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Comcast’s Top Lobbyist Grabs $1.6 Million in Stock Sale; Still Has Shares Worth $7.7 Million

Phillip Dampier May 5, 2014 Comcast/Xfinity, Consumer News Comments Off on Comcast’s Top Lobbyist Grabs $1.6 Million in Stock Sale; Still Has Shares Worth $7.7 Million


Comcast’s top lobbyist and executive vice president is more than one million dollars richer after unloading 31,011 shares of Comcast stock.

David Cohen, a familiar face to those following Congressional hearings on the Comcast-Time Warner Cable merger, sold some of his shares last Thursday for an average price of $51.81 each, bringing him $1,606,679.91 in proceeds. Despite the sale, Cohen still owns 148,765 shares of Comcast worth $7.7 million.

Comcast opened this week at 52.03 on Monday. The stock had a 52-week low of $38.75 and a 52-week high of $55.28.

Cohen’s pay package for 2013:

  • Salary: $1,365,140
  • Restricted stock awards: $3,481,575
  • All other compensation: $1,264,243
  • Stock Option awards: $2,763,200
  • Non-equity incentive plan compensation: $3,003,308
  • Change in pension value and nonqualified deferred compensation earnings: $2,079,985
  • Total Compensation: $13,957,451

Comcast’s Fabulous Spread for Hill and White House Staffers; Hand-Rolled Cigars, Gourmet Meals

Phillip Dampier May 5, 2014 Comcast/Xfinity, Competition, Public Policy & Gov't Comments Off on Comcast’s Fabulous Spread for Hill and White House Staffers; Hand-Rolled Cigars, Gourmet Meals
MSNBC: The hoi polloi of DC and beyond mingle at the MSNBC after party at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C. Comcast pays the bills.

MSNBC: The hoi polloi of DC and beyond mingle at the MSNBC after party at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C.
Comcast pays the bills.

After the inside-the-beltway media and a who’s who of D.C. political celebrities finished hobnobbing at this weekend’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner, Capitol Hill and White House staffers that usually spend their free time at Starbucks or the nearest watering hole were treated to something special this year, courtesy of everybody’s favorite cable company.

Comcast, using the MSNBC brand to keep things from being too obvious, splurged on an after-party-to-remember at the National Building Museum. Only a select crowd got invitations to the bash, featuring hand-rolled cigars and the best cigar cutters, Bravo’s Top Chef contestants preparing their signature dishes, an open bar, and plush couches to enjoy a set played by Jimmy Eat World.

“We see a lot of money thrown around D.C., but not money like this. They pulled out all the stops,” an insider who works closely with NBC told New York magazine. “I go to 200 events a year. And this is like, whoa.”

In addition to MSNBC’s on-air talent, the invitation list focused on Congress and White House staffers, a group normally left off the guest list of corporate-sponsored receptions and dinners.

It is no coincidence the bash was being paid for by Comcast, which is currently currying favor for its $45 billion deal to acquire Time Warner Cable.

“These are all staffers that go out for five-dollar happy hours; they don’t get invited to stuff like this,” the insider said.

“The committee staffers, they advise their bosses, the harried senators and congressmen who don’t have enough time to do their own research on whether or not the merger makes sense,” the insider added. They are going to come in here and they are going to drink and eat, they’re going to bring their girlfriend and they’re going to get laid, and then they’ll go, ‘Wow, this Comcast-Time Warner thing is not such a bad thing.'”

AT&T Seeking Acquisition of DirecTV in $40 Billion Consolidation Deal; Lobbyists Gearing Up

att_logoAT&T has approached DirecTV about a possible acquisition of the satellite provider in a deal expected to fetch at least $40 billion, spare change for AT&T’s $185 billion operation.

The Wall Street Journal reports the deal would combine DirecTV’s 20 million customers with AT&T’s 5.7 million U-verse customers, rivaling the size of a combined Comcast and Time Warner Cable.

