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AT&T Tells Shareholders to Mind Their Own Business on NSA Wiretapping, Privacy Invasion

Phillip Dampier December 9, 2013 AT&T, Consumer News, Public Policy & Gov't Comments Off on AT&T Tells Shareholders to Mind Their Own Business on NSA Wiretapping, Privacy Invasion

i hear youAT&T shareholders concerned the company is risking its reputation and future profits by excessively cooperating with the National Security Agency have been told to mind their own business by company executives.

AT&T roundly rejected a resolution demanding greater transparency offered by New York Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, who administers the $160.7 billion NYS Common Retirement Fund, which has investments in AT&T.

AT&T recommended the resolution be excluded from the ballot for AT&T’s annual shareholder meeting this spring, noting shareholders have no business getting involved in the “ordinary business operations” of AT&T, which are under the purview of company executives.

In his shareholder resolution, DiNapoli said there was a real issue of customer trust at stake for AT&T. Customers upset with AT&T could switch providers, hurting revenue.

But with Verizon also providing access to customer records, wireless customers may have few alternatives. AT&T also passes along information about non-customers whose calls happen to cross into AT&T’s extensive network.

In November, the New York Times found AT&T is well-compensated for monitoring and disgorging customer records to federal officials, earning at least $10 million annually. AT&T also has important business before the Obama Administration regarding the future of the landline telephone network, its multi-billion dollar wireless service, and its campaign for greater deregulation.

The news does not inspire confidence in Stop the Cap! reader Earl, who shared the story with us.

“With AT&T it’s always about the bottom line, even at the price of privacy.”

AT&T Collects $10M Annually from CIA Contract to Access Vast Database of Calling Records

Phillip Dampier November 7, 2013 AT&T, Consumer News, Public Policy & Gov't Comments Off on AT&T Collects $10M Annually from CIA Contract to Access Vast Database of Calling Records

spy phoneThe taxpayer-funded Central Intelligence Agency is paying AT&T more than $10 million annually for its “voluntary help” with counter-terrorism investigations in return for open access to the company’s vast trove of calling records, including international calls placed by Americans.

No court order or subpoena was required to start the partnership, according to an article in today’s New York Times. The CIA provides AT&T with the telephone numbers of overseas terrorism suspects and in return the phone company provides records of calling activity, possibly identifying associates.

With interconnection agreements between telephone companies standard operating procedure, AT&T has been able to collect calling records from any foreign or domestic calls that pass through its equipment, even if neither party is an AT&T customer.

Despite AT&T’s claims of robust privacy protection, Americans are not promised anonymity or privacy when requests arrive from law enforcement officials. But only recently have phone companies voluntarily provided calling data that in earlier years would have required a court order to divulge.

rethink attBy law, the CIA is specifically prohibited from collecting intelligence on the domestic activities of U.S. citizens, so the agency imposes its own safeguards on the surveillance program. AT&T provides the agency with calling times, duration of the calls, and the phone numbers of both the originating and called party. It does not divulge the contents of the calls. The CIA is granted full access to AT&T logs involving foreign to foreign calls, but if either party is in the United States, AT&T will mask certain digits of the U.S. telephone number. If more information is required, the CIA will refer the matter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), which has jurisdiction the CIA lacks. The FBI can then subpoena AT&T directly for the missing details.

AT&T would not comment on national security matters, but the newspaper reminded readers AT&T has a history of making life very easy for government surveillance programs:

AT&T has a history of working with the government. It helped facilitate the Bush administration’s warrantless surveillance program by allowing the N.S.A. to install secret equipment in its phone and Internet switching facilities, according to an account by a former AT&T technician made public in a lawsuit.

It was also one of three phone companies that embedded employees from 2003 to around 2007 in an F.B.I. facility, where they used company databases to provide quick analysis of call records. The embedding was shut down amid criticism by the Justice Department’s inspector general that officers were obtaining Americans’ call data without issuing subpoenas.

