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Is T-Mobile’s No-Contract, Buy Your Own Phone Pricing a Good Deal?


T-Mobile has scrapped the traditional two-year cell phone contract.

T-Mobile’s shift away from subsidized smartphones and standard two-year contracts could be a game-changer for American wireless consumers, but does the scrappy carrier have a good deal for you or mostly for itself?

T-Mobile is and has been America’s fourth largest carrier — the smallest among those offering nationwide home coverage. The provider has lost contract customers for years. T-Mobile’s coverage has been less than great in many areas and it often did not offer the latest and most popular smartphones. After its merger effort with AT&T was shot down by the Department of Justice for anti-competitive reasons, T-Mobile has attempted to remake itself by changing the rules under which most of us buy mobile service.

The biggest change of all is the end of the subsidized phone. For years, cell phone companies have offered free or low-cost phones to customers, earning back that subsidy by charging higher monthly rates and locking customers to two-year contracts with early termination fees. T-Mobile will still give you an affordable phone, only now you will pay it off in small installments over a two-year financing agreement.

What difference does this make? Customers who bounce from one two-year contract to the next may not see much difference. But if you keep your phone longer than two years or buy one elsewhere, your monthly rate with T-Mobile will no longer include an artificially higher price designed to recover the phone subsidy you no longer receive.

It also means nothing traps you with T-Mobile. If after six months you find their service unbecoming, you can leave without hundreds of dollars in termination fees. But customers on financing agreements will continue to make their payments for equipment purchases, and those phones will not be unlocked for use on another carrier until the remaining balance is paid off.


A typical T-Mobile customer looking for the latest iPhone will pay a $100 down payment and then finance the remaining balance, paying $20 a month for 24 months. Your monthly rate will start at $50 a month, which includes unlimited talk and texting, and a 500MB data allowance. If that is insufficient, an extra $10 a month will buy you an extra 2GB of data. If you want unlimited data, that plan is available for an extra $20 a month.

T-Mobile says their plans will save you $1,000 over the life of a two-year contract with AT&T or Verizon. We think they are exaggerating a bit.

Like their competition, T-Mobile is moving away from budget-minded “minute plans” that bundle calling, text and data. Instead, T-Mobile charges at least $50 a month for unlimited talk/text and a small data plan whether you want those features or not.


The Associated Press found that although T-Mobile ends up being the cheapest, the savings over its rivals is closer to $700 on average. The price over two years for a 16-gigabyte iPhone 5 with unlimited calling, unlimited texting and 2.5 gigabytes of data usage per month, excluding taxes, is:

  • T-Mobile: $2,020
  • AT&T/Verizon: $2,635 (2-3GB data plan)
  • Sprint: $2,840 (unlimited data plan included)

Some other things to consider:

  • Once your phone is paid off, your ongoing T-Mobile bill will no longer show a phone subsidy payback built into prices charged by other carriers;
  • You can pay your phone off early, with no penalty;
  • T-Mobile’s 4G network is a mix of HSPA+ and LTE. The more commonly encountered HSPA+ network gets good marks for speed, but a number of densely populated T-Mobile coverage areas surprisingly often default to their older 2G network, which is painfully slow. LTE is only available in about seven cities at the moment, so it is still a rarity;
  • T-Mobile’s unlimited service is free from tricks and traps like soft caps and speed throttles. It also performs better than Sprint’s unlimited service on its overloaded 3G and spotty Clearwire 4G WiMAX network. Sprint’s LTE network is on the way… slowly. It seems to be rolling out first in small cities you have never heard of;
  • T-Mobile’s coverage in rural and exurban areas is frankly terrible. Travelers on main highways may not encounter many signal gaps, but those living in small towns or off the beaten path may get a roaming signal or poor or no reception from T-Mobile’s own towers at all. The frequencies used for its data service also do not work as well indoors as its larger rivals.

