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FCC Looking for 10,000 Speed Test Volunteers — But Not If You Are Usage Capped or a ‘Heavy Downloader’

Stop the Cap! reader Bones sends word the FCC needs volunteers to help keep America’s broadband providers honest about their speed claims.  But the agency warns heavily usage capped consumers they probably shouldn’t apply, and anyone consuming over 30 GB per month is disqualified.

The FCC SamKnows Broadband Community aims to gather and report statistical data on the performance of America’s broadband providers.  Thus far, most of the earlier speed results being studied by public officials come from data aggregated from voluntary visits to speed test websites.  But the data is subject to considerable variation depending on the speed test site chosen, traffic and capacity issues that only impact the route to the test site, and what else a consumer may doing with their connection during the test.  Many also conduct speed tests when a technical problem is apparent, using the speed test site to verify their suspicions.

The FCC will send 10,000 volunteers a free router that will hook up to one’s broadband connection and quietly test it several times daily.  Comprehensive measurements to be taken include latency, packet loss, DNS query times and failures, web page loading times, as well as the obligatory suite of speed tests.  The testing is done in the background and the results are uploaded to SamKnows for review.  The FCC can use the data from all of the volunteers to identify the true performance of national and regional Internet Service Providers.  Do their speed claims actually match reality?  Do they suffer from congestion problems and at what times of day?

One group of ISPs the agency will have trouble measuring are those that heavily limit their customers’ use.  In fact, the Test My ISP website warns off customers with low data caps because the project is expected to send and receive about 4 gigabytes of data in full over the course of each month. While the program designers felt that much data was so insignificant it would not create a problem, some greedy ISPs out there beg to differ.  With some providers offering usage allowances at 5 or fewer gigabytes per month, the FCC quickly learned it doesn’t want to be responsible for spiking consumer broadband bills with any overlimit fees.

As a result, they’ve asked those usage capped consumers to think twice about applying for the traditional testing program:

Our units download approximately 2GB per month and upload around 2GB. If you’re on a product with a low usage cap then we’d advise against signing up, or at least informing us beforehand so that we can apply a different testing profile.

The FCC also isn’t interested in sending test units to customers they designate as “heavy downloaders”:

We’d classify anything above 30GB per month as being too heavy for us to gather useful results.

With the increasing use of multimedia content and other high bandwidth applications being released to the Internet masses, we beg to differ with the arbitrary definition that 30 GB constitutes “heavy downloading.”  We understand the agency doesn’t want other online usage to create an issue for the accuracy of its speed tests, but they should take better care with their language.  One could use a file backup service and easily consume more then 30 GB uploading and never download more than a gigabyte.

A screenshot of the types of data SamKnows will be collecting and measuring (click to enlarge)

Other restrictions:

  • You have a fixed line broadband Internet connection to your residence.  This is not for WISPs, mobile broadband, or other wireless broadband services.
  • You use a standalone device to connect to your broadband service – i.e not a USB ADSL modem.
  • You have a stable broadband connection (i.e. it doesn’t disconnect frequently). Note that this is just referring to the connection – not the speed.
  • You have a spare power socket near your existing router (or wherever you plan to connect the unit. Keep in mind that a network cable must run between the unit and your router though! We supply a 1m cable).
  • You need to be on one of the ISPs that we’re measuring.
  • You are not an employee or a family member of an employee of one of the ISPs being monitored.

Also, you must agree to the following:

  • Not to unplug the unit or your ISP’s router unless I’m away for an extended period of time.
  • Not attempt to reverse engineer or alter the unit.
  • To notify Samknows if and when I choose to change ISPs.
  • To return the unit to Samknows should I no longer wish to be involved (Samknows to pay reasonable postage costs).
  • To connect the unit in the way described in the documentation.
  • To keep Samknows updated with valid contact details (i.e. email and postal address).

SamKnows is a British company hired by the FCC to conduct the speed test project.  SamKnows is already familiar to British broadband consumers for its comprehensive broadband availability checker showing all of the broadband choices available based on the address where service is to be installed.

The company also reports on broadband news, mostly impacting Europe.

And before the paranoid start suggesting this is Obama’s Internet Spy Box, SamKnows offers this:

However, the unit simply acts as a standard switch or standard router and does not look at any of the packets flowing across your network. It only monitors traffic volumes for the purposes of deciding when to run (or not to run!) the tests and to measure consumption.

