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Upstate New York Broadband Rankings Out: Rochester Ranks Last in Speed and Value

Phillip Dampier April 6, 2011 Broadband Speed, Competition, Consumer News, Frontier, Verizon Comments Off on Upstate New York Broadband Rankings Out: Rochester Ranks Last in Speed and Value

In an upstate New York match-up, the Rochester/Finger Lakes region scored dead last in broadband speed and value, according to data from Broadband.com.

Why are broadband speeds so much lower in the Flower City?  Blame Frontier Communications, which continues to pitch its decade-old DSL product, delivering an average speed of 4.45Mbps, while other upstate cities enjoy access and competition from Verizon’s fiber to the home network FiOS.  Frontier DSL actually often costs more, after taxes and fees, than Time Warner Cable’s much-faster cable broadband product, Road Runner, which rates an average download speed of 12.77Mbps in Rochester.  Frontier does manage to pull one win — higher upload speed DSL providers can often achieve in cities where cable operators keep upstream speeds as low as possible.

Time Warner Cable has dragged its feet upgrading broadband service in the area to its DOCSIS 3 platform other upstate cities have had since last year.  DOCSIS 3 should arrive within the next 4-8 weeks, which should boost broadband speeds, but may not deliver lower broadband prices because of Frontier’s uncompetitiveness in the area.


(Source: Broadband.com)

The top city in upstate New York for download speed is the state capital, Albany.  But Buffalo wins the contest for upload speed thanks to aggressive competition for Time Warner from Verizon in the Queen City.  Buffalo also pays the least for service — nearly $5 less per month than residents in Rochester pay on average.  Syracuse scores in the middle — but closer in terms of speed and value to other Verizon-served cities.

Slow and expensive broadband service can hamper economic development and costs consumers more.  Unfortunately, there are no signs Frontier Communications has plans to do anything differently in its largest service area — a classic driver of the accelerating number of customers calling to pull the plug on their landline service.

Time Warner Cable's Road Runner vs. Frontier Communications' DSL (Speeds are downstream/upstream; Source: Broadband.com)

Why Verizon’s LTE/4G Network Will Never Replace Cable/DSL Broadband: Usage Caps


Verizon’s ambitions to provide 285 million people with the option of ditching their cable or DSL broadband account for its new LTE/4G wireless network is a dream that will never come true with the company’s wireless Internet Overcharging schemes.  With a usage cap of 5-10GB per month and a premium price, only the most casual user is going to give up their landline cable or DSL service for Verizon’s wireless alternative.

Dick Lynch, executive vice president and chief technology officer at Verizon spoke highly of Verizon’s new next generation wireless network as a perfect platform to deliver broadband service to landline customers, including many of those the company sold off to Hawaiian Telcom, FairPoint Communications, or Frontier.

“[LTE] provides a real opportunity for the first time to give a fixed customer in a home, broadband service — wireless — but broadband service,” Lynch said. “In wireless, I see a great opportunity within the LTE plans we have to begin to service the customers who don’t have broadband today … They will be able to have mobile LTE and also to be able to have fixed broadband.”

Unfortunately, Verizon’s LTE network comes with usage limits and a premium price — $50 a month for 5GB or $80 a month for 10GB.  At those prices, rural America will have two bad choices — super slow 1-3Mbps DSL ($30-60) with allowances ranging from 100GB-unlimited or LTE’s 5-12Mbps (assuming the local cell tower is not overloaded with users) with a usage cap that guarantees online video will come at a per-view cost rivaling a matinee movie ticket.

Still, Verizon is likely to test market the service as a home broadband replacement, particularly in territories they no longer serve.  Verizon has done much the same thing pitching a home phone replacement product that works with their wireless network to residents of Rochester, N.Y., and the state of Connecticut, neither currently served with landlines from Verizon.

Despite the pricing and cap challenges, Deutsche Bank — one of the Wall Street players that follows Verizon — thinks the company’s DSL-replacement has merit, if:

  1. If you are a regular traveler that needs a wireless broadband service anyway;
  2. You use broadband exclusively for web browsing, e-mail, and very occasional multimedia access;
  3. You are wealthy enough not to care about the overlimit penalty.

For everyone else, sticking with traditional DSL service will continue to be the most affordable option, assuming usage caps are kept at bay.  Where available, cable broadband service from companies that serve smaller communities, including Comcast Cable, Time Warner Cable, and Cablevision, among others, will probably continue to deliver the most bang for the buck in rural America.


Frontier Says Its New $500 Installation Fee Prices Customers “In,” Even As They Flee to Comcast

Phillip Dampier March 9, 2011 Comcast/Xfinity, Competition, Frontier Comments Off on Frontier Says Its New $500 Installation Fee Prices Customers “In,” Even As They Flee to Comcast

Stop the Cap! has learned Comcast has had to beef up its call center staff to process orders for new and returning customers fleeing Frontier Communication’s rate increases for its fiber optic FiOS service, acquired from Verizon as part of a sale of landlines.

