Frontier Communications’ DSL modem rental fee is now as high as $6.99 a month in some of the phone company’s service areas, $14.99 a month if you want the convenience of a wireless router built-in. That’s $84 and $189 a year, respectively, for equipment that cost the company a fraction of that.
“Lymelizzard,” a would-be Frontier DSL customer in Robbinsville, North Carolina, considers that highway robbery.
“I can go and buy the modem at a store and it would be less than one year of rental,” he wrote on Broadband Reports’ Frontier forum.
Frontier Communications’ regular monthly prices are not exactly aggressive in North Carolina, charging up to $50 a month for 3Mbps DSL, $55 for up to 7Mbps, before the modem rental fee and other charges are included. A customer with Frontier’s wireless router would pay more than $70 a month, just for 7Mbps DSL service:
Frontier's No-Contract Prices for New Customers Only. Prices less for 1-2 year contracts that include $165 early termination fee for Double Plays and up to $120 early termination fee for High-Speed Internet only plans. One-time charges up to $60. Additional charges, taxes and terms apply.
Frontier has quietly increased equipment fees over the years. Back in 2010, the company raised the rental fee to $4.50 a month. Some service areas have been paying $6.99 a month since 2009, but now face even higher prices if they want a home “Wi-Fi” hotspot included.
Something else has changed at Frontier as well. The company is making it more difficult for customers to purchase their own modems and use them instead, skipping the modem rental fee. Customers trying to save several dollars a month now face a brick wall when contacting customer service.
“The salesman on the phone even said [the modem rental fee] wasn’t a good deal but he could not waive it,” Lymelizzard wrote. He declined to become a Frontier DSL customer, considering the modem rental fee a deal-breaker.
“I’m surprised that all the Joe Customers out in Frontier-land haven’t complained,” he said. “This is merely a money grab on Frontier’s part. I could see the fee for a year, maybe two, but for the life of the account that’s bogus.”
The Federal Communications Commission today released MEASURING BROADBAND AMERICA, the first nationwide performance study of residential wireline broadband service in the United States. The study examined service offerings from 13 of the largest wireline broadband providers using automated, direct measurements of broadband performance delivered to the homes of thousands of volunteers during March 2011.
Among the key findings:
Providers are being more honest about their advertised speeds: Actual speeds are moving closer to the speeds promised by those providers. Back in 2009, the FCC found a greater disparity between advertised and delivered speeds. But the Commission also found that certain providers are more likely to deliver than others, and certain broadband technologies are simply more reliable and consistent.
Fiber-to-the-Home service was the runaway winner, consistently delivering even better speeds than advertised (114%). Cable broadband delivered 93% of advertised speeds, while DSL only managed to deliver 82 percent of what providers promise. Fiber broadband speeds are consistent, with just a 0.4 percent decline in speeds during peak usage periods.
Cable companies are still overselling their networks. The FCC found during peak usage periods (7-11pm), 7.3 percent of cable-based services suffered from speed decreases — generally a sign a provider has piled too many customers onto an overburdened network. One clear clue of overselling: the FCC found upload speeds largely unaffected.
DSL has capacity and speed issues. DSL also experienced speed drops, with 5.5 percent of customers witnessing significant speed deterioration, which could come from an overshared D-SLAM, where multiple DSL customers connect with equipment that relays their traffic back to the central office, or from insufficient connectivity to the Internet backbone.
Some providers are much better than others. The FCC found some remarkable variability in the performance of different ISPs. Let’s break several down:
Verizon’s FiOS was the clear winner among the major providers tested, winning top performance marks across the board. Few providers came close;
Comcast had the most consistently reliable speeds among cable broadband providers. Cox beat them at times, but only during hours when few customers were using their network;
AT&T U-verse was competitive with most cable broadband packages, but is already being outclassed by cable companies offering DOCSIS 3-based premium speed tiers;
Cablevision has a seriously oversold broadband network. Their results were disastrous, scoring the worst of all providers for consistent service during peak usage periods. Their performance was simply unacceptable, incapable of delivering barely more than half of promised speeds during the 10pm-12am window.
It was strictly middle-of-the-road performance for Time Warner Cable, Insight, and CenturyLink. They aren’t bad, but they could be better.
Mediacom continued its tradition of being a mediocre cable provider, delivering consistently below-average results for their customers during peak usage periods. They are not performing necessary upgrades to keep up with user demand.
Most major DSL providers — AT&T, Frontier, and Qwest — promise little and deliver as much. Their ho-hum advertised speeds combined with unimpressive scores for time of day performance variability should make all of these the consumers’ last choice for broadband service if other options are available.
Some conclusions the FCC wants consumers to ponder:
For basic web-browsing and Voice-Over-IP, any provider should be adequate. Shop on price. Consumers should not overspend for faster tiers of service they will simply not benefit from all that much. Web pages loaded at similar speeds regardless of the speed tier chosen.