Testing information uploaded from the unit to our servers contains no information about you whatsoever. Furthermore, all such communications are encrypted, ensuring that results cannot be tampered with en-route.

Your individual unit’s test results will be available to you alone. Your unit’s results will also be aggregated with others from the same ISP to form a larger average set of results that can be viewed publicly.

We have absolutely no intention of doing anything that may adversely affect your privacy or security.

[flv width=”512″ height=”308″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/ITN News Ofcom report says broadband is not up to speed 7-28-09.flv[/flv]

The implications for the FCC’s national speed test program could mimic Great Britain’s, where providers were held to account for wide variations between speeds promised and those actually delivered.  Meaningful broadband reform in the States could include a requirement that providers’ marketing claims be provable, compelling at least some to perform competitive upgrades instead of delivering broken promises.  This ITN News report from last summer illustrates what happened when UK provider speed claims were put to the test.  (3 minutes)

Alaskan Snow Job: GCI Selling Unlimited Broadband That Isn’t


Main Entry: un·lim·it·ed
Pronunciation: \-ˈli-mə-təd\
Function: adjective

1 : lacking any controls : unrestricted <unlimited access>
: boundless, infinite <unlimited possibilities>
: not bounded by exceptions : undefined <the unlimited and unconditional surrender of the enemy — Sir Winston Churchill>

An Alaskan Internet service provider is baffling its broadband customers with a blizzard of BS regarding just how unlimited its “unlimited” service plans really are.

A Stop the Cap! reader in The Last Frontier drops us a note to alert us of yet another provider trying to pull a fast one on its customers.

GCI markets cable-TV, telephone and broadband service in larger communities across many parts of the state.  Its broadband service, dubbed “Xtreme,” offer DSL-like speeds at a significant price premium over what users in the lower 48 pay for Internet access.

Since 2007, our reader writes, GCI offered customers a deal.  In return for letting the company provide all of your telecommunications needs — cable, phone, and Internet, GCI would provide you with unlimited broadband service.  The triple-play package was sold for at least $80 a month, and many customers agreed to the bundled route to avoid GCI’s restrictive, data-capped plans sold to its broadband-only customers.

GCI is now reneging on its end of the deal thanks to a creative redefinition of the word “unlimited.”  For the convenience of those who may be English-challenged, Stop the Cap! has provided the Merriam-Webster definition of the word “unlimited” above, which hasn’t changed much since its first use in the 15th century.

Broadband providers like GCI think they are clever enough to change all that.

Much to the chagrin of GCI’s bundled customers, the company unfairly slapped a “Fair Access Policy” on all of its unlimited customers on April 1st.  Customers started receiving usage warnings this spring, which came as quite a surprise for an “unlimited” service plan.  But the company insists it hasn’t limited its “unlimited” plans at all:

GCI offers some cable modem Internet service plans with “unlimited downloads”, meaning GCI does not bill customers additional fees for usage in a given month.

Actually, that isn’t the meaning of “unlimited” at all, no matter how much the company wishes it was.  Again, see the definition above.

In fact, even using GCI’s own definition, nonsensical as it is, it isn’t reality-based either.

Customers who exceed the arbitrary limits GCI determines as “fair,” could be subjected to higher pricing.  GCI’s website currently lists the overlimit fee starting at an impenetrable $0.005 per megabyte, which sounds pretty low until you realize it’s $5.00 per gigabyte, which is significantly higher than what most other naughty cappers charge.  On slower speed plans, GCI’s overlimit fee is a whopping $0.03 per megabyte — $30 per gigabyte.

What happens when you overuse your GCI unlimited Internet?  GCI will contact you to discuss your account and then ask you to agree to either reduce usage or pay additional fees for usage in a given month.

GCI loves to make its limits look mighty big by representing them in megabytes instead of the more commonly used gigabyte measurement.  They also include the usual comparisons: over 10,000 web pages, 250,000 e-mails, 1,000 pictures, etc.  On the lower speed plans, GCI avoids defining the far-smaller allowances for higher bandwidth services like near-DVD HD video streaming some Alaskan families may want to use during those cold and dark Alaskan winter evenings.