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/T-Mobile Ad 4-2-13.flv[/flv]

T-Mobile channels Oprah in this new ad as the big four wireless cowboys get in touch with their feelings. But only one is ready to don a pink hat and ride off on his own. (1 minute)

Bright House Boosts Speeds, Prices, Cable Modem Fees

Phillip Dampier March 18, 2013 Broadband Speed, Consumer News Comments Off on Bright House Boosts Speeds, Prices, Cable Modem Fees

Bright House Networks first boosted Internet speeds in January and is now back with a price boost.

brighthouseinThe cable provider’s Turbo High Speed Internet increased earlier this year from 20 to 30Mbps for downloads. Its Lightning tier went up even more — from 40 to 60Mbps. Even Business Class customers saw speed increases to 70Mbps. But now prices are up as well — as much as $5 a month more for “upgraded broadband services,” a higher cable modem rental fee, and $3 more for television packages:

  • Standard Cable TV service is up $3, from $65 to $68 a month
  • Late fees are increasing by an extra $0.50;
  • The cable modem rental fee that used to be $2 a month has increased an additional $1.50 — now $3.50 per month.

Price increases will not affect customers on promotional offers or certain bundled service packages combining multiple services.

The fee that bugs many customers the most is the company’s modem rental fee, which applies regardless of the age of your equipment.

“I told the customer service rep that I’ve had this modem for a couple of years and it’s not like altered or improved,” Pete Dooley of Satellite Beach, Fla. told Florida Today. “She said ‘You know the economy is today. They just needed more money.’ I guess you’re just supposed to casually accept it.”

The rest of the rate increases were attributed to the cost of cable television programming.

Jeff Kagan, a cable industry analyst told the online news service cable television rates have roughly doubled over the last decade.

Rogers: Monetizing Your Data Usage Key to Future Revenue Growth

Phillip Dampier March 13, 2013 Broadband Speed, Canada, Competition, Data Caps, Online Video, Rogers, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on Rogers: Monetizing Your Data Usage Key to Future Revenue Growth

rogers logoRogers Communications, Canada’s largest cable operator, told investors at an investment bank conference it intends to accelerate plans to monetize wireless and broadband data usage this year.

Anthony Staffieri, chief financial officer of Rogers Communications told attendees at Morgan Stanley’s Technology, Media & Telecom Conference that Rogers’ future revenue outlook was going to be data-centric.

“We think data, monetizing data, is going to be a key aspect of that, both on the wireless side, as well as on the cable side of things,” Staffieri said.



Key to Rogers is the development of data plans that maximize revenue potential by exploiting the customer’s discomfort with overlimit fees. Staffieri admits the company has plans that can cost the company revenue if customers downgrade to a usage bucket that brings them very close to their usage limit.

But most customers do not choose those “exact fit” data plans. They typically select more expensive, larger-bucket plans so they can rest easy knowing they will not get slapped with a overlimit fee.

“And so they’re coming into data plans that are probably more than they need,” Staffieri said. “But for most users, what they’re looking for is comfort in usage. And so what we found is there’s a preponderance to buy more than what you need. So there’s no surprise at the end of the month in terms of billing. And so it’s all about that comfort in usage that we’re focused on in the price plans.”

In wireless, Rogers is also counting on the explosive growth of usage that comes after introducing 4G LTE coverage.

“Simply on 3G to LTE, you see an immediate growth in data usage,” Staffieri said. “Same users, but if you were to look at the data set, it’s just within a defined period of time, they can just access more. And so for whatever reason, whatever they’re doing with it, it’s just driving more usage, more efficiency and they’re using it in the business context.”

Staffieri says Rogers is experiencing 30-50% increases in data usage year over year. Rogers introduced new wireless plans in the fall of 2012 that refocus customers on their anticipated data usage, with gradually more expensive wireless plans to match.

“That really gets the customer focused on choosing something that continues to drive data growth,” Staffieri noted.

Rogers Cable broadband customers have also faced data caps and consumption-oriented billing for years. Although Rogers competitively responded to a Bell offer introduced in January that includes unlimited use service for customers who want it, that option comes at an added cost — one that can be priced up or down according to marketplace conditions.

Rogers primary focus is on encouraging its cable broadband customers to move towards higher-speed, more expensive data plans.

Rogers sells a 25/3Mbps broadband plan for $52 a month that includes only an 80GB monthly usage allowance.

MONETIZED: Rogers sells a 25/2Mbps broadband plan for $52 a month that includes only an 80GB monthly usage allowance. A $2/GB overlimit fee applies, up to a maximum of $100 per month. Taxes, a modem rental fee or purchase, a one-time activation fee of $14.95 and up to a $99.99 installation fee also apply.

