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Mediacom vs. Sinclair: Consumers Stuck In The Middle As Companies Fight For Your Money

Phillip Dampier December 18, 2009 Mediacom, Video 2 Comments

One way or another consumers will pay more for their Mediacom cable service in 2010.  The undecided question is will Sinclair-owned television stations get a chunk of your wallet or will Mediacom keep it all for themselves.

Weary Mediacom customers have been through this battle before.  For the second time in three years, residents of Des Moines, Iowa face the prospect of losing access to their local Fox station, owned by Sinclair.

The ads are up and running.

[flv width=”360″ height=”287″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Mediacom WEAR Ad.flv[/flv]

Mediacom is running this spot, customized for each city impacted by the dispute, comparing Sinclair’s demands as another “bailout.”  This one is running in the Pensacola-Mobile market, where station WEAR is threatened with removal from Mediacom’s lineup.

Sinclair is demanding another price increase from the cable operator and Mediacom has a history of playing hardball and refusing to pay.  If the two sides don’t reach agreement by December 31st, 22 Sinclair-owned stations in communities served by Mediacom will be taken off the cable lineup.

Viewers aren’t happy, especially because they do not get a reduced bill from the cable company for the reduced channel lineup that results.

Both sides are waging campaigns to try and get viewers into the fight.  But in the end, it’s a battle of two corporate titans fighting over their portion of your money.

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/KCCI Des Moines Mediacom Sinclair Exchange Strong Words 1-23-07.flv[/flv]

Back in January, 2007 Mediacom customers spent five weeks without Sinclair-owned television stations on their cable dial.  A nasty exchange between Sinclair and Mediacom was documented in this report aired by KCCI-TV Des Moines back on January 23, 2007.   (3 minutes)

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/KCCI Des Moines Mediacom Loses Customers 5-4-07.flv[/flv]

The fallout from the 2007 dispute could be measured by disgusted customers who fled Mediacom for other providers, as KCCI found on May 4, 2007. (2 minutes)

[flv width=”512″ height=”308″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WHO Des Moines Sinclair vs Mediacom 12-15-09.flv[/flv]

WHO-TV Des Moines covers today’s dispute impacting Mediacom and the city’s Fox affiliate. (2 minutes)

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/KDSM Des Moines Mediacom vs Sinclair 12-17-09.flv[/flv]

KDSM-TV Des Moines is the Sinclair-owned Fox affiliate.  The station covers its own dilemma, warning viewers they might lose the station for the second time in three years.  (3 minutes)

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/KFXA Cedar Rapids Mediacom Sinclair Dispute in Iowa 12-17-09.flv[/flv]

In Cedar Rapids, Sinclair’s KFXA-TV covers the dispute with a decidedly pro-Sinclair point of view. (3 minutes)

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WEAR Pensacola Sinclair Mediacom Dispute 12-16-09.flv[/flv]

WEAR-TV in Pensacola, Florida spends a great deal less “news time” covering the dispute. WEAR is the Sinclair-owned ABC affiliate for the Florida Panhandle. (30 seconds)

Could NBC Now Be History? Comcast Completes Offer for NBC-Universal – May Drop ‘NBC’ Name

ceg_logoComcast Corporation has completed its offer for NBC-Universal and they accepted in an early morning press conference unveiling a deal that had been privately rumored for months.  Comcast will assume 51% control of NBC-Universal, with NBC-owner GE controlling the remaining 49% stake.

The combined entity, to be known as Comcast Entertainment Group, will bring Comcast-owned media into the home of every American, even those not served by Comcast Cable.

Although company officials said little would change immediately, Comcast has not ruled out dropping the legacy ‘NBC’ brand down the road.  Broadcasting & Cable noted the company may be hinting at its intentions through its domain name registrations.  The trade publication reported Comcast’s registrar locked ComcastNBCU.com and NBCUComcast.com in mid-October, but returned and registered ComcastEntertainment.com ten days later.

Brian Roberts, CEO of Comcast Corporation, joked that NBC’s fourth place position among the major American broadcast networks might “get in the way” of recognizing NBC-Universal’s cable networks, which he characterized as “fantastic.”  Perhaps a change of NBC, which stands for the National Broadcasting Company, to Comcast Entertainment Network might change that perception?

Changes like that, and the implication of renaming a major American network after what most Americans recognize as a cable company has brought significant unease among some examining the scope of the transaction.

Comcast CEO Brian Roberts

Comcast CEO Brian Roberts

Comcast Entertainment Group will control a major American broadcast network, Telemundo – a major American Spanish-language broadcast network, Comcast Cable, the nation’s largest cable system operator, several cable networks, 27 GE-owned television stations in major American cities, a large number of regional sports networks, and more.  It also manages broadband service for nearly 16 million Comcast customers.