The idea for the merger came after Comcast and Time Warner Cable struck their deal in February, and a person familiar with the merger talks reports DirecTV is receptive to a deal with AT&T. AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson reportedly saw the next wave of consolidation in the American cable market as a potential game-changer, forcing AT&T to refocus its growth priorities back towards the United States instead of Europe.

Satellite companies like Dish and DirecTV are at an increasing disadvantage because growth in television subscriptions has stalled. Neither satellite company has a competitive broadband offering, and as more Americans gain access to wired broadband, many choose to bundle service with the company that provides Internet access.

directvDirecTV’s growth has fallen every year since 2010 and starting in 2013, the company began losing more subscribers than it signed up.

A combined AT&T-DirecTV would market satellite television nationwide, U-verse TV and Internet where available, wireless phone and broadband service, and rural satellite Internet access.

AT&T has explored an acquisition of a satellite provider for more than a decade and already partners with DirecTV to sell AT&T landline customers a bundle including the satellite provider’s television service.

As with most significant acquisitions proposed by AT&T, the Justice Department and the Federal Communications Commission will likely scrutinize any merger deal carefully. Both companies must prove the deal is in the public interest. But the Journal reports the FCC might be amenable to the deal because it considers satellite television without broadband a threatened business. Lobbyists are likely to argue the joint company would be the best positioned to compete effectively with a combined Comcast-Time Warner Cable.

If a deal appears likely, Dish Network is expected to face immediate pressure to also merge with an existing cable or telephone company.

Another alternative attempted in the past was a direct merger between DirecTV and Dish, an idea regulators nixed more than a decade ago. Today, such a deal would not solve either company’s difficulty providing broadband service.

Consumer groups are likely to oppose the merger because it further consolidates an industry they believe already sorely lacks competition. AT&T’s lawyers are reportedly already laying the foundation for a major lobbying campaign to promote the deal.

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WSJ ATT Approaches DirecTV for Merger 5-1-14.flv[/flv]

The Wall Street Journal provides more insight into the proposed merger of AT&T and DirecTV and how government regulators are likely to see the deal. (2:51)

Cable’s Ancestor.com: Now You Can Trace Back the Origins of Your Higher Cable Bill


Bigger is not better. Despite endless claims that mergers, acquisitions and consolidation brings operating efficiencies and cost savings, for most customers it means only one thing: a higher cable bill. The Wall Street Journal traced the ancestors of some of today’s largest cable operators, cobbled together in takeovers, buyouts, and in the case of Adelphia, criminal activity leading to bankruptcy and absorption by Comcast and Time Warner Cable .

Wall Street analysts are pondering what deals are coming next, with Cablevision, Suddenlink, Mediacom, and Cable ONE all top targets. Among the current players, Charter is by far the most aggressive buyer and will likely be in the market for some or all of those smaller cable systems soon enough. Just remember, someone has to pay for those blockbuster merger deals, debt financing and executive bonuses.

Anyone in their 40s probably can recall companies like Jones, TCI, Falcon, Prime and Media General. They are all long gone, much the same way Bell Atlantic, SBC, Pacific Bell, BellSouth, and Ameritech have been absorbed into the AT&T and Verizon Continuum.

Comcast, Charter Divide Up Time Warner Cable Customers – Find Out Who Will Serve You

Phillip Dampier April 29, 2014 Charter Spectrum, Comcast/Xfinity, Competition, Consumer News, Public Policy & Gov't, Video Comments Off on Comcast, Charter Divide Up Time Warner Cable Customers – Find Out Who Will Serve You

comcast twcIf you are a Time Warner Cable customer, one of four things will happen by this time next year:

  1. You will still be a Time Warner Cable customer if regulators shoot down its merger with Comcast;
  2. You will be a Comcast customer;
  3. You will be a Charter Communications customer;
  4. You will be served by a brand new cable company temporarily dubbed “SpinCo,” owned partly by Comcast but managed by Charter.

