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America’s Best Broadband Value: The U.S. Postal Service?

Phillip Dampier October 3, 2011 AT&T, Comcast/Xfinity, Competition, Consumer News, Cox, Data Caps, Editorial & Site News, Public Policy & Gov't, Suddenlink (see Altice USA) Comments Off on America’s Best Broadband Value: The U.S. Postal Service?

Allen Wan from Chicago dropped Stop the Cap! a postcard by good old snail mail about today’s broadband cap ‘n tier regime in place at some of America’s largest Internet Service Providers to make an important point: with Internet Overcharging schemes like usage caps and usage-based billing, America’s best broadband value may actually come from the United States Postal Service.

Allen breaks it down for us:

AT&T Comcast U.S. Post Office
Regular Unit/Monthly Price $25 for 768kbps DSL
$45 for 6Mbps DSL
$60 Internet-only service $0.44 First Class Mail
$0.11 Blank CD-R
$0.12 Blank DVD+R
$0.48 Blank DL-DVD+R
$0.10 Label/Envelope
Cap/Capacity 150GB per month 250GB per month 700MB for CD
4.7GB for DVD
8.5GB for DL-DVD
Price per Gigabyte $0.17 for 768kbps DSL
$0.30 for 6Mbps DSL
$0.24 $0.93 for CD
$0.14 for DVD
$0.12 for DL-DVD

Allen’s chart points out that for large file transfers like movies, TV shows, and major software updates, consumers actually get more value on a per-GB basis burning those shows and software to a traditional or dual-layer (DL) DVD, and dropping them in the mailbox.

While prices for service may vary, so do Internet Overcharging schemes.  If a customer reaches their monthly limit one time too many, they will be relying on the post office to move files back and forth because companies like Comcast and Cox will terminate their service.  Other providers, like AT&T and Suddenlink, are content to simply send the customer a bill with overlimit charges on it.

With a marketplace duopoly, ineffective government oversight, and ever-increasing prices, the U.S. Post Office may still be in the running after all, thanks to Back to the Future-pricing from your ISP.

Rogers Responds to CRTC With Non-Denial Denial There Was A Real Throttling Problem

Hours before the deadline imposed by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, Rogers Communications responded Tuesday evening to the CRTC, which demanded Rogers correct malfunctioning speed throttle technology that slowed certain online gaming traffic to a crawl, because is mistook it for peer-to-peer file sharing traffic.

In a four-page letter to the Commission, Rogers essentially rehashed the Commission’s original concerns and then attempted to explain why the company throttles broadband traffic in the first place:

We manage P2P upload traffic because if we did not, this traffic would grow to occupy the capacity available on our network and so impact our customers’ experience. The vast majority of P2P upload traffic is being sourced by non-Rogers customers. Without our traffic management practices, our customers, including online gamers, would experience difficulty uploading traffic. The traffic management we do slows down the upstream delivery of P2P file sharing but does not prevent it. Since P2P file sharing is not as time sensitive as other forms of traffic, we believe managing it has little impact on customer satisfaction.

Remarkably, unthrottled peer-to-peer traffic on other Internet Service Providers in places like the United States does not seem to threaten the viability of those networks, but evidently Rogers is a special case.

Our ITMP policy does not target any customer group or content: it is designed to allow us to manage traffic to maximize our customers’ overall experience. Online gamers, in particular, need a responsive upstream network. In an effort to provide the best service for all of our customers, Rogers’ ITMPs limit only P2P file sharing applications to a maximum of 80kbps of upstream throughput. Our traffic management deploys specialized network appliances to classify traffic and apply our policy where appropriate.

That explains why the Canadian Gaming Organization (CGO) was so upset about Rogers’ throttling technology malfunctions which can slow game traffic to a crawl. But Rogers decided in light of the evidence exposing the gaming traffic throttling problem, the best thing to do was to blame someone else. Getting the right kind of server with the right Keywords can be helpful:

The technology and software in use at Rogers is provided by a leading network equipment vendor: Cisco. This is the same technology that is in place in hundreds of other ISPs worldwide, and Rogers does not believe the problems we have experienced are unique to our network.