Stifel Nicolaus telcom analysts Rebecca Arbogast and David Kaut warned potential investors this deal has a lengthy and difficult regulatory review waiting for it in Washington, DC: “We would expect scrutiny of the transaction’s impact on program access, program carriage and retransmission consent, as well as local TV advertising, broadcast-network affiliate arrangements, program bundling, broadband/Internet video and network neutrality and possibly other issues, including cable pricing…broadband service, labor concerns, spectrum and privacy.”

The dealmakers recognized the challenges and started throwing voluntary concessions to concerned groups.  Unimpressed Comcast shareholders got a bone thrown their way — a surprise 40% increase in their dividend, in hopes that will quiet shareholder unease.

Comcast also sent letters to regulatory officials promising NBC will remain a free, over the air broadcast network and not be converted into a cable-only channel.

The cable operator will also add additional independently-owned cable networks to its lineup to quiet concerns it might favor its own cable networks.  Of course, whether customers want to watch and pay for those channels is another matter.

Finally, Spanish language services from Telemundo and other channels will receive enhanced free on-demand cable viewing options in cities where Telemundo is seen over-the-air.

For broadband users, the deal means Comcast gets a seat at the table of online video provider Hulu.  NBC-Universal was a major proponent of the online video service which gives broadband users free access to broadcast and cable programming.

That deeply concerns Andrew Schwartzman, president and CEO of Media Access Project.  He’s concerned about the enormous market power Comcast Entertainment will have.

nbc_universal“I am especially concerned about the effects the merger would have on evolving technologies for delivering video over the Internet….I also expect a great deal of opposition from the private sector, since the merger has anti-competitive implications for local TV stations, independent cable programmers, advertisers, internet video entrepreneurs and many other businesses,” he told The Hill.  Both Media Access Project and Free Press have called on regulators to reject the deal.

“The American public doesn’t want a media behemoth controlling the programming they watch and how they can access it,” said Josh Silver , executive director of Free Press. “If Washington allows this deal to go through, Comcast will have unprecedented control of marquee content and three major distribution platforms: Internet, broadcast and cable. We’ve never seen this kind of consolidated control.”

[flv width=”596″ height=”356″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/NBC Today Show Announces Comcast Deal 12-03-09.flv[/flv]

This morning’s Today show on NBC briefly reviewed the deal and what it means for consumers (1 minute)

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/CNBC Parsing the Comcast NBC Deal Craig Moffett 12-03-09.flv[/flv]

Sanford Bernstein’s Craig Moffett talks with CNBC about why many telecom sector analysts are underwhelmed by the Comcast-NBC deal (3 minutes)


p style=”text-align: center;”>

GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt and Comcast CEO Craig Roberts join CNBC’s David Faber for an in-depth discussion about the transaction and the changing media business. (28 minutes)

Learn more about NBC’s broadcast operations impacted by this deal below.

… Continue Reading

Rogers Introduces ‘On Demand Online,’ But Effectively Rations Your Use With Usage Caps

Phillip Dampier November 24, 2009 Canada, Data Caps, Online Video, Rogers 4 Comments

rogersRogers Communications wants you to watch television on your broadband service, but not too much.  The Canadian cable company’s On Demand Online service was previewed Monday at a media event with plans for a public launch on November 30.

On Demand Online will showcase specific television shows as well as the entire lineup of certain channels.  The service has more than a dozen partner networks providing programming, among them TVOntario, Treehouse, Citytv, SuperChannel, and Sportsnet.

Premium programming will be available to Rogers subscribers who also receive those networks as part of their cable television package.  No cable TV package?  No access for you.  (Update: Rogers says it will offer the service to customers of any Rogers service.)  For now, company officials say the service will be available for no additional charge, but will be ad-supported.  Using On Demand Online will count against your usage cap/consumption billing allowance.  The service offers two speeds for viewing – a low resolution 480kbps feed and a higher resolution 1Mbps feed.  Rogers intends to increase the quality of the high resolution service to 2-2.5Mbps in the near future.

Rogers rations your online TV experience with usage allowances that make sure you don't spend too much time online watching shows you should be viewing on your Rogers cable TV service.

Rogers rations your online TV experience with usage allowances that make sure you don't spend too much time online watching shows you should be viewing on your Rogers cable TV service.

Rogers’ usage allowances, a part of their well-established Internet Overcharging scheme, will make it difficult for those already spending a lot of time online to enjoy the service.  Watching the current high speed, higher resolution feed could exceed 1GB of usage in just over two hours according to Digital Home.  That drops in half when Rogers upgrades the quality of the feed.

Customers who blow through their allowance face overlimit penalties and fees on their next bill.

Qualified subscribers will access the service through Rogers’ broadband web portal using established account names and passwords.  While the service will work “on-the-go,” Rogers says it will be keeping an eye out for password sharing and will also impose any viewing limitations required by content producers.  That could mean what is okay to watch in Ontario is not okay in Alberta, due to licensing issues.