Comcast and Charter this week reached an agreement on how to handle the 3.9 million Time Warner Cable customers Comcast intends to spin-off to keep its total subscriber numbers at a level they believe will appease regulators. The transaction will affect Time Warner customers in the midwest the most, particularly former Insight Cable customers.


Charter Communications will say goodbye to customers in California, New England, northern Georgia, Texas, North Carolina, Oregon, Washington, Virginia and parts of Tennessee. Most of those customers will now be served by Comcast. Among the regions affected: New York, Boston, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Northern/Southern California, and Atlanta.

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WISN Milwaukee First Comcast Now Charter 4-28-14.flv[/flv]

WISN in Milwaukee reports Time Warner Cable customers there were just getting used to the idea of Comcast and they are not happy service will be provided by Charter Communications instead. (2:03)

Comcast and Time Warner Cable will in turn give up many of its cable systems in the midwest, either transferring them to Charter or the “SpinCo” venture managed by Charter.

twc charterCharter will take over directly in Ohio, Kentucky, Wisconsin, Indiana and Alabama.

If you are a Comcast or Time Warner Cable customer next to a current Charter service area in Michigan, Minnesota, Indiana, Alabama, Eastern Tennessee, Kentucky or Wisconsin, chances are you will end up a subscriber of the “SpinCo” venture. That will prove a distinction without much difference to customers, because Charter will manage the day-to-day operations of the new cable company and has the right to eventually acquire it outright.

With the exception of a small handful of systems in western sections of Pennsylvania, Virginia and North Carolina, all of New England, New York, and the mid-Atlantic region will be serviced by Comcast.

With the exception of Cablevision in eastern New York, Comcast will be the dominant cable provider across New York State from Manhattan to Buffalo.

With the exception of Cablevision in eastern New York, Comcast will be the dominant cable provider across New York State from Manhattan to Buffalo.

The agreement also includes a commitment by Charter to drop its opposition to the Time Warner Cable/Comcast merger.

“Today’s announcement from Comcast would, in essence, lead to the creation of a three-company cable cartel. Masquerading as subscriber divestitures, the agreement with Charter brings together the three largest cable providers, who account for 38% of cable subscribers and 45% of Internet subscribers,” the Writers Guild of America West said in a statement. “The decision of these three powerful companies to divide markets and share ownership of subscribers through a new publicly traded corporation is unprecedented and adds to the mounting evidence against the Comcast-Time Warner Cable merger.”

The transaction is expected to be tax-free and will happen in three stages:

  • Asset Sale: Charter acquires systems serving around 1.4 million former TWC customers for an estimated $7.3 billion in cash;
  • Asset Transfer: Charter and Comcast transfer assets in a tax-free exchange involving around 1.6 million former TWC customers and about 1.6 million Charter customers;
  • Asset Spin-off: Comcast will spin-off a new entity (“SpinCo”) composed of cable systems serving around 2.5 million Comcast customers to its shareholders, with Charter acquiring close to 33% of the equity of SpinCo in exchange for 13% of the equity of a new holding company of Charter.

Charter Communications would become the nation’s second largest cable operator if the deal is approved, owning outright systems with an estimated 5.7 million video customers and managing an extra 2.5 million SpinCo customers, together totaling more than 8.2 million video customers.

Comcast wanted the deal done quickly so it could begin lobbying Washington and other regulators with detailed divestiture plans to keep Comcast’s total subscribers to less than 30% of the national cable market.

Although Comcast will face tough competition in Time Warner Cable territories also served by Verizon FiOS, Charter and its managed SpinCo will compete primarily with AT&T U-verse. Just 1% of Charter’s territory is expected to see competition from Verizon’s fiber network.

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Bloomberg Divesting Comcast Subs 4-28-14.flv[/flv]

Comcast agreed to divest 3.9 million customers to Charter Communications, potentially helping to ease the approval process for its merger with Time Warner Cable. Media Morph Chairman and Chief Strategist Shahid Khan and Bloomberg’s Paul Sweeney speaks on Bloomberg Television’s “In The Loop.” (6:23)

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