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Charter Cable Increasing Broadband Speeds, But You’ll Hit Their Caps Faster

Phillip Dampier November 21, 2011 Broadband Speed, Charter Spectrum, Consumer News, Data Caps 5 Comments

Charter Cable is upgrading its broadband service to deliver free speed upgrades, but with the company’s Internet Overcharging-usage cap scheme in place, some customers are not impressed.

“We plan to streamline Charter Internet options to: Lite, Express, Plus, and Ultra,” Charter social media rep “Eric” wrote on the Broadband Reports‘ Charter customer forum. “Current Max customers will be able to move to a different level of Internet Service.”

The company’s boosted speeds (prices vary in different markets):

  • Charter Lite: 1Mbps/128kbps → Unknown ($19.99) 100GB limit
  • Charter Express: 12/1Mbps → 15/3Mbps ($44.99) 100GB limit
  • Charter Plus: 18/2Mbps → 30/4Mbps ($54.99) 250GB limit
  • Charter Max: 25/3Mbps → Discontinued ($69.99) 250GB limit
  • Charter Ultra: 60/5Mbps → 100/5Mbps ($99.99-109.99) 500GB limit

Charter has usage caps on all of its residential broadband service plans, but Stop the Cap! readers tell us they are not always enforced.  No overlimit fees are charged.  No announcements have been made about any changes to the existing usage limits.  Some Charter Max customers tell us they are using the speed upgrades an an excuse to downgrade to the cheaper Plus plan, which is faster and $15 less a month, with the same 250GB usage cap.  Customers who absolutely won’t tolerate a usage limit have to upgrade to commercial-grade service, which is considerably more expensive.  Lower speed plans run about $80 a month in many areas, but are unlimited.

“I’m glad to discover faster upload speeds, which I’ve waited for a long time, but I’d rather have no usage limits to worry about instead of faster speeds,” shares Stop the Cap! reader and Charter customer Paul McNeil.  “My problem with these faster speeds is that you can’t use them for too long.  Why buy a luxury race car you can only drive down the street?”

Light users who use the Internet primarily for e-mail or web page browsing rarely require more than the most budget-priced broadband package because high speeds do not deliver a significantly improved user experience.  But those who use the Internet for higher-bandwidth applications including video, downloading, certain online games, and file backup do benefit the most from high speed packages.  But when providers slap usage limits on them, the value erodes away.

“Why spend more for less?” asks McNeil. “Two years ago there were no limits and I honestly received more value from my Charter Internet service then over what I have to deal with now.”

Low Income $9.95 Internet Coming to Time Warner, Cox, and Charter… If You Qualify


The cable industry is expanding so-called “lifeline Internet service” to more households in an effort to combat what a government agency calls “a persistent digital divide.”

Next spring, Time Warner Cable, Cox, and Charter Communications will launch low-speed Internet service for $9.95 a month for two years.  The offers will echo Comcast’s Internet Essentials, which launched earlier this year as part of a deal with the government to win approval of the cable company’s merger with NBC-Universal.

The Federal Communications Commission calls the effort “Connect to Compete,” and suggests the public-private initiative will help rural Americans and low-income minorities get affordable Internet access. A study by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration found just 55% of black households and 57% of Hispanics currently subscribe to broadband.  More than 72% of Caucasian households and more than 81% of Asian homes use broadband by comparison.  The rural southern states of Mississippi (52%), Arkansas (52%) and Alabama (56%) have the lowest broadband penetration rates in the country.  In contrast, more than 80% of Utah residents have broadband in their homes.

“In this difficult economy, we need everyone to be working together on solutions,” FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski said. “Broadband is a key to economic and educational opportunity and these kinds of commitments to close the digital divide are powerful.”

But not every poverty-stricken American will qualify for the discount programs.

Cable operators are following Comcast’s lead, restricting access to families with at least one school age child enrolled in the free school lunch program.  Customers must not have existing broadband service during the last 90 days and customers with past due balances cannot sign up.  Don’t have children or fell behind on your cable bill?  No discount Internet for you.

Pilot programs will be launched by each operator in around a dozen cities total starting next spring, with plans to roll programs out nationally by the start of the 2012 school year.  Broadband speeds, usage limits, and other fees were not disclosed.  Comcast’s Internet Essentials operates at 1.5Mbps with upload speeds up to 384kbps.

Comcast’s program sells a netbook computer loaded with Windows 7 Starter Edition for around $150.  The $250 computers expected to be provided by Microsoft will include Windows 7 Home Premium operating system and Microsoft Office.  An additional vendor will sell refurbished computers to interested program participants for around $150.

The program will primarily reach urban residents who cannot afford current Internet service plans that are sold for $40-45 a month.  Rural residents are unlikely to benefit much because most cable operators do not deliver service in rural areas.

CenturyLink announced its own version of discounted DSL Internet in October to sell for $9.95 a month, but with numerous “gotcha” fees and surcharges.

One group unlikely to take advantage of the program: older householders, particularly those ages 65 and older, where just 45% have broadband at home.  The biggest reason the rest don’t?  They don’t believe they need the Internet at any cost.

