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CenturyLink Invests to Reinvent Themselves: Prism IPTV/25Mbps Service Arrives

Phillip Dampier February 16, 2011 Broadband Speed, CenturyLink, Competition, Consumer News, Video Comments Off on CenturyLink Invests to Reinvent Themselves: Prism IPTV/25Mbps Service Arrives

Invest or die.  That succinctly explains the current state of the landline telephone business and the companies providing service to a decreasing number of Americans.  Some companies, like AT&T and Verizon have heavily diversified their business into wireless, fiber, IPTV and broadband.  Others, like Frontier are hoping their presence in uncompetitive rural markets will keep them in business, as long as their dividends keep stockholders happy.

CenturyLink, which is in the process of absorbing the last remaining Baby Bell — Qwest, has decided to invest in their business to stay competitive with their biggest nemesis — the cable company.  CenturyLink is still hanging on to ADSL broadband service in many rural areas, but the company sees the promise of future relevance with bonded DSL, which is delivering 25/2Mbps broadband service to an increasing number of their customers.  Where distances allow, CenturyLink is at least temporarily providing the fastest residential broadband service available in areas like southwest Florida.  They are holding their own against local cable competitors like Comcast.

Now the company is following AT&T in introducing a new IPTV service to many of its customers.  Dubbed Prism, the U-verse like service delivers a true triple play package to customers who thought they would be stuck with their local cable company or satellite dish provider for TV programming.

Prism offers more than 200 channels, a multi-room DVR capable of recording up to four shows at the same time, and an interactive program guide that doesn’t need an instruction manual to navigate.

[flv width=”640″ height=”390″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Introducing CenturyLink Prism.flv[/flv]

This promotional video introduces CenturyLink’s Prism service and its television features.  (4 minutes)

Prism has been introduced in larger CenturyLink areas ranging from southern Nevada, southwestern Florida, and North Carolina, where EMBARQ used to provide telephone service.

The service works through a hybrid fiber-copper wire IPTV network.  Fiber optic cable reduces the distance data needs to travel over ordinary copper phone wires.  The less copper, the faster the potential speed.  With a 25-30Mbps broadband platform, Prism can divide up available bandwidth to support television, phone, and up to 10Mbps broadband service.  It’s all delivered over the same digital network.  While not as advanced as Verizon FiOS and other fiber to the home networks, IPTV services like Prism and U-verse are cheaper to provide, and that can mean faster deployment in areas not well served by competition.

Reaction to Prism has been generally positive among Stop the Cap! readers who have shared their stories with us.  Among the positives:

  • The interactive program guide is light years ahead of Comcast, Cox, and Time Warner Cable;
  • Broadband speeds are generally better than the original DSL service CenturyLink used to provide;
  • The picture quality is excellent where the telephone network has been upgraded the most;
  • Competitive introductory and retention offers mean consumers can pay less for service, at least initially.

But there are some problems, too:

  • Bandwidth varies depending on how far away you are from the nearest fiber node.  This affects what you can do with the service.  If you are further out, you can only watch one HD television channel at a time, and may not be able to record more than one HD channel at the same time;
  • The DVR box has issues — readers report shows disappear, don’t get recorded, or show poor results when line quality drops;
  • Broadband speeds with Prism officially max out at 10Mbps;
  • If you are watching a number of televisions at the same time, your broadband speeds could drop;
  • Variability in service quality comes largely as a result of inferior copper wire phone networks CenturyLink chose to stick with.  If your phone line is prone to static or hum, or deliver poor results when the weather is bad, Prism might not work well for you.

Some subscribers found they initially loved the service, but when bad weather arrived, it all fell apart.

“Our phone lines are decades old, so this comes as no surprise,” says Manny who writes from Naples, Fla.  “I was also disappointed some of the channels in HD I had with Comcast are not available from Prism.”

In parts of Raleigh, N.C., Prism just launched a few weeks ago.  But some of our readers are sticking with Time Warner Cable.

“After looking over their pricing and packages, Time Warner has more HD channels and doesn’t charge $12 a month extra for them,” writes Ralph.  “CenturyLink also only bundles 3Mbps broadband service with most of their packages, and you have to pay extra for 10Mbps service.”

Ralph thinks Road Runner from the cable company will provide a more consistent broadband experience for his family.

“There is only so much you can push through a phone line at the same time; I like the fact they are competing, but they will not be able to keep up if they rely on copper phone wiring forever,” Ralph says.

Cox faces new competition in southern Nevada

Despite some of the negatives, CenturyLink may deliver formidable competition where cable companies haven’t kept up.  Some other markets where Prism will offer service: Jefferson City, and Columbia, Mo., and La Crosse, Wis.  Cox Cable in southern Nevada is now competing with Prism, and believes it has the superior network.

