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Frontier Gets FCC Approval for Its Verizon Takeover; You Get 5GB Usage Allowances, 3Mbps DSL and No Fiber

Take the money and run

The Federal Communications Commission’s approval of Frontier’s takeover of 4.8 million Verizon landline customers in 14 states comes a year after the company announced the deal.  Frontier joins three other independent phone companies — FairPoint Communications, Windstream Communications, and CenturyLink zealously trying to grow their companies with additional mergers and acquisitions to avoid being swallowed up themselves.

What is common among all four companies is they rely heavily on dividend payouts to keep their stock price as high as possible.  That was a formula for disaster for FairPoint, the first of the four to end up in bankruptcy after a similar deal with Verizon in northern New England caused the company to falter.  Service and billing deteriorated, customers fled, and promises for better broadband were broken.  Now Frontier is following in FairPoint’s footsteps with more than 4.8 million new customers Frontier hopes they can swallow.

The FCC’s statement approving the merger reads like a press release for all involved, and delighted FCC Chairman Genachowski, who called these meager requirements “robust”:

Coming one week after the final state approval for the transaction, the FCC’s Order holds the applicants, Verizon and Frontier, to enforceable voluntary commitments, including:

  • Extend faster broadband to more Americans: Frontier will significantly increase broadband deployment for the lines involved in this transaction, only 62 percent of which are broadband-capable today. Specifically, Frontier will deploy broadband with actual speeds of at least 3 Mbps downstream to at least 85 percent of transferred lines by the end of 2013, and actual speeds of at least 4 Mbps downstream to at least 85 percent of the transferred lines by the end of 2015, with all new broadband deployment offering actual speeds of at least 1 Mbps upstream.

Frontier's Fast One: 3 Mbps DSL Service with a 5GB Monthly Usage Allowance

Frontier’s broadband commitment gives the company a full five years to meet the bare minimum speed considered to constitute broadband in the National Broadband Plan.  One hopes Frontier doesn’t break into a sweat offering a piddly 3 Mbps service to homes using yesterday’s DSL service until then.  While Verizon’s rural castoffs get stuck eventually with 4 Mbps DSL, many of the company’s remaining customers are enjoying 50Mbps service over an all fiber network.  The FCC is accepting an urban-rural divide for broadband which will benefit the phone companies while leaving rural customers in the dirt.

  • Deploy fiber to libraries, hospitals, and other anchor institutions: Frontier will launch an anchor institution initiative to deploy fiber to libraries, hospitals, and government buildings, particularly in unserved and underserved communities.

Fiber for these locations sure, but no fiber for you or I.  Frontier, like most other telecom companies, loves to promote the benefits of fiber without actually deploying it to homes.

  • Promote competition: Frontier and Verizon have made a series of commitments to protect wholesale customers, including honoring all obligations under Verizon’s current wholesale arrangements that are in effect at closing.

Since wholesale customers often depend on the same network other customers do, if a company doesn’t deliver robust broadband into a state like West Virginia, there isn’t a robust service to sell to those wholesalers.

  • Improve data quality and collection: Frontier will make available to the Commission data on its broadband deployment progress at an unprecedented level of detail to enable effective monitoring of Frontier’s compliance with its commitments.

The Commission concluded that the commitments that applicants have offered, coupled with monitoring and enforcement by the Commission, will minimize the risks of harm and ensure that this transaction is in the public interest.

Phillip "Living on the Frontier" Dampier

Considering how weakly the FCC is committing itself to protecting rural customers from being dumped into the broadband backwater Frontier has on offer (complete with the 5GB monthly usage allowance), does collecting statistics help when things go sour?  Regulators collected statistics in New England when FairPoint failed, but that didn’t get service levels back until Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont threatened to toss FairPoint out.  Now the company is in bankruptcy and regulators are negotiating which of the promises FairPoint made can be let go ‘for the sake of the company.’

That’s why it’s so ironic to read editorials that proclaim the FCC is on some sort of power grab when they seek to restore what meager authority they exercised over broadband before a DC Court effectively excluded broadband oversight from their portfolio.