Stop the Cap! reader Ibrahim in Toronto wonders how Rogers expects to get a lot of customers excited about a service that will help erode their monthly usage allowance.

“Isn’t is fascinating that Rogers wants to effectively charge you for every hour you watch online when you’ve already paid for the channel on your monthly cable bill?  What’s next, a meter on top of the television set demanding a quarter for every 15 minutes of viewing?” he asks.

Susan in North York wonders why she’ll have to pay for every ad.

“When I read about this service, I thought we were finally going to get something like Hulu here in Canada, but with usage-based billing, who is going to use up their allowance watching shows with ads all over them — ads I am now going to pay to watch,” she wonders.  “I guess it’s newsgroups for me — I can download my shows without ads and pay less.”

While the program content can be fast-forwarded or rewound, commercial advertisements on the service cannot be skipped or hurried through.  Initially, the service is expected to show just one ad per program, but Rogers intends to eventually run the same number of ads consumers would find if watching the program live on television.  With up to 12 minutes of advertising per hour, that also helps slowly eat away your monthly allowance.

What are the monthly usage allowances for Rogers Hi-Speed Internet service?

Ultra Lite – 2 GB
Lite – 25 GB
Express – 60 GB
Extreme  – 95 GB
Extreme Plus – 125 GB

Please note: The grandfathered Ultra Lite and Lite monthly usage allowance is 60 GB. Also, Rogers Portable Internet and dial-up services do not have usage allowances at this time.

Will I be charged if I go beyond my monthly usage allowance?

Yes. If you exceed your monthly usage allowance, you will be charged as follows:

Ultra Lite – $5.00/GB to a maximum of $25.00
Lite – $2.50/GB to a maximum of $25.00
Express – $2.00/GB to a maximum of $25.00
Extreme – $1.50/GB to a maximum of $25.00
Extreme Plus – $1.25/GB to a maximum of $25.00

Please note: the grandfathered Ultra Lite over-allowance fee is $5.00/GB with no maximum, and the grandfathered Lite over-allowance fee is $3.00/GB with no maximum.

Phone & Cable Companies: Install Fiber-to-the-Home Using Your Existing Cable – Buckeye Cable Upgrades Without Rewiring

Phillip Dampier November 16, 2009 Buckeye, Competition, Video 4 Comments

buckeyeAre you a cable or telephone company scared of the costs associated with tearing out existing underground or overhead copper-based wiring to upgrade to fiber optics?

Why bother going through all of that effort when you can just yank the old copper wire out and push state-of-the-art fiber cable in.

Buckeye CableSystem, a Toledo, Ohio cable operator intends to do just that, using a process invented by an Austrian company, Kabel-X.

Buckeye will inject a Kabel-X supplied fluid between the outer jacket and the inner core of the cable.  This allows the cable company to pull the copper center conductor and the insulating material right out of the center of the cable, leaving plenty of space to insert new fiber optic cables, without having to tear up streets, get permission from local zoning authorities to string new cable, or go through the expense of completely replacing it.

Better known in Europe, where the process has been used throughout the continent, Kabel-X is now making inroads in North America with small scale projects with companies like Buckeye.  Kabel-X has been particularly attractive in eastern Europe, where the process is more affordable than complete cable replacement.  With more limited budgets, re-using existing cable already in place provides an attractive alternative.

Buckeye CableSystem in Toledo

Buckeye CableSystem in Toledo

The company claims it can replace up to 1000 feet of existing coaxial cable with fiber in as little as three hours.

Buckeye intends to experiment with the technology in a Toledo subdivision to see how well it works.

The one major downside to using Kabel-X is that service is typically interrupted while the cable work is being done.  Should something go wrong, customers could be left entirely without service, a prospect that mandates small scale experiments to train cable engineering crews to work speedily and efficiently, and prove the technology can work well in a variety of conditions.

“We see the Kabel-X technology as an innovative tool that will allow us to cost effectively deploy a fiber-to-the-home architecture in areas currently served by a traditional hybrid fiber coax network,” Buckeye Cablevision chief technology officer Joe Jensen said.

Buckeye’s efforts to upgrade to true fiber-to-the-home service may come as a response to AT&T’s U-verse service, which began competing for Toledo customers about a year ago.  Buckeye has 150,000 subscribers in the Toledo area, and remains the largest pay television operator, but U-verse is positioned to steal away some of those customers over time.

Buckeye’s cable broadband service, bex-Buckeye Express, offers customers up to 20Mbps service, if you opt to subscribe to other Buckeye services.


The company’s Acceptable Use Policy indicates they do not impose limits on usage at this time, but curiously do admit to throttling the speed of peer-to-peer traffic and dynamically reducing speeds for customers who are considered “high bandwidth users” during peak demand periods.  Both of these seemed to get Comcast into hot water with the Federal Communications Commission.


