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Cox’s 3 Steps to Fatter Profits With Internet Overcharging: Upgrade or Your Services Will Be Blocked

Phillip Dampier September 28, 2011 Cox, Data Caps, Editorial & Site News 1 Comment

Cox Communications is telling customers if they exceed the company’s usage caps three times over the lifetime of an account, they either must upgrade to a more expensive service plan, make sure they never exceed plan limits again, or face an indefinite loss of their Internet service if they exceed Cox’s limits a fourth time.

Stop the Cap! reader Adam found out about Cox’s Three Strikes Program for himself in an online chat with Claudia, a Cox customer service representative:

Adam: I am concerned with the messages I got about a usage cap. I was told by the salesman that there was no bandwidth cap on our Internet, however this message is very troubling. Please explain this cap to me.
Claudia: I am really sorry for the lack of information provided to you by our Sales representative.
Adam: Is there a hard cap coming? Is that why we’re getting these messages?
Claudia: That is correct.
Claudia: At the fourth message your services will be blocked, on the previous one they will suggest you to upgrade your plan.
Adam: Fourth monthly, or fourth cumulative?
Claudia: Your Data Usage is reset each month, so it will be your fourth monthly message if exceeding the allowance.
Adam: So four months of going over. Does that counter ever reset?
Adam: Like if I’m bad three months, then good for three. Is it reset?
Claudia: Unfortunately, it is not reset.

Cox, like Comcast, does not charge overlimit fees, but the company does encourage customers who want to use the Internet more than their arbitrary allowances permit to upgrade to a more costly service plan.

Cox’s limits are detailed in an earlier piece Stop the Cap! brought readers a few weeks ago.

Internet Service Providers claim usage caps are important to protect the customer experience from “excessive users” slowing down service in your neighborhood, but as companies like Cox upgrade to DOCSIS 3, the broadband pipeline that results has increased so exponentially, it eliminates the excuse that came with the limits.

Now, ISPs increasingly see another reason to retain usage allowances: fatter profits from tiered usage plans that inevitably drive video-hungry Internet customers into costly upgrades.

New CRTC Guidelines for Internet Service Complaints “An Insult,” Says Gaming Group

Phillip Dampier September 27, 2011 Broadband Speed, Canada, Data Caps, Net Neutrality, Public Policy & Gov't, Rogers Comments Off on New CRTC Guidelines for Internet Service Complaints “An Insult,” Says Gaming Group

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has issued new guidelines for consumers with complaints about their Internet Service Providers’ throttling practices that puts the burden of proof on the consumer to demonstrate an ISP is engaged in wrongful behavior before the CRTC will act.

The revised guidelines appear to come in response to complaints from consumers who have been subjected to dramatically reduced speeds when using Rogers Cable Internet service to play online games while also running file sharing software in the background. Rogers’ speed throttling technology appears to be unable to discriminate between game traffic, which is not subject to speed reductions, and file swapping traffic, which is.

The Canadian Gamers Organization filed a formal complaint with the CRTC this summer accusing Rogers of engaging in Network Neutrality violations.

The CRTC gave Rogers until today to fix the errant speed throttle or respond to the agency with an explanation for the delay.  As of this hour, Rogers appears not to have responded.

Last week, the CRTC began a crackdown of its own — against consumers bringing Internet complaints.  The CRTC modified the complaint procedure to instruct consumers to first work with their ISP and application developers to resolve any outstanding issues before filing complaints.  From the updated CRTC Guidelines:

How to make an Internet performance complaint

Before you complain to the CRTC about an Internet traffic management practice, you should first contact your Internet service provider to see if it can resolve the issue.

If your service provider doesn’t address your complaint to your satisfaction, and you believe that your service provider’s traffic management practices are not compliant with the CRTC’s policies, you can complain to the CRTC. Before doing this, make sure that you know your rights.

Rogers chokes the speed of undesireable peer to peer file traffic, but other applications like online gaming are also impacted. Consumers are complaining about the collateral damage.

What to include in your complaint

In your complaint, explain why you think your service provider’s traffic management practice doesn’t meet the requirements set out in their traffic management policy.  It is not necessary to provide technical details about the problem, but the CRTC needs enough information to understand the problem.  Please, clearly describe:

  • What part of the traffic management policy you believe the provider has not followed
  • When the problem occurred, and whether it is a recurring problem
  • Which software program, or application, has been affected
  • How the application has been affected
  • The steps you’ve taken to try to resolve the issue with your service provider, including your provider’s response to your complaint

Consumer groups are not pleased the CRTC won’t engage directly in independent oversight of ISP speed throttling practices regardless of consumer complaints.

“We are not a consumer-protection agency,” the CRTC’s Denis Carmel was quoted as saying back in July.

“The CRTC must start enforcing its own policies,” says Canadian Gamers Organization co-founder Jason Koblovsky. “The CRTC needs to put a plan forth to ensure that regular audits are done on Internet Providers rather than relying solely on consumer complaints. We are asking the public to tell the CRTC that enough is enough: the Commission needs to take a much more proactive role in ensuring that Internet providers play by the rules. We are ready to act politically and force a solution here if need be.”

