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Breaking: Justice Dept. Files Suit to Stop AT&T/T-Mobile Merger

The U.S. government has filed a lawsuit to block a $39 billion dollar merger deal between AT&T and T-Mobile USA, citing substantially reduced competition for American cell phone customers.

“AT&T’s elimination of T-Mobile as an independent, low-priced rival would remove a significant competitive force from the market,” the Justice Dept. said in its filing.

“We are seeking to block this deal in order to maintain a vibrant and competitive marketplace that allows everyone to benefit from lower prices and better quality and innovative products,” said James M. Cole, deputy attorney general.

News that the merger could be ultimately blocked by the Justice Department caused AT&T and T-Mobile shares to lose as much as seven percent of their value.  But shares of competitor Sprint, considered the most vulnerable remaining competitor to AT&T and Verizon Wireless are soaring this morning by more than seven percent.

Cole’s statement was harsh in its condemnation of the merger’s benefits touted by AT&T:

The Department filed its lawsuit because we believe the combination of AT&T and T-Mobile would result in tens of millions of consumers all across the United States facing higher prices, fewer choices and lower quality products for their mobile wireless services.

Consumers across the country, including those in rural areas and those with lower incomes, have benefitted from competition among the nation’s wireless carriers, particularly the four remaining national carriers.   This lawsuit seeks to ensure that everyone can continue to reap the benefits of that competition.

Right now, four nationwide providers account for more than 90 percent of the mobile wireless connections in America, and preserving competition among them is crucial.   For instance, AT&T and T-Mobile currently compete head-to-head in 97 of the nation’s largest 100 cellular marketing areas.   They also compete nationwide to attract business and government customers.   Were the merger to proceed, there would only be three providers with 90 percent of the market, and competition among the remaining competitors on all dimensions—including price, quality, and innovation—would be diminished.

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Bloomberg Justice Targets ATT T-Mobile Merger 8-31-11.flv[/flv]

Bloomberg News delivered the breaking news that the Department of Justice would oppose the merger of AT&T and T-Mobile on antitrust grounds.  (2 minutes)

The deal falling through would cost AT&T a $3 billion dollar failed deal breakup fee, and a parting gift of wireless spectrum to T-Mobile USA, a unit of Deutsche Telekom AG.

Observers suggest part of the reason for the rejection may have been an attempt by the Obama Administration to draw a line in the sand for the size of large mergers and acquisitions it will tolerate.  The antitrust division of the Dept. of Justice has recently become more aggressive in reviewing large corporate merger transactions, and had the Administration approved the deal between AT&T and T-Mobile, the acceptance of permitting two companies to control the majority of wireless customers would have arguably meant virtually any merger deal would have passed muster, regardless of the implications of concentrated market share.

Traditionally, opposition from the Dept. of Justice spells doom for most merger proposals.  But AT&T is no ordinary corporate entity.  In addition to being confident enough to agree to a $3 billion breakup fee and giving away valuable spectrum should the deal fail, AT&T’s lobbying efforts and legal budget are unparalleled, and the company may decide to fight to preserve the deal using political and legal channels.  The terms of the merger could also be renegotiated, agreeing to spin off more customers to reduce market share, or compromising on consumer protections or other givebacks.

But for most companies, opposition from the government’s antitrust division is a high hurdle to overcome, and many won’t even try.

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/CNBC Justice Blocks ATT T-Mobile 8-31-11.flv[/flv]

CNBC delivered the stunned reaction among its own anchors and telecommunications industry analysts about the Justice Department’s strong objections to the proposed merger.  Many on Wall Street predicted this was a ‘done deal.’  (12 minutes)

Should AT&T and T-Mobile abort the deal, that doesn’t necessarily guarantee Americans will still have four major carriers to choose from.  Deutsche Telekom maintains a strong interest in selling off T-Mobile USA, and has reduced investment in the company.  That could renew rumors of a merger deal between T-Mobile and Sprint.

AT&T executives as late as this morning seemed to have no advance warning of the Justice Department’s decision.  CEO Randall Stephenson spent much of his morning suggesting AT&T would hire thousands of call center workers as a result of the merger.

After learning of the impending lawsuit, AT&T released a statement: “We are surprised and disappointed by today’s action, particularly since we have met repeatedly with the Department of Justice and there was no indication from the DOJ that this action was being contemplated,” the statement said. “The DOJ has the burden of proving alleged anti-competitive affects and we intend to vigorously contest this matter in court.”