A source inside Comcast tells us the company has been busy welcoming back many customers in the Pacific Northwest who are canceling their Frontier FiOS service after learning about $30 monthly rate hikes for its fiber television service.

“We are adding call positions, diverting some orders to other customer service centers, and trying to accommodate a  jam-packed schedule of upcoming service installations all over the region as Frontier customers’ contracts expire,” our source tells us.

Frontier officially introduced its $500 installation fee Monday which many would-be customers consider absurd.

“I couldn’t believe reports were true about the installation price, so I called Frontier myself and even the customer service agent was incredulous over it,” Cate writes from his home in Oregon.  “We were actually both laughing about how ludicrous a $500 installation fee was for cable service.”

Cate tells us Frontier’s customer service representative admitted the company wasn’t expecting much new business with a steep entry fee like that.

“What it looks like to me is that they’re trying to price people out,” Newberg City Manager Dan Danicic told the Newberg Graphic.

Steven Crosby, senior vice president for Frontier never misses an opportunity to put a positive spin on a negative story.  He told the newspaper — to the contrary — the all-new $500 installation fee will help “price Frontier in,” noting each hookup costs the company $800.

Comcast, on the other hand, normally installs service for $28-40, but our source tells us the company often waives the installation fee upon request.  DirecTV and Dish also offer free installation with a contract.

“Sitting inside Comcast, everyone is talking about Frontier’s bungling and wondering whether this company is purposely trying to drive themselves out of business,” says our source.  “Even if you are not a FiOS customer, would you do business with a company that raises rates 40 percent or more and instantly raises installation fees to $500?  What will they do to their other customers?”

“Frontier: Not a winner.  Duh.”

Frontier Does Damage Control In Light of Reports It Wants to Exit TV Business

Phillip Dampier March 7, 2011 Competition, Consumer News, Frontier, Online Video, Public Policy & Gov't Comments Off on Frontier Does Damage Control In Light of Reports It Wants to Exit TV Business

Frontier attempts to dig themselves out.

The Oregonian has been covering the plight of Frontier customers in the Pacific Northwest who signed up for Verizon’s fiber to the home service — FiOS — and are now facing down the new owners who want to raise the price by $30 a month.

Frontier has done itself no favors in the media with an ongoing series of reports of service problems, rate increases, and now the latest signs it wants out of the television delivery business altogether.

In a letter dated March 4th, Steven Crosby — senior vice president of government and regulatory affairs, told the city administrator in Dundee, Ore., Frontier FiOS TV has been a flop.

Since Frontier Communications Northwest, Inc., acquired Verizon’s operations on July 1, 2010, it has built on Verizon’s prior actions and continued to offer a robust and aggressively priced video product to attract Dundee subscribers.  Despite these efforts, however, customer growth has been disappointing and stagnant and Frontier has not achieved a commercially reasonable level of subscriber penetration.

Frontier also admits it has been under-pricing its video service to stay competitive and attract new customers, but those days are over.  The company earlier announced its intention to raise rates by $30 a month for its standard cable TV service, making it more costly than its nearest competitor, Comcast.

Frontier recognizes the impact its enormous rate increase will have on its subscriber base, soberly noting it is likely to “further depress subscriber penetration.”

With this in mind, Frontier is exercising its right under the franchise agreement it has in Dundee to provide notice it intends to terminate its video service at a future date, after providing subscribers with 90 days advance notification.

Similar letters went to city administrators in Newberg, McMinnville, and Wilsonville.  City officials had no reservations about interpreting the meaning of the letters and plans to implement a $500 installation fee for future FiOS TV installations.

“Looking at it, you expect there will be no new customers,” Dan Danicic, Newberg’s city manager told The Oregonian. “Getting this opt-out notice is not a huge surprise to me, but we are disappointed.”

Frontier's rate increases are driving many consumers back to Comcast for their television service.

Sources tell Stop the Cap! there was considerable debate inside Frontier’s offices last week on how to implement directives from executives to shut down FiOS installations as quickly as possible.  Initial efforts to quietly raise the installation price — without giving subscribers’ advance notice — were on track until Frontier’s legal department quashed the plan.  Concerns were also raised inside the customer support units responsible for taking orders and handling customer billing inquiries over how to deal with the inevitable subscriber backlash when the first bills arrived in the mail.

“Frontier hates dealing with FiOS and they can’t wait to be rid of it — they claim that the product is at least 10 years away from really returning any investment from its original deployment,” a well-placed source told Stop the Cap! late last week.

Frontier FiOS is an anomaly for the rural phone company, which delivers the vast majority of its broadband customers DSL service over copper wire phone lines, usually at speeds approaching 3Mbps.  Frontier FiOS “came along with the deal,” one Indiana Frontier official told local media there in response to rate hikes there.

Still, media reports that the company plans to ditch its TV customers created a small panic inside Frontier by the weekend.

