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Our Big Fat Telecom Monopoly: “Competition is So ’90s”; Michael Copps vs. Big Telecom

Phillip Dampier October 4, 2012 Astroturf, Competition, Consumer News, Public Policy & Gov't, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on Our Big Fat Telecom Monopoly: “Competition is So ’90s”; Michael Copps vs. Big Telecom


Americans need to stand up and say “no” to more telecom mergers and lobbying efforts that push for additional deregulation and corporate protectionism in the telecommunications sector. Unfortunately, we are in for a fight, thanks to Washington’s problem disappointing a multi-billion industry that lavishly finances political campaigns, conventions, and vacation outings.

Michael Copps, former commissioner on the Federal Communications Commission from 2001-2011 and acting chairman for the first six months of the Obama Administration ought to know.

“The consolidated world of telecom broadband did not evolve from the hand of God, the mysterious workings of natural law, or the inevitability of market-based dynamics,” Copps wrote in his essay, “Why Give Up on Competition?” “It was enabled by conscious decision-making at the federal level, largely through the abdication of its oversight responsibilities by the Federal Communications Commission over the better part of 30 years.”

In short, it did not have to turn out this way, no matter what the telecom industry and their astroturf friends have to say.

“Go to just about any telecom conference these days, and some industry maven will make the case that restoring competition to the telecom world is so 1990s,” Copps writes. “Why don’t we all just recognize the inevitable, they ask: telecom is a natural monopoly, competition is a chimera, and the sooner we flash a steady green light for more industry consolidation and less government oversight, the better off we’ll all be.”

Provider-backed ALEC advocates for the corporate interests that fund its operations.

Too many in Washington are already true believers, according to Copps, and the result is two companies controlling over 2/3rds of the wireless marketplace and a broadband duopoly for most Americans. This did not happen overnight. Enormous and expensive lobbying campaigns run for over a decade have convinced lawmakers that less is more when it comes to telecom regulation and oversight. Regulators ringing alarm bells about deregulation without sufficient competition have been picked off, says Copps, by the telecom industry-backed American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), which has convinced at least 19 state legislatures to wipe away authority from state public service commissions that for years have been trying to protect consumers and preserve competition.

The Telecommunications Act of 1996 was originally designed to open the telecommunications marketplace to increased competition, but also ensure a level playing field for competitors by charging the FCC to implement and enforce strong rules to keep incumbent telecommunications companies from steamrolling new competitors.

No surprises here: Michael Powell was FCC chairman during the deregulation frenzy of the first term of George W. Bush. Today, he’s the president of the National Cable & Telecommunications Association, the largest cable industry lobbying group in the country.

With the arrival of President George W. Bush, the new Republican majority at the FCC promptly began obliterating checks and balances at the behest of some of the nation’s largest phone and cable companies. The results:

  • Reselling rights and wholesale leasing of facilities to competitors were wiped away, guaranteeing monopoly control of already-established networks;
  • Opening up the long distance and local market to Baby Bell competition with their promise they would compete nationwide failed. Like Big Cable, the Baby Bells sold local and long distance only to their own customers, not to those located in another Baby Bell’s service area;
  • Instead of competing, phone companies simply bought each other. “As soon as one transaction was approved, another one came through the door,” Copps reported. “Sometimes it seemed like the merger approval business was our only business.”;
  • ” The FCC voted, over the strenuous objections of Commissioner Jonathan Adelstein and me, to remove advanced telecommunications (broadband) from the purview of Title II of the Telecommunications Act—where consumer protections, competition, privacy, and public safety are clearly mandated—and placed them instead in the nebulous and uncharted land of Title I, where regulatory authority is uncertain, consumer protections are virtually non-existent, and where the huge companies are better positioned to wreak havoc on the promise of competition,” Copps said.

To right the wrongs, Copps wants some major changes to reignite competition and return to telecom innovation, eliminating the stagnation we have from today’s cozy, barely competitive marketplace:

  1. Learn to say “no” to more industry mergers. Consolidation has not brought communications nirvana for consumers, just higher prices and fewer choices, often from a monopoly provider;
  2. Encourage innovative approaches like municipal broadband. Copps: “‘My way or nothing’ may be the mantra of the big guys, but that means no broadband in places they don’t wish to serve.” Copps wants to see the federal government pre-empt state bans on public broadband laws provider-backed ALEC has gotten through legislatures across the country;
  3. Smarter stewardship of wireless spectrum, including unlicensed spectrum use, shared spectrum, smarter technology, and a “use it or lose it” policy that pulls back unused/warehoused spectrum held by some of the nation’s largest wireless carriers.
Copps believes today’s barely competitive marketplace is a direct consequence of the regulatory policies custom-written to meet the needs of the giant corporations whose oligopoly those policies now protect. The anti-competitive marketplace can be broken up in short order if rules are implemented that meet the needs of ordinary Americans, not seven-figure corporate lobbying efforts.