“On the cable side, making sure we have the best Internet experience was the other piece of it,” Staffieri said. “We ended the year with 90% of our footprint able to get 150Mbps data speed ($122.99/mo with 250GB usage allowance). And so to the extent that we continue to lead on Internet, we think that’s going to be important ingredient for the top line [revenue] growth.”

On the wireless side, Rogers is following the lead of big providers in the United States and gradually shifting the cost of new smartphones away from itself and onto its customers by adjusting its subsidy program.

“As we see data [usage] pulling [revenue] growth, overall, that bodes well for a continuation of the subsidization,” Staffieri said. “For us, it’s really been about making sure that we give the customer choice. And so when we combine that with the introduction of the Flex Plan, which we did in 2012, what we’re seeing is more and more customers opting into new handsets. But more and more, it’s on the customer’s nickel as opposed to our nickel on the Flex Plan programs.”

Rogers Wireless' Individual wireless plans. Rogers' customers have to pay extra for long distance cell phone calling -- most plans only cover local calling. Data plans are stingier and more expensive than what most Americans pay, and steep overlimit fees up to $0.02 per megabyte apply.

Rogers Wireless’ Individual plans. Rogers’ customers have to pay extra for long distance calling — most plans only cover local calls. Data plans are stingier and more expensive than what most Americans pay, and steep overlimit fees up to $0.02 per megabyte ($20/GB) apply. Like in the United States, Rogers is moving to bundle unlimited calling and texting into more of their plans. What differentiates more plans today is how much data usage is included.

Staffieri admitted Bell is giving Rogers the most competitive headaches in Ontario because of their aggressively priced promotions.

“Certainly, [Bell’s Fibe IPTV] has been competitive for us. In the short-term, we continue to deal with what I would consider to be aggressive pricing in terms of acquisition and retention offers by our IPTV competitor,” said Staffieri. “We’ve always been competing with their satellite product and so that competition has always been there. But I would describe it as certainly having picked up and continuing to pick up. And it’s largely been through pricing offers as opposed to product.”

Staffieri says Rogers is competing with improved set-top equipment like the NextBox 2.0 — a whole-home DVR with an improved user interface. It also offers customers Anyplace TV, a TV Everywhere service that allows customers to watch the Rogers’ TV lineup on tablets inside the home.

The Toronto Maple Leafs, the National Hockey League's most valuable sports franchise, is 75% co-owned by Bell Canada and Rogers Communications.

The Toronto Maple Leafs, the National Hockey League’s most valuable sports franchise, is today 75% co-owned by Bell Canada Enterprises (BCE) and Rogers Communications.

As is the case in the United States, Canadian cable companies are also facing dramatically increasing programming costs, particularly for sports programming.

But to a greater degree than in the U.S., Canadian media conglomerates own and control a larger share of cable and broadcast networks, programming producers, would-be competitors like satellite television, and even sports teams and the networks that show their games.

That positions them to negotiate with themselves over content costs, because they own or control the sports franchise, the cable or broadcast network that televises their games, and the cable, satellite, or telephone provider through which most Canadians watch.

“We’ve tried to be disciplined on the extent that content price increases are there because consumers want it, then we want to make sure we’re disciplined in passing on that cost to the customer,” Staffieri said. “And so we strive to make sure that in the TV and video business our gross margins are consistent.”

“So if you were to look at how that’s played out over the last several quarters and several years, it’s been fairly consistent. And so that’s what we strive to do is to make sure that those programming costs ultimately are passed on to the consumer, which is ultimately driving up the cost through their demand.”

Rupert Murdoch Launching New Sports Networks That Will Add $1/Month to Your Cable Bill

Phillip Dampier March 11, 2013 Consumer News 6 Comments

fox sports 1Cable, satellite, and telco-TV subscribers face paying an extra $12 a year for two new sports channels that are certain to be added to the lineup by this summer.

Rupert Murdoch’s dream is to launch a cable sports network that can successfully rival ESPN. That dream begins to come true in August when News Corporation launches FOX Sports 1, a makeover of the Speed Channel that will cost subscribers more. Soon after, the Fuel Channel will relaunch as FOX Sports 2, a companion network.

