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Sacred Wind Communications Voted Most Inspiring Small Business in America, But Rural Broadband Remains Uninspired

Phillip Dampier October 19, 2009 Broadband Speed, Editorial & Site News, Public Policy & Gov't, Rural Broadband, Video, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on Sacred Wind Communications Voted Most Inspiring Small Business in America, But Rural Broadband Remains Uninspired
John Badal, CEO of Sacred Wind Communications

John Badal, CEO of Sacred Wind Communications

NBC Universal and American Express today announced Sacred Wind Communications (Albuquerque, N.M.) as the winner and most inspiring small business in the “Shine A Light” program, determined by public vote.

Sacred Wind Communications will receive $50,000 in grant money and $50,000 in marketing support from American Express, and will be featured on MSNBC’s small business show, “Your Business.”

John Badal, described by the Shine A Light Foundation as an entrepreneur, founded Sacred Wind to provide service across the largely ignored Navajo Reservation in New Mexico.  Fewer than 40% of the homes had access to even basic telephone service, provided by Qwest on what the foundation describes as a “dilapidated telephone system.”

Badal, along with a few others, thought Qwest’s turtle-like-speed to provide basic telephone service was not acceptable.

Badal should know — he was the former president of Qwest New Mexico from 2000-2004, overseeing that phone network.

During his involvement with Qwest, the frustration to wire the economically challenged Native American community in his area was daunting.  He told Fierce Broadband Wireless that laying copper cable throughout a rugged, rural desert area to reach a small number of customers who couldn’t afford to pay much for service wasn’t economically feasible for Qwest.

In four years, Qwest only managed to bring phone service to 42 new customers–out of thousands. “It took us two years to get through the rights of way process. Six of those homes had moved by the time the process was completed. It would have taken 45 years to reach 70 percent of the homes in our territory,” Badal said. “We needed a different technology altogether. We needed to go wireless.”

Sacred Wind's service areas (click to enlarge)

Sacred Wind's service areas (click to enlarge)

Badal decided to build a for-profit telecommunications company with a business plan that would depend on funding from the government.

“The only way any company could hope to provide service to the Navajo Nation is with the help of the Federal Communications Commission’s Universal Services Fund,” Badal told New Mexico Business Weekly in 2005.

“We can make this affordable, where Qwest cannot,” says Badal, who expects half of the cost to be picked up by government funding. “That is a necessary part of this equation. Without that, the Navajo cannot be served.”

Virtually every American pays into the Universal Services Fund through a charge levied on telephone bills.  The funding underwrites the expense of providing rural America with access to basic telecommunications services.

In 2004, the same year Badal left Qwest, the company agreed to sell its telephone business on the Navajo Reservation to Badal’s new company.  Sacred Wind, which the company says “evokes a sense of connection between what we do – to send communications over the air – with a larger-than-life purpose for starting this business,” launched service two years later in 2006.

Sacred Wind uses recently developed wireless technology to provide phone service to 2,700+ customers, using both point-to-point wireless and fixed WiMAX to reach as many customers as possible in the sparsely populated desert region.  It’s a challenging proposition for any company, considering most of their service area has less than one home per square mile.  Even when finished constructing their network, Badal estimates there will only be two or three homes served per square mile.

One third of Sacred Wind’s customers live in Navajo or federal government sponsored public housing, another third live in small clusters of a half dozen homes separated by several miles, and the last third live at least a half mile from the nearest neighbor.  Most are economically disadvantaged and have household incomes below $15,000 a year — 57.9% living below the poverty level.  More than two-thirds of reservation homes have no telephone, with some driving up to 30 miles to reach the nearest pay phone.  Several lack access to electricity, which makes wireless phone service and broadband even more challenging.  Sacred Wind is exploring solar options to serve these unpowered homes.

The benefits achieved from Sacred Wind’s focus on their service area are obvious – they know the landscape, the culture, the economics, and the people.  The company will work on problems that a large multi-state carrier like Qwest would not.  Technicians trying to reach one customer five miles away from the nearest wireless base station could not get service until a technician experimented with bouncing the three gigahertz wireless signal off a granite cliff face to extend coverage, which worked.

A company specializing in providing service to rural Native Americans, that also has a non-profit arm dedicated to computer training, provides scholarships, and e-commerce opportunities for Native Americans, is a natural for recognition, and the public responded, calling Sacred Wind’s mission inspiring.

