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Cablevision’s Marketing FAIL: New Ads Feature Michael Bolton? Is Danny Bonaduce Next?

Cablevision's yesteryear marketing: As outdated as this Harvest Gold Trimline phone.

Cablevision’s yesteryear marketing: As outdated as this Harvest Gold Trimline phone.

Cablevision’s bizarre new ads for its Optimum triple-play package (the one that puts broadband, arguably its most important component, dead last) have reached a new low in the latest series featuring… Michael Bolton?

Bolton is a practical unknown to the most important demographic group not buying cable: recent graduate twenty-somethings that were 12 when one of his songs last plagued top-40 radio. Cablevision’s misfire could only be outdone if Nike hired Dick Van Dyke to pitch their shoes.

This is the best Cablevision can manage after Sandy blew away 11,000 of their customers (potentially for good) and rate increases took another 28,000 households with them (mostly to the benefit of Verizon FiOS)? Was the runner-up Joyce DeWitt from Three’s Company pitching a three-pack of phone, television, and (oh yes) Internet service?

Cablevision’s marketing efforts are now partly overseen by the CEO’s wife, who ‘somehow’ landed the prominent role of rebranding Cablevision/Optimum. Perhaps her best talents lie elsewhere.

Verizon featured Michael Bay blowing things up in FiOS ads five years ago that were more trendy than Cablevision was this week.

The point of the ad? Michael Bolton keeps getting annoyed with masses of would-be Cablevision customers calling in to sign up for cable service on a toll-free number that is just one digit away from Michael Bolton’s toll-free number (?) Yes, that is Bolton talking on a (shudder) landline (at least he has a cordless phone). Does anyone under 30 even know what a “toll-free” call is?

For those of us who remember what a dial tone sounds like and can still recognize a Trimline rotary phone, the ad still does not make sense. I am perplexed why Michael Bolton has a toll-free number. I guess when Tonya Harding’s name recognition rivals Michael Bolton’s, the fact he has a toll-free number gives him the edge.

A minute later, I am left wondering why I care. I am not certainly not wondering why I haven’t picked up the phone to order Cablevision service.

When it comes to branding and image, here is what Cablevision just accomplished:

  • Verizon FiOS circa 2008 = Michael Bay blowing cool stuff up.
  • Cablevision this week = Michael Bolton.

‘Nuff said.

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Cablevision Ads Michael Bolton.flv[/flv]

AD FAIL: What were they thinking? Michael Bolton annoys viewers trying to recollect his career while Cablevision tries to make New York, New Jersey and Connecticut remember why they should care.  (1 minute)

Windstream’s Lousy Performance in Georgia Sparks Facebook Protest Group, Media Scrutiny

windstream-logoWhile Windstream continues to heavily lobby the Georgia legislature for a bill that would ban competition from publicly owned broadband providers, the company is doing little to address the growing concerns of its own broadband customers getting poor service.

Mark Wyatt, a Windstream customer fed up with not getting the broadband speeds he pays for, launched a Facebook group in January to collect evidence and attempt to leverage the company to fix its problems. Wyatt, like many other customers in rural Georgia, has only one option for broadband service — Windstream.

Now the growing Facebook group has gotten attention from an Atlanta reporter who wants customers to record videos detailing their broadband problems with Windstream for an upcoming news report.

Jeff Chirico at WGCL-TV, the Atlanta CBS affiliate, has a call out for videos due by March 6:

I’m a reporter for CBS Atlanta News. I want to hear from Windstream customers in Georgia about their experiences with the company’s Internet service. Please shoot a video (30 seconds or less) explaining the speed of Windstream’s service and how it impacts you, your family or your business. Please include your name and city and download it to our dropbox account. http://dropbox.yousendit.com/JamesEstes539379

Also, feel free to follow me on Twitter @CBSATLChirico or find me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/JeffChiricoCbsAtlanta

windstream speedtestThe horror stories are already clear all over Windstream’s service areas:

Don Jackson, who lives outside Milledgeville pays Windstream for 6/1Mbps service. On a good day, he gets 750kbps after 4pm every day, and speeds do not improve until the early morning hours.

“I talked with a local manager and he said that there is no solution anytime soon,” Jackson reported. “I have screen shots of speed tests from different sites for months to demonstrate that this is not a fluke but a fact. I have complaints on file with the FCC and BBB of Arkansas, [which handles complaints regarding Windstream].”

