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Does Time Warner Cable’s Speedtest Gauge Provide Hints About Speed Upgrades?

Phillip Dampier February 22, 2010 Broadband Speed 3 Comments

Stop the Cap! reader Brian thought he noticed a change in Time Warner Cable’s speedtest website for upstate New York residents — he thought the top speed on the gauge may have increased.  At the same time, a few readers on the Broadband Reports Road Runner forum wondered if a change in the Texas division’s speedtest gauge meant DOCSIS 3 upgrades were headed their way.

Perhaps, but Time Warner Cable’s speedtest gauges probably aren’t a guaranteed indicator of an imminent upgrade.  The one for western New York has shown a maximum speed of 120Mbps for months now, but there’s no evidence every city covered by it will soon have up to 100Mbps service.

A quick survey of Road Runner speedtest sites show a remarkable variation:

Time Warner Cable Nation’s Third Largest Internet Service Provider – 62 Percent of Its Customers Take Broadband

Phillip Dampier February 18, 2010 Broadband Speed, Competition Comments Off on Time Warner Cable Nation’s Third Largest Internet Service Provider – 62 Percent of Its Customers Take Broadband

Time Warner Cable this week announced it signed up its’ nine-millionth Road Runner customer, making the company the third largest Internet Service Provider in the United States.

Broadband service continues to grab an increasing share of business for the nation’s cable operators, even as they continue to lose video subscribers.  During the last quarter of 2009, Time Warner lost 105,000 video subscribers  but added 120,000 residential high-speed Internet subscriptions.

Nine million subscribers paying even a promotional rate of $30 a month earns the company $270 million dollars a month — $3.24 billion dollars a year.


“This is a great milestone for Time Warner Cable, and it further proves that our customers enjoy the speed and content our HSD products deliver, as well as the value seen when bundling this service with our video and phone offerings,” said Landel Hobbs, COO of Time Warner Cable. “High Speed Data continues to be a growing part of our business and we look to keep adding new features and further enhance speeds as we move through 2010.”

The company claims it has not lost a significant amount of business to its most-feared potential competitor, Verizon’s fiber to the home network FiOS.  But the company is installing DOCSIS 3 upgrades to increase speeds in markets where FiOS competes for broadband customers.  Cable industry experts suggest broadband is becoming a mature industry, and growth from customers new to the high speed experience are fewer in number.  A strong percentage of new Time Warner Cable broadband customers come from landline customers defecting from relatively slower DSL service from phone companies.

As interest in high bandwidth applications like streaming video increase, DSL service can prove a frustrating experience for those stuck with lower speeds.  Despite claims by some phone companies that consumers don’t care about broadband speed, Time Warner Cable will offer increased speed tiers and upgrades in most of its competitive markets in 2010 based on the assumption many customers do.

Bright House Increasing Speed And Price for Road Runner Turbo Customers In Indianapolis

Phillip Dampier February 9, 2010 Broadband Speed, Online Video Comments Off on Bright House Increasing Speed And Price for Road Runner Turbo Customers In Indianapolis

Road Runner Turbo is getting a makeover in Indianapolis.  Faster speeds are forthcoming, but at a higher price.

Bright House Networks currently provides Road Runner Standard customers with 7Mbps/512kbps.  Getting better speed requires the purchase of Road Runner Turbo at a new price of $15 per month.  In return, Bright House is boosting Turbo speed customers to 20/2Mbps service, with PowerBoost temporarily accelerating downstream speeds up to 30Mbps.

In most markets, Road Runner Turbo is priced at $9.95 per month, but it’s five dollars more in Indianapolis.

Bright House headquarters in Indianapolis

Will the increased price for Turbo become a trend in return for faster speeds in other markets?

Ironically, the associated public relations campaign sells customers on signing up for Turbo to enjoy a better online video experience.

“Building the excitement toward the opening games of the Olympics, we’re able to add to the enjoyment of and access to entertainment and information with these exclusive new products and features,” said Wayde Klein, vice president of marketing and customer operations for Bright House Networks Indiana. “With our speed boost to Road Runner Turbo, customers will be able to take advantage of some of the highest Internet speeds available, making video viewing over the Internet an even better, real-time experience.”

The upgrade in broadband service is part of Bright House’s effort to improve service in central Indiana.  The cable operator is also adding several new high definition networks and introducing the “Start Over” feature allowing viewers to return to the start of a program in progress.

Bright House is licensed to provide Road Runner service, a brand more commonly associated with Time Warner Cable.

Time Warner Cable Increasing Road Runner Turbo Speed In South Texas

Phillip Dampier February 8, 2010 Broadband Speed 2 Comments

Road Runner Turbo customers in south Texas can expect to receive more speed for their money soon.

Time Warner Cable is boosting speeds for Turbo customers in Corpus Christi, Del Rio, Eagle Pass, Laredo, the Rio Grande Valley and Uvalde.

“We are very excited to offer this upgrade and time-saving feature to our Road Runner customers,” said Gavino Ramos, vice president of communications for Time Warner Cable South Texas.

Downstream speeds increase from 10 to 15Mbps and upstream speeds are doubled from 1Mbps to 2Mbps.

The price for Turbo service remains unchanged.

Although the exact date for the upgrade is unclear, customers can check if the upgrade is completed in their area by following this company-recommended procedure:

  1. Unplug the cable modem and wait 60 seconds.
  2. Plug the cable modem back in. The lights will flash as it reconnects to the network.
  3. When the modem lights are solid again, restart your computer and experience the new faster speed.
Customers in San Antonio already received a speed upgrade last year. If you experience problems or have questions, you can reach Time Warner Cable at 1-800-CABLE55.

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