Pushed Into a Corner: Sprint Left Behind As Wireless Consolidation Frenzy Resumes

An industry orphan?

Sprint CEO Dan Hesse probably rues the day his Board of Directors pulled the plug on a merger deal that would have combined MetroPCS and Sprint back in February. The merger was abandoned after board members openly worried the transaction would distract Sprint from its network improvement project — dubbed Network Vision — then just getting underway.

The deal with T-Mobile and MetroPCS may have limited Sprint’s takeover options, although analysts say a hostile counteroffer for MetroPCS could still take the small carrier away from T-Mobile.

Hesse himself is a proponent of additional wireless industry consolidation. He believes the current market has too many wireless carriers and the two dominant providers — AT&T and Verizon — enjoy economy of scale Sprint cannot hope to achieve in its current position.


Wall Street was more pessimistic about Sprint after the T-Mobile/MetroPCS merger was announced, suggesting they may be an industry orphan, pushed into a corner and running out of options.

Shares of Leap Wireless, the owner of Cricket, rose as much as 17 percent after the T-Mobile deal was announced, signaling Cricket is likely an endangered species. Leap’s cellular network is similar in scope to MetroPCS, although the two companies largely serve different markets. Wall Street’s favorite dance card has Sprint and Leap Wireless as future partners, and Sprint may be forced to acquire the smaller carrier to save face. Leap operates its own modest network of cell towers and has plans to roll out LTE 4G service to its customers. That spectrum could become important to Sprint, especially in the larger urban areas Cricket targets.

An endangered species.

Some Wall Street analysts say deals with MetroPCS, Leap, and other small regional carriers are small potatoes. Many advocate for a much larger merger between Sprint and T-Mobile to more realistically confront the de-facto duopoly of AT&T and Verizon Wireless.

Regulators under the Obama Administration may take a dim view of a merger that combines the third and fourth largest nationwide carriers, but nobody expects much regulatory resistance approving mergers that wipe out MetroPCS and Cricket.

“The problems that Sprint and T-Mobile have are they are not as big as AT&T and Verizon,” Piper Jaffray’s Chris Larsen told Bloomberg News in a phone interview. “They don’t have the scale so therefore it is harder to compete. Increasing your size 25 percent, it helps. But when you are less than half as big as your rival, getting 25 percent bigger narrows the gap, but it does not close the gap.”

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/CNBC MetroPCS Down on Merger Reports 10-3-12.flv[/flv]

CNBC reports the T-Mobile/MetroPCS deal reignites wireless consolidation and leaves Sprint in a potentially difficult position.  (5 minutes)

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Bloomberg Sprint Left Behind as MetroPCS Joins T-Mobile 10-3-12.flv[/flv]

Bloomberg News reports T-Mobile needs more subscribers, but some Wall Street analysts think the company is making a mistake focusing on the prepaid market.  (1 minute)

Deutsche Telekom Approves T-Mobile USA, MetroPCS Merger – MetroPCS Network Shutting Down

The parent company of T-Mobile USA has agreed to buy MetroPCS in a reverse stock split that leaves parent Deutsche Telekom able to eventually spin off the combined entity as an independent company and exit the U.S. market.

The merger will bolster T-Mobile’s mobile spectrum in several large cities, with up to 20MHz available for a robust LTE 4G network, better positioning the company to compete with third-place Sprint.

T-Mobile plans to decommission the smaller carrier’s CDMA network by 2015, gradually shifting  MetroPCS users to T-Mobile’s HSPA+ and LTE networks as customers purchase new equipment. MetroPCS customers will find T-Mobile phones for sale immediately after the deal closes.

“We have no plans to smash together T-Mobile’s GSM and MetroPCS’ CDMA customers together,” said T-Mobile CEO John Legere, defending against any comparison with the Sprint-Nextel merger. “We will be encouraging customers to switch to T-Mobile’s network as customers upgrade their phones.”

Legere says any customers still using MetroPCS’ network during the last 8-12 months before the network is decommissioned will be offered a strong incentive, such as a deeply discounted phone, to move.


Legere adds the deal will cement T-Mobile’s position as America’s only nationwide carrier offering truly unlimited 4G HSPA+/LTE wireless data service. Sprint’s network still largely depends on 3G and an older, slower standard called WiMAX. Legere says T-Mobile will now become the nation’s largest no-contract phone carrier, and will emphasize it welcomes customers who bring their own phones to the carrier.