At Least One-Third of Great Britain Now Has Access to 100Mbps Broadband

Phillip Dampier November 7, 2011 British Telecom, Broadband Speed, Competition, Virgin Media (UK) Comments Off on At Least One-Third of Great Britain Now Has Access to 100Mbps Broadband

While you plod along with 3Mbps DSL service, an increasing number of British broadband users can now buy speeds up to 100Mbps.  Those speeds come increasingly from the deployment of fiber optics by cable competitor Virgin Media, which now reaches over 20 million residents with fiber-fast service.

The latest regions to be enabled for 100Mbps service include Harborne in Birmingham, Lincoln, Seven Kings in Greater London and Solihull.  Virgin said it will complete the roll out of 100Mbps service across the entire Virgin network by the middle of next year.

Virgin has attacked some of its competitors for promising fast speeds but never delivering them.  Oversold ADSL service has been an issue for many British households who are promised speeds of 10Mbps or better, only to discover speeds slowing to a crawl during peak usage periods.  Virgin says its fiber network has a level of capacity unprecedented in the United Kingdom and it can actually deliver sustained speeds to its customers day or night.

Efforts by British Telecom to improve its network are progressing with a fiber-to-the-neighborhood expansion project to handle increasing demand.  BT’s fiber network ends at street-side cabinets, where traditional copper telephone wiring delivers broadband to individual homes.  But BT’s broadband speeds are faster than what North Americans can purchase from similar networks like AT&T U-verse and Bell’s Fibe.  Current top speeds of 40/10Mbps have been declared inadequate, so the British phone company is planning to double them by early next year.

Faster speeds are always welcomed by customers.  Virgin notes over half of their customers purchase speeds of 30Mbps or faster.  BT’s move to supply 80/20Mbps broadband to customers will help keep the phone company competitive.

“It will provide a further boost for local businesses and homeworkers as well as families and other people for whom the internet has become an essential part of their daily lives – whether it’s for leisure, education or business,” said Brendan Dick, director of BT Scotland.

Windstream Disappoints Investors, Landline Customers Continue to Flee, But Speeds Are Up

Phillip Dampier November 7, 2011 Broadband Speed, Competition, Online Video, Rural Broadband, Windstream Comments Off on Windstream Disappoints Investors, Landline Customers Continue to Flee, But Speeds Are Up

Windstream disappointed Wall Street Friday when it reported a 16 percent income drop for the third quarter of the year, surprising investors who expected more from the Little Rock, Ark. phone company.

Windstream is attempting a makeover as it attempts to shed its image as a residential landline service provider for brighter prospects delivering business telecommunications services.  But shareholders weren’t impressed as company officials noted the company has increased spending on capital projects like data centers and wiring cell phone towers with fiber optics and the $840 million acquisition of Fairport, N.Y.-based PAETEC Holding Corporation.

Most of Windstream’s successes are tied to the company’s business products and services.  The company reported growth selling advanced Internet products to corporate customers, including virtual LAN services and dedicated Internet access.  A considerable amount of the company’s Internet revenue growth is coming from data center services such as webhosting and wireless backhaul circuits sold to cell phone providers.

Windstream’s residential customers can be split into two groups: traditional landline users who are increasingly disconnecting their service and those who are buying DSL service to accompany their existing phone line.  Windstream reported another 4.6% of their residential customers permanently disconnected service this year.  Windstream’s largely rural customer base has remained more loyal and the company added an additional 8,000 DSL customers during the quarter, a growth of 4.4%.  Windstream’s penetration rate for broadband among their landline customers is 65%.

Keeping broadband customers loyal to DSL requires regular service improvements to avoid customer poaching by cable competitors, and Windstream is attempting to keep up with a $40 million investment to improve broadband speeds, including the introduction of advanced VDSL service in selected areas.


“We increased broadband speeds to residential and business customers that can now offer 12Mbps service to over 40% of our footprint and 24Mbps service in our most competitive markets,” said Windstream chief operating officer Brent K. Whittington. “We expanded our Raleigh data center to increase the floor space by 10,000 square feet to keep up with the rapidly growing customer base and demand for cloud-based services.”

Whittington notes customers that hunger for faster broadband speeds are using them largely to watch online video, and Windstream has begun marketing campaigns targeting video-hungry customers.  Customers using the Internet for basic web browsing and e-mail are not very interested in paying more for faster service, however.

“Customers still don’t want to pay incrementally for higher speed services,” Whittington said. “We try to position Windstream as all the speed you need, which is really trying to help make sure customers understand our parity with cable as it pertains to speeds because some of the perceptions around traditional ADSL services, they’ve used against us, and that’s working for us. But again, customers really just, we find, don’t want to spend a lot more for incremental speeds. We see that as revenue upside in the future, but not seeing a great deal of demand there right now.”

While Windstream customers will likely find current product pricing stable over the coming year, the FCC’s recent approval of Universal Service Fund (USF) reform does allow the phone company to raise rates on customers.  Some Wall Street investment firms have suggested Windstream do precisely that to boost revenues.