“It’s a real honor to be voted most inspiring small business in the Shine A Light program,” Badal said. “It’s so exciting and rewarding to start your own business and be able to make an impact on the community. Through the support we will receive from American Express as winner of this program, we will be able to further extend our commitment to serving the Navajo people with advanced technology and educational resources.”

Since August, people across the country have nominated thousands of small businesses for the “Shine A Light” program. Three finalists were ultimately selected with the help of host and entrepreneur Ellen DeGeneres, fashion designer and entrepreneur Diane von Furstenberg and MSNBC’s small business expert and host JJ Ramberg.

[flv width=”480″ height=”320”]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/sacred wind intro.flv[/flv]

A one minute introduction to Sacred Wind Communications

Sacred Wind Broadband Speed/Pricing

Sacred Wind Broadband Speed/Pricing

In addition to telephone service, Sacred Wind also provides Internet access to its customers, and here is where the story becomes considerably less inspiring.

Sacred Wind’s “broadband” service for most affordable tiers fails to qualify as “broadband” at all, using the FCC standard of 768kbps.  Pricing is exorbitant and speeds are slow.

It self-describes its dial-up option as “stable, fast, and affordable.”  The “affordable” claim may be true when comparing pricing with the first broadband tier that actually meets the minimum definition of broadband – $49.95 a month for 768kbps service.  Paying $79.95 a month will bring you their maximum speed offering — just 3Mbps.

The company also sells customers annual contracts to avoid the $99 installation and $65 equipment fees.

Still, for those who have never had telephone service, much less Internet access, it’s considered by many residents to be a good beginning.  The company is amenable to the idea of raising those speeds when technically and financially feasible.

[flv width=”480″ height=”320″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Fujitsu Sacred Wind.mp4[/flv]

Fujitsu showcases Sacred Wind Communications and how it approached the technological challenges involved in providing service to the Navajo Reservation [8 minutes]

Unfortunately, like its bigger telephone brethren, Sacred Wind is not entirely free from the telephone industry politics that often lobbies for anti-consumer policies.  A concerning document on Sacred Wind’s website promotes a questionable legislative agenda, including support of legislation that would permit providers to “create fair compensation in network use by identifying traffic on our networks,” which is a Net Neutrality no-no if it applies to their broadband network.  Another mysterious bullet point, not well explained, objects to “video programming and broadcasting practices that make it difficult to provide an affordable product to our customers.” That could apply to wireless frequency allocations or traffic on their broadband network — it’s not well defined.

While the FCC works on its goal of providing broadband access to underserved Americans, actual case studies illustrating “successes” like Sacred Wind that only manage to bring 3Mbps service to rural areas underline the need for Universal Services Fund reform.  Dedicating additional economic assistance to construct considerably more advanced networks to meet the needs of an increasingly high bandwidth Internet is essential to correct the urban-rural digital divide.  The original purpose of the USF to guarantee basic phone service in rural areas was a noble idea a decade ago, but that was then and this is now.

As the pile of money in the USF continues to grow from Voice Over IP and mobile phone surcharges, it was only a matter of time before waste, fraud, and abuse also turned up.  The administrators of the USF have often wasted considerable amounts of that money on questionable projects in decidedly un-rural areas.  Redirecting, reforming, and broadening USF resources to cover broadband deployment in areas like the Navajo Reservation may be one of the only ways to build sustainable and equitable broadband access networks that are scalable and affordable, even for the most financially-challenged communities.  Providing 256kbps service for $30 a month doesn’t come close to cutting it in poverty-stricken communities.

Additional video coverage of Sacred Wind can be found below the jump.

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Finland Joins Switzerland In Declaring Broadband “A Right” For Citizens

Phillip Dampier October 14, 2009 Broadband Speed, Community Networks, Public Policy & Gov't, Rural Broadband Comments Off on Finland Joins Switzerland In Declaring Broadband “A Right” For Citizens

Suvi Lindén, Finland's Minister of Communications

Suvi Lindén, Finland's Minister of Communications

Yleisradio Oy, the public broadcasting service in Finland, today reported starting next July, every person in Finland will have the right to a one-megabit broadband connection.

The announcement from the Ministry of Transport and Communications makes Finland the second European nation to consider broadband service more than just a modern day convenience.

Minister of Communications Suvi Lindén said broadband service must be universal, and at equitable speeds throughout Finland.  Private providers have been unable or unwilling to bring universal service to the country, so the Finnish government is compelled to do the job they won’t.