It will be a good day when federal agencies like the FCC start worrying first and foremost about consumers instead of how to make a parade of overpriced mergers and acquisitions succeed for the companies involved.

[flv width=”480″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WANE Ft Wayne Verizon hanging up on local landlines 5-24-10.flv[/flv]

WANE-TV in Fort Wayne warns viewers their landline company is about to change asVerizon vacates the area by July 1st.  (1 minute)

[flv width=”480″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/CWA Verizon Dont Take the Money and Run in WV.flv[/flv]

Too late.  The Communications Workers of America ran this ad spot asking the West Virginia governor to intervene and stop the sale.  (1 minute)

Frontier Gets Conditional Approval To Take Over West Virginia Landlines – State Now Stuck With Yesterday’s ‘Broadband’

West Virginia residents are assured of an indefinite future with 1-3Mbps usage-capped “broadband” as Frontier won conditional approval of its plan to assume control of the majority of the state’s landlines.

Frontier Communications, the phone company with the 5 gigabyte monthly acceptable usage allowance, won approval from West Virginia’s Public Service Commission after nearly a year of opposition from several unions and consumer advocacy groups.  The opposition, led by the Communications Workers of America, charged that Frontier’s balance sheet made it impossible for the company to fulfill promises to deliver quality phone and broadband service to the majority of the state’s residents.  Consumer groups, including Stop the Cap!, argued Frontier’s DSL broadband service is inadequate for the state’s needs, because it typically only provides 1-3Mbps speed and is usage-limited for residential customers.

Verizon’s history of bad service in the state helped drive some to believe Frontier can do better

Verizon’s West Virginia division has frequently achieved a poor rating among many West Virginians upset with the company’s service record and broadband deployment.  Last Monday, the PSC announced that Verizon’s service in the state was so poor, it ordered the company to place $72.4 million in an irrevocable escrow account to be used to improve the quality of service.  The PSC found Verizon’s disinterest in delivering service in West Virginia had resulted in the deterioration of Verizon’s essential infrastructure.

The PSC-ordered escrow account will be used to maintain and improve everything from restoring copper wiring to vegetation control and pole replacement.

With a history of complaints like that, it comes as no surprise West Virginians are ready to wave goodbye to Verizon, hoping for better times with Frontier Communications.

Bray Cary

Bray Cary, a TV station owner in West Virginia, has hosted editorials on his network of local stations across the state promoting the transaction, believing it will bring a better future for the state’s telecommunications needs.  Just two weeks ago, he demanded the PSC make a decision on the proposed merger, claiming the state needs a “modern, cutting edge communication system that will bring high-speed Internet to every corner of this state.”  Unfortunately for Cary, there is nothing from Frontier that comes close to “cutting edge,” with the exception of the company’s brazen Internet Overcharging scheme now being tested in Minnesota that threatens to bring $250 monthly broadband bills to some residents.

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WOWK Charleston State Must Act on Verizon-Frontier Deal 5-4-10.flv[/flv]

WOWK-TV’s Bray Cary criticized the West Virginia Public Service Commission for stalling on a decision to move forward the Verizon-Frontier landline transfer in the state.  Just about ten days later, the PSC conditionally approved the deal.  [Video problems were a part of the original clip] (Aired: May 4, 2010 — 1 minute)

Frontier specializes in delivering slow-speed DSL service to most of its rural service areas, usually less than 3Mbps in speed.  Even in its largest service area, Rochester, N.Y., the company’s broadband options are an also-ran against the far faster and more reliable cable modem service from Time Warner Cable, which also beats Frontier’s out-the-door price.

Unfortunately, West Virginian media has never given important details to residents about the specific services Frontier is willing and able to offer residential customers.  It also never informed customers about the important limitations the company attaches to its “high speed Internet” Cary hopes to see available in every corner of the state.

Sometimes change for change’s sake is not an improvement.