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/CNBC Justice Press Conference on Blocking Merger 8-31-11.flv[/flv]

CNBC reporters and analysts react to the impact the Justice Department’s objections are having on the entire telecommunications business sector.  The question now being pondered at AT&T: Will it fight for the deal or will it fold?  (5 minutes)

Sprint’s iPhone? Company Rumored to Introduce Iconic Phone in October

Phillip Dampier August 24, 2011 Broadband Speed, Competition, Consumer News, Data Caps, Sprint, Video, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on Sprint’s iPhone? Company Rumored to Introduce Iconic Phone in October

Rumors are swirling Sprint will begin selling Apple’s iconic iPhone this October, bringing the number of carriers supporting the wildly popular phone to three.  Sprint shares soared 10 percent on the news.  But while Sprint customers and shareholders are celebrating the potential imminent arrival of iPhone, launching the phone on the Sprint network is no simple matter, especially for the last remaining carrier delivering truly unlimited data.

On the Plus Side

Apple’s iPhone has become a must-have for a significant number of consumers.  They won’t leave the phone behind to switch carriers, not even for Verizon Wireless, until they introduced the phone earlier this year.  Now Sprint can win its own share of iPhone devotees.

Sprint’s iPhone promotions could draw customers away from larger carriers, especially enticed by Sprint’s worry-free unlimited data plan that has become extinct at other wireless companies.

The iPhone locks customers into new two-year contracts with Sprint, helpful security at a time when AT&T threatens to further consolidate the wireless industry in its efforts to acquire T-Mobile.

On the Down Side

Sprint’s phone subsidy expenses will skyrocket with Apple’s iPhone, which commands the highest subsidies in the industry.  Analysts suspect AT&T currently shells out up to $425 for iPhone 4 and $375 for iPhone 3GS.  Then AT&T sells the phone to consumers for $200 or less, making the subsidy back over the life of the two year contract.  That hits AT&T’s cash on hand hard.  For Sprint, regularly accused by Wall Street of spending too much on customer promotions, it will only increase those costs.  Sprint pays less than $150 for its top of the line Evo phones in comparison.

One guarantee the iPhone always delivers: Lots of data hungry users.  The introduction of the iPhone may ultimately threaten Sprint’s unlimited usage experience because of demand placed on an already burdened 3G network.  There is also no guarantee the first Sprint iPhone will support Sprint’s 4G network.

[flv width=”480″ height=”290″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/KMBC Kansas City Sprint May Sell iPhone in October 8-24-11.mp4[/flv]

KMBC in Kansas City talked with customers looking forward to Sprint’s iPhone.  Sprint is a major employer in Kansas City.  (2 minutes)

Sen. Chuck Schumer Proposes Security Lockout for Stolen Smartphones

Sen. Schumer

Senator Chuck Schumer (D-New York) has proposed cell phone carriers permanently disable stolen cellphones, unless and until they are reactivated by the original owner.

Currently, only Verizon Wireless shuts down stolen phones, preventing their easy reactivation.  Other carriers only disable internal SIM cards, which are easily replaced by any thief in minutes, and for a fee AT&T and T-Mobile will reactivate any phone.  Sprint only disables access to stored contact lists and contents of memory cards that often accompanying modern smartphones.  But anyone can reactivate a stolen Sprint or Nextel phone just by claiming to have acquired it legitimately from the former owner and replacing the removable SIM card.

The result of easy reactivation is a thriving black market for stolen phones, particularly in New York.

“Forty-one percent of all property crimes in New York City in the first half of this year were related to cellphones,” Schumer said, noting phones often sell for hundreds of dollars and are back in operation sometimes hours after being stolen.

SIM Card

Schumer says if carriers permanently disabled stolen phones until the rightful owners declare them retrieved, phones would become worthless to would-be thieves.

The senator notes that European carriers use each phone’s unique identification code to monitor the status of the phone.  Once reported stolen, overseas carriers will not reactivate a disabled phone without a signed statement from the original owner authorizing the transfer of ownership.

Schumer notes cell phone theft is rising dramatically in New York as more people start carrying increasingly sophisticated smartphones.

In 2009, 10,650 phones were stolen in the city.  In 2010 — 10,746.  So far this year, more than 11,320 phones have been taken by thieves.

[flv width=”640″ height=”500″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WNYW New York Deactivate Cellphones 8-21-11.flv[/flv]

WNYW-TV in New York has raw video of Sen. Schumer’s press conference on cell phone theft.  (10 minutes)

Sprint Paying Customers Up to $125 To Dump AT&T, Verizon, or T-Mobile

Phillip Dampier August 15, 2011 AT&T, Consumer News, Data Caps, Sprint, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on Sprint Paying Customers Up to $125 To Dump AT&T, Verizon, or T-Mobile

Stop the Cap! reader Larry Posk from Atlanta just threw AT&T overboard, fed up with the company’s anti-consumer policies, and Sprint paid him $125 to walk.

“I can’t think of a single reason to stay with the sharks at AT&T who are spending my money to pay off legislators to drop Net Neutrality, impose usage caps on all of their broadband and wireless accounts, and now try and wipe out T-Mobile; I’ve had enough,” Larry writes.  “I told AT&T goodbye and switched to an unlimited plan from Sprint, who more than covered my early termination fee and gave me a new smartphone for free.”