The networks will carry programming acquired from deals with a range of sports leagues. FOX Sports 1 will feature Major League Baseball games starting next year. For the late summer and early fall of this year, the new sports channels will be packed with the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series (and truck races), pro archery which implies that new bowstring, UFC matches, and a range of college football and basketball games.

While the initial price of the new sports networks is relatively cheap at $1 a month per subscriber, in contrast with ESPN’s $5.15 monthly asking price, Murdoch and other Fox executives hope to one day rival ESPN, which guarantees bidding wars for sports programming that will escalate cable programming costs and subscriber bills.

Chase Carey, president of Fox, acknowledged the cost to acquire rights for sports programming have increased, but he believes sports programming will continue to be a priority for subscribers willing to tolerate higher bills for premier sporting events.

“We think sports is a huge arena that has room in it to build a really attractive businesses,” Carey told analysts on an earnings call last month.

[flv width=”360″ height=”290″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Bloomberg Market Is Big Enough for Fox Sports 1 3-6-13.mp4[/flv]

Lee Berke, president of LHB Sports Entertainment Media, talks about News Corp.’s plan to start a national sports network to debut in August. Fox Sports 1 will be available to more than 90 million pay-TV homes, New York-based News Corp. said yesterday in a statement. He speaks with Betty Liu on Bloomberg Television’s “In the Loop.” (4 minutes)


COLLEGE BASKETBALL – Dozens of exclusive prime time games on Monday and Thursday nights, plus Saturday and Sunday coverage of the Big 12, Pac-12 and Conference USA.

COLLEGE FOOTBALL – Led by Notre Dame at Stanford, the Big Ten Championship Game and Pac-12 Championship Game (2014) on FOX, dozens of exclusive, live games from the Pac-12, Big 12 and Conference USA on Thursday nights and Saturdays; triple- and quadruple-headers on Saturdays; Saturday pre- and postgame coverage.

MLB – Beginning in 2014, select League Championship Series and Division Series games; regular-season games over 26 Saturdays; live game-in-progress look-in show.

NASCAR – Select NASCAR Sprint Cup Series races as soon as 2015; NASCAR Camping World Truck Series races; NASCAR Sprint All-Star race; all SpeedWeeks events leading up to the Daytona 500 including: Daytona 500 Qualifying, Sprint Unlimited at Daytona (2014, 2017-22) and the Budweiser Duel, now in prime time; NASCAR Sprint Cup Series and NCWTS Practice and Qualifying sessions; NASCAR RaceDay, providing pre- and post-race coverage; NASCAR Victory Lane, a weekly wrap-up show; and Race Hub, a daily mid-day studio show with the latest from drivers, owners and garages.

SOCCER – Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday afternoon coverage of the world’s most prolific club soccer competitions, the UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League, and CONCACAF Champions League featuring many of the world’s greatest and most successful clubs; the world’s oldest soccer competition, the FA Cup; CONCACAF Gold Cup; CONCACAF Qualifiers, FIFA Women’s World Cup coverage in 2015 and 2019; FIFA Men’s World Cup coverage in 2018 and 2022; delayed matches in prime time; weekly magazine and highlights shows.

UFC – Featured on Wednesday nights; live FIGHT NIGHTS through 2014, the first is scheduled for launch night, Saturday, Aug. 17; FOX event preliminary cards; UFC Tonight, the weekly authority for UFC news and information; 14 Saturday pay-per-view preliminary cards; hundreds of hours of library programs and events.

Cablevision’s Soap Opera: A Cable Operator Under Duress Avoids Tough Questions

Phillip Dampier March 4, 2013 Broadband Speed, Cablevision (see Altice USA), Competition, Verizon Comments Off on Cablevision’s Soap Opera: A Cable Operator Under Duress Avoids Tough Questions
Cablevision's executive suites are starting to resemble the TV show Dallas -- Phillip Dampier

Cablevision’s executive suites are filled with intrigue and family politics. — Phillip Dampier

Cablevision’s quarterly results conference call last week was an exercise in obfuscation.