“No-one can be left outside the day-to-day functioning of the information society. As the telecommunications network needed cannot be provided on market terms in all respects, its construction must be supported by public funds,” she said.

Permanent Secretary Harri Pursiainen confirmed Lindén’s views about universal access in a study concluding it is impossible to expect commercial providers to provide regionally equal service throughout the country.

Finland intends to construct an advanced broadband network, starting with the guarantee of 1Mbps minimum speeds for virtually every citizen.  The plan recognizes that reaching the most remote parts of the country will require a mobile broadband network, and have made provisions to tolerate lower speeds on those networks, for now.

But the Finnish government does not consider 1Mbps anywhere near adequate to provide 21st century connectivity.  It has declared that anything less than 100Mbps service is simply unacceptable in the new “information economy.”

The 100Mbps minimum service standard would be mandatory, and targeted to be achieved no later than 2015, if the recommendations are approved by the Finnish Parliament.

“Citizens and businesses need increasingly effective data transfer. This is necessary, among other things, for teleworking, business, e-commerce, and access to social and health services,” Lindén states.

Harri Pursiainen

Harri Pursiainen

Television broadcasting also faces a turning point in the next few years, as channels become more diverse and high-definition transmission enters the picture. Here, high-speed broadband is an essential factor,” Lindén stresses.

The report proposes that the state, regions and municipalities share in the costs of improving the telecommunications network in those areas where the target level for 2015 cannot be reached by commercial means. The purpose is for the Regional Councils to organize competitive bidding among the telecommunications operators.

Where public funds are needed to construct networks, money will be raised by auctioning off certain radio frequencies for commercial use, as well as a telecommunications tax levied on providers in the country, somewhat equivalent to the United States’ Universal Service Fund, which helps subsidize rural telephone service.

Finnish consumers can still elect not to purchase broadband service, and can still select among several providers, choosing the speed and technology they want for the connection.  The Finnish government will offer a “domestic help credit,” akin to a tax credit or subsidy, to help disadvantaged Finns purchase computers and other equipment to use broadband service.

Finland joins Switzerland in providing universal access to broadband.  The Swiss government was the first in Europe to mandate broadband service availability throughout the country as of January 1, 2008.  But the Swiss definition of broadband is much more limited, setting minimum acceptable speeds at just 600kbps downstream and 100kbps upstream.

Both the United States and the United Kingdom have universal service goals as well.  The UK government targets 2Mbps speed to “virtually all” homes by 2012, funded by a telephone line tax.

Thanks to Stop the Cap! reader Greg for the news tip.

Charter Cable to Bankers, Business Owners, a Former State Senator & 55 Others: Pay $1,850 Each for Internet

Phillip Dampier October 6, 2009 AT&T, Charter Spectrum, Rural Broadband 5 Comments
The Mountain Pointe subdivision, northwest of Cleveland, Tennessee

The Mountain Pointe subdivision, northwest of Cleveland, Tennessee

The rural broadband divide doesn’t just impact the middle class.

Residents of the affluent Mountain Pointe subdivision in Cleveland, Tennessee (any neighborhood with an extra “e” on end of the name always spells money) are unhappy to find a home life without broadband service.  Like many wealthy enclaves set outside of clustered suburban neighborhoods, homes are too few and far between in the subdivision, making it too expensive for Charter Cable to wire service there.

Charter Communications Director of Government Relations Nick Pavlis told The Cleveland Daily Banner that it was not profitable to provide service to the 55 homes affected.

Generally, Charter Cable will not wire a neighborhood or street if it costs much more than $500 per home to provide service, including the collective cost of bringing wiring to that area.  In the case of Mountain Pointe, Pavlis said it would cost the cable company $130,000 to run an underground cable 2.5 miles to supply the subdivision with service, and that’s “not a reasonable payback,” considering the company expects a 36-48 month return on investment.

Charter is willing to wire the subdivision, if the residents agree to pay $1,850 apiece to pay for the wiring expenses.

That is a cost some homeowners may be willing to pay, considering the affluence of many of them.  Among the residents, according to Cleveland Mayor Tom Rowland, are bankers, business owners, and a former state senator.

“These are the kind of people you want to provide service for — they would subscribe to all of your services if they were available,” said Rowland.

But before opening their wallets, residents are looking for alternatives.  Mountain Pointe resident Lou Patten told the newspaper he and his neighbors are frustrated because a newer subdivision on Freewill Road has service from both Charter and AT&T.