Here are the limits GCI assigns to its “unlimited” service plans:

Plan Name Usage
Ultimate Xtreme 40,000 MB
Ultimate Xtreme Family 60,000 MB
Ultimate Xtreme Entertainment 80,000 MB
Ultimate Xtreme Power 100,000 MB

That’s usage ranging from 40-100 gigabytes.  What this illustrates yet again is that Internet Overcharging schemes are ridiculously arbitrary.  A provider in rural Alaska defines “fair” use of its slowest speed “unlimited” broadband tier (3 Mbps/512 Kbps for $45 a month) at 40 gigabytes.  Meanwhile, Frontier Communications considers it fair to define its DSL service usage allowance at just 5 gigabytes per month.  Comcast says 250 gigabytes a month is fair.  AT&T’s wireless smartphone data plan now carries a 2 gigabyte limit AT&T claims is about right.

As is also commonly the case among Internet Overchargers, any unused allowances do not “roll over” to the next month.

GCI considers anyone exceeding these limits engaged in continuous high-volume data transfers, extensive use of streaming video and peer-to-peer file sharing programs, or using an unsecured wireless signal everyone in the neighborhood has hopped on to use.  But just backing up your family computer through an online backup service over a month could easily put you over these limits.  If a “mutually agreed on” solution cannot be reached to either limit your use or increase your price, GCI will show you the door.

Essentially, GCI hobbles its broadband service plans by imposing limits on services that could challenge some of its other products.  For standalone broadband customers, GCI builds in plenty of protection against customers potentially using its Internet service to bypass its cable and phone offerings, despite some recent speed and usage allowance increases.  How much online viewing will you feel safe doing on some of these Internet service plans:

Standalone Xtreme Plans Current Speeds & Included Usage New Speeds & Included Usage Usage Allowance Increase
Xtreme 1 Mbps/512 Kbps – 5.12 GB usage 3 Mbps/512 Kbps – 7.5 GB usage 2.38 GB
Xtreme Family 2 Mbps/512 Kbps – 10.24 GB usage 6 Mbps/512 Kbps – 15 GB usage 4.76 GB
Xtreme Entertainment 3 Mbps/768 Kbps – 20.48 GB usage 8 Mbps/768 Kbps – 25 GB usage 4.52 GB
Xtreme Power 4 Mbps/1Mbps – 30.72 GB usage 10 Mbps/1Mbps – 40 GB usage 9.28 GB

Monthly service fees

Standalone Xtreme Plans Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau, Kenai, Mat-Su, & Soldotna Ketchikan, Petersburg, Seward, Sitka, Valdez, & Wrangell
Xtreme $44.99/m $54.99/m
Xtreme Family $54.99/m $64.99/m
Xtreme Entertainment $74.99/m $104.99/m
Xtreme Power $104.99/m $154.99/m

Our reader in Alaska thinks the usage limits are unjustified considering GCI’s capacity, and its prices:

GCI has well over 600 Gigabits of capacity across two undersea fiber optic cables.
Since 2007, the only way to get an unlimited download option for the company’s various speed tiers was through its bundled packages.  With the new limit on “unlimited” downloads, GCI fraudulently misrepresents its service to Alaskans.

GCI is the poster child for the cable industry’s push for metered billing. I think you’re well aware that cable companies view metered billing as an anti-competitive solution to fend off emerging competition from online content providers like Hulu and Netflix Online. Time Warner backed down when confronted with the possibility of regulation for the entire industry. They will however try again if companies like GCI continue to have success over a long term. This is why it’s imperative that groups like Stop the Cap! fight beyond your region and get regulation passed to bar forced bundling and data transfer limits entirely. Content providers (video services) should be separate entities from network providers (ISPs). It’s the only way to keep rates low and businesses competitive. Thank you for keeping up the good fight.

And the Silver Broadband Speed Medal Goes To… Latvia — U.S. Drops to 26th Place and Falling…

Phillip Dampier May 27, 2010 Broadband Speed 8 Comments

Latvia is celebrating today with the news it has the world’s second fastest broadband service, now beaten only by South Korea.

According to Ookla, which released speed measurement test results this week, the Baltic state in northeastern Europe achieved second place with a speed index of 24.41 Mbps, ahead of Moldova (21.63 Mbps), Japan (20.43 Mbps) and Sweden (19.95 Mbps).