Most traffic, such as web browsing or email, can be clearly identified by our Cisco equipment with very little chance of error. In very rare situations, traffic that is not P2P file sharing may be misclassified, such as was the case with World of Warcraft (WoW). Rogers has experienced a small number of cases of gaming traffic being misclassified as P2P file sharing traffic. In these cases, gaming customers have only been affected when running P2P file sharing simultaneously with a misclassified game. The typical game requires less than 80 kbps and so would not be affected even if a misclassification were to occur. It is only when the games are running in conjunction with P2P file sharing that our ITMP would be deployed. This has been confirmed by repeated testing in our lab. We have currently resolved all of these cases.

In other words, if customers shut off the offending peer to peer software, gaming traffic won’t be impacted by the throttle which reduces file sharing speeds to around 80kbps, which is just above dial-up.

Rogers’ “Rube Goldberg” Throttled Traffic Resolution Flow Chart. (All you wanted to do was play your online game in peace.)  Our suggestion for improvement: turn off the broadband traffic throttle and upgrade your network and the problems go away for everyone.

Rogers denies there is a problem worth getting upset about, because in their view, game traffic doesn’t need anything faster than 80kbps anyway.  Rogers’ attitude and response were both hotly contested by CGO co-founder Jason Koblovsky, who says his members are still directly and clearly affected by Rogers’ throttle.

“Rogers is stating here that they are actively dealing with throttling issues, and suspecting throttling when connection problems are being reported to them.  Quite frankly we are seeing quite the opposite,” Koblovsky says.  “They are actively refusing to even acknowledge that throttling might be taking place, and evidence of this has been submitted to the Commission in previous complaints proving what Rogers is claiming with this flowchart is false.  Hopefully the CRTC can read flowcharts and connect the dots.”

Rogers says it will take a two-step approach to make further corrections to reduce the impact of its errant broadband throttle, but did not provide any timeline.

“In the few cases where we have determined there has been a misclassification of an online game, we have used a two-stage solution to fix the problem. In the short term, we whitelist the game manufacturer’s servers. Whitelisting means creating a policy that will not apply ITMPs to packets going to and from a game manufacturer’s servers no matter how the traffic is classified. This can usually be accomplished in a very short period of time. Whitelisting is effective where the game manufacturer’s server can be located. The second stage is a long term solution that involves a software upgrade created by Cisco and deployed on our network that will correct the misclassification. We note that we did not use whitelisting until recently. Using whitelisting allows us to resolve problems much more quickly than was the case with WoW.”

Whitelisting, according to CGO, is not a sufficient solution to the problem because game manufacturers often change or add additional servers that Rogers will not initially be aware of, requiring constant tweaking to keep the whitelist up to date.

CGO co-founder Teresa Murphy added that “World of Warcraft traffic isn’t safe until the final fix from Cisco is applied to all Rogers-controlled Deep Packet Inspection systems.  Until that happens, if Blizzard moves any of their servers (as they did last summer), the whitelist will no longer apply to World of Warcraft traffic, and we’ll be back in this same situation all over again.  We’re also curious as to the current status of the other games users reported to Rogers back in March which were experiencing the same problems as World of Warcraft, but which didn’t get as much user outcry as World of Warcraft garnered.  There has been no update from any Rogers employee regarding these other games, which we find concerning.  Updates were sparse on the World of Warcraft issue before the CRTC complaint went in, but updates to users on the forums became non-existent after Rogers was forced to admit their practices with WoW.”

Rogers also promises to begin testing the top-ten most popular gaming titles on an ongoing basis to make sure game traffic for those applications goes unaffected.  Woe to those who don’t make the top-ten list, however.

CGO calls Rogers’ response wholly inadequate.

“The way the CRTC has put this to Rogers is that the CRTC expects a plan with dates to have this misclassification issue resolved. This just simply hasn’t happened here,” Koblovsky added.  “The CRTC has been pretty clear to Rogers they want no possibility of misclassification here on any programs, games etc.”

Wall Street Wants Two Wireless Carriers for Americans: AT&T and Verizon

Phillip Dampier September 28, 2011 AT&T, Competition, Public Policy & Gov't, Sprint, Verizon, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on Wall Street Wants Two Wireless Carriers for Americans: AT&T and Verizon

Wall Street is pushing back against Justice Department efforts to unwind a merger proposal between AT&T and T-Mobile that will leave America with three national carriers.  Some investment firms even believe three carriers are still “too many” and want mergers and acquisitions to accelerate to allow two dominant national carriers to emerge.

