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AT&T Launches 4G/LTE Service: The Fastest Wireless Internet You Can’t Afford to Use

Phillip Dampier September 20, 2011 AT&T, Broadband Speed, Data Caps, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on AT&T Launches 4G/LTE Service: The Fastest Wireless Internet You Can’t Afford to Use

AT&T flipped the switch Sunday on its new 4G-LTE wireless data network, and the resulting next-generation wireless speeds now available to customers in Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio, Texas are impressive, averaging 23.6Mbps on the download and 15.2Mbps for uploads during a three-day test.

Mobile World reports initial testing by Signals Research in Houston delivered a peak data rate of a massive 61.1Mbps.  The researchers transferred nearly 90GB of data back and forth during the weekend tests, almost always at data rates above 5Mbps.

AT&T intends to compliment its existing “4G” HSPA+ network with a gradual rollout of LTE service in their major markets, eventually covering 44,000 nodes over a three-year period.

AT&T will first introduce its LTE service to wireless mobile broadband customers who will find the USB modems on sale with a two-year service commitment.  Support for the network on smartphones will come later.

A few important points to consider before becoming too excited with AT&T’s speed ratings:

  1. Signals Research conducted the tests on an effectively empty network.  Since AT&T hasn’t started selling LTE-capable smartphones yet, the only ones using the network are AT&T’s mobile broadband customers, most of whom are using AT&T’s older HSPA+ service.  AT&T doesn’t guarantee any particular speed, and it’s a safe bet speeds will slow considerably when smartphone customers eventually pile on board.
  2. That speed comes at a significant price.  AT&T is charging $50 a month for mobile broadband service with a 5GB usage cap.  Each additional gigabyte runs $10.  Signals Research is lucky they didn’t pay AT&T the going rate during their tests.  That 90GB of data would result in a bill from AT&T amounting to $50 for service, and $850 in overlimit penalties.

AT&T Tells Customers It Is Abandoning 2G Service: Upgrade Your Phone If You Want to Still Use It

Phillip Dampier September 20, 2011 AT&T, Consumer News, Rural Broadband, Video, Wireless Broadband 2 Comments
KJCT-TV caught customers lined up literally out the door of this AT&T store in Grand Junction, Colorado.

KJCT-TV caught customers lined up literally out the door of this AT&T store in Grand Junction, Colorado.

AT&T store employees in the Grand Valley of Colorado are using the company’s upgrade of former Alltel service areas to 3G service as an excuse to tell customers they need to buy new cell phones if they continue to want to use their wireless service.

Customers lined up outside AT&T stores in communities like Grand Valley, Colorado on Monday fuming over service problems than began last weekend.

“I had about an half hour wait just to find out I had to buy a new phone and they wouldn’t credit me for it or anything,” customer Josh Simpson told KJCT-TV.

AT&T employees told the television newscast the company is “getting rid of the 2G service in Grand Junction to make room for larger networks.” Employees also said customers were sent a letter informing them about the service change, but customers might have overlooked the e-mail because it looked like spam.

Local employees shrugged their shoulders as customers repeatedly complained about having to foot the bill for brand new phones, often at full price, in order to continue using their service.

“It’s a corporate decision,” one replied.

At issue is AT&T’s adopted network, acquired originally by Verizon Wireless from Alltel but spun away to AT&T as part of an agreement with federal anti-trust officials.  Alltel’s network in the Grand Valley placed more prominence on its legacy 2G EDGE network than AT&T is willing to continue.  AT&T isn’t actually discontinuing the 2G network — it is moving 2G service to less-favorable spectrum it owns in order to make room for improved 3G coverage.  That might work fine in areas less expansive and rugged than western Colorado, but in the Grand Valley, it means many customers will find they no longer have data service at all.

The ongoing tower upgrades have also disrupted cell service generally, and when customers arrive at AT&T’s stores to complain, the employees on hand attempt to upsell them more expensive phones to “fix” the problem.

Customers calling to complain are met with busy signals or general statements from AT&T telling them the changes are for their own good.  But because so many basic cell phones don’t support 3G service, upgrades to phones that do often represent a major unexpected financial hit (and another two year contract and data plan if the phone happens to be a smartphone).

“Alltel served us just fine for many years,” writes our Glade Park reader Tim. “When AT&T eventually showed up, we got everything we never wanted, and this should be a lesson for those who think AT&T will somehow ‘improve’ service at T-Mobile if they acquire them.”

AT&T customer Joan Burns told KJCT AT&T just made up her mind for her.

“I will never again sign a contract with them,” she said. “That’s bull.”

[flv width=”360″ height=”290″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/KJCT Grand Junction ATT Customers Forced To Upgrade Cell Phones 9-19-11.mp4[/flv]

KJCT in Grand Junction reports AT&T customers may be noticing a disturbance in their cell phone service, as AT&T employees use it as an opportunity to get customers to upgrade to more expensive phones.  (3 minutes)

T-Mobile Prepaid Deal Brings Down Online Ordering System As Customers Beat Down the Doors

Phillip Dampier September 20, 2011 AT&T, Competition, Consumer News, T-Mobile, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on T-Mobile Prepaid Deal Brings Down Online Ordering System As Customers Beat Down the Doors

LG Optimus T

Some analysts would have you believe nobody wants to keep doing business with T-Mobile, but when the price is right, it can bring the company’s online ordering system to its knees.