And, for at least the past six years, AT&T has embedded its employees in federally funded drug investigation offices to analyze call records, in response to subpoenas, to track drug dealers who switch phones. A briefing document for that program said AT&T had records of calls handled by its switches — including “a tremendous amount of international numbers that place calls through or roam on the AT&T network” — dating back to 1987, and described efforts to keep its existence “under the radar.”

Ask DirecTV for Pricing Information, They Quietly Run a Score-Dinging Credit Check on You

Phillip Dampier August 27, 2013 AT&T, Comcast/Xfinity, Competition, Consumer News, DirecTV, Verizon 2 Comments


Asking about the cost of DirecTV could turn out more expensive than you think.

The Los Angeles Times found DirecTV a little more nosy than it should be, opening the door to identity theft and some minor credit damage from unwanted credit inquiries from the satellite provider.

As customers in southern California grow weary over Time Warner Cable’s dispute with CBS, some are shopping around for a better deal with another provider.

57-year old Los Angeles resident Michael Bell got more than he bargained for when he called DirecTV looking for some price quotes. Before the representative would answer, Bell found himself grilled for a lot of personal details that seemed irrelevant in response to a question about the price of HBO.

In addition to name, address, and type of residence, DirecTV wanted to know if Bell owned or rented his home.

“That stopped me,” Bell told the LA Times. “Why should he care? I told him I just wanted a price quote. He said we’d get to that. And then he asked for my Social Security number.”

That was T.M.I. for Bell’s tastes and he quickly hung up.

Requesting a Social Security number these days is a red flag, often giving warning the person asking is about to run a credit check on you.

credit dropSure enough, Robert Mercer, a DirecTV spokesman, explained the satellite provider pulls a credit report on every potential customer to determine their financial viability. DirecTV doesn’t want deadbeat customers, not after spending close to $900 to install satellite television in the average home.

If you don’t like it, you can pay DirecTV a $300 deposit and keep the number to yourself. The money is gradually refunded in the form of $5 monthly service credits each month you maintain service.

Cable companies are also notorious for running credit checks on customers, which can appear to other creditors as a request to extend credit. Too many credit inquiries can temporarily cut your credit score or worse, deny you credit.

AT&T and Verizon are also sticklers for good credit so expect them to run credit checks as well.

Time Warner Cable stands out among others for at least taking an interest in protecting customer privacy and preventing possible identity theft.

Dennis Johnson, a company spokesman, told the newspaper it can run a preliminary credit check with only the last four digits of a Social Security number and your date of birth.

Consumer privacy advocates argue that in the age of identity theft, nobody should be providing a Social Security number to anyone without a clear understanding it is being used to establish credit, open an account, or get earned retirement benefits. Consumers asked for a Social Security number for any other purpose should ask if they can avoid providing it or at least carefully scrutinize the request. If uncomfortable, simply end the conversation.

AT&T’s ‘Digital Life’ Premium: $1,740 Installation, $70/Month for Home Security, Automation

Phillip Dampier August 12, 2013 AT&T, Competition, Consumer News, Video Comments Off on AT&T’s ‘Digital Life’ Premium: $1,740 Installation, $70/Month for Home Security, Automation

digital lifeThe average owner of a large home that wants an alarm system, the ability to observe everything indoors and out, and remotely control doors, thermostats and electric outlets will pay AT&T $1,740 in installation fees and a recurring monthly charge of $69.95 a month for deluxe peace of mind.

AT&T’s “Digital Life” service, available in U-verse equipped areas, is just the latest revenue-booster for the telephone company. The new service will compete directly against similar offerings from cable operators and traditional home security vendors including ADT.

AT&T can claim some superiority for its offering, because it offers water damage sensors most others don’t. That add-on can detect a basement water heater on the way out or give an early warning of a sewer backup.

AT&T’s deluxe offer — headlined above — includes the water control add-on, three indoor pan-and-scan cameras, one outdoor security camera, sensors for six windows and a variety of home automation features. For the middle class, AT&T offers less tony packages, letting customers customize features most valuable to them.

Home security and automation is a growth industry, particularly since the cable and phone companies have gotten into the act. The Boston Herald reports 90 million homes worldwide will have some form of home automation system in place by 2017.