Latvia has come a long way from its former days as a Soviet Socialist Republic.  The country declared its independence March 3, 1991 and adopted a parliamentary democracy.  Latvia maintains close economic ties with the United States and Scandinavian countries, and has rapidly sought its future within the European Community, distancing itself from Russia.  Today Latvia is a member of both the European Union and NATO.

Like other Baltic republics Lithuania and Estonia, Latvia has undergone a complete telecommunications transformation.  Out went the old Soviet-era telephone exchanges with antiquated copper wire, and in came optical fiber, especially in the nine major cities within Latvia’s administrative divisions.  Latvia’s economic planning heartily endorsed broadband service as a major economic driver, and the country and its citizens depend heavily on its broadband networks for entertainment, banking, business, education, and facilitating health care.

As a result, broadband is plentiful, fast, and remarkably inexpensive, especially in cities.  In rural communities, parts of Latvia still rely on older DSL technology delivered over traditional phone lines, but the country has plans for universal optical fiber as finances allow.  Meanwhile, widespread wireless mobile networks provide Europe’s least expensive cell service, with a charge averaging just four cents per minute to make and receive calls.

Latvia’s dominant broadband provider is Lattelecom, co-owned by the Latvian government and Sweden’s TeliaSonera AB.  Its broadband packages stun the rest of Europe and North America.

For customers in Riga, Jurmala, Jelgava, Daugavpils, Valmiera, and Ventspils districts, fiber optic broadband delivers service up to 200 Mbps upstream/downstream for just under $26.02 per month.  At that price, they also include a guarantee that speeds will always be above 30/20 Mbps.

Lattelecom's broadband tiers. In order, in U.S. dollars -- $13.80, $17.29, $20.78, and $26.02, all without a service contract.

Lattelecom is also introducing a 500Mbps service shortly.  There are additional substantial discounts for expectant mothers, educators, and the disabled.  For those too distant to access the fiber network, a DSL package up to 10Mbps with unlimited telephone calling (including international long distance) costs $37.45 per month.

The Baltic press has run with the success story of the region’s broadband providers, especially in light of the continued decline in scores for broadband in the United States, which has now fallen to 26th place (10.15 Mbps), and the United Kingdom, 33rd (7.71 Mbps).  Canada came in at 32nd (7.92 Mbps).

The most dramatic improvements in broadband continue in eastern Europe, particularly in the Republic of Moldova, its next door neighbor Romania and Bulgaria.  South Korea maintains its world-leader status.

Among the worst performers: Haiti, Lebanon, El Salvador, Afghanistan, Guatemala, Zimbabwe, Yemen, Mali, and Sudan.

Frontier Gets FCC Approval for Its Verizon Takeover; You Get 5GB Usage Allowances, 3Mbps DSL and No Fiber

Take the money and run

The Federal Communications Commission’s approval of Frontier’s takeover of 4.8 million Verizon landline customers in 14 states comes a year after the company announced the deal.  Frontier joins three other independent phone companies — FairPoint Communications, Windstream Communications, and CenturyLink zealously trying to grow their companies with additional mergers and acquisitions to avoid being swallowed up themselves.

What is common among all four companies is they rely heavily on dividend payouts to keep their stock price as high as possible.  That was a formula for disaster for FairPoint, the first of the four to end up in bankruptcy after a similar deal with Verizon in northern New England caused the company to falter.  Service and billing deteriorated, customers fled, and promises for better broadband were broken.  Now Frontier is following in FairPoint’s footsteps with more than 4.8 million new customers Frontier hopes they can swallow.

The FCC’s statement approving the merger reads like a press release for all involved, and delighted FCC Chairman Genachowski, who called these meager requirements “robust”:

Coming one week after the final state approval for the transaction, the FCC’s Order holds the applicants, Verizon and Frontier, to enforceable voluntary commitments, including:

  • Extend faster broadband to more Americans: Frontier will significantly increase broadband deployment for the lines involved in this transaction, only 62 percent of which are broadband-capable today. Specifically, Frontier will deploy broadband with actual speeds of at least 3 Mbps downstream to at least 85 percent of transferred lines by the end of 2013, and actual speeds of at least 4 Mbps downstream to at least 85 percent of the transferred lines by the end of 2015, with all new broadband deployment offering actual speeds of at least 1 Mbps upstream.