The PSC attaches conditions to its approval

The Commission did not grant blanket approval to the transaction.  The PSC is requiring that Frontier:

  • Honors all existing obligations of Verizon following the close of the sale, including the currently effective Retail Quality Service Plan approved by the Commission to continue through at least July 2, 2011.
  • Makes capital investments in Verizon of $30 million during the second half of 2010, $75 million in 2011 (including $12 million targeted at service quality), $63 million in 2012 and $63 million in 2013.
  • Makes additional capital investments of at least $48 million to increase broadband deployment and subscription in the Verizon service territory.
  • Expands broadband availability in Verizon service areas so that by no later than the end of the fourth year following the close of the sale, access to broadband service will be available to no less than 85 percent of the households within Verizon service areas.
  • Locates its Southeast regional headquarters in Charleston, WV, after closing the sale. Charleston will be Frontier’s Southeastern regional headquarters, and will be a major employment center for Frontier in the region. It will be the hub for engineering, technical, operation and executive personnel for Frontier’s operations in West Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and Florida.
  • Adopts all of Verizon’s tariffs, price lists and contracts, including long distance, under the same terms and conditions at closing.
  • Caps all regulated rates subject to jurisdiction of the Commission for one year after close of the transaction.
  • Provides E-911 functionality provided by Verizon prior to close.
  • Waives early termination fees for current Verizon customers participating in a Verizon bundled service package for the first 90 days after closing.

Reactions from all over

“We’re pleased the commission has approved the transaction. The record developed in this case provides comprehensive evidence and assurances that the transaction with Frontier Communications is in the public interest and will provide many benefits to West Virginia residents, including increased investment and broadband availability in the state, while protecting jobs and promoting employment.”

— Verizon-West Virginia President B. Keith Fulton

“We’re in the process of evaluating the order. After full review we’ll look at what we can do that will best serve West Virginia consumers and CWA members. Of course, we’re disappointed but we’re heartened by the fact that at least one person on the three-member commission agreed with us and more than 80 legislators, several county commissions and a broad coalition of consumer, union and first responder organizations that this deal is too risky and not in the public’s interest. The split decision shows our arguments about the deal had validity.”

— Communications Workers of America, District 2 Vice President Ron Collins

Byron L. Harris heads the Consumer Advocate Division of the West Virginia Public Service Commission

“There are many areas of West Virginia that will always be dependent on landlines, absent some sea of change in technology. Those are the people I’m most concerned about. They’re the truly captive customers of now Verizon and, in the future, Frontier.”

— West Virginia Public Service Commission’s consumer advocate Byron Harris

“We’ve seen how Wall Street’s investments can backfire. Like Frontier today, Wall Street once put its confidence in Global Crossing and that led to a disastrous bankruptcy. We’re concerned that the Rochester-area and other existing Frontier properties may be starved to fund this expansion.”

— John Pusloskie, President of CWA Local 1170 in Rochester, N.Y.

“Today’s approval is a welcome and important step. Our goal is to gain the approval of the FCC so that we can close the transaction and begin bringing its benefits to consumers and businesses.”

— Maggie Wilderotter, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Frontier

West Virginian media covers the conditional approval

A handful of television stations covered the conditional approval, most without much depth.  West Virginian newspapers covered the fight between Verizon and Frontier and the unions and consumer groups, but no paper really provided in-depth coverage into the challenges of West Virginia broadband and what precisely Frontier is capable of providing to solve it.  Consumers will discover soon enough that West Virginia has yet again gotten the short end of the online stick.  Only this time, they better not wave it around too much — it might exceed your monthly stick-waving allowance.