“It’s pretty clear what the end game is in wireless,” said Julie Richardson, managing director at Providence Equity Partners Inc. “LTE, 4G — you have to have those services to compete. One of the most interesting things to watch in telecom will be these players coming together.”

Richardson shares the view among many on Wall Street that carriers forced to build costly 4G services like LTE need less competition and more cash-on-hand to pay for upgrades and to obtain needed spectrum.

Only AT&T and Verizon Communications have the resources to support a national 4G Long Term Evolution network, Richardson said. Sprint, the third-biggest U.S. wireless operator, is struggling to compete against larger rivals and has lost money for 15 consecutive quarters, Bloomberg News reports.

Among smaller players, Richardson believes the future is clear: mergers, acquisitions, and partnerships.  Sprint is moving increasingly closer to the nation’s cable companies, which have sought a cost-efficient way to deliver the ultimate “quad-play” service package that includes wireless, landline, cable-TV, and Internet service, all from the cable company.  But talk of constructing competing cell networks has gone largely nowhere, and cable companies that do offer some type of wireless service typically resell an existing service under their own brand.  Road Runner Mobile, from Time Warner Cable, for example, is really Clearwire under a different name.  Same for Comcast’s wireless Internet service.  Cox is pitching “unbelievably fair” wireless phone service that actually comes from Sprint.

But cable operators currently don’t seem to be interested in outright acquisitions of cell companies like Sprint, preferring to partner with them instead.

Clearwire, which needs financing and better wireless spectrum, may eventually find a friend in Dish Networks, the satellite TV company.  Dish controls wireless frequency spectrum it currently does not use, and has expressed an interest in expanding beyond a traditional satellite television provider.  An acquisition of Sprint or Clearwire could help them accomplish that.

Cox’s 3 Steps to Fatter Profits With Internet Overcharging: Upgrade or Your Services Will Be Blocked

Phillip Dampier September 28, 2011 Cox, Data Caps, Editorial & Site News 1 Comment

Cox Communications is telling customers if they exceed the company’s usage caps three times over the lifetime of an account, they either must upgrade to a more expensive service plan, make sure they never exceed plan limits again, or face an indefinite loss of their Internet service if they exceed Cox’s limits a fourth time.

Stop the Cap! reader Adam found out about Cox’s Three Strikes Program for himself in an online chat with Claudia, a Cox customer service representative:

Adam: I am concerned with the messages I got about a usage cap. I was told by the salesman that there was no bandwidth cap on our Internet, however this message is very troubling. Please explain this cap to me.
Claudia: I am really sorry for the lack of information provided to you by our Sales representative.
Adam: Is there a hard cap coming? Is that why we’re getting these messages?
Claudia: That is correct.
Claudia: At the fourth message your services will be blocked, on the previous one they will suggest you to upgrade your plan.
Adam: Fourth monthly, or fourth cumulative?
Claudia: Your Data Usage is reset each month, so it will be your fourth monthly message if exceeding the allowance.
Adam: So four months of going over. Does that counter ever reset?
Adam: Like if I’m bad three months, then good for three. Is it reset?
Claudia: Unfortunately, it is not reset.

Cox, like Comcast, does not charge overlimit fees, but the company does encourage customers who want to use the Internet more than their arbitrary allowances permit to upgrade to a more costly service plan.

Cox’s limits are detailed in an earlier piece Stop the Cap! brought readers a few weeks ago.

Internet Service Providers claim usage caps are important to protect the customer experience from “excessive users” slowing down service in your neighborhood, but as companies like Cox upgrade to DOCSIS 3, the broadband pipeline that results has increased so exponentially, it eliminates the excuse that came with the limits.

Now, ISPs increasingly see another reason to retain usage allowances: fatter profits from tiered usage plans that inevitably drive video-hungry Internet customers into costly upgrades.