Frontier's Fast One: 3 Mbps DSL Service with a 5GB Monthly Usage Allowance

Frontier’s broadband commitment gives the company a full five years to meet the bare minimum speed considered to constitute broadband in the National Broadband Plan.  One hopes Frontier doesn’t break into a sweat offering a piddly 3 Mbps service to homes using yesterday’s DSL service until then.  While Verizon’s rural castoffs get stuck eventually with 4 Mbps DSL, many of the company’s remaining customers are enjoying 50Mbps service over an all fiber network.  The FCC is accepting an urban-rural divide for broadband which will benefit the phone companies while leaving rural customers in the dirt.

  • Deploy fiber to libraries, hospitals, and other anchor institutions: Frontier will launch an anchor institution initiative to deploy fiber to libraries, hospitals, and government buildings, particularly in unserved and underserved communities.

Fiber for these locations sure, but no fiber for you or I.  Frontier, like most other telecom companies, loves to promote the benefits of fiber without actually deploying it to homes.

  • Promote competition: Frontier and Verizon have made a series of commitments to protect wholesale customers, including honoring all obligations under Verizon’s current wholesale arrangements that are in effect at closing.

Since wholesale customers often depend on the same network other customers do, if a company doesn’t deliver robust broadband into a state like West Virginia, there isn’t a robust service to sell to those wholesalers.

  • Improve data quality and collection: Frontier will make available to the Commission data on its broadband deployment progress at an unprecedented level of detail to enable effective monitoring of Frontier’s compliance with its commitments.

The Commission concluded that the commitments that applicants have offered, coupled with monitoring and enforcement by the Commission, will minimize the risks of harm and ensure that this transaction is in the public interest.

Phillip "Living on the Frontier" Dampier

Considering how weakly the FCC is committing itself to protecting rural customers from being dumped into the broadband backwater Frontier has on offer (complete with the 5GB monthly usage allowance), does collecting statistics help when things go sour?  Regulators collected statistics in New England when FairPoint failed, but that didn’t get service levels back until Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont threatened to toss FairPoint out.  Now the company is in bankruptcy and regulators are negotiating which of the promises FairPoint made can be let go ‘for the sake of the company.’

That’s why it’s so ironic to read editorials that proclaim the FCC is on some sort of power grab when they seek to restore what meager authority they exercised over broadband before a DC Court effectively excluded broadband oversight from their portfolio.

It will be a good day when federal agencies like the FCC start worrying first and foremost about consumers instead of how to make a parade of overpriced mergers and acquisitions succeed for the companies involved.

[flv width=”480″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WANE Ft Wayne Verizon hanging up on local landlines 5-24-10.flv[/flv]

WANE-TV in Fort Wayne warns viewers their landline company is about to change asVerizon vacates the area by July 1st.  (1 minute)

[flv width=”480″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/CWA Verizon Dont Take the Money and Run in WV.flv[/flv]

Too late.  The Communications Workers of America ran this ad spot asking the West Virginia governor to intervene and stop the sale.  (1 minute)

AT&T Tries to Solve Wireless Congestion in NYC By Giving Away Free Wi-Fi

Phillip Dampier May 26, 2010 AT&T, Broadband Speed, Consumer News Comments Off on AT&T Tries to Solve Wireless Congestion in NYC By Giving Away Free Wi-Fi

AT&T is having trouble meeting the wireless needs of its customers in major cities like New York and San Francisco, so it is experimenting with free Wi-Fi connections in particularly crowded parts of its service area.

AT&T’s Wi-Fi “hotzone” launched Tuesday in Times Square.  The service has been installed near 7th Avenue between 45th and 47th street, and is designed for outdoor users.  Any AT&T customer can connect to the service with any Wi-Fi capable device.

AT&T has been promoting free use of its indoor Wi-Fi connections for customers for well over a year because it helps reduce demand on its 3G mobile broadband network.  Developing outdoor hotzones in densely populated cities like New York could offload considerably more traffic from congested 3G cell sites.

The company hopes that free Wi-Fi will prove more attractive to customers than 3G because it can deliver faster speed connections and won’t suffer from slowdowns that have become all too common on the company’s 3G network.

If the experiment proves successful, AT&T will consider expanding it to other cities where the company faces congestion issues.

AT&T's Hotzone in Times Square covers a narrow outdoor area bordering W. 45th Street and W. 47th Street near 7th Avenue.

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