Adam Ridley qualified and pays for 3Mbps broadband service from Windstream, but that is not the speed he actually receives.

“It’s 9:40pm and I’m rocking my 210kbps connection — 7% of the speed I pay for,” he reported last night.

Rodney Gray pays Windstream a premium for 12Mbps service, but the phone company does not come close to delivering those speeds. His service actually ranges from 580kbps-1.4Mbps.

“My upload speed is faster than my download,” Gray complains.

A representative answering Windstream’s Complaint Line threatens a customer in Odum,. Ga. with legal action for “harassment” in June, 2012 after he complaints about Windstream’s mailers advertising DSL Internet service that is actually “not available to him this year.” (2 minutes)
You must remain on this page to hear the clip, or you can download the clip and listen later.

Kimberly Brown’s broadband problems with Windstream are so pervasive, even the company admits there is a problem, and they have given her service credits.

“Our primary problem is dropped connections — constantly,” Brown says. “They sent a technician out because surely it must be in our lines. He told us that there is something going on in one of the main hubs or whatever, and that it should be months (if ever) that it’s fixed. Then, customer service was suddenly able to look into our account and see that we had hundreds of dropped connections in just a few days. Hundreds. To their credit, they did give us a smallish break on our monthly bill because of the aggravation.”

broke windstreamA typical day for the Brown family is to wake up, reset the modem, send an e-mail or two, reset the modem, try to go to a web page, reset the modem.

“It’s crazy and extremely frustrating,” says Brown. “I work from home and rely heavily on the Internet to get my job done, so this problem affects us in many ways, not just casual web surfing.”

Things are worse for Mark B. Watson, who lost his service entirely for two days.

“The bad thing is that mine and my wife’s business is located in our house,” says Watson. “Being without Internet means we are not making an income for two days. It is getting old.”

While Windstream’s broadband service is suffering, company executives are celebrating a planned major reduction in extra investment in its broadband service, telling Wall Street its broadband expansion and fiber-for-cell-tower projects are nearing completion. That could leave rural Georgia broadband customers without improved service indefinitely.

At the same time, Windstream is reportedly the primary proponent of legislation that would make sure rural Georgians have no alternatives to choose from. The company’s support for HB 282, now working through the Georgia legislature, would prohibit communities from launching their own broadband services to improve connectivity and speeds.

Comcast’s Meteoric Rise and Market Power Parallels the Decline of U.S. Internet Service

Phillip Dampier February 25, 2013 Broadband Speed, Comcast/Xfinity, Competition, Public Policy & Gov't Comments Off on Comcast’s Meteoric Rise and Market Power Parallels the Decline of U.S. Internet Service

Comcast’s David Cohen

Comcast is an American success story, but Americans that do business with the cable giant are getting slighted by overpriced, too-slow broadband service.

In a commentary piece in the Financial Times, Edward Luce indicts the company that bought NBC-Universal for pay-for-play campaign contributions that have kept the company from much  regulatory scrutiny and free to charge whatever it likes for a service now increasingly considered a necessity.

Comcast’s key employee as far as Washington is concerned is its senior vice-president, David Cohen, who also happens to be one of President Barack Obama’s largest fundraisers.

The revolving door between Comcast in Philadelphia and the federal government in Washington is always spinning.

Of Comcast’s 121 lobbyists, 85 are former government employees, according to Open Secrets, which monitors money and politics.

“Comcast employs the royalty of K Street [lobbyists],” says Sheila Krumholz, head of Open Secrets.

In 2011, the year the FCC approved Comcast’s merger with NBCU, the company spent more than $14 million on lobbying – the ninth-highest of any US company (it ranks 49th on the Fortune 100 list).

Luce adds Meredith Atwell-Baker, a former Republican FCC commissioner, took an executive position at Comcast shortly after voting to approve the merger-buyout between the cable operator and NBC.

This month Comcast acquired the 49 percent of NBC-Universal it did not already own in a $16.7 billion transaction that got less attention at the FCC than the lunch menu at the Chinese takeout down the street.

So while Comcast enriches itself, customers are left with Internet service that is nothing to brag about.