“The way our system is constructed, we have services equally distributed everywhere in the valley,” Juergen Barbusca, Cox manager of communications, public and government affairs in Las Vegas said. “Everybody in our footprint can get our highest advertised speeds.”

Cable broadband is less susceptible to distance degradation that can make Prism a no-go in neighborhoods at the far end of a phone company’s central office.

Also equally distributed is the price.  Outside of new customer promotions, nobody will save any money here.  Cox and CenturyLink are both selling their respective triple-play packages of TV, Internet, and phone for exactly the same price: $143 a month.

[flv width=”480″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/KTNV Las Vegas CenturyLink Prism 2-8-11 WFTX Cape Coral CenturyLink in SW Florida 12-7-10.flv[/flv]

KTNV-TV in Las Vegas introduces viewers to CenturyLink’s Prism service and WFTX-TV in Cape Coral, Florida talks with CenturyLink about their new 25Mbps broadband service in two exceptionally company-friendly pieces from the stations’ respective news shows.  (13 minutes)

EchoStar Buys Hughes Satellite; Acquires Satellite ‘Fraudband’ Service Rural Americans Loathe

Phillip Dampier February 14, 2011 Broadband Speed, Consumer News, Data Caps, HughesNet, Online Video, Rural Broadband, Video, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on EchoStar Buys Hughes Satellite; Acquires Satellite ‘Fraudband’ Service Rural Americans Loathe

EchoStar Corporation, which makes equipment and provides satellites for Dish Network, today announced it has agreed to buy Hughes Communications, Inc., for about $1.32 billion.

The deal means Dish, the second-largest U.S. satellite television provider, could be one step closer to providing a national data service to its customers.  Hughes operates a “broadband” satellite network, which almost entirely serves rural areas.

Much maligned by its customers, who consider the service’s high prices, low speeds and even lower usage caps “fraudband,” Hughes’ satellite service has been up for sale for some time.

The purchase “brings together the two premier providers of satellite communications services and delivers substantial value to our shareholders,” Pradman Kaul, chief executive officer of Hughes said in the statement.

Satellite television companies have increasingly been at a disadvantage because they cannot sell a true “triple-play” package of television, Internet, and phone service to customers who commonly bundle the three services together.  Instead, Dish and its larger competitor DirecTV have been relying on partnerships with telephone companies who provide phone and Internet service with a satellite television package.

The current generation of satellite broadband services are not well-rated by their customers.  Capacity shortages force providers to place strict limits on usage, which makes the service largely useless for high bandwidth applications — especially video.

The deal is expected to close later this year.

[flv width=”640″ height=”500″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Hughesnet.flv[/flv]

Watch HughesNet’s advertisement promising “blazing fast” speeds in contrast to an actual speed test completed by one of their customers, at a non-peak-usage time.  (2 minutes)

Telecom Dividend Cash Bonanza – Landline Customers Drop, But Stockholder Payouts Rise

Phillip Dampier February 10, 2011 AT&T, Bell (Canada), Frontier, Rural Broadband Comments Off on Telecom Dividend Cash Bonanza – Landline Customers Drop, But Stockholder Payouts Rise

The telephone landline business is hardly a growth industry, as an average of 5-7 percent of customers disconnect their home phone service every quarter, but you wouldn’t know that from the dividends being paid to stockholders.

From AT&T, Bell Canada, Frontier to Qwest — the companies that speak in terms of keeping their customer defection rates down are paying dividends that often exceed earnings.

Among the worst of all — Frontier Communications, whose outsized dividend is expected to reach 75 cents a share.  That, despite the fact analysts predict the phone company will earn only 40 cents a share or so this year.

Where do these phone companies expect to make their money?  Their broadband and wireless divisions.  AT&T and Bell Canada are able to cover landline losses with enhanced profits from their IPTV services like U-verse and Fibe.  Frontier and Qwest expect to survive on providing cheap-to-deploy DSL service in rural areas avoided by cable operators.

AT&T’s Microcell Giveaway: Holding Onto (Some) Rural Customers With Mini Cell-Towers

Gertraude Hofstätter-Weiß February 9, 2011 AT&T, Competition, Consumer News, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on AT&T’s Microcell Giveaway: Holding Onto (Some) Rural Customers With Mini Cell-Towers

Here in West Virginia, cell phone reception is often by the grace of God.  The incredibly mountainous state makes “line of sight” communications a real problem when the nearest cell tower is blocked by a gigantic shale rock formation someone blasted through to build a road decades earlier.

