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Time Warner Cable: Fix My Fence

Phillip Dampier August 23, 2011 Consumer News, Video Comments Off on Time Warner Cable: Fix My Fence

Corpus Christi resident Sonny Tristan wants Time Warner Cable to fix the fence he claims they damaged more than a year ago when the company installed cable service at his Texas home.

Tristan says the cable company dug a trench to install the underground cable wire, but didn’t complete the job, leaving his backyard fence unstable and threatening to fall down.

Even a cable company technician agreed it was Time Warner’s responsibility to fix the problem, but for weeks all he got was talk and no action.

Like so many cable and telephone company problems Stop the Cap! covers for consumers, public exposure by local or online media is what usually draws enough attention to get a supervisor involved to fix the problem.  This time, Tristan went to KZTV’s Troubleshooters to try and cut through the red tape.

After the station called Time Warner, repair crews quickly arrived with word they were going to fix the fence without further delay, at no charge.

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/KZTV Corpus Christi Troubleshooters Cable Company Damages Fence 8-17-11.flv[/flv]

Too often, media attention is the only effective way to cut through red tape that keeps cable and phone companies from fixing problems for customers.  KZTV in Corpus Christi reports it took their Troubleshooters team to get Time Warner out to fix a resident’s fence damaged by their installers.  (2 minutes)

Mediacom Lost 20,000 Video Customers in the Second Quarter

Phillip Dampier August 17, 2011 Consumer News, Mediacom Comments Off on Mediacom Lost 20,000 Video Customers in the Second Quarter

Mediacom, America’s eighth largest cable company, lost 20,000 video subscribers in the second quarter of 2011, joining a growing parade of cable companies reporting increased cord-cutting by customers who either cannot afford, or don’t need increasingly-costly cable TV service.

The cable operator, which largely serves small cities and suburban areas, has suffered from notoriously poor consumer ratings for several years, and some customers have apparently had enough.  Mediacom, which went private earlier this year, provided fewer details about its performance in its first quarter as a private company, but the information it did provide showed attempts to make up the losses with rate increases on remaining customers and increased revenue from phone and broadband sales, and Mediacom’s advertising business.

Three months ending June 30, 2011 March 31, 2011 June 30, 2010
Basic subscribers 634,000 654,000 677,000
High-speed data subscribers 470,000 469,000 447,000
Phone subscribers 177,000 175,000 168,000
Digital customers 415,000 421,000 394,000
Average monthly revenue per subscriber $113.75 $109.17 $104.16

The company’s customers in its strongholds in the southeastern and midwestern United States have been impacted hard by declining property values and high unemployment.  Impacted consumers are paring back expenses, and while they are keeping phone and broadband service, cable TV is increasingly being dropped.

Earlier conference calls with Mediacom company officials note an increasing number of customers are only being rescued when the company discounts the cost of the service as a customer retention tool.  The company has been hard selling its “VIP Pak” — a triple play package of cable TV, phone, and Internet for $90 a month, but it comes with lots of fine print: mandating a 24-month contract, a required subscription to HBO, and gradually increased rates after the first year.  Mediacom’s bundled offers lock in customers with two year contracts, but don’t protect them from periodic rate increases, which are automatically applied as implemented.

Customers looking for standalone broadband or a “double-play” will also find high prices, two-year contracts and early termination fees in their future:

  • Cable TV & Broadband: $79.90 for the first year, $99.90 for the second, with a $240 early termination fee
  • Cable TV: $49.95 for the first year, $64.95 for the second, with a $240 early termination fee
  • Broadband Only (12/1Mbps): $49.95 for the first year, $54.95 for the second, with a $240 early termination fee

Canada Moves to Digital TV: Canadian Pay TV Providers Move to Cash In

Two years after Americans dumped analog television in favor of digital over the air broadcasting, in just over two weeks many Canadians will discover their favorite free-TV signals gone from the analog airwaves forever.

Canada’s transition to digital TV will take a substantial step forward on Aug. 31st when many Canadian local television stations cease broadcasting in analog.  Canada’s pay television providers are taking full advantage of the transition, trying to persuade Canadians who watch their television signals over-the-air for free they will be better off paying for those signals going forward.