Legere adds T-Mobile’s new 4G network will be able to rival the quality of its larger competitors when it is fully deployed.

“The T-Mobile and MetroPCS brands are a great strategic fit – both operationally and culturally,” René Obermann, the chief executive of Deutsche Telekom, said in a statement. “The new company will be the value leader in wireless with the scale, spectrum and financial and other resources to expand its geographic coverage, broaden choice among all types of customers and continue to innovate.”

But the merger also may trigger an even larger wave of wireless consolidation in the industry, as remaining players jockey for position in response to today’s announcement. Both Sprint and Leap Wireless, which owns Cricket, are under increasing pressure from investors to respond. Leap Wireless could soon face a takeover bid itself, either from T-Mobile USA or Sprint. Some investors are even calling for Sprint and T-Mobile to merge, becoming a more effective competitor for Verizon and AT&T.

The proposed  merger still needs approval from the Federal Communications Commission. Regulators are not likely to oppose deals with either MetroPCS or Leap Wireless, as both smaller carriers operate networks that largely do not overlap and both hold only a minuscule market share.

German investors wary about T-Mobile’s new emphasis on prepaid service, considered a negative in Europe, were reassured by Legere that Americans pay higher prices for prepaid, no contract service than what is prevalent in Europe.

The combined T-Mobile/MetroPCS remains the fourth place carrier with 42.5 million customers. Sprint has 56.4 million customers.

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/T-Mobile CEO Speaks About Combined Company with MetroPCS 10-3-12.flv[/flv]

T-Mobile CEO John Legere talks about the benefits of combining T-Mobile USA and MetroPCS. “This isn’t a deal to survive – it’s to thrive.” (5 minutes)

Deutsche Telekom’s T-Mobile USA Confirms Talks to Acquire MetroPCS

Phillip Dampier October 2, 2012 Audio, Competition, Consumer News, MetroPCS, T-Mobile, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on Deutsche Telekom’s T-Mobile USA Confirms Talks to Acquire MetroPCS

Deutsche Telekom AG, parent company of T-Mobile USA today confirmed it was in talks with MetroPCS Communications, Inc., to merge their two wireless businesses to achieve the greater scale both need to compete with Verizon Wireless and AT&T.

Bloomberg News reports DT’s supervisory board will meet tomorrow to approve the transaction.

The sixth largest wireless company in the U.S. is about to merge with the fourth largest, according to news reports.

The combination would inject an additional 9.3 million current MetroPCS customers (the sixth largest wireless carrier) into the T-Mobile USA family. That would more than make up the 2.76 million former T-Mobile contract customers that fled the carrier during the last two years, especially after learning the company was planning to merge with AT&T.

But some challenges are likely to remain after the merger gets government approval:

  • T-Mobile remains largely a postpaid, 2-year contract-oriented company while MetroPCS operates a no-contract, prepaid offering. T-Mobile could transition its prepaid division to MetroPCS’ branding, or fold MetroPCS into T-Mobile and eventually discontinue the MetroPCS brand;
  • MetroPCS operates a CDMA network incompatible with T-Mobile’s GSM network. Both carriers are moving towards adopting 4G LTE service, but legacy customers will not be able to use existing phones on each other’s networks.

MetroPCS currently offers home coverage in 19 metropolitan markets and surrounding areas including New York City/Northern New Jersey, Atlanta, Bakersfield, Boston, Dallas, Detroit, Jacksonville, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Orlando, Philadelphia, Providence, Riverside, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Bernardino, San Jose, Shreveport, and Tampa.

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/CNBC T-Mobile Deal For PCS in the Works 10-2-12.flv[/flv]

CNBC reports on the planned merger of MetroPCS and T-Mobile USA, the first major wireless merger deal since the rejected merger of T-Mobile USA and AT&T.  (3 minutes)

CenturyLink Reportedly in Talks to Acquire TW-Telecom

Phillip Dampier October 1, 2012 CenturyLink, Competition, Consumer News 1 Comment

Colorado-based TW Telecom is up for sale and CenturyLink is now seen as a potential buyer, according to reports in mergers and acquisitions trade publication DealReporter, citing unnamed sources.

TW Telecom, originally a commercial services unit within Time Warner Cable, went independent in the late 1990s, and today sells telecommunications services to medium and large-sized companies.

Talks have been underway for weeks, according to the online publication, but the acquisition would make sense for CenturyLink as it attempts to bolster its business services unit.

Level 3 Communications was also reportedly interested in acquiring the company, but TW Telecom balked at the price offered.

But DealReporter cannot be certain the deal is done. TW Telecom completed a $480 million bond offering last week, and raising debt right before a sale is highly unusual, the publication reports.

Neither CenturyLink or TW Telecom offered comment.


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