A few residents have braved wireless broadband as their best option, for now, but the neighborhood’s terrain makes service unreliable.  AT&T DSL service is not available because Mountain Pointe is too far away from the central office serving the neighborhood, located northwest of the city of Cleveland.

With Charter remaining intransigent, the mayor met with five of the neighborhood’s residents and State Rep. Kevin Brooks, City Attorney John Kimball and AT&T Regional Director Mary Stewart Lewis to see if AT&T could find a solution.

A DSLAM manufactured by Siemens designed for outdoor installation

A DSLAM manufactured by Siemens designed for outdoor installation

Tennessee’s statewide franchise agreement with AT&T points to Bradley County being wired for U-verse, a hybrid fiber-phone line TV, broadband, and telephone service, by July of next year.  But such agreements do not require 100% coverage and doesn’t guarantee Mountain Pointe service.

Lewis told the newspaper she would consult AT&T engineers for a possible solution to the problem.

“We’ve got to see where you are,” Lewis said.

In the short-term, AT&T could provide DSL service by installing equipment nearby that would reduce the distance between Mountain Pointe residents and AT&T’s switching equipment, using a device known as a Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer (DSLAM).  It is commonly installed in more remote locations to provide DSL service in areas where direct service isn’t possible.

Life With Dial-Up: Rural BC Residents Make Due With the Slow Lane

Phillip Dampier September 24, 2009 Audio, Canada, Rural Broadband Comments Off on Life With Dial-Up: Rural BC Residents Make Due With the Slow Lane


Marla Thirsk is still on dial-up, and wishes she had broadband. The Ucluelet, BC artist has lived in the Spanish Banks area for nearly 30 years. While her friends and neighbors have broadband service, her subdivision does not. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s Spark program, dedicated to discussing technology and culture, recently covered Thirsk’s predicament. Host Nora Young explores what online life means for Marla and her nearby neighbors.

Phone interview with Marla Thirsk, as part of September 20, 2009 CBC Radio One’s Spark program. (6 minutes)

You must remain on this page to hear the clip, or you can download the clip and listen later.


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On the Telecommunications Battlefield: Communiques From The Front Line

Phillip Dampier August 7, 2008 Competition, Frontier 5 Comments

Frontier vs. Time Warner. Frontier vs. Comcast. Frontier vs. NPG Cable. Across 24 states, passing nearly 3,000,000 households, some in America’s smallest towns and others in large cities, Frontier Communications is engaged in a battle of survival in an increasingly competitive American telecommunications marketplace.

In this series examining Frontier Communications, today’s report investigates the competitive realities of a hotly competitive telecommunications industry, becoming more concentrated by the day.    How does Frontier intend to survive and grow, and is it realistic to assume it can in an environment that demands major investments in the delivery of high quality video, low-priced telephone service, and reliable broadband that may be beyond its reach?   Yesterday, we saw how Frontier is attempting to control expenses with the plan to implement a 5GB usage cap on its broadband customers.   Today, we take a look at how Frontier attempts to maintain its market share and deal with customer defections.   Tomorrow, we take a closer look at how quickly Frontier’s telephone line business is losing ground to its competitors.

Frontier’s Background At A Glance

NPG Cable's Rate Card & Channel Lineup In Bullhead City, Arizona. How much of a competitive threat is a cable company without a spellchecker?

Frontier Communications, formerly Citizens Communications, primarily runs originally independent telephone companies in rural and exurban areas bypassed by the former Bell System. The company’s most significant presence is in the 585 area code, home to Rochester, New York. But from Elk Grove, California and Bullhead City, Arizona eastward to the AuSable Valley in central New York to Bluefield, West Virginia, a significant number of Frontier customers are also in some of America’s  small towns and cities.

The size of a community where Frontier operates is often indicative of how much competition the company faces.  Some of Frontier’s most difficult challenges can be found in the  Rochester, N.Y. metropolitan area, numbering nearly 1,000,000 people, where a well entrenched Time Warner has made deep inroads into Frontier’s telephone access line business, eats Frontier for breakfast in the video delivery business, and has been a dominant player in the broadband marketplace since Road Runner arrived  in 1998.

In more rural communities, Frontier often has it much easier,  free from  cable competition  in some  areas, or  competing with a small independent cable company that may be relying on its own aging infrastructure and cannot afford to engage in price and service wars. Where Frontier stands as the lone player or only faces token competition from a small cable company, consumers will likely find  lower speed broadband at higher-than-average prices.