Although home security systems have been available for years, they require separate contracts, installation, and monitoring from alarm providers most Americans are barely familiar with. The cable and phone companies hope their packages, offered as “add-ons,” will attract more customers that would not normally consider a home security system. Maintaining broadband service is also often a prerequisite for the cable/telephone company systems. As customers are already accustomed to seeing the cable or phone guy and a large, multi-product monthly telecommunications bill, adding another service like home automation and monitoring is not a big stretch.

“Offering security services in the past was basically a separate offering,” said Mitchell Christopher, vice president of technical operations at  Time Warner Cable. “Security wasn’t tied to the existing products or network. With the new products we have now, it is fully integrated into our existing network. It is just an extension of what we are doing versus a departure.”

Unlike traditional intrusion alarms, services like AT&T’s “Digital Life” promote home automation and monitoring features above basic home security.

The Herald:

A few real life-examples: Turn on the lights and unlock your front door when you see your cleaning crew arrive. Lock it behind them when they leave — no need to give them a key. Set programs that make life easier, such as one that triggers your back door to open and your kitchen lights to turn on when your garage door opens each night as you arrive home. View a log of each time your front door has opened or closed to know whether your child has kept his or her word about staying in to do homework. Simply press a button on your smartphone or tablet for “police” or “fire” in the event of an emergency. Be alerted if the service detects a water leak, smoke or carbon monoxide. And if a leak is detected, have the water supply cut automatically.

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/ATT Digital Life 8-2013.flv[/flv]

AT&T produced this introductory video for its Digital Life home security and automation suite. The most basic home security packages start at $150 for equipment and $30 a month with a 2-year contract. (1 minute)

Sen. Schumer Warns Your Internet Enabled Smart TV May Be Spying on You

Sen. Schumer

Sen. Schumer

That new Internet-enabled television in your living room may be allowing virtual Peeping Toms to watch and listen to you because manufacturers never bothered with adequate security measures to keep unwanted guests out.

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) is calling on major television manufacturers to create a uniform security standard to stop the hacking before it becomes widespread.

A security research group recently highlighted security flaws in so-called “smart” TVs that make it simple for anyone to hack the television’s internal microphone and embedded camera originally designed for video chatting. The security group warned that almost anyone could begin eavesdropping within minutes of identifying a vulnerable television — most lacking any significant security measures to prevent unauthorized video spying.

“You expect to watch TV, but you don’t want the TV watching you,” said Schumer. “Many of these smart televisions are vulnerable to hackers who can spy on you while you’re watching television in your living room. Our computers have access to firewalls and other security blocks but these televisions do not and that’s why manufacturers should do everything possible to create a standard of security in their internet-connected products.”

The security vulnerability exists because many modern “smart” TVs are now connected to the Internet. To enhance the social experience, many of these televisions are equipped with microphones and unobtrusive video cameras similar to those found in a laptop. But many consumers do not realize these devices could allow anyone on the outside to activate the camera and microphone unbeknownst to the owner and quietly watch and listen in on what is happening inside a home.

Particularly vulnerable

Particularly vulnerable

Samsung televisions starting with the 2012 model year were called particularly vulnerable to hacking. Researchers found they could not only access cameras and microphones, they could also tap into the television’s web browser, steal user accounts and passwords, and redirect consumers to hacked websites designed to capture personal information including credit card numbers and bank account information.

Some manufacturers have not taken responsibility for the security flaws, suggesting worried consumers put black electrical tape over the camera or unplug the TV when not in use. Samsung has issued patches for many of the affected devices and promises more changes in future models.

Schumer called current measures inadequate and too often leave the burden solely on consumers. He wants an industry security standard implemented that includes a firewall and other security measures that keep unwanted visitors out without forcing consumers to disable features they paid to have on their television.

[flv width=”368″ height=”228″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WTEN Albany Schumer Says TV Could Be Watching You 8-4-13.mp4[/flv]

Your Internet enabled television set may be vulnerable to hacking. WTEN in Albany reports Sen. Schumer wants manufacturers to create a uniform security standard to keep unwelcome visitors out of your living room. (2 minutes)

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