Buckeye uses reasonable network management techniques to improve overall network performance and reserves the right to employ additional techniques as necessary or desirable. Some applications, including certain peer-to-peer applications, can consume inordinately high amounts of bandwidth on the network and degrade network performance. Buckeye’s current network management techniques include:

Speed Caps – limiting the speeds that a modem can transmit or receive data. Buckeye may lower the transmission rate or reception rate of high bandwidth users during times of high network demand. This may slow the transmission or reception rate for affected modems.

Connection Limits – limiting the number of simultaneous connections for any modem during an online session. With a typical user having a dozen or so simultaneous connections for routine use, this limit provides a means of identifying and hopefully thwarting malicious attempts to harm the network or other users. This limit is currently set well above the number of connections used by typical user in a session.

Application-based Rate Limiting– limiting transmission speed of certain high bandwidth applications. Some applications, typically peer-to-peer applications, can consume large amounts of bandwidth, often without the knowledge of the user/customer. By limiting the portion of the network capacity available for these applications during periods of high traffic, Buckeye is able to improve the overall performance of the network for all users. Transmission of traffic subject to this technique may be slower during periods of high network usage.

[flv width=”480″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Kabel-X Demo.flv[/flv]

Watch the Kabel-X process at work in this company-produced demonstration video. (7 minutes)

Auburn, Alabama Approves Knology Application to Build Competing Cable Company

Auburn, Alabama

Auburn, Alabama

Residents of Auburn, Alabama will one day have a choice for cable television service.  Incumbent cable company, Charter Cable, which has been in bankruptcy, will eventually face competition from Knology, a cable “overbuilder” servicing more than a dozen cities in the southeastern U.S.

The Auburn City Council unanimously agreed Tuesday night to begin a non-exclusive cable franchise agreement with Knology, based in West Point, Georgia.  The cable company already serves several other Alabama communities including Dothan, Huntsville, Lanett, Montgomery, and Valley, and expects approval to construct a system in nearby Opelika shortly.

The decision to bring competition to the city of 56,000 was an easy one because residents demanded more choice:

“Thank goodness this has finally happened.  It is time that people in this area had a choice regarding their cable.  Charter has provided poor customer service as well as poor cable and internet service for years.  I am surprised that my internet has stayed up long enough for me to type this!” — psych1

This makes my day, now all we need is for satellite to have rights to the local channels and we’ll truly have the competition and choice we deserve…this is a huge step though!” — Matt

I will dump Charter the second Knology is here.” — lp95

Now we just need this in Opelika. I hate Charter with all my being.” — jackburnt

“Thank Goodness!  Charter is surely the worst cable company in history. I hope nobody reading this fell for their BS “contract” pricing lately.  They knew this was coming and tried to tie folks down for at least another year. This is truly a victory for the people of Auburn.” — tboone

“I am glad to see competition is coming in,” Ward 1 council member Arthur L. Dowdell told the Opelika-Auburn News. “I wish there was more coming in.”

One question remains on the table — When will Knology commence service in the area?

Chad S. Wachter, general counsel for Knology, said he didn’t know when Knology will be available for city residents.

“We’ll provide those answers with the city when we get them,” he said.

Ward 7 council member Gene Dulaney, the News noted, encouraged Wachter to build as fast as possible.

Charter Cable representatives followed the usual playbook cable operators use when competition is imminent.

Skip James, Charter’s director of government relations, addressed the council during citizens’ communications to express the company’s support for competition.

“We competed with Knology in the past and we will continue to in the future,” he said.

KnologyLogoKnology provides customers with cable television, telephone and broadband services.  Most of their systems offer broadband at around 8Mbps and there doesn’t appear to be a limit.  Knology is quietly upgrading their systems to DOCSIS 3 to provide “wideband” service, cable’s designated turn of phrase for next generation broadband speeds.  But the company is also following a familiar pattern of not spending the money to upgrade where competitive pressure doesn’t exist.

Knology chairman and CEO Rodger Johnson told investors during a 1st quarter 2009 earnings call that the company was prepared to upgrade, but isn’t going to jump the gun.

“We are enabling our markets to deliver Docsis 3.0 when we decide the time is right to push the trigger,” Johnson said. “A very expensive piece of that proposition is the transition of the cable modems to 3.0 cable modems. We will make that move at the time that we’re feeling competitive pressures to move to a 3.0 environment, but not until that time.”

Johnson should be careful about waiting too long.  Pinellas County is one of Knology’s service areas in Florida, and it has Verizon FiOS and Bright House Networks fighting for customers in an upgrade war Knology cannot win with slower broadband.

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Knology – Choices Ad.mp4[/flv]


p style=”text-align: center;”>Knology “Choices” Ad (30 seconds)

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