Video streaming benefits from consistent speeds and network reliability. Fiber and cable broadband usually deliver faster speeds that can ensure reliable high quality video streaming. DSL may or may not be able to keep up with our HD video future.
Temporary speed-boost technology provided by some cable operators is a useful gimmick. It can help render web pages and complete small file downloads faster. It can’t beat fiber’s consistently faster speeds, but can deliver a noticeable improvement over DSL.
More than 78,000 consumers volunteered to participate in the study and a total of approximately 9,000 consumers were selected as potential participants and were supplied with specially configured routers. The data in the report is based on a statistically selected subset of those consumers—approximately 6,800 individuals—and the measurements taken in their homes during March 2011. The participants in the volunteer consumer panel were recruited with the goal of covering ISPs within the U.S. across all broadband technologies, although only results from three major technologies—DSL, cable, and fiber-to-the-home—are reflected in the report.
Frontier Communications claims its expansive broadband deployment efforts in West Virginia will take the Mountain State from the bottom of the broadband barrel to the very top within a few years.
Dana Waldo, Frontier’s senior vice president and general manager, said the company has completely turned around landline and broadband service in West Virginia just over a year after Verizon Communications left the state.
In a wide-ranging radio interview with MetroNews, Waldo claims complaints are way down while DSL broadband deployment is way up. In just about a year, Frontier has expanded broadband to 76 percent of its West Virginia service area, adding 85,000 additional homes and businesses that previously had no access to wired broadband.
“We made a commitment to spend about $310 million, from the time of the transaction through 2013, to improve the network, to expand broadband across the state and for other capital improvements,” Waldo told MetroNews Talkline.
Frontier Communications’ Dana Waldo talks with MetroNews Talkline about phone and broadband service in West Virginia. July 19, 2011. (11 minutes)
You must remain on this page to hear the clip, or you can download the clip and listen later.
Currently, West Virginia ranks 47th in the United States for broadband access, mostly because large sections of the rural, mountainous state simply don’t have access to any provider. What access most do have, outside of major cities like Charleston, Huntington, Wheeling, and Parkersburg comes from telephone company-provided DSL. Verizon used to be the dominant provider in West Virginia, with Frontier providing service in limited areas. But after Verizon sold its operations in the state to Frontier, the independent telephone company is now the only telecommunications provider for many rural communities. For the majority of customers outside of the largest cities, Frontier markets DSL at speeds up to 3Mbps, hardly cutting-edge.
“When comparing broadband in states like New York or New Jersey with West Virginia… there is no comparison,” shares Stop the Cap! reader Steve who lives in Hempstead, N.Y., but owns a cabin outside of Beckley, W.V. “You can get Cablevision’s cable broadband at rocket ship speeds or Verizon FiOS fiber-to-the-home, which is even faster, in New York. For my neighbors and me in West Virginia, there is one choice – Frontier Communications’ DSL, which can manage 800kbps on a good day.”
“I almost drove off the road laughing as I listened to the sheer nonsense of Mr. Waldo’s empty promises,” Steve shares. “This company’s idea of broadband access is up to 3Mbps DSL while nearby states like Virginia and Pennsylvania are getting fiber or cable broadband speeds ten times faster. How he expects to make West Virginia a top-5 broadband state with their obsolete DSL is a question the gushing host never bothered to ask.”
Steve doesn’t think too many of his Mountain State neighbors are as excited as Mr. Waldo by Frontier.
“God help you if your line goes out, because they can take days to get around to fix it,” Steve says. “Waldo tries to sell you his possum pie with claims the company takes longer to effect repairs so they are ‘done right the first time,’ which is a real hoot considering all of the repeated outages customers experience.”
Steve doesn’t lay the blame entirely at Frontier, however, claiming Verizon fled the state after mangling their outdated landline network and keeping it running with electrical tape.
“Frontier bought into a real mess, and I’m sure they will eventually fix a lot of the problems Verizon didn’t ever care to fix, but that doesn’t make West Virginia a broadband nirvana — certainly not with Frontier’s DSL.”
While thousands of West Virginians continue to struggle without any broadband service, the state government is having trouble finding a way to spend up to $40 million in broadband stimulus money on institutional broadband projects that often already have cutting edge fiber networks.
State officials won $126 million in federal stimulus grant money last year, from which the state announced it would lay more than 2,400 miles of fiber optic cable to wire government offices, schools, and libraries. Now, a vocal critic says a combination of government waste, preferential treatment for the state’s largest phone company — Frontier Communications, and bad planning could leave up to $40 million of the grant money on the table, unspent for better broadband.
Jim Martin, president of business broadband provider Citynet, says the state overestimated the number of public facilities that need broadband improvements. Many of the facilities involved already have high speed service, and do not require additional infrastructure. As the grant expires, Martin says he would not be surprised if the state only managed to fund the installation of 300 miles of fiber.