[flv width=”500″ height=”395″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WOWK Charleston Union – Verizon-Frontier Deal Bad for W.Va., Verizon Responds 5-14-10.flv[/flv]

WOWK-TV in Charleston delivered the most substantial report on the sale, including this brief interview with PSC spokeswoman Sarah Robertson.  (2 minutes)

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WTAP Parkersburg Verizon-Frontier Deal Approved 5-14-10.flv[/flv]

WTAP-TV in Parkersburg ran this brief in-studio report about the Verizon-Frontier approval.  (1 minute)

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WDTV Bridgeport Verizon Sells Land Lines to Frontier 5-14-10.mp4[/flv]

WDTV-TV in Bridgeport explained the requirements of the conditional approval.  This was the only report on the approval that included the opposition’s perspective.  (1 minute)

Rochester TV Station Gives Away Five-Minute ‘Infomercial’ to Frontier Without Disclosing the 5GB Usage Cap

While several residents of Mound, Minnesota try to negotiate to keep their broadband service from Frontier Communications after the company sent them letters threatening to cut off their service, a Rochester, N.Y. television station handed over five minutes of airtime during its morning newscast that was little more than a promotion piece for Frontier’s broadband packages, right down to quoting inaccurate pricing, but no time to mention to viewers the company maintains a 5GB “appropriate usage limit” in its Acceptable Use Policy.

WHAM-TV ran a virtual infomercial (thanks to PreventCAPS for the tip) that was supposed to be about changing service providers, but devolved into a promotional puff piece for Frontier.  Among the services promoted were high bandwidth applications you can ostensibly use with Frontier DSL, despite the company’s continued insistence on defining an acceptable amount of usage at a level so low, you can’t possibly use those applications much and stay within the limits.

Michael Johns, from Frontier’s Network Operations Center misquoted Frontier’s own rates for DSL service, claiming the company sells service for between $18-26 a month, which seemed quite low.  We called Frontier Communications this morning to ask for those prices, telling the representative we saw them on WHAM’s sister CW Network station “CW16.”  The customer service representative in DeLand, Florida didn’t know what we were talking about.

In fact, we were quoted a far higher price for Frontier High-Speed Internet Lite – 768kbps service, with no term commitments starting at $39.99 a month. The representative claimed they could reduce the price, but only with a multi-year term commitment and a service bundle that included phone service. Even with those discounts, the price was still more than $20 a month. Considering Frontier’s term commitments carry a steep early disconnect penalty, there isn’t much value to be found here.

For standard 10Mbps DSL service, $26 a month isn’t going to get you far. In fact, Frontier wants around $45 a month for the service, not including a modem rental fee/equipment charge of $4 per month. Again, there were some discounts available for bundling, but they always carried those pesky term commitments and never brought the price down to what Johns claimed was available.

Michael Johns (left) from Frontier speaks with WHAM reporter Evan Dawson (right)

Also along for the ride was a hard sell for add on products like “anti-spam technology,” hard drive backup, technical support for your computer and Internet service — each carrying an additional monthly price.

Getting Frontier pinned down on prices is next to impossible as the representative kept coming back with new offers when I didn’t agree to “begin the sign up process today.” Apparently there is plenty of room for negotiation when signing up for Frontier service in a market where Time Warner Cable eats their DSL service for breakfast.

But the most fun came last when I asked about Frontier 5GB monthly usage allowance. The representative promised me “we don’t do that in your area so you can ignore that,” and “we’re never going to hold you to that. It’s there so we can control the pirate downloaders.” When I asked why Mound, Minnesota was apparently a hotbed of pirates (who knew?) the representative didn’t understand what I was talking about. When I explained, she put me on hold and came back apparently now acquainted with Frontier’s experimental hard capping in Mound, and asked me how I found out about that.

How did I, indeed.

If such experiments are deemed successful by the company, all of Frontier’s customers will find out about them soon enough.

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WHAM Rochester Changing Your Internet Provider 5-3-10.flv[/flv]

On Monday, WHAM-TV’s sister station “CW16” handed over five minutes of the morning news for an extended-length commercial for Frontier Communications.  Judge for yourself whether this story was about how to change providers or how to change to Frontier DSL.  (5 minutes)

Frontier’s Misleading Policies, Plans to Overcharge Consumers Draw National Criticism – Frontier FiOS Not Exempted

Phillip Dampier April 15, 2010 Data Caps, Editorial & Site News, Frontier, Verizon 6 Comments

Plans by Frontier Communications to clamp down on “excessive usage” of their DSL service and overcharge customers who exceed 100GB of usage per month brought a strong negative reaction from a consumer group, who called Frontier’s limits “divorced from the underlying economics.”