The Threat From Big Cable

Comcast's Product Bundles Threaten Frontier In Many of Their Service Territories

Comcast's Product Bundles Threaten Frontier In Many of Their Service Territories

The cable television industry’s entry into telephone service  is among the biggest threats Frontier faces in maintaining their traditional primary revenue source: residential and business wired telephone lines.

Deploying  voice over IP technology, Comcast and Time Warner, the nation’s largest cable operators, have made significant inroads into Frontier’s telephone business where they compete.   Now, even smaller players in the cable industry are prepared to offer voice over IP service to customers.

Joining cable at the table are  mobile telephone companies like Verizon Wireless, Sprint, and AT&T which are also eroding Frontier’s  phone line business  as more people in America  rely exclusively on their mobile phone for telephone service.

How Cable Companies Pick Off Frontier’s Customers

Product Bundling & Discounting: The most important component of cable’s strategy against Frontier is cable’s product bundle, combining a voice over IP telephone line, a cable television package, and a high speed data product. Usually marketed as a “triple play” or “all the best” package, consumers are offered discounts based on the number of components of a package they combine. The more components, the greater the discount.

The product bundle offered by the cable industry has a competitive advantage because cable companies almost always have a more advanced network to deliver these products. Throughout the 1990s, most cable systems spent millions rebuilding their systems to accommodate increasing bandwidth requirements.   The result is a considerably larger pipeline used to deliver data, video, and telephone services.

Frontier’s network is considerably more dated, largely dependent on copper wire strung on telephone poles. While the company has made significant investments in their own  network, including some fiber optics,  in the end, they still rely on the same copper wire infrastructure the industry has used for nearly 100 years to connect to your home or office.

AT&T's U-verse service can deliver the goods over copper wire, but you need deep pockets to develop and deploy this technology.  Are Frontier's deep enough?

AT&T's U-verse service can deliver the goods over copper wire, but you need deep pockets to develop and deploy this technology. Are Frontier's deep enough?

Although this copper network is suitable for traditional telephone service, and can usually deliver a respectable data service over DSL, the video component has been sorely lacking. While AT&T is testing its U-verse video-over-copper technology in limited markets, Frontier is stuck  reselling Dish Network, the  smaller player in the satellite television marketplace.

Many consumers are resistant to satellite dishes of any size attached to their homes, and the cable industry’s response to Frontier has been the same as to DirecTV and Dish Network themselves: ugly satellite  dishes that suffer from rain/snow fade, require expensive service calls and maintenance, and a limitation on the number of TV sets you can hook up.   Also, no local channels in many areas.   In the end, most people who were even slightly uncomfortable with satellite-delivered TV elected to just stick with what they already had: cable television.

Results of the Dish Network partnership continue to be underwhelming. Sources tell Stop the Cap! the satellite service only succeeds in areas where there is no cable competitor, the customer was already a Dish Network subscriber independent of Frontier, or the incumbent cable company is hampered by a limited channel lineup, no HD channels, or exceptionally bad service. In Rochester, Frontier is actually losing more Dish Network customers than it is adding, and growth is  anemic in many other Frontier regions as well.

Frontier’s inability to provide a comparable quality television service is a critical defect in their competition with cable.

Claiming Inferior Product Quality:  The cable industry wasted no time attacking Frontier’s DSL product, accusing it of not performing consistently. Uneven telephone line quality, distance from the telephone company central office, and signal ingress (when interference or crosstalk gets into wiring and degrades the signal) can all dramatically slow a DSL customer’s  broadband speeds. The cable industry’s marketing often pillories DSL service because of its inability to offer anything close to a speed guarantee, and the fact  it is often slower than cable’s competing product no matter how good your line is.

In areas where a large cable competitor exists, traditionally  that cable operator will have the fastest speed broadband package to sell to customers in that market. This forces Frontier to compete on price.   In return for a significant discount, Frontier  usually locks customers into multi-year service agreements which discourage its customers from  switching to a competitor.   Unfortunately, the company’s inferior product bundle and  long term contract commitments have made it difficult to convince cable customers to switch to Frontier,  particularly if it means taking their video package from Dish Network.

Lampooning Questionable Marketing Practices: In Rochester, Time Warner’s marketing people have had no trouble finding new ways to attack Frontier in its advertising.   While Frontier may be able to pull off some of their hidden extra charges, long term contracts, and restrictive service policies in more rural communities, most of those practices meet strong criticism in Time Warner’s advertising.