Part of the problem is that digital television signals, while “snow-free,” are not pixel-free in many areas distant from the transmitter.  As Americans in suburban locations discovered, those trusty indoor rabbit ears may be insufficient to receive an annoyance-free picture.

Digital television signals are not the nirvana some suggest.  The same passing vehicles and aircraft that caused wavy analog pictures or other interference can turn a digital picture into a frightfest of frozen picture blocks, digital raining pixels, and other effects that can make watching a difficult signal near impossible.

For Americans who thought the days of the external rooftop antenna were behind them, digital television changed all that, especially in more rural areas that could live with a slightly snowy analog picture, but found sub-optimal digital signals unwatchable.

Canada’s vast expanse, and its accompanying large network of low powered television repeater stations rebroadcasting signals from major stations in provincial capitals and large Canadian cities may prove to be an even greater reception challenge, especially in the Canadian Rockies and hilly terrain in eastern Canada.

Some Canadians experimenting with digital-to-analog converter boxes have found reception less practical than they originally thought.

Peter, a Stop the Cap! reader who lives near Oshawa, Ontario delivers some difficult news:

“Reception of digital signals from Toronto’s CN Tower has proved to be a lot more difficult in Oshawa than the existing analog signals,” Peter writes.  “We have no trouble getting truly local signals like CHEX-TV, which has a transmitter in analog serving Oshawa, but watching digital signals from Toronto really requires an outside antenna for good reception.”

Snow may be a thing of the past, but bad digital reception like this may be here to stay for many Canadian viewers.

Peter’s decision to erect a rooftop antenna opened the door to reception of analog and digital signals from Toronto and across Lake Ontario, where he can receive digital signals from some stations in Buffalo and Rochester, N.Y.  But it was an expense of several hundred dollars to get the work done.

“Cable and satellite companies are taking full advantage of the digital switch to try and get free-TV viewers to ‘upgrade’ to pay television, and they don’t hesitate to mention the expense and hassle of erecting rooftop antennas to guarantee good digital reception,” Peter says.

Peter can only imagine what digital reception will be like in the Canadian Rockies, where large networks of analog, mostly low-powered UHF transmitters deliver basic reception to important networks, especially CBC, outside of major cities.

“If you visit western Alberta or eastern B.C., good luck to you — we could barely watch over the air signals in most of the mountain towns,” Peter says. “Most people either have cable or satellite already.”

Not every television transmitter is scheduled to switch off analog service at the end of August.  Many rural areas are expected to retain analog signals for some time, in part because of the expense of digital conversion and concerns about reception quality.  But some areas, particularly near the U.S. border, are scheduled to drop analog signals regardless, potentially causing disruptions for plenty of free-TV viewers.  Ottawa is anxious to auction off the vacated frequencies for cell phone, Wi-Fi and wireless broadband use for an estimated $4 billion, and the demand is highest in cities along the U.S. border.

“As many as 1.4 million English-language viewers and 700,000 Francophone viewers may be left without a CBC signal,” Ian Morrison, spokesman for the non-profit Friends of Public Broadcasting, which monitors the CBC and promotes Canadian content on TV and radio told the Toronto Star. “For the most part, these are poorer and older people on fixed incomes who are of no interest to advertisers, but who rely for their news and connection to the community on the CBC, the nearest thing we have in this country to a public broadcaster.”

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission runs a website regarding the transition and includes a list of impacted television stations.  Canadian consumers who elect to purchase converter boxes for their analog televisions will pay full price for them — Ottawa has not followed Washington’s lead subsidizing their purchase with a coupon program.

Meanwhile, many pay television providers are running “digital TV upgrade” specials trying to get Canadians to walk away from free TV in favor of paid video packages:

Shaw Direct: Shaw’s direct to home satellite service has developed the best offer around for qualifying residents in 20 Canadian cities set to lose analog television: free service.

“The Local Television Satellite Solution is [for] households in 20 designated cities that have been receiving their television services over-the-air, and will lose over-the-air access to their local broadcaster because the analog transmitter is being shut down and will not be replaced by a digital transmitter,” a Shaw spokesperson told the Toronto Star. “Shaw will provide a household in a qualifying area with a free satellite receiver and dish that is authorized to receive a package of local and regionally relevant signals from Shaw Direct. There are no monthly programming fees provided that a household qualifies to participate in the program.”

