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Community Broadband Works: Knoxville’s High-Tech Jobs Move South For Chattanooga’s Fiber Broadband

Phillip Dampier January 11, 2012 Broadband Speed, Community Networks, Competition, Editorial & Site News, EPB Fiber, Public Policy & Gov't, Video Comments Off on Community Broadband Works: Knoxville’s High-Tech Jobs Move South For Chattanooga’s Fiber Broadband

Chattanooga’s investment in community fiber broadband is beginning to pay dividends as the city benefits from an increase in high-paying, high-technology jobs.  Unfortunately for cities like Knoxville, Chattanooga’s gains are their loss.

“In a lot of places, you can get the same kind of high speed service as Chattanooga.  The difference is the price,” Dan Thompson of Knoxville-based IT company Claris Networks told Knoxville TV station WBIR.  “Connectivity there for us is about eight to ten times cheaper in Chattanooga than it is versus Knoxville or other cities.  That’s a huge deal when you’re comparing $100 a month or $800 a month.”

As a result, Claris is skipping the pricey service on offer from AT&T and Comcast and is moving jobs down I-75 to the city of Chattanooga, where publicly-owned EPB Fiber has invested in a fiber-to-the-home network that beats the pants off the competition.  Claris has found gigabit broadband in Chattanooga that can be installed in days at a fraction of the price charged by the companies they deal with in Knoxville.  Now Claris can invest the savings in bigger data centers and the jobs that come with them.

“Here in Knoxville and other cities, you may have to pay a premium to get speeds fast enough to support that,” Thompson said.

While companies like AT&T, Time Warner Cable, CenturyLink, and Comcast have had Chamber of Commerce support opposing community broadband in other states, Chattanooga’s local Chamber knows a good thing when it sees it.  Garrett Wagley, vice president of policy and public relations for the Knoxville Chamber, tells the Knoxville station investment in infrastructure is important when recruiting new businesses to town and keep existing ones growing.

Investment in high technology networks is an important topic for the evolving economies of the mid-south region.  Formerly dependent on tobacco farming, textiles, and manufacturing, states like Tennessee and the Carolinas are now investing to compete for high-technology, digital economy jobs.  Public investment in broadband comes as part of that effort, and typically only after appeals to existing commercial providers fail to bring necessary upgrades.

That “other places first” upgrade mentality continues to this day in states like South Carolina, which waited years for Time Warner Cable and local phone companies to deliver broadband speeds states further north have been receiving for several years.

For companies like Google and Amazon.com, the choice of where to locate regional data and distribution centers is often dependent on available infrastructure.  Chattanooga is in a strong position to argue it already has a broadband network in place that can meet the needs of any high-tech company, at prices too low to ignore.  Economic investment, jobs, and tax revenues follow.  Even better, much of the revenue earned by EPB Fiber stays