Sources also tell Stop the Cap! the company is actively working on changing language in their Acceptable Use Policy that, as of this morning, is still misleading customers in Minnesota about their service.

A Frontier spokesperson also told an Oregon newspaper Frontier’s acquired FiOS service areas are not guaranteed cap-free service — the company may implement some restrictions there as well.

But first, Frontier Communications’ Acceptable Use Policy no longer matches reality for customers in Mound, Minnesota who are getting notified that their service is at risk of being shut off if they don’t agree to new, dramatically-higher priced service plans.  But such e-mails run contrary to several sections in the company’s own published policies:

Frontier’s Residential Acceptable Use Policy (Last Update: December 23, 2008) (PDF Archived 4/15)

The Company has made no decision about potential charges for monthly usage in excess of 5GB.

Frontier’s Supplementary “5GB” Addendum to their Acceptable Use Policy (PDF Archived 4/15)

Frontier has not implemented tiered usage plans and will continue to evaluate if and when they would be necessary. If and when Frontier implements a tiered usage plan pricing and usage information will be communicated to all High-Speed customers.

Does Frontier plan to limit my use of the Internet?
Frontier is providing (NOT LIMITING) all customers with a minimum of 5GB of usage on a monthly basis. The Company has made no decision at this time to charge for additional usage but wants to start to educate customers about their usage.

If I hit 5GB will my service be interrupted?
No. Your service will not be interrupted at 5Gb. You will continue to use our High Speed Internet service without disruption.

How will I know how many Gigabytes I am using?
Sometime in the future, Frontier will provide to all customers visibility as to what your usage is on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. We will also provide a the ability to estimate bandwidth usage for different types of activities – like streaming video downloads or file sharing. These tools will give our customers the ability to make informed decisions about broadband usage consumption.

Tell that to the customers in Mound who have 14 or fewer days and counting to either pay extortionist broadband pricing, curtail their usage, or go elsewhere for service (if they can).

It’s no surprise some customers in Mound are outraged when receiving the company’s e-mailed notification about paying higher prices for usage because it runs completely contrary to the published policies of Frontier’s broadband service.

That’s just one more mistake in a series of mistakes Frontier has made in marketing its broadband service, especially in areas where consumers can take their business elsewhere and not have to worry about exceeding Frontier’s minuscule usage allowance.

Wendy Davis at MediaPost quotes a statement released by Free Press research director S. Derek Turner: “While there may be a place for discussing reasonable usage-based billing, the scheme Frontier is testing is completely divorced from the underlying economics. Even worse than their price-gouging is Frontier’s assertion that a mere 5 gigabytes per month is a ‘reasonable’ amount of usage when just last month the National Broadband Plan reported that average Internet users with a fixed connection consume 9 gigabytes of data per month.”

Davis also managed to get a Frontier spokesperson on the record about the debacle, telling MediaPost, “the company is only trying to prevent some exceptionally heavy bandwidth users from degrading service for others on the network. She also says that people who received the letters were given an option of decreasing their bandwidth consumption or switching to a different, higher-priced plan.”

Yet the concept of DSL customers degrading the broadband experience of other customers on the network is itself controversial, as DSL providers have always emphasized they do not suffer from slowdowns like shared networks used by cable broadband providers.  While heavy consumption can theoretically congest “middle mile” networks that serve regional areas or connect telephone company switching offices, those congestion issues are not difficult to address when companies use fiber connections to connect them, as Frontier frequently does.  Indeed, Frontier is far more likely to suffer congestion issues when millions of former Verizon customers are piled on Frontier’s network.

