulus money than a telephone behemoth like Verizon.

Apparently not. The feds turned down their $55 million dollar broadband stimulus application, too.

Frontier applied for two stimulus grants, one to provide fiber optic connections to schools, libraries and health care facilities, the other to fund broadband expansion in West Virginia.

West Virginia’s incumbent cable companies teamed up and just said no.

Opposition piled on from Armstrong Cable Services, Comcast, JetBroadband and Suddenlink urging federal officials to deny Frontier’s applications. They claimed the phone company was trying to secure taxpayer money to provide broadband service in their territories, making the application redundant.

“They had said this was a reason to grant approval, that this would really boost broadband deployment,” Patrick Pearlman, deputy director of the state PSC’s Consumer Advocate Division, which is opposing the Frontier-Verizon sale told the Charleston Gazette. “They went on about how they’re going to get all this money and bring all this, but apparently they couldn’t count on the feds.”

Frontier didn’t blame themselves for the failure, of course. They blamed state officials for holding up their deal with Verizon.

“This is one of the reasons why we have asked this and other commissions to act expeditiously in their review of the proposed transaction,” Daniel McCarthy, Frontier’s chief operating officer told the Gazette.

State regulators should take the rejection as a lesson learned if they believed Frontier’s claims that approving the deal would result in an improved position for broadband stimulus funding. It was not to be. Even small cable companies will pounce on applications that suggest competition might be on the way.

More and more, it appears likely the grand plan for vastly improved broadband will be reduced to funding a handful of showcase rural broadband projects that solve some of the nation’s broadband deficiency woes, but after telecommunications industry and their lobbyist friends are done chewing up the project, plans of expanded broadband providing Americans with better choices at reasonable prices will remain a broadband pipe dream.

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/TDS Telecom CEO Announces Broadband Grants for Michigan 12-2009.flv[/flv]

TDS Telecom’s grant for broadband expansion is an example of showcasing hit or miss rural broadband projects.  The company secured $8.6 million to expand broadband Internet services to TDS customers in one Chatham Telephone Company exchange in northern Michigan.  Considering TDS serves largely rural customers in 30 states, winning expansive broadband improvement for all Americans is about as likely as winning the Powerball jackpot. TDS CEO Dave Wittwer explains the stimulus funding to customers in this video. (1 minute)

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