Martin believes funds should be redirected to bolstering the state’s “middle mile” network — fiber infrastructure that would serve as an open network backbone to ensure capacity exists to support growing broadband demands in the state. Instead, Martin told the Charleston Gazette, the state has been spending money providing fiber broadband to small libraries with fewer than a dozen computers that are unlikely to have the resources to pay the monthly fees Frontier Communications will charge for the service.
“There’s no value to any of this to anyone but Frontier,” Martin said.
In fact, Martin believes many of the current projects funded by taxpayer dollars deliver enormous benefits to Frontier’s bottom line, but only incremental improvement to some institutional users.
Martin claims Frontier has, in some cases, only spent enough money to install fiber from the pole to the building. That assures Frontier of being the only provider that can deliver ongoing service to institutional users. Martin has a dog in this fight — his company competes with Frontier for business service contracts.
West Virginia's current broadband map shows large areas of the state have access to no broadband at all. (Olive color = No broadband.) (Click to enlarge)
Before the grant expires in February 2013, the state is hurrying to bolster its list of would-be recipients.
Jimmy Gianato, the state’s homeland security chief, said his office recently identified 330 additional “replacement locations” — higher education facilities, schools, health departments and state-owned hospitals — that could be eligible for the project, according to the newspaper.
Not on the list are individual consumers and small businesses who currently do not have access to any broadband service. One of the ongoing problems of broadband stimulus funding is that public funds are often available to bolster broadband for state and locally-owned institutions, such as government offices, health care facilities, schools and libraries, but no funding to improve infrastructure for individual broadband service for “last mile” users. This can result in Cadillac-style installations for small schools and libraries who win superb quality networks they ultimately cannot afford to operate on an ongoing basis. For most, that service would come from Frontier Communications.
Martin already accused the state of investing in more than 1,000 routers without being certain if they were needed or where they would be installed. At $20,000 each, Martin called the routers “Lamborghinis” and suggested they were largely unnecessary.
Nearly every week, phone companies like Frontier Communications are confronted with service outages that turn out to be more than just an errant gunshot that disrupted 911 service for hundreds of residents in Moses Lake, Washington. When repair crews arrive to find no cabling to repair, they realize it’s yet another case of copper theft — a problem plaguing economically challenged areas across the country.
Unfortunately for phone companies, copper theft remains a misdemeanor in many states, including West Virginia, one of the hardest hit by wire thieves that literally strip phone lines right off the phone poles as they drive by in the dead of night.
Scrap copper wire
An employee with Frontier Communications reported that on June 25 he received reports that the phone lines were out for residents along Paddle Creek Road near Fort Gay, W.V.
It apparently took two days for the employee to discover, on June 27, 800 feet of phone cable had been removed from a wooded area along the road. The value of the cable was estimated at $10,000. The annoyance value for customers left without basic phone service? Potentially more.
In St. Albans, nearly 400 Frontier customers were stripped of their landline service Friday when vandals cut a cable in a possible theft attempt. Frontier said the most vulnerable cables are often in the most remote and rural locations, and this cable qualified, requiring more than a day to repair and restore service.
But the impact of copper theft can be greater than phone service knocked out for a few hundred residents. In Kanawha County, West Virginia’s Department of Agriculture offices were left idle when the second copper theft in two months left their phone lines dead.
“We’re at a standstill,” said Gus Douglass, commissioner of agriculture. “It’s kind of ridiculous.”
[flv width=”480″ height=”380″] Huntington Copper Thieves Dep Ag 6-28-11.mp4[/flv]
WSAZ-TV in Huntington, W.V. covered the second straight outage of phone service for the West Virginia Dept. of Agriculture in two months. Copper thieves do strike twice in the same place. (2 minutes)
Frontier has complained that because copper thefts are often treated as a misdemeanor, offenders are skating with a small fine and little or no jail time. That makes repeat offenses likely, and risks for those just getting into the copper racket low.
Thieves are reselling the stolen copper for money. Copper has become a hot commodity, and thieves often earn hundreds, if not thousands of dollars, for a night’s work.
Frontier believes strengthening criminal penalties for copper thefts will do more to deter would-be thieves more than installing surveillance equipment.
Kanawha County Prosecutor Mark Plants seems to agree. His office is now charging offenders under a little-used state code that makes it a felony to disrupt telephone service. A felony conviction can bring substantial fines and multi-year prison sentences, especially for repeat offenders.
“There is a push […] towards maximizing a prison sentence for all of these criminals,” Plants told WSAZ-TV.
WSAZ-TV follows up on the copper theft outage that plagued the West Virginia Dept. of Agriculture with news of an arrest, and a demand for stronger penalties for copper thieves. (2 minutes)
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