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Connected Nation Accused of Rewriting Fla. Budget Amendment to Divert Grant to Itself

Connected Nation, a broadband advocacy group with ties to some of the nation’s largest telecommunications companies, is accused of rewriting a Florida state budget amendment to divert proceeds from a federal broadband grant to itself.

A growing scandal over broadband map funding and allegations of political maneuvering and favoritism has now extended into the offices of several state Republicans now accused of doing the group’s bidding to change funding allocations in ways that could ultimately threaten Florida’s broadband grants.

Connected Nation’s involvement in the state’s broadband expansion efforts began in earnest in 2009 when the group won a $2.5 million contract to map broadband availability in Florida. A follow-up federal grant for $6.3 million to extend broadband deployment brought the group’s lobbyists back to Tallahassee to secure a “no-bid shot” at that new money for itself, which turned out to be a big surprise to the Department of Management Services, the Florida state agency charged with overseeing the project.

The grant award mandated that money be spent on additional broadband mapping and broadband expansion specifically for libraries and schools. When DMS hired contract employees to manage the project for the next two years, Connected Nation declared war on the effort, considering it their turf.

The Miami Herald called the lobbying battle that then ensued as “an audacious display of lobbying clout [that] got the Legislature to force DMS off the contract and steer the grant to [Connected Nation] instead.”

The newspaper reports the end effect of the bitter feud is a less than useful broadband mapping operation and a threat from the federal government it will yank back what remains of the grant money if things do not improve… quickly.

Connected Nation told the newspaper it defends its position as creating value for taxpayers and citizens. But the group also openly admits its broader goal is to increase broadband usage, which directly benefits its telecommunications partners, which the newspaper says includes AT&T, Verizon, and Comcast.

DMS officials are just as willing to play hardball in the statewide dispute, accusing Connected Nation of producing erroneous broadband maps and being responsible for “repeated performance problems.” They announced last year they would not renew Connected Nation’s contract.

Political observers note DMS probably did not realize who they were dealing with, and Connected Nation’s high powered lobbyists descended on the state capital to pull the rug completely out from under DMS, yanking the entire project away from the state agency and assigning it to another.


With the help of several Florida Republican legislators and the governor, DMS found itself without a broadband project, as lawmakers transferred it to Florida’s new “Department of Economic Opportunity.” The ultimate decision approving the transfer of broadband matters to an agency that suggests an allegiance to the private sector came from Florida’s governor Rick Scott.

The governor’s office muzzled DMS protestations. Marc Slager, deputy chief of staff for Gov. Rick Scott, acknowledged to the Herald he told DMS to stand down because “we don’t need to have different people from the governor’s agencies advocating an issue.”

Revenge is a dish best served cold, and Connected Nation is not through paying back DMS for interfering in their Florida plans to capture broadband grant funds. The group is taking its time working with several Republican legislators to cut more legs out from under the government agency.

With respect to the $6.3 million broadband expansion grant, the newspaper reports Connected Nation last year simply rewrote a state budget amendment, inserting themselves as the grant winner.

“Attached is a document that reflects conversations we’ve had with Chairman Weatherford, the draft language is consistent with the bill, and it is language we believe the [Legislative Budget Commission] would approve,” wrote Alli Liby-Schoonover, from Connected Nation’s lobbying firm, Cardenas Partners, in February 2011, making the change.

What a broadband mapping group was going to do with the money intended to wire schools and libraries remains unknown.

This year, Connected Nation enlisted the support of Rep. Doug Holder, a Sarasota-area Republican, to follow through on an earlier threat to disassociate DMS completely from Florida’s broadband expansion efforts. Holder eagerly wrote legislation, at the request of Connected Nation’s lobbyists, to get broadband away from the state agency, arguing to do otherwise was “expanding government.”

“The idea of a government agency taking a program that could be administered by a private entity that could create revenue in the private sector was wrong,” he said.

The newspaper asked Holder whether the spending was worth it if Connected Nation continued its record of creating no new jobs for Florida. Holder answered he would have to think about whether or not they should get the contract.

The ongoing tug of war is being watched by un-amused officials in Washington.

The state Republican effort to recast the project as an “economic development” effort may fall well short of the grant requirements because the term lacks specificity, warned Anne Neville, director of the State Broadband Initiative in the U.S. Dept. of Commerce. Neville added that any changes significant enough to repurpose funds would cause the grant to be canceled, with funds returned to the treasury.

Murky Net Neutrality Complaint Filed Against Georgia Utility Over “Theft” Allegations

Phillip Dampier May 23, 2012 Community Networks, Competition, Mediacom, Net Neutrality, Public Policy & Gov't Comments Off on Murky Net Neutrality Complaint Filed Against Georgia Utility Over “Theft” Allegations

A bizarre allegation (and theft-of-service complaint filed with local police) that a Voice Over IP service provider was “stealing” access to its fiber network has triggered the nation’s first formal Net Neutrality complaint under new Federal Communications Commission rules.