AT&T probably still delivers the largest coverage of rural areas in the state because its towers expand beyond the major highways other carriers cover. But even with that expanded service, using a smartphone indoors is going to be a problem in many places.

Recently, AT&T sent letters to approximately 7.5 percent of their customers in the rural areas most likely to have reception problems, offering a free “MicroCell,” which is comparable to a mini cell tower inside your home or office.  The equipment works with your existing broadband connection to expand “coverage” inside your home.  For data purposes, the MicroCell doesn’t deliver anything your personal Wi-Fi connection couldn’t, but if you rely on a cell phone, having signal bars makes all the difference if you are waiting for an important call.

A considerable number of those letters reached families in West Virginia, and that is no surprise considering the state is by far the most difficult to blanket with wireless coverage in the eastern half of the country.

A letter to AT&T customers inviting them to receive a free MicroCell

But the problem is, some families are receiving the free offers, while others are not, and that is creating reception envy.

AT&T 3G MicroCell

Charlotte, who lives in Whipple, W.V., outside of Oak Hill, was visiting with her neighbor Joy last week and noticed her husband fiddling with the latest gadget on his computer desk.

“It looked odd because of the way it spread out on the bottom, so I asked Joy what in the world he was installing,” Charlotte says.

“It’s a cell tower thing AT&T gave us to get better reception,” Joy responded.

Despite the fact the two families live only a few homes apart and signed up for AT&T service with the exact same phones within weeks of each other, Charlotte was never offered AT&T’s MicroCell.

AT&T notified qualified customers with a letter containing a personal reservation code, and the offer was not transferable.

“Maybe you got it and threw it away,” Joy offered.

“No, ever since the credit card companies started changing terms on us, we open every envelope that comes into this house,” Charlotte replied.

Assuming it must be an oversight, Charlotte dropped by her local AT&T store to inquire about the offer.

“We quickly learned we were not the first family to bring up this issue with AT&T as the store manager told us he was fielding complaints from all over town about the highly-selective offer,” Charlotte said.

Even worse, there was nothing the manager could do to rectify the situation.

“His hands were as tied as my patience was tried,” Charlotte tells Stop the Cap!

“The store manager offered to sell me the MicroCell for around $100 with a rebate, but why should I pay AT&T for better reception they should already be providing?” Charlotte asks.  “It seems to me if they are giving away these things to some people in a neighborhood, they should be doing it for everyone, because we pay the same bill our neighbors do.”

The seemingly random offers of MicroCell units are not limited to West Virginia.  We’ve noticed complaints from residents in northern California, the Pacific Northwest, and northern New England from others who get reception while outdoors or on the go, but find their phones useless for making and receiving calls at home.

In most cases, irate customers seeking redress from AT&T run into a bureaucratic brick wall.

Rick McGee, commenting on Engadget’s website:

I have talked to Marketing, Technical Support, and my local store, and nobody can tell me who to contact to qualify for a MicroCell. I have been an AT&T Mobility customer for over four years, with four family plan phones and two more phones on corporate contracts. The reception at my house is usually zero, at times maybe one bar, but never enough to maintain an incoming call or make an outgoing call. I guess I am a glutton for punishment, but this is the last straw.

If AT&T does not magically send me one of the MicroCell coupons, I will total up my termination fees and determine the earliest date I am willing to dump AT&T and try another carrier. In addition to the cell phones, I have two AT&T land lines, plus an AT&T internet account, so I am likely in the top tier of residential customers. With no reception at my house, I don’t see how I would fail to qualify for a MicroCell, but AT&T has no process to help individual customers with bad reception. Everyone I talk to claims ignorance. I’ve done my part, AT&T — either step up, or I am gone.

Others find similar experiences — apologies from in-person sales staff about the corporate roadblocks even they cannot navigate around.

But every once in awhile, one does.  Casey Robinson’s neighborhood lost all AT&T cell phone service when their local cell tower was destroyed in a storm.  The replacement redirected most of its signal elsewhere, leaving them with no bars.

After arguing with corporate phone support in the AT&T store for 2 hours they told me pay the $149 [for a MicroCell] or tough luck. I responded by telling them to take my family plan +2 lines, my roommates family plan +3 lines, and our Uverse U400 package with high speed internet and shove it, we will be changing carriers immediately since I have tower data from AT&T pre and post storm to show they breached our contract.

The AT&T store rep was amazing through all of this. He apologized continuously and said if it was up to them they would give out the MicroCell as soon as we walked in the door, unfortunately their computers physically block them from comping a MicroCell. While I was very distraught on the phone with AT&T, he called his manager at home and explained the situation. She drove in to the store, again apologizing for everything we had to go through, checked us out with the MicroCell then credited our account for the full purchase price and credited a month’s service to both my line and my roommate’s line for the issues we had been having. They are the only reason we still have AT&T. Of course we wrote to their district manager and AT&T corporate applauding the employee and manager, and of course from what we’ve heard they still haven’t been acknowledged for their good work.