While only 7% of the U.S. is wired for fiber broadband, more than half of South Korea and Japan can buy fiber-fast broadband service from a range of broadband suppliers. Back home, Comcast and the local phone company have built a comfortable duopoly:

The company’s meteoric rise in the past decade parallels the relative decline of Internet service in the US. In the late 1990s the US had the fastest speeds and widest penetration of almost anywhere – unsurprisingly given that it invented the platform. Today the US comes 16th, according to the OECD, with an average of 27 megabits per second, compared with up to quadruple that in countries such as Japan and the Netherlands.

The contrast on price is just as unflattering. The average US cost for 1 Mbps is $1.10 compared with $0.42 in the UK, $0.34 in France and $0.21 in South Korea. It is not only places such as Hong Kong that put the US into the shade. Countries such as Estonia, Portugal and Hungary offer a significantly better Internet service. South Koreans joke that when they visit the US they are taking an Internet vacation. Yet bringing the US up to speed appears to be low on Mr Obama’s list of priorities (it did not even get a mention in his State of the Union address last month).

Verizon FiOS Offers Easy $10 Upgrade to 50/25Mbps Service: Click Your Remote Twice

Phillip Dampier February 21, 2013 Broadband Speed, Competition, Verizon 5 Comments

fios quantum 285x190Verizon FiOS has made it easy for broadband customers to upgrade to 50/25Mbps service for $10 more a month.

Getting access to the company’s introductory Quantum tier is as simple as going to FiOS TV Channel 500 and clicking the OK button twice with your remote control. Within one hour, your speeds will be upgraded. For those who don’t subscribe to FiOS TV, you can visit the FiOS Quantum website or use the MyFiOS smartphone app.

A promotion for new customers includes an introductory offer of FiOS TV, Quantum 50/25Mbps, and telephone service for $89.99 a month with a $250 debit card rebate in certain markets.

Last summer, the company launched the Quantum brand to market its highest speed tiers: 50/25Mbps, 75/35Mbps, 150/65Mbps or 300/65Mbps.

Verizon says the company noticed an increasing demand for faster speed service because customers are connecting more devices to the Internet. Streaming multiple online videos at the same time, for example, can burden slower speed Internet services.

Verizon says the faster speeds also keep the company ahead of its cable competition, which has struggled to provide affordable faster tiers of service and remains limited on upstream speeds.

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Verizon FiOS Quantum Upgrade 2-15-13.flv[/flv]

Verizon FiOS is now offering broadband customers a $10 upgrade to 50/25Mbps service just by clicking a button on your FiOS TV remote control twice.  (1 minute)

Comcast Launches Prepaid Internet Service: $15/7 Days or $45/30 Days for 3Mbps Service

Phillip Dampier February 19, 2013 Broadband Speed, Comcast/Xfinity, Competition, Consumer News 3 Comments

XfinityprepaidIn an effort to tap into the credit-challenged market, Comcast has unveiled a prepaid Internet service in Philadelphia that requires no credit check or ongoing service contract.

Similar to prepaid cellphone service, would-be customers can buy a “starter kit” that includes a DOCSIS 3 cable modem and a unique sign-up PIN code for a suggested retail price of $70.

The offer is most likely to appear in wireless retail outlets that specialize in prepaid service, but will also be sold online. At present, the service is available in parts of Philadephia, Delaware, and New Jersey.

Light Reading notes there are some important restrictions on the offer:

  1. You must live in an area where Comcast provides service;
  2. The address where you hook up the modem must not currently receive Comcast broadband service;
  3. You must use the cable modem in the startup kit;
  4. The maximum available speed is 3Mbps down, 768kbps up;
  5. The price is just a few dollars less than faster connections available from the cable operator.

Comcast-LogoThe service is presently undergoing a trial in Philadelphia and it is unknown if or when the prepaid offer will expand to other cities.

Comcast is targeting low-income customers and those without bank accounts or a healthy credit profile. The prepaid offer requires a customer to pay in advance for service, and refill PIN cards will be available from retailers, or the customer can renew with a debit or credit card.

Comcast has little to fear from its prepaid service cannibalizing its traditional broadband offers. Comcast’s 6Mbps Performance Starter service runs $49.95 per month, just four dollars more than 30 days of prepaid 3Mbps service.

There is no mention of any usage caps with the prepaid service.

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