Senior management at the cable operator that serves parts of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut announced some difficult financial results, including the fact the company lost at least 39,000 customers during the last quarter — a significant number considering Cablevision only serves 3.6 million customers as of the end of December. At least 11,000 of those customers stopped paying their bills and disappeared, presumably because their homes and businesses were victims of Hurricane Sandy. But company officials admitted they also lost high-speed Internet customers because of a recent price increase and ongoing heavy promotional activity from their biggest competitor — Verizon FiOS. The phone company has offered triple play packages as low as $89 a month with $300 debit card rebates, which makes hiking rates untenable.

Cablevision CEO James Dolan has been ducking hard questions from Wall Street analysts concerned about the company’s spending and marketing, the loss of subscribers, and fallout from a 2011 management shakeup. Richard Greenfield, an analyst at research firm BTIG, has been frustrated getting answers from the Dolan family that has controlled Cablevision for decades, tweeting Cablevision executives stopped taking his questions on regular conference calls after he began asking some of those hard questions.

Cablevision’s Upgrades Will Continue; Company Wants an Improved Subscriber Experience



One of the problems Verizon FiOS’ fiber to the home network brings Cablevision as its largest competitor is fiber technology is superior to Cablevision’s cable network infrastructure. Verizon has been a formidable challenger. This has forced the cable operator to make dramatic improvements, particularly in its broadband product, to stay competitive. But some of these upgrades have been delayed by the effects of Hurricane Sandy, which affected 60 percent of Cablevision’s subscribers in the tri-state area.

Cablevision has been forced to offer customers service credits, substantially curtail sales and advertising efforts, and suspend the non-pay collection rules and disconnect policy.

Cablevision has also committed itself to an expensive robust Wi-Fi network to differentiate itself from Verizon. Cablevision has an extensive Wi-Fi presence in its service area, offering unlimited free service for its customers. Verizon does not. Cablevision ended 2012 with more than 67,000 installed hotspots, with more than 30% of Optimum Online customers using the service in 2012.

At the same time, cable television programming costs have skyrocketed, but Cablevision has generally avoided raising prices fearing Verizon would poach unhappy subscribers.

Drama Surrounding Executive Changes


Internet comes last?

In 2011, Cablevision accepted the resignation of Tom Rutledge, former chief operating officer. Richard Greenfield dismissed Cablevision’s statements about his departure as “spin,” and claims the real reason Rutledge left for Charter Communications is that Jim Dolan became dissatisfied with Rutledge’s performance. But that poor performance could also be attributed to some of the company’s own decisions, particularly when it engaged in multiple battles with programmers during 2010 that forced popular cable networks and broadcasters temporarily off Cablevision lineups. Greenfield suggests the biggest impact was felt when the cable operator dropped the local Fox station right in the middle of the World Series. BTIG believes subscriber losses accelerated for these reasons (and Verizon’s aggressive marketing efforts) and helped the company see its earnings and subscriber trends hurt.

Jim Dolan has reportedly taken a more hands-on approach at Cablevision and even appointed his wife Kristin to assume a stronger role in how Cablevision markets itself to customers.

The result was a Cablevision rebranding that Greenfield criticized in September as “firmly entrenched in the past,” because it emphasizes television and phone service over broadband.

Avoiding Tough Questions

Several of the questions Greenfield wanted answered, but could not, dealt with the transformation of part of Cablevision’s service area thanks to Sandy and some of the company’s earlier missteps:

  • Permanent System Loss: How many Cablevision homes in the service area will no longer exist or take years to rebuild?
  • Recapture Suspended Accounts: At least 24,000 video subscribers disappeared after Hurricane Sandy. Has this number changed recently and are there plans to win these customers back?
  • Verizon FIOS was back up and running in storm-damaged areas before Cablevision. How has this affected your operations?
  • Marketing Missteps: Are there plans to correct the marketing deficiencies from the 2012 campaign in 2013, particularly for broadband?
  • Onyx Guide and Network DVR: Neither are well-received by customers. The Onyx on-screen Guide has been slammed for not working properly, being cumbersome to use, and difficult to read. The remote DVR has been criticized for its poor quality and reliability over traditional in-home DVRs. What will Cablevision do to address these complaints?
  • Why is Cablevision challenging Viacom in court over cable network programming costs when sports programming is where the real costs are?

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