“Getting customers switched over to satellite TV service in an orderly manner was the original plan, but reports the company was abandoning the service altogether risks we’ll lose our customers to Comcast, and many will take their phone lines to the cable company, too,” a second source informed Stop the Cap! this morning.  “We were told ‘orderly transition’ over and over again, so reassuring customers is today’s top priority.”

Dundee, Oregon

Evidence of this campaign was not difficult to find over the weekend, as The Oregonian amended its original story claiming Frontier does not have immediate plans to exit the video business.

Crosby told the newspaper: “Our actual implementation decisions will be business driven. At this time, there is no change in our FiOS video offerings or in our FiOS video service delivery to our customers. And this filing does not affect our FiOS high speed service.”

Stephanie Schifano, identifying herself as an employee of Frontier Communications, attempted to spin the letters sent to several Oregon communities as a simple matter of business and not a foreshadowed abandonment of television service.

“Frontier is exercising our right under the franchise agreements to terminate the franchises. The right to terminate soon expires, and if Frontier didn’t give notice now we may have been required to provide this service, with these franchises, for another 12 years. This notice offers Frontier the flexibility to continue to analyze the FiOS Video/TV business and continue to service our customers,” Schifano wrote.

But both of our sources well-familiar with Frontier FiOS say the company’s actions speak louder than its words.

“When you increase the installation fee to $500 and raise your prices nearly $30 higher than Comcast, you would be crazy not to interpret the message Frontier is trying to send — go get your satellite dish from us and get off FiOS,” our second source told us.

Telecompetitor read into some of the company’s comments about utilizing the acquired fiber network in a new way, perhaps for over-the-top Internet video content.

“That’s wishful thinking,” our second source says.  “Frontier’s only online video efforts surround its rebranded Hulu service, relabeled myfitv.”

Frontier's online video platform serves up mostly repurposed Hulu content.

“The company has no plans I am aware of for a grand video strategy — FiOS covers far too small a service area and there is no way Frontier will spend more money to increase that fiber footprint,” our source adds. “Frontier wants to meet its general obligations made as part of its deal with state regulators when it bought Verizon FiOS with the landline deal, and little else.”

Frontier will continue to offer FiOS to broadband customers for the time being, regardless of what it does with its video package.

“If it’s already there and not costing a lot of money to maintain for broadband, why not?” our source says.

One direct sales contractor for competitor Comcast suspects that train may have already left the station.

Calling Frontier’s customer service operation “a circus,” the salesman says Comcast is benefiting from Frontier’s ball-dropping.

“Many Frontier customers are unhappy with the customer service side while stating they do enjoy their phone, Internet, and video services provided by the FiOS network, but lose the business on the practically non-existing customer service side.”

The contractor says he hears stories from Frontier customers all day who are fed up with the frustration of extended hold times, inaccurate or missing bills, online account access problems, excessive call transfers to deal with service issues and high fees.

For regulators, the aggravation is much the same.

After being promised by CEO Maggie Wilderotter that Frontier would be an aggressive competitor in a barely competitive marketplace, Frontier has raised rates by 46 percent, irritated their customers with customer service problems and outages, and now has served notice it intends to flee the TV business at an undetermined point in the future.

We Told You First: Frontier FiOS TV Installation Fee Heading to $500

Phillip Dampier March 4, 2011 Consumer News, Frontier 3 Comments

An endangered species?

[Update: 7pm ET — Shortly after we went to press with this story, The Oregonian published its version confirming our story — the install fee is up from $79 to $500.]

A Frontier customer service representative e-mailed Stop the Cap! yesterday informing us Frontier has plans to boost the installation fee for Frontier FiOS TV service to a whopping $500 per household.

“If that’s not a big enough shock, they were originally not even going to tell customers about it,” the source tell us. “They were trying to get this started on March 1st but the legal department has put a kibosh on the whole ‘not notifying the customer thing’.”

Now, the installation fee has been pushed back pending appropriate customer notification.

Stop the Cap! contacted Frontier yesterday and today looking for a statement regarding this, but we’ve received no response from representatives in the midwest and western regions despite multiple requests.

A Google search for Frontier FiOS instead turns up Frontier's paid advertising for free satellite TV.

Frontier’s FiOS service, adopted from the sale of Verizon landlines last year, has certainly seen a dramatic decline in visibility over the past several weeks.  Google users searching for “Frontier FIOS” will find paid advertising from Frontier directing them instead to a free satellite dish offer.

Frontier’s website buries all mentions of FiOS in fine print at the bottom of web pages promoting DirecTV instead.  In fact, we cannot find any Frontier FiOS website or an invitation to order the service directly from Frontier.

Slapping an enormous installation fee on customers would be one way to discourage customers from signing up for the service, which was rocked by a $30 monthly rate increase announcement earlier this year.  Frontier officials claim to remain undecided about how they intend to handle the fiber-to-the-home service as late as last week’s 4th quarter earnings conference call.

But should a $500 installation fee become reality, it’s clear the company doesn’t want customers beating down their doors to sign up.

Frontier officials have noted the number of customers served is too small for the company to earn volume discount pricing.


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