The complaint was triggered after Albany (Ga.)’s Water, Gas, and Light Commission (WG&L) filed a report with Dougherty County Police accusing L2Networks of accessing its municipal fiber network without paying.

If the FCC finds the city was correct asserting its claims of theft of service, other broadband providers could begin assessing additional fees for consumers who wish to access Google, Facebook, and Netflix, according the VoIP provider.

The case could create an “irreversible ripple effect along with the creation of various legal challenges across nearly every national content and application provider,” L2Networks CEO Kraig Beahn said in a press release. “We are deeply concerned that the alleged claim could potentially change the landscape of the national Internet marketplace as residential and commercial consumers see it today.”

Beahn's booking photo

In the view of L2Networks, the incident represents a direct and indisputable violation of the Federal Communications Commission’s Net Neutrality policies, which forbids providers from blocking service or selectively charging competitors additional fees to reach customers.

But details about the background of the complaint remain murky and a series of past disputes between Beahn and other telecommunications companies in Albany may require further exploration by federal officials investigating the complaint.

L2Networks is a small Albany-based telecommunications company that provides service to area businesses. L2Networks CEO Kraig Beahn is, however, well-known to both WG&L and local cable operator Mediacom, both of which have previously raised questions about his business practices.

L2 counters WG&L has made life increasingly difficult for the company since the two entities had a falling out in 2011.  That year, WG&L dumped L2 from its plans to deliver a competitive cable television service for Albany residents after the utility’s general manager accused Beahn of not fulfilling the promises he made with WG&L.

In January 2012, Beahn was arrested and charged with felony theft of service after Mediacom discovered an illegal tap on their cable line, which investigators learned was being used to provide Internet and phone service to L2 customer Adtran Logistics. Beahn called the charges “frivolous” and were part of an ongoing dispute with WG&L.

Mediacom vice president of legal and public affairs Tom Larsen noted the company did learn about the suspicious connection from the local utility.

“When our local team went to investigate, they discovered a Mediacom modem connected to two car batteries that was wired into our cable plant and being used [allegedly by L2] to serve a nearby business,” Larsen said.

Bizarre Political Fight Threatens Community Wi-Fi System in Tornillo, Texas

Phillip Dampier April 9, 2012 Consumer News, Public Policy & Gov't, Rural Broadband, Video, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on Bizarre Political Fight Threatens Community Wi-Fi System in Tornillo, Texas

Vranish says the community's free Wi-Fi has to go because of a "complaint-happy climate." (Image: KVIA-TV)

A bizarre political dispute involving board members of the Tornillo, Tex. Independent School District threatens to shut off community-owned Wi-Fi service for more than 500 subscribers.

The Tornillo school board is no stranger to controversy, and evenly divided factions often create at atmosphere some local residents describe as the best political theater in town.

Unfortunately, the town’s Internet access may be a casualty of the school board’s latest dispute.

Tornillo, a small community of 1,600 in southeast El Paso County, needs Internet access.  With 36.8% of the population below the poverty line, commercial providers have shown little interest in selling broadband to the community, more than 99% of which are Latino-American.

Since 2004, the local school district has provided free wireless access for a one-time setup fee of $275.

Now school Superintendant Paul Vranish has said he will shut off the service because a majority of the school board failed to vote for a resolution that would pay for any legal fees incurred by school district employees respecting any potential complaints about the service.

Vranish blamed a local “complaint-happy climate” for necessitating legal protection, but some local residents suspect the real issue is a political dispute between Vranish, the rest of the school board, and Tornillo resident Ricardo Hernandez, who separately filed an unrelated complaint against Vranish with the Texas Education Agency.  Two state agencies are presently conducting investigations into allegations Vranish misused district funds for personal gain.

Hernandez, according to the resolution, has “questioned a former employee as to the legality” of the Wi-Fi service. Vranish apparently is unwilling to find out whether the service is legal or not, declaring he would simply terminate the service at an unspecified future date.

“It’s a simple personal and political dispute that may well cost Tornillo its Internet access and leave 500 residents in the dark, all because Mr. Vranish thinks the community will turn against Mr. Hernandez if the service does close down,” writes Maria, a local Tornillo resident. “What are these people hiding because this is certainly not about Wi-Fi.”

[flv width=”480″ height=”290″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/KVIA El Paso Tornillo ISD To Discontinue Free Community Wireless Internet 4-4-12.mp4[/flv]

El Paso’s KVIA sought answers to the Wi-Fi dispute, but found themselves chasing the school district superintendent down a hallway, unwilling to address questions about the matter.  (3 minutes)

Comcast’s Roach Motel: Illinois Family Infested By Bugs Reportedly Inside Set-Top Box

Phillip Dampier January 4, 2012 Comcast/Xfinity, Consumer News Comments Off on Comcast’s Roach Motel: Illinois Family Infested By Bugs Reportedly Inside Set-Top Box

An Illinois family’s home is now infested by roaches, and the Aurora resident is blaming Comcast’s reportedly bug-infested set top box for the problem. Read up about these pest facts that are not commonly know so you’ll know how to deal with them.