Some others have had recent success filing complaints with the Better Business Bureau, when executive level customer service representatives come to the rescue with a free MicroCell.

Charlotte’s family intends to deal with the MicroCell Gap in their own way — by switching to Verizon Wireless, which improved service in the Oak Hill region a few years ago while they’ve been under contract with AT&T.

“We were willing to put up with the MicroCell doing the job their own cell towers should be doing, but because they don’t care about us, we’re done with them,” Charlotte says.

Customers accepting AT&T’s free offer must verbally commit to stay with the carrier at least 12 months or return the MicroCell when they depart.  If they don’t, AT&T will bill an equipment fee up to $199.

Engadget obtained this inside memo about the MicroCell offer.

Saginaw, Mich.: Another Wireless ISP Faces Down Usage Growth By Implementing 5GB Usage Limit

A wireless ISP (WISP) serving parts of Michigan and eastern Iowa has informed customers that due to their enthusiastic use of the Internet, the company was slapping a 5GB monthly usage limit on customers effective Feb. 1.

SpeedConnect, based in Saginaw, Mich., informed customers in a letter that those who exceed the company’s new usage limit face a penalty overlimit rate of $2.00 per gigabyte.  An alternative 200GB “Platinum” monthly usage plan, including phone service, was also announced for $69.99 per month.

That’s a steep rate increase for customers accustomed to receiving around 3Mbps download x 384Kbps upload speeds for $39.95 per month.

Too much for our reader Greg, who says he has been a SpeedConnect customer for the last decade.

“Ouch,” Greg writes.  “I’m changing ISPs over this.”

Company officials blame the usage limits on usage growth.  The company’s letter states, “[growth] is forcing us to make substantial upgrades to our networks and to rethink the way we provide service to our customers.”

Now customers will rethink using SpeedConnect for their Internet access.

SpeedConnect's letter to customers.

SpeedConnect’s attempt to collect upgrade funds from their customers, which the company admits are increasingly turning to broadband for home entertainment and information, comes at the same time the company had no trouble dipping into the kitty to buyout CommSpeed of Arizona’s 2.5GHz spectrum holdings and customers based in Eastern Iowa.

Saginaw, Mich.

AT&T DSL is one alternative.

The same CEO that signed the letter telling customers to use less of their service or pay dramatically more was thrilled about “the exciting new chapter” its merger/acquisition would open.

“The completion of this acquisition is a significant event for our customers, communities, investors, and employees,” said John A. Ogren, President and Chief Executive Officer.

Saginaw residents are not well-served by AT&T, which has left major gaps in the economically-stressed region’s broadband coverage options.  We had a hard time finding landlines in Saginaw and nearby townships pre-qualified for AT&T DSL to offer a price comparison.  After much searching, we discovered AT&T heavily markets DSL Pro ($35/$19.95 new customer promo price for one year) which delivers 3Mbps/512kbps service, or Elite ($40/$24.95 new customer promo price for one year) which offers 6Mbps/768kbps service to those who -can- get the service.

AT&T’s Pro plan delivers comparable speeds at lower prices than SpeedConnect charges, all with no usage limits.  Users seeking higher speeds can use them without fear of overlimit penalties or a $70 broadband bill using AT&T’s Elite DSL plan.

SkyWeb is the other.

Greg also notes he has another wireless option, as do many residents and business across central Michigan’s Tri City area, from SkyWeb, which delivers wireless access at speeds ranging from 3-10Mbps.  The company does not limit usage and offers new customers a month of free service.  A comparable package of services from SkyWeb at 3Mbps is priced $10 less than what SpeedConnect charges.

Wireless ISPs have unique problems trying to keep up with usage demands:

  1. Many are individually owned and operated and lack sufficient capital to invest in required upgrades to meet today’s Internet multimedia reality;
  2. Many WISPs serve rural areas where growth opportunities are often limited;
  3. A few very heavy users could create significant strains on a wireless network that is not infinitely expandable;
  4. The arrival of competition from telephone, cable, or even cell-phone wireless data plans can present a major threat to the business plans of some providers.

[flv width=”384″ height=”236″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WNEM Saginaw Air Advantage Broadband Grant 9-2010.flv[/flv]

WNEM-TV covered Air Advantage, another regional WISP that won a broadband stimulus grant last fall to expand wireless access in mid-Michigan.  (2 minutes)

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