T-Mobile’s prepaid division ran a sale this morning on a refurbished LG Optimus T, an entry-level Android v2.2 smartphone, for just $82.49.  In addition to free ground shipping, the phone also included $30 in airtime credit (as all of their $50+ prepaid phones currently include).

T-Mobile exhausted its supply within hours, but not without some frustration from customers who found completing the order difficult when the website began to fail from all of the traffic.

“This is an amazing deal, especially when combined with some “cashback” programs run by websites like Fatwallet, which knocked another $7.50 off the price,” writes Stop the Cap! reader Jenny Truro.  “T-Mobile’s prepaid service is actually a good deal when you top up once for $100, because all subsequent refills in any amount won’t expire for an entire year.”

Truro doesn’t use a cell phone enough to justify a standard two-year contract plan, and hated dealing with AT&T’s GoPhone prepaid plan because minutes were costly and expired quickly.

“AT&T lets you keep minutes up to a year when you spend $100, but you have to keep renewing at $100 every year if you want to hang on to last year’s minutes,” Truro says. “T-Mobile doesn’t stick you with that, and some of the other providers charge way too much per minute.”

Truro says the LG Optimus T she purchased this morning will be her introduction to smartphones.

“If I find I don’t use it enough to justify paying for prepaid data plans and other features, it was not an expensive experiment.”

The LG Optimus T can also be unlocked by T-Mobile by calling customer service 60 days after activating the phone on their network.  That allows the phone to be used on other providers’ networks with an appropriate SIM card.

Since AT&T announced its intention to merge with T-Mobile, analysts have declared T-Mobile a white elephant — one that postpaid customers are increasingly leaving.  But T-Mobile’s innovative, often-aggressive pricing proves that for the right price, customers will not only stick with the carrier, they’ll be joined by thousands of others willing to sign up.

Seven States Sue AT&T Over T-Mobile Merger; Seek Protection for Wireless Consumers

Phillip Dampier September 19, 2011 AT&T, Competition, Consumer News, Public Policy & Gov't, Rural Broadband, T-Mobile, Video, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on Seven States Sue AT&T Over T-Mobile Merger; Seek Protection for Wireless Consumers

At least seven states including New York, California, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Washington and Ohio have announced they are joining the Justice Department lawsuit to stop AT&T’s attempted buyout of T-Mobile USA.

The merger has been heavily criticized by consumer groups for its potential to reduce wireless competition and stifle the marketplace with just two dominant carriers — AT&T and Verizon Mobile.  Now several Attorneys General have joined the voices of opposition to the merger.

“This proposed merger would stifle competition in markets that are crucial to New York’s consumers and businesses, while reducing access to low-cost options and the newest broadband-based technologies,” New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman said in a statement.

Washington State Attorney General Rob McKenna said the deal would “result in less competition, fewer choices and higher prices for Washington state consumers.”

“The proposed merger would create highly concentrated markets in Massachusetts and could lead to higher prices and poorer service.” Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley said.

Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan said the deal would “substantially lessen competition for mobile wireless telecommunications services in Illinois and across the United States.”

“Blocking this acquisition protects consumers and businesses against fewer choices, higher prices, less innovation, and lower quality service,” Madigan added.

“Our review of the proposed merger between AT&T and T-Mobile has led me to conclude that it would hinder competition and reduce consumer choice,” California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris said. “Enforcement of antitrust law is the responsibility of the Attorney General and is vital to protecting our state’s economic strength and tradition of innovation for the betterment of all Californians.”


Although the level of opposition to the transaction continues to grow, AT&T itself claims to remain confident it can push the merger through.

“It is not unusual for state attorneys general to participate in DOJ merger review proceedings or court filings,” AT&T representative Michael Balmoris said.

Several Democratic lawmakers, most of whom receive substantial campaign contributions from AT&T, would seem to underline the company has the support of at least some in Congress.

Rep. Heath Shuler (D-North Carolina), joined 14 Democratic co-signers in a letter sent Thursday to President Barack Obama encouraging him to support the merger deal.

“By settling the proposed merger of AT&T and T-Mobile USA we can put thousands of Americans back to work and promote economic development across the country,” Shuler said. “I urge the President to strongly consider the vast benefits this merger will have on job creation and the economy and quickly resolve any concerns the Administration may have with the proposal.”

Among the co-signers: Rep. John Barrow, Rep. Mike Ross, Rep. Dan Boren, Rep. Dennis Cardoza, Rep. Joe Baca, Rep. Leonard Boswell, Rep. Ben Chandler, Rep. Jim Costa, Rep. Henry Cuellar, Rep. Mike McIntyre, Rep. Mike Michaud, Rep. Collin Peterson, Rep. Loretta Sanchez, and Rep. David Scott.