The qualifying cities:

Barrie Fredericton Moncton Sherbrooke
Burmis Halifax Québec St John’s
Calgary Kitchener Saguenay Thunder Bay
Charlottetown Lethbridge Saint John Trois-Rivières
Edmonton London Saskatoon Windsor

For everyone else, Shaw Direct’s least expensive package is their Bronze – English Essentials tier which runs $41.99 a month.

Rogers Cable: Rogers is marketing a special package called Rogers Digital TV which offers up to 85 channels for $10.14 a month, which includes all fees.  Many of the channels are included for the first year as a teaser.  After that, customers are left with mostly local stations and filler (including — we’re not kidding — the Aquarium Channel, which shows exactly what you think it does.  Remember, this is the same cable company that brought you the Swiss Chalet Rotisserie Channel.)

“It’s a fine way to get people used to paying for television, and Rogers introductory price is sure to increase at some point,” suspects Peter.  “Maybe you can save a few dollars using those Swiss Chalet meal coupons, though.”

Telus: Western Canada’s largest phone company doesn’t offer much, in comparison.  A basic package of Telus IPTV over your phone line — Optik TV — starts at $41 a month for the first six months.  Telus Satellite TV starts at $38.27 a month, for the first half of a year.  Prices run higher after that.  The most Telus will toss in is a $50 credit for a customer referral from a friend or family member.

Look on the bright side: When you pay for Rogers Cable, you can finally get to watch The Rotisserie Channel. The spinning chickens are waiting for you, in digital clarity, 24 hours a day on Ch. 208.

Bell: Another phone company with not a whole lot on offer.  Bell’s basic service, which includes TV stations from the U.S. and Canada, starts at $33.50 a month.

Videotron: Quebec’s largest cable company is pitching a combo mini-pack with basic service for $21.29 a month and a required extra channel package starting at $11.17 a month.  That’s around $33 a month.

Can you watch online?  The CRTC says you may find many of your favorite shows available online for free viewing, but includes the important caveat: most Canadian ISP’s engage in classic Internet Overcharging schemes that include a monthly usage allowance that will curtail substantial online viewing.  It should come as little surprise most of the providers in the pay television business in Canada also happen to be the largest Internet Service Providers as well.

About 93 percent of Canadians currently receive television from some form of pay television provider — cable, telco TV, or satellite, according to the CBC.  But some of the 7 percent who do not are at risk of losing Canada’s public broadcaster after the conversion.  While CBC owns most of the stations and transmitters it broadcasts from, it also affiliates with private stations in certain cities where it does have its own presence.

Come Sept. 1, no over-the-air CBC signals of any kind will be transmitted from London and Kitchener-Waterloo in Ontario; Sherbrooke, Chicoutimi, Quebec City and Trois-Rivières in Quebec; Saint John and Moncton in New Brunswick; Saskatoon, Sask., and Lethbridge, Alta.  These are all cities where private stations provided CBC service.  Viewers in these areas will need a pay television subscription, or simply go without.

For some of those already subscribing to cable, Sept. 1 also signals the end of some of their favorite stations, as CRTC requires cable providers to prioritize local stations over more distant ones.  In southeastern Ontario, for example, a number of viewers will lose access to CBLT, Toronto’s CBC station, and CFTO, Toronto’s CTV affiliate, in favor of “more local” stations in Kingston, Ottawa, and Peterborough.

Time Warner Cable Acquires Insight Communications for $3 Billion – $1B Below Asking Price

Phillip Dampier August 15, 2011 Consumer News 1 Comment

Time Warner Cable’s position as second largest cable company in the United States got some beefing up this morning with news it was acquiring 750,000 subscribers from Insight Communications in Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio for $3 billion dollars in an all-cash deal.

That’s $1 billion less than asked by seller-owner Carlyle Group, which has been shopping the tenth largest cable operator around for months.

For many Insight subscribers, it means another new owner.  Most of Insight’s customers have been cobbled together from other cable systems, including Tele-Communications, Inc., AT&T Cable, Comcast, and even a few former Time Warner service areas.  For the past several years, Insight has been run under the ownership of equity investment firm Carlyle Group, which has treated it as an investment, waiting to be sold off to the highest bidder.  In 2007, Carlyle found no buyers willing to meet their asking price, and it appeared this year’s negotiations were headed in the same direction, as Time Warner Cable (among others) dismissed the $4 billion asking price as overpriced.