Among the more common refrains in Time Warner ads  dismissing Frontier’s DSL  product include:

  • Charging a “modem rental fee” as part of Frontier’s DSL service, even if you can supply your own DSL modem.

  • Locking customers into a term commitment contract (often lasting several years) for DSL service that offers lower speeds than Time Warner’s Road Runner service and charging a substantial early termination fee for those dissatisfied with their broadband experience.

  • Charging for ancillary support services like Frontier’s “Peace of Mind” that Time Warner claims to offer at no charge.

The latest decision to impose a 5GB usage cap on customers is marketing gold for the cable companies competing with Frontier, perhaps only tempered  by the fact they are also studying whether to apply their own usage caps.

Relentless Marketing: One of the fringe benefits of owning your own video distribution network is the ability to pepper your existing customers with near-constant advertising promoting your own products while denigrating the competition. Cable customers can see an average of three product promotion spots every hour from their cable company trying to convince them to upgrade, attempting to bolster customer loyalty, or simply slashing and burning whatever the telephone company or satellite dish company is offering. Frontier has  a limited ability to counter this.

In areas of significant competition, the battle usually rages in your mailbox, with  a relentless flood of  promotional postcards and mailers, as well as ad buys on local television/radio stations and local newspapers. But cable retains an important advantage because of their ability to insert advertising into basic cable channels, usually at no cost to them.   Frontier doesn’t own their video distribution network – they are reselling someone else’s.

Frontier’s Battle Plan

Welcome to DeLand, Florida: Home of Frontier's Customer Care Center

Welcome to DeLand, Florida: Home of Frontier's Customer Care Center

Frontier’s plan to compete with cable includes  their own marketing by mailbox, and sponsoring local community events and charities to leverage free media and consumer exposure to the company brand to nurture positive feelings  about the company.

The company also places a high priority on attempting to position themselves as “local” players in the market – a company made up of local employees who customers supposedly will interact with on a daily basis. Unfortunately for them, most customers will likely only interact with one of their customer care call centers such as the one  in DeLand, Florida which is localism IF you live, work and play in DeLand.

Frontier also maintains call centers in Henrietta, New York and Burnsville, Minnesota which are designed to replace what used to be local customer service call centers in more than a dozen  Frontier areas.   Some 500 people were hired to answer phones in DeLand for Frontier.   This begs the question how many people lost those jobs in the various local communities where Frontier operates.

Call center employees are on Frontier’s competitive front line, trying to  maintain customer loyalty, convince customers to upgrade their service packages, and above all, remain with Frontier and don’t cancel anything.

They need to maintain the battle, because cable competitors continue to erode their residential business. The company’s deactivations of high speed data services and the ongoing loss of telephone lines are considerably above the company’s own estimates.

One significant bright spot Frontier has maintained is delivering commercial broadband to businesses.

Frontier has a significant advantage in many offices, business parks, and other industrial areas bypassed by their cable competitors. Installation costs to wire a building with coaxial cable often run into the tens of thousands of dollars, an expense borne by the company, the landlord, or a combination of the two. But every business has telephone service, which usually guarantees potential access to DSL service from Frontier. Small and medium sized businesses have become loyal Frontier commercial customers because of low installation costs and a reasonable pricing plan that is typically far more cost effective than what cable is offering. Cable modem commercial access pricing models are usually tailored to a range of product speeds at prices that, when compared with what Frontier can offer, are not competitive.

Frontier’s ability to effectively compete against cable will, in the end, come down to the company’s ability to invest in their network and be able to match what is on offer from the cable operator, and new competitors yet to emerge.    Some former Baby Bell telephone companies like AT&T are investing enormous sums to leverage their existing network (their U-verse product) or starting over from scratch (Verizon’s fiber optic cable to the home FIOS project).

To date, Frontier’s status as a smaller player has meant their investments in these efforts pale in comparison to their larger brethren.   They include experimenting with deploying fiber optic cable to new housing developments and selected mass density buildings (apartments, offices) in Rochester, building community wi-fi networks to create a new market for wireless Internet access, and other investments in their network distribution system.   If they cannot invest enough, fast enough, to keep up, they will become ripe for a merger with a larger player in the market or get wiped out by the competition.

In the meantime,  to quote company chairwoman and CEO Maggie Wilderotter, Frontier intends to “stay the course” for the rest of the year.

We’ll have to wait and see if that’s good enough.

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