Koblovsky expanded his views on the subject in a blog entry:

We find this policy update to be more of an insult to consumers, and puts the responsibility of monitoring ISP’s use of [speed throttles] directly on the back of consumers. This is not acceptable by any means, and none of the policy recommendations we made that were thrown out by the CRTC in our initial complaint were taken into consideration, or for that matter seriously by the CRTC. This is a slap in the face to what we have been fighting for, and that is the CRTC has the responsibility to follow through, monitor and enforce its policies.

[…] Not one ISP has been found by the CRTC to be acting against net neutrality policy since they acted on this in 2009 with several complaints sent to the CRTC by consumers being dismissed due to lack of evidence over years of enforcement failure by the commission. There is no indication here that the CRTC is going to be dealing with a very high evidentiary thresh hold put on the consumer to launch a CRTC investigation in this policy update. All this update does is provide information on CRTC complaints procedures that are already in place, and consumers are already abiding by.

[…] Maybe it’s time we start acting politically on this issue instead, drop the CRTC from the picture to force the CRTC through legislation to listen to consumers, and start putting forth a much better effort on their responsibility to the public to enforce their policies. Or better yet, start billing the CRTC for our efforts on each complaint we become a part of.

Read this excellent analysis of game throttling and how Canadian ISPs master the art of Internet Overcharging.

Sprint Gets Customers Accustomed to Usage Caps: Mobile Hotspot Gets 5GB Limit Oct. 2

Phillip Dampier September 22, 2011 Competition, Data Caps, Sprint, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on Sprint Gets Customers Accustomed to Usage Caps: Mobile Hotspot Gets 5GB Limit Oct. 2

Sprint, the last remaining major national wireless carrier without an Internet Overcharging scheme, will adopt one of its own on Oct. 2 when it begins limiting 3G/4G Mobile Hotspot customers to just 5GB of usage per month with a huge $50/GB overlimit fee (charged in megabyte increments).

SprintFeed shared the details in a copy of a leaked internal company newsletter announcing the changes:

(click to enlarge - Courtesy: SprintFeed)

It is important to note Sprint currently plans no usage limits on their tablet or smartphone customers — this usage cap only applies to customers signed up for the Mobile Hotspot option who use their phone’s Wi-Fi feature to connect other wireless devices.  Those with third-party tethering apps or other “unofficial” tethering schemes won’t face the usage cap either, so long as Sprint does not initiate a crackdown on customers without a company-sanctioned tethering plan.

Customers will automatically be “migrated” to the new $29.99 usage-limited Mobile Hotspot plan in October.  Affected customers will be notified of the changes in bill messages or postcards.  Sprint will not grandfather existing customers.

Some Sprint customers claim the company has always had a “secret 5GB cap” on the Mobile Hotspot feature, only enforced when customers considerably exceeded it, but this makes it official.

Sprint may be preparing its network for the introduction of iPhone 5, which Sprint is rumored to introduce early next month.

Bell’s Usage Meter is Still Wildly Inaccurate, Customers Charge

Phillip Dampier September 15, 2011 Bell (Canada), Canada, Data Caps, Public Policy & Gov't 5 Comments

Still Not Measuring Usage Correctly

Bell Canada’s Internet usage meter is still giving wildly inaccurate measurements of Internet usage, some customers allege.

Eleanor White, a Bell broadband customer, found Bell measuring some 30-44GB of usage, despite the fact the biggest bandwidth application in use by the account holder is a 16kbps audio stream running regularly throughout the day.

White estimates the monthly usage from that radio stream can’t be more than three gigabytes for the entire month, even leaving the stream running 16 hours a day.

“I hardly ever watch online video, and I estimate my usage from the radio stream and doubling it to account for e-mail reading and web browsing to be no more than 5.6GB a month,” White says. “But Bell measures at least 6-8 times as much, month after month.”

Bell’s usage meter has been implicated repeatedly for being inaccurate, occasionally by the company itself.  But the tool remains online and Bell continues to maintain its Internet Overcharging schemes, even for customers on its hybrid fiber-copper Fibe network.

Customers accuse Bell of overmeasuring usage on Fibe broadband as well.

“From the moment I got switched to Fibe, my traffic [measurement] went through the roof, at least according to the traffic monitor,” says Jurjen.  “[But that measurement doesn’t reflect] what we were actually using the Internet for.”

“Don’t try to get this solved; Bell won’t do anything (trust me, I tried for about five months),” Jurjen says. “The only solution: switch ISPs.”

Jurjen thinks the day holding Bell accountable for their broken usage meter is long overdue.

“For every service that you get billed by a unit, you must be certified by Measurements Canada. Just check your local gas station, it’ll have stickers all over. Same for your electricity provider,” Jurjen says.

“However, Bell is not certified by Measurements Canada. If you have a lot of spare time and money, do us a favor and start a trial against Bell.”

Chattanoogans Speak Out About Why EPB Fiber Optics is 1st Class Broadband

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/EPB Fiber Optics Testimonials 9-11.flv[/flv]

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