But this year, Carlyle apparently was unwilling to hold on to their investment, and according to an insider, quickly called Time Warner Cable after other potential bidders including WideOpen West, Mediacom Communications, Cablevision and Charter Cable dropped out.  Time Warner Cable repeated their offer of an all-cash purchase of $3 billion, and Carlyle accepted.

With the acquisition, Insight’s brand will eventually be dropped in favor of Time Warner Cable, who expects to realize $100 million in “cost savings” from bulk programming purchase deals and cost cutting measures.  Time Warner Cable also gets to realize tax benefits when it inherits Insight’s heavy net losses of $300 million, which will reduce the larger cable operator’s tax liabilities.

For customers, programming lineup changes are unlikely, and Insight already is aggressively deploying DOCSIS 3 for its broadband customers.  Time Warner is likely to realign Insight’s broadband packages closer to standard Road Runner packages.  Insight currently sells 10/1, 20/1.5, 30/3, and 50/5Mbps service.  Time Warner Cable routinely sells 10/1, 15/1, 30/5, and 50/5Mbps service in most DOCSIS 3-enabled service areas.

Time Warner’s acquisition of Insight bolsters its earlier purchase this year of cable properties in Kentucky and Tennessee formerly owned by another midwestern cable operator — NewWave Communications.

Comcast’s Welfare Internet: 1.5Mbps for $9.95 a Month… If You Qualify… for 3 Years

One of the conditions Comcast had to agree to as part of its multi-billion dollar deal to acquire NBC-Universal was to throw a bone to some of America’s poorest households by offering discount Internet access for three years.  Comcast agreed and is rolling out low-speed Internet at a discount in time for the upcoming school year.

“Comcast Internet Essentials,” is the ultimate in bare-bones Internet.  For $9.95 a month, customers in Comcast service areas will get 1.5Mbps download speed and 384kbps upstream, with the usual 250GB usage limit Comcast applies to everyone.  But not just anyone can qualify.  Comcast has limited the program only to households with at least one child qualified to receive free (not discounted) school lunches under the National School Lunch Program.  So if your income-challenged household doesn’t include children, or you pay for your own school lunches, you are out of luck.

Comcast is also denying access to anyone who has had any level of Comcast Internet service within the last 90 days.  So if you’ve scraped enough money together to pay Comcast’s regular prices, the cable company is not going to give you a break.

If your kids graduate or are removed from the school lunch program, your inexpensive Internet service goes with it.

If you have been late on a Comcast bill, or owe the company for unreturned cable equipment, you also cannot receive the service.

The company will also provide vouchers for a “discounted laptop” for $150 — a computer that turns out to be a netbook.  At least it comes with Windows 7 (Starter Edition).

Comcast requires would-be customers to start with an application, available by phone, at 1-855-8-INTERNET (1-855-846-8376).  The merger approval agreement required Comcast to provide the service for three years.  Guess what happens to it when the requirement ends.  No matter — Comcast is turning the entire affair to its public relations advantage, showing up on various media outlets promoting the program as if Comcast thought it up on its own.  Not quite.  We have three questions:

  1. How many consumers would sign up for the service if Comcast offered $9.95 1.5Mbps to anyone who wanted it?
  2. How many might consider downgrading their current service for something less expensive, especially if they are only interested in occasional web browsing?
  3. Will the “digital divide” Comcast decries today be magically gone at the end of three years, when they quietly drop the program?

[flv width=”360″ height=”290″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/KRIV Houston Comcast Internet Essentials 8-8-11.mp4[/flv]

KRIV-TV in Houston explores the various conditions Comcast places on its Internet Essentials program.  (2 minutes)

[flv width=”512″ height=”308″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/CNN Low Cost Internet 8-10-11.flv[/flv]

Comcast’s David Cohen appeared on CNN promoting Comcast’s Internet Essentials as a way to “bridge the digital divide” — a disparity of access American ISP’s originally created with their excessively high-priced Internet services. (3 minutes)

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