AT&T currently also has support for their deal from 11 states, many which receive very little service directly from T-Mobile: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming.

A court hearing is scheduled for Sept. 21 to discuss settlement options.

[flv width=”480″ height=”290″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/KFOR Oklahoma City ATT T Mobile Merger 9-19-11.mp4[/flv]

KFOR in Oklahoma City explores the latest developments in the T-Mobile/AT&T merger case.  (2 minutes)

Verizon Wireless Says Company Won’t Throttle Speeds, Except When It Does

AT&T and Verizon: The Doublemint Twins of Wireless

Mirroring AT&T’s announcement last month that it would begin implementing speed throttles for wireless unlimited data plan customers who are among the “top 5% of users,” Verizon Wireless quietly made changes last week allowing the company to throttle its own unlimited data plan “heavy users” who consume more than 2GB of usage per month on its 3G network.

But Verizon claims it isn’t actually throttling the speeds of customers, it is simply engaging in “network optimization practices” and using “network intelligence” to reduce speeds (sometimes to near-dial-up) while connected to a “congested cell site.”

That will prove a distinction without much difference to customers who rely on 3G data usage using cell sites Verizon deems congested.  They may also find the time spent in Verizon’s penalty box unusually long.

“You may experience [reduced speeds] for the remainder of your then current bill cycle and immediately following bill cycle,” Verizon’s FAQ states.

That can mean customers paying $30 a month for an “unlimited data plan” may find 3G usage a very slow experience for a maximum of two months before they are off Verizon’s throttle list.

The new speed throttle policy began Sept. 15.  Verizon:

Network Optimization practices and throttling is network intelligence.  With throttling, your wireless data speed is reduced for your entire cycle, 100% of the time, no matter where you are. Network Optimization is based on the theory that all customers should have the best network possible, and if you’re not causing congestion for others, even if you are using a high amount of data, your connection speed should be as good as possible. So, if you’re in the top 5% of data users, your speed is reduced only when you are connected to a congested cell site. Once you are no longer connected to a congested site, your speed will return to normal. This could mean a matter of seconds or hours, depending on your location and time of day.

Verizon has not said exactly how many of its cell sites it deems as “congested,” at what times that congestion is most likely to occur, and admits there is currently no way customers can learn when they are connected to a congested site so they can make an informed decision about their usage.

But the company does say customers can avoid the penalty:

  1. Upgrade to a 4G phone and hope for good 4G LTE coverage.  Customers using Verizon’s 4G network are not currently subject to a speed penalty for “excessive use.”
  2. Upgrade” to a tiered data plan with usage allowances.  Verizon will not throttle the speeds of customers who are not on unlimited data plans.
  3. Reduce your data usage, especially in areas where congestion is likely.

Choke collars are in season at AT&T and Verizon Wireless, leaving Sprint's unlimited service looking more consumer-friendly by the day.

Those suggestions require potentially pricey new handsets, require customers to abandon their existing unlimited data usage plan, or simply get you thinking twice before launching a data session, fearing being grounded for up to two months with a dramatically reduced level of service.

The biggest impact of the network speed throttles will be among data-heavy iPhone users.  Apple’s iPhone doesn’t support 4G, and is likely to continue to rely on 3G network coverage when the next version of the popular phone is introduced in October.  Ultimately, Verizon’s new policy means iPhone devotees using more than 2GB per month may have to abandon their phone or their unlimited data plan if they want to avoid the throttle.

Verizon also found a way to keep customers from canceling penalty-free, noting contract changes that reserved the right to implement network management techniques were made in February.  The 60-day window for the “materially-adverse” contract change cancellation policy expired in April.  Verizon:

By alerting customers in February 2011, and including the notice in our terms and conditions as of February 3, 2011, we made sure customers knew we began reserving the right to implement Network Optimization practices.  In February 2011, we began alerting customers:

  • Data Management – (note: now named “Network Optimization” to more accurately describe the tools) – Verizon Wireless may reduce data throughput speeds in a given bill cycle for customers who use an extraordinary amount of data and fall within the top 5% of data users.  The reduction will only apply to those using congested cell sites and can last for the remainder of the current and immediately following billing cycle.  The reductions will only apply when appropriate in locations and at times of peak demand.
  • Data Optimization – (note: now named “Video Optimization” to more accurately describe its function) – Verizon Wireless is implementing optimization and transcoding technologies in its network to transmit data files in a more efficient manner to allow available network capacity to benefit the greatest number of users, and although unlikely, the process may minimally impact the appearance of the file as displayed on the mobile device.

Interestingly, AT&T’s own speed throttle penalty was estimated to kick in after 4GB of usage, not the 2GB Verizon is using as its benchmark for “network optimization.”  Verizon also says customers with their Mobile Hotspot feature will find that usage exempted from counting towards the 2GB threshold.

Verizon has opened up a new web page explaining the throttling policy.

[Thanks to Stop the Cap! reader Mileena, among many others, who shared the news with us.]

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