Antonio Muñoz recently signed up for Comcast cable service, but tells the Beacon News cockroaches began crawling out of the refurbished cable box installed in his parents’ room.

In addition to the roaches he has collected in a plastic bag to show the cable operator, the Muñoz family has now seen several of the bugs running loose around the home.

Muñoz is upset with the cable company for dragging their feet on replacing the infested equipment.  He’s since sealed the box in question and dropped it off at Comcast’s local cable store.  But the cable company refused to exchange it with a new box until a technician could be sent to the Muñoz home.

“Given the rigorous quality control processes we have in place, it’s difficult to say exactly what happened,” a Comcast representative said. “As our goal is to do right by our customers, our immediate focus is to resolve the issue to Mr. Muñoz’s satisfaction.”

It’s not the first time Comcast has faced allegations of roach-infested equipment.

More than a dozen current and former employees of a Comcast facility on Chicago’s South Side are part of a federal class-action lawsuit filed last month alleging racial discrimination and a hostile, bug-infested work environment.

The suit claims Comcast management ordered technicians to install equipment in customer homes regardless if it was defective or infested by vermin.

The plaintiffs claim Comcast facilities are plagued not only with roaches but also rats.  Some supervisors are accused of telling some Comcast workers that equipment given to African American employees would be stolen, and there was little reason to provide those installers with a complete set of installer tools.

Most cable equipment is recycled and re-used as customers turn in equipment.  Cable operators routinely refurbish and test equipment before it is put back into service.  But cable equipment can offer an inviting home for invading insects or small rodents.  Customers receiving obviously used equipment should inspect it carefully for plant debris, dead insects, or points of potential entry for unwelcome visitors before allowing the installer to leave.

The Muñoz family has since received a new box, but no word if the special visitors that arrived in the original equipment have been effectively evicted.

Verizon Wireless Fraudulently Pumped Up Prepaid Numbers, New Lawsuit Claims

Phillip Dampier September 29, 2011 Competition, Consumer News, Verizon, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on Verizon Wireless Fraudulently Pumped Up Prepaid Numbers, New Lawsuit Claims

A ZCom owned Verizon Wireless store in New Jersey

Verizon Wireless executives forced independent authorized resellers of the company’s prepaid wireless service to buy cheap phones and activate them with their own money, fraudulently boosting the number of so-called “new activations” Verizon reports to its stockholders.

That is the chief allegation in a new lawsuit filed not against Verizon Wireless itself, but its largest franchisee, ZCom.

The NY Post reports Verizon Wireless executives who managed independent New York Verizon retailers masterminded the alleged scam by suggesting Verizon Wireless’ biggest franchisee, ZCom, “fraudulently increase the number of Verizon Wireless new account activations through the fabrication of fraudulent prepaid accounts,” the suit charges.

ZCom, which sub-leases authorized retail locations for Verizon products, was the defendant in the suit because ZCom can make or break independent store owners who sub-lease, staff, and manage the retail stores.

Plaintiff Shelly Bhumitra, who sub-leased several Suffolk County stores from ZCom, told The Post he was pressured to fraudulently activate pre-paid phones when a Verizon Wireless executive came to his store with ZCom’s owner, Iminder “Vikas” Dhall.

“They suggested that with our own money we should buy inexpensive phones [not smartphones],” and then load them with $30 of prepaid minutes, he said in an interview.

Bhumitra said he was then told to “give them away as bonus phones” to customers so that when used they would count as new activations.

The store owner said he was also instructed to load prepaid minutes onto phones that customers were throwing away and activate them with fictitious names. He was told to keep them in a drawer and make calls on them once or twice a month, echoing charges in the suit.

A store owner would ultimately earn $55 from each activation — enough to more than make up for the $30 outlay.

The three Verizon Wireless executives outed for allegedly taking part in the scheme have all recently resigned, according to the lawsuit.

Verizon itself is taking several measures to distance itself from the case.  Not being named as a defendant has allowed the company to avoid commenting, claiming it would be “inappropriate.”  The company also canceled its contract with ZCom, which generates $150 million in revenue for Big Red every year and holds the “master lease” to 130 Verizon Wireless stores, which are all over downstate New York.  For now, those store locations will remain open.

ZCom’s lawyer denied the allegations in the lawsuit.

Quarterly financial reports can make all the difference for shareholders who can make or break a stock based on financial results.  Verizon Wireless has had an increasingly challenging time managing to grow its prepaid division, which industry observers say used to charge more than its competitors for no-contract plans.  By inflating the number of new activations in company results, shareholder value is artificially protected.  Store owners can be convinced to play along because of lucrative new customer signing commissions, and to meet required sales targets.  Poorly performing store manager/owners can find their leases terminated and, in a worst-case scenario, the store location itself can be closed.

Bhumitra claims he was intimidated into going along with the alleged scam.

Verizon Wireless has tried to compete more aggressively in the prepaid category in 2011, with some success.  After creating new monthly packages bundling voice minutes with data and texting at lower pricing, the company added 879,000 new prepaid customers in the first quarter, and 1.3 million in the second, the Post reports.


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