Nowhere in Frontier’s e-mail does it tell customers they can reduce usage to retain service.  It only says “if you do not wish to switch to this new rate plan, you can have your service disconnected.”  Mound residents are faced with the prospect of immediately reducing usage from 100GB to just 5GB to stay within Frontier’s terms and conditions.  Under those conditions, they could do better with dial-up.

Meanwhile, those soon-to-be-discarded Verizon customers facing a transition to Frontier Communications may soon find themselves potentially impacted by some sort of usage limit as well, which could also apply to the areas served by FiOS.

Mike Rogoway at The Oregonian talked with Frontier spokesman Steven Crosby about Frontier’s plans:

I talked this afternoon with Frontier spokesman Steven Crosby, who said there won’t be tight bandwidth restrictions after Frontier acquires FiOS — but he indicated that there may be some restrictions.

Currently, Frontier’s user agreement sets a nominal 5 gigabyte cap on monthly bandwidth usage.

“You know, I know and everyone knows that’s a very low number,” Crosby said. “We don’t hold people to that.”

The letters that went out in Minnesota went to a small group of very heavy bandwidth users in one community, Crosby told me. It’s not meant to reflect a broader policy.

As Frontier prepares to take over Verizon’s operations in Oregon and other states — Crosby says the deal is on track and likely to close in late June or early July — Frontier is reviewing its Internet use policies.

I pointed out Comcast’s bandwidth cap, and told Crosby that it seems likely his company will do something similar. He left that possibility open, but said any Internet limits are still under discussion.

“I don’t know what that limit will be,” he said. “The one thing I do know is we don’t want to impact our customers.”

St0p the Cap! responds:

  • This is the first time Frontier has hinted that usage limits could eventually apply to the FiOS fiber-to-the-home service it is acquiring from Verizon, a network constructed to manage 21st century broadband traffic Frontier now also seems willing to limit;
  • Frontier does hold people to the 5GB usage cap when they are in violation of it, using it as an excuse to expose customers to far-higher-priced service plans or service disconnection.  If Frontier isn’t serious about it, why retain the language in customer agreements?
  • If Frontier’s Mound e-mail notifications do not reflect a broader policy, than the only customers who will see a change in the Acceptable Use Policy will be those in the Mound, Minnesota area.  If customers elsewhere see a change, it -does- reflect a broader policy after all.
  • As part of Frontier’s “review of Internet use policies,” the company should not defray expenses surrounding the Frontier-Verizon deal by dumping them on broadband customers with outrageously punitive pricing plans.
  • As for not wanting to impact customers, our response is “too late.”  Frontier’s original introduction of the 5GB usage allowance in the summer of 2008 impacted customers far and wide, and for its largest service area — Rochester, NY, gave Time Warner Cable happy hunting grounds to experiment with a usage cap of their own.

Wendy Davis at MediaPost offers some food for thought:

Frontier’s letters could well trigger regulatory or judicial scrutiny, especially given the seeming disconnect between the company’s acceptable use policy and its recent actions.

Of course, the underlying problem is the lack of competition. If consumers had more options for broadband providers, a company that threatened to disconnect its customers, or charge $99 or $250 a month for broadband service, might quickly find itself dealing with more pressing problems than public criticism.

More Details on Frontier’s Internet Overcharging Experiment in Mound, Minnesota

Phillip Dampier April 14, 2010 Consumer News, Editorial & Site News, Frontier 12 Comments

Karl Bode over at Broadband Reports offers an additional detail on Frontier’s Internet Overcharging experiment which is now being tested in Minnesota:

Late last week, someone familiar with business operations at Frontier Communications indicated to Broadband Reports that the company was going to begin testing a new capping scheme for heavy users. “Just wanted to let you know that Frontier is sending out letters to the top 50 bandwidth users in Mound Minnesota,” said the individual.

The city of Mound, a suburb located 19 miles to the west of Minneapolis/St. Paul, is home to 9,800 residents.  Mound is the birthplace of the Tonka truck, named after Lake Minnetonka, which surrounds Mound.  Residents of Hennepin County have watched their local phone company change hands several times over the years from Contel to GTE of Minnesota to Verizon to Citizens Telecommunications Company of Minnesota, which does business as Frontier Communications. Frontier has served this part of Minnesota since the end of August, 2000.