New CRTC Guidelines for Internet Service Complaints “An Insult,” Says Gaming Group

Phillip Dampier September 27, 2011 Broadband Speed, Canada, Data Caps, Net Neutrality, Public Policy & Gov't, Rogers Comments Off on New CRTC Guidelines for Internet Service Complaints “An Insult,” Says Gaming Group

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has issued new guidelines for consumers with complaints about their Internet Service Providers’ throttling practices that puts the burden of proof on the consumer to demonstrate an ISP is engaged in wrongful behavior before the CRTC will act.

The revised guidelines appear to come in response to complaints from consumers who have been subjected to dramatically reduced speeds when using Rogers Cable Internet service to play online games while also running file sharing software in the background. Rogers’ speed throttling technology appears to be unable to discriminate between game traffic, which is not subject to speed reductions, and file swapping traffic, which is.

The Canadian Gamers Organization filed a formal complaint with the CRTC this summer accusing Rogers of engaging in Network Neutrality violations.

The CRTC gave Rogers until today to fix the errant speed throttle or respond to the agency with an explanation for the delay.  As of this hour, Rogers appears not to have responded.

Last week, the CRTC began a crackdown of its own — against consumers bringing Internet complaints.  The CRTC modified the complaint procedure to instruct consumers to first work with their ISP and application developers to resolve any outstanding issues before filing complaints.  From the updated CRTC Guidelines:

How to make an Internet performance complaint

Before you complain to the CRTC about an Internet traffic management practice, you should first contact your Internet service provider to see if it can resolve the issue.

If your service provider doesn’t address your complaint to your satisfaction, and you believe that your service provider’s traffic management practices are not compliant with the CRTC’s policies, you can complain to the CRTC. Before doing this, make sure that you know your rights.

Rogers chokes the speed of undesireable peer to peer file traffic, but other applications like online gaming are also impacted. Consumers are complaining about the collateral damage.

What to include in your complaint

In your complaint, explain why you think your service provider’s traffic management practice doesn’t meet the requirements set out in their traffic management policy.  It is not necessary to provide technical details about the problem, but the CRTC needs enough information to understand the problem.  Please, clearly describe:

  • What part of the traffic management policy you believe the provider has not followed
  • When the problem occurred, and whether it is a recurring problem
  • Which software program, or application, has been affected
  • How the application has been affected
  • The steps you’ve taken to try to resolve the issue with your service provider, including your provider’s response to your complaint

Consumer groups are not pleased the CRTC won’t engage directly in independent oversight of ISP speed throttling practices regardless of consumer complaints.

“We are not a consumer-protection agency,” the CRTC’s Denis Carmel was quoted as saying back in July.

“The CRTC must start enforcing its own policies,” says Canadian Gamers Organization co-founder Jason Koblovsky. “The CRTC needs to put a plan forth to ensure that regular audits are done on Internet Providers rather than relying solely on consumer complaints. We are asking the public to tell the CRTC that enough is enough: the Commission needs to take a much more proactive role in ensuring that Internet providers play by the rules. We are ready to act politically and force a solution here if need be.”

Koblovsky expanded his views on the subject in a blog entry:

We find this policy update to be more of an insult to consumers, and puts the responsibility of monitoring ISP’s use of [speed throttles] directly on the back of consumers. This is not acceptable by any means, and none of the policy recommendations we made that were thrown out by the CRTC in our initial complaint were taken into consideration, or for that matter seriously by the CRTC. This is a slap in the face to what we have been fighting for, and that is the CRTC has the responsibility to follow through, monitor and enforce its policies.

[…] Not one ISP has been found by the CRTC to be acting against net neutrality policy since they acted on this in 2009 with several complaints sent to the CRTC by consumers being dismissed due to lack of evidence over years of enforcement failure by the commission. There is no indication here that the CRTC is going to be dealing with a very high evidentiary thresh hold put on the consumer to launch a CRTC investigation in this policy update. All this update does is provide information on CRTC complaints procedures that are already in place, and consumers are already abiding by.

[…] Maybe it’s time we start acting politically on this issue instead, drop the CRTC from the picture to force the CRTC through legislation to listen to consumers, and start putting forth a much better effort on their responsibility to the public to enforce their policies. Or better yet, start billing the CRTC for our efforts on each complaint we become a part of.

Read this excellent analysis of game throttling and how Canadian ISPs master the art of Internet Overcharging.

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