Larry is a beneficiary of Sprint’s customer win-0ver promotion that covers up to $125 in early termination fees when customers cancel service mid-contract.  Larry owed AT&T around $70, but Sprint gave him the full $125 benefit as a credit on his first Sprint bill.

“All I had to do was transfer my old AT&T number to Sprint, which effectively ended my AT&T service,” Larry says.  “Technically I did not even have to call AT&T to cancel service — the number transfer does the trick, but I felt extra satisfaction giving AT&T a piece of my mind.”

Larry doesn’t want to do business with companies that engage in Internet Overcharging.

“I can basically understand there might be a need for some limitations on wireless service, but when AT&T put the same scheme on their DSL and U-verse customers, it was clear they were simply ripping customers off and I want no part of it,” Larry says.

Sprint also gave Larry another 10 percent off because he belongs to a credit union that qualifies him for additional discounts.  In the end, he’s actually saving about $24 a month and isn’t exposed to a usage limit any longer.

“I recognize the fact Sprint’s network isn’t as wide-ranging as AT&T or Verizon, but I barely travel and Sprint’s coverage in Atlanta is actually better than AT&T because Sprint hasn’t dropped any of my calls,” Larry says. “Data speed is adequate for my needs, and is about on par with what AT&T was delivering here in Atlanta, but it’s not as fast as Verizon.”

Larry says he didn’t know about Sprint’s promotion until he asked, and he recommends customers inquire about Sprint covering their early termination fees before signing up for service.  We found some customers complaining they did not get the credit, but we suspect that might be because they didn’t follow the terms and conditions.  The most important one of all: you have to buy your new phone from Sprint, not a third-party retailer.  Here is the fine print:

Available for consumer and individual-liable lines only. Available online, via telesales, and in participating Sprint stores. Purchases from other retailers are not eligible for the service credit. Requires port-in from an active wireless line/mobile number or landline/number that comes through the port process to a new-line on an eligible Sprint service plan. Excludes $19.99 Tablet Plan. Request for service credit must be made at sprint.com/switchtosprint within 72 hours from the port-in activation date or service credit will be declined. Ported new-line activation must remain active with Sprint for 61 days to receive full service credit. Upgrades, replacements, add-a-phone/line transactions and ports made between Sprint entities or providers associated with Sprint (i.e. Virgin Mobile USA, Boost Mobile, Common Cents Mobile and Assurance) are excluded. You should continue paying your bill while waiting for your service credit to avoid service interruption and possible credit delay. A $125 service credit will be applied for netbooks, notebooks, tablets, mobile broadband devices and smartphones which include BlackBerry, Android, Windows Mobile, Palm, and Instinct family of devices. All other phones are considered feature phones. A $50 service credit will be applied for feature phones and Sprint Phone Connect (when available). Smartphones require activation on an Everything Plan with data with Premium Data add-on charge.


Sprint Customers’ Treatment of 4G WiMAX: So Unimpressive They Shut It Off to Save Battery Life

Sprint’s 4G experience has been nothing to write home about for a number of their customers, who are increasingly disabling the service to save on battery life.

Speed tests of Sprint’s 4G WiMAX experience show increasingly unimpressive results, as the network grows exponentially more crowded with customers trying to capitalize on the higher speeds 4G is supposed to deliver.  The result?  BTIG Research in April found, after exhaustive testing, the average Sprint 4G customer was now getting around 1/1Mbps service from a network that promised to deliver speeds many times that.

This isn't even a contest. (Source: BTIG Research)

Now an increasing number of customers are simply switching the 4G service off completely to extend battery life.

Doug Mahoney, a contributing editor for TechZone360, says he has about given up on WiMAX:

WiMAX tends to stay turned off so I run 3G and there’s no big differences in the convenience of reading email or using simple apps like Twitter and Foursquare.  With more public places starting to offer free WiFi, the case for WiMAX — or LTE — on a smart phone starts to grow weaker between the extra cost and the battery life issue.

Mahoney complains Sprint’s 4G network is simply not robust enough to support consistent speeds and access.  In suburban Washington, he compares Sprint’s 4G coverage to an open air tree, with spotty service scattered across the region.  As a result, his 4G phone spends a lot of time desperately-seeking-signal — a process that accelerates battery depletion.

Given Sprint’s WiMAX “tax” of an additional $10 a month for the service, Mahoney isn’t so certain he’d pay it again on a future Sprint phone.

Are the same speed reductions in store on Verizon’s currently-lightning-fast LTE 4G network few customers use right now?  Perhaps, but Verizon’s brand may force the company to make sure coverage is much stronger than what Sprint customers currently tolerate:

LTE has the same power consumption issues as WiMAX. I suspect Verizon will have better, more ubiquitous LTE coverage just due to the characteristics of the 700 MHz spectrum and physics involved, so I should have faster broadband available in more places rather than the abstract green tree coverage map.

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