For a community aggressively pursuing a downtown revitalization and redevelopment program designed to make the community attractive to new residents and businesses, news that the local DSL provider is now going to limit broadband usage and overcharge those who exceed their arbitrary limits is not good.

Among city officials, Mayor Mark Hanus and councilman David Osmek are both Frontier broadband customers.  The city is proud to stream its regular city council meetings online, something Frontier DSL customers will now have to avoid if they want to preserve as much of their 5GB monthly usage allowance as possible.

Action Alert and Alternatives for Mound, Minnesota

Mound City Hall (courtesy: City of Mound)

For Mound residents who do not want to be forced to limit their broadband activities to the ridiculously low 5GB allowance Frontier is now enforcing, we recommend these actions:

1) Call Frontier Communications at 1-800-921-8101 and tell them you will not keep your Frontier broadband service with a usage cap and you are prepared to take your business elsewhere immediately if they do not rescind their “experiment.”  If they attempt to charge you an early termination fee or cancellation fee if you do decide to cancel, let us know through the Contact link at the top of the page or in the comments attached to this article.

2) Contact your local media — the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, the Lakeshore Weekly News, The Laker, local news radio and television stations and let them know you think they should be covering this story and its potential impact on the local economy in Mound.

3) Your best alternative broadband provider is cable operator Mediacom which does not have a usage limitation on their broadband accounts.  Their speeds and pricing are also much better, based on Frontier’s advertised pricing of  “as low as” $49.99 a month for Frontier High-Speed Internet Max 3Mbps service or “prices starting at” $39.99 a month for Frontier High-Speed Internet Lite 768kps service.

Mediacom offers 3, 12 and 20Mbps broadband service in Mound.  Here are the details:

For New Mediacom customers:

Mediacom offers soon-to-be-ex Frontier customers free standard installation and a 12-month introductory offer for 12/1Mbps service for $49.95 a month.  Telephone service is also available through Mediacom with a bundled service discount.  Customers looking for a budget broadband alternative can sign up for 3Mbps service for $29.95 a month if they also take digital cable or digital phone.  For customers looking for the highest speeds, Mediacom offers 20/2Mbps service for $59.95 a month if you also get digital cable or phone service.

Mediacom is Mound's incumbent cable company

For Current Mediacom Non-Broadband customers:

If you have cable from Mediacom but use Frontier for broadband, you can switch to Mediacom cable modem service and obtain special discounts.  Add Mediacom’s 12/1Mbps service to your existing cable TV account for $19.95 a month for 12 months, or 20/2Mbps service for $59.95 a month for 12 months.  Installation is done by the customer.

Questions about Mediacom service in Mound can be directed to 1-800-332-0245.  Mediacom’s local offices in and around Mound are at:

Waseca 1504 2nd St SE Waseca, MN 56093 800-332-0245 8:00AM TO 5:00PM / MONDAY – FRIDAY / (CLOSED EVERY WEDNESDAY 9-10AM)
Mound 2381 Wilshire Blvd Mound, MN 55364 800-332-0245 8:00AM to 5:00PM / Monday – Friday (Closed 12 – 1PM Daily & Every Wednesday 9-10AM)
Chanhassen 1670 Lake Drive West Chanhassen, MN 55317 800-332-0245 8:00AM to 5:00PM Monday-Friday *Closed Noon – 1:00PM (Closed Every Wednesday 9-10AM)

4) Customers who are absolutely stuck with Frontier broadband who anticipate approaching or exceeding the 100/250GB usage levels should explore a business broadband account with Frontier.  Although pricing may vary from city to city, residents of Rochester who confronted the original effort to impose a 5GB usage cap in western New York found business account DSL service was not much more expensive than residential service, and carried no usage limitations.  Pricing is likely to be less than the punitive rates Frontier wants to charge residential customers for exceeding their allowances.

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