Timothy Horan from Oppenheimer & Co., Inc. noted Windstream’s local rates seem low.

“I don’t think they’ve been raised for a long period of time,” Horan observed. “I think you have to go through some [state regulators], but can you do that without having rate cases, and is that part of the plan at all?”

Anthony W. Thomas, Windstream’s chief financial officer, tried to put Horan at east.

“The FCC has provided a mechanism, it is our understanding, in the order that will allow us to pass along price increases up to $0.50 per month to our customers over a 5-year period,” Thomas explained.

Alcatel-Lucent Announces VDSL2 Vectoring: 100Mbps on Copper Phone Lines

Phillip Dampier October 3, 2011 Broadband Speed, Competition, Consumer News, Public Policy & Gov't, Rural Broadband, Video Comments Off on Alcatel-Lucent Announces VDSL2 Vectoring: 100Mbps on Copper Phone Lines

While most rural telephone companies are selling customers 1-3Mbps copper-delivered DSL service, Alcatel Lucent has announced the commercial availability of VDSL 2 Vectoring, a new way of delivering up to 100Mbps over the copper wire telephone network most rural North Americans still depend on for telecommunications service.

VDSL2 combines a fiber-copper hybrid network similar to Bell’s Fibe or AT&T’s U-verse, with interference-cancelling technology called “vectoring” to deliver speeds much closer to the 100Mbps theoretical limit of current DSL technology.

“Alcatel-Lucent’s plan to make VDSL2 vectoring commercially available is very timely,” said Rob Gallagher, Principal Analyst, Head of Broadband & TV Research, Informa.  “VDSL2 Vectoring promises to bring speeds of 100Mbps and beyond to advanced copper/fiber hybrid networks and make super fast broadband speeds available to many more people, much faster than many in the industry had thought possible.”

A new way to boost copper speeds even faster.

Different flavors of DSL are currently in use around North America and beyond.  The most basic form, ADSL, also happens to be the most commonplace among phone companies offering basic broadband service.  For customers up to 12,000 feet away from a phone company central office, DSL delivers speeds usually at 1Mbps or faster.  Customers enjoying the fastest speeds must live much closer to the phone company facilities.  The further away you live, the slower your broadband speed.  In rural areas, consumers can live further away than the maximum distance of the central office, which means no DSL service for those subscribers.

A combination of signal loss and interference, called “crosstalk,” from adjacent copper wire pairs are both the enemies of DSL broadband, because they can drastically reduce speeds.

Telephone companies can address this problem by building new satellite central offices located halfway between customers and their primary facilities.  These offices, usually connected by fiber, can successfully reduce the amount of copper wire between the customer and the company, boosting speeds.  Many phone companies also deploy DSL extensions called D-SLAMs, which can be attached to a phone pole or enclosed in a metal box by the roadside.  A fiber cable connects the D-SLAM back to the phone company, while existing copper phone wires go back to individual subscribers.

More modern forms of DSL: ADSL2, ADSL2+, and VDSL, share some of those concepts.  The key is cutting as much copper wire out of the network as possible, replacing it with fiber optic cable which does not suffer signal loss or interference in the same way.

Many European and Pacific broadband networks rely on ADSL2/2+, which can usually deliver reliable speeds in the 20Mbps range.  VDSL networks offer even more bandwidth, and are the basis of U-verse and Fibe, which split up broadband, phone service, and television on the same cable.  When customers demand even faster speeds, phone companies can “bond” several individual DSL connections together to deliver faster speeds.  Some traditional ADSL providers do that today for their customers, especially in areas where low speeds prevail.

An argument the phone company will love.

Alcatel Lucent says VDSL2 with Vectoring is the next best thing to fiber to the home, because it is cheaper to deploy with fewer headaches from local authorities when streets and yards are dug up for fiber cable replacements.  It also meets the growing speed needs of average consumers.  Alcatel Lucent predicts the minimum speed North Americans will need to support the next generation of online video is 50Mbps, more than 10 times the speed phone companies like Verizon, AT&T, Frontier, and CenturyLink provide over their traditional DSL networks, especially in rural and suburban areas.

Vectoring can deliver results for phone companies with aging copper wire infrastructure, more prone to crosstalk and other signal anomalies.  Alcatel Lucent compares vectoring with noise-cancellation headphones.  By sampling the current noise conditions on copper cable networks, vectoring can suppress the impact of the interference, boosting speeds and delivering more reliable results.

With technologies like VDSL2 with Vectoring promising speeds far faster than what rural North Americans currently enjoy, the Federal Communications Commission may want to re-evaluate its national minimum speed standard for broadband — 3-4Mbps — found in its National Broadband Plan.  Alcatel Lucent promises they can do much better.

[flv width=”640″ height=”324″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Alcatel Lucent VDSL2.flv[/flv]

Alcatel Lucent produced this video to promote its new VDSL2 with Vectoring technology.  The video targets cost-conscious phone companies who are being pressured to deliver faster service, but don’t want to spend the money on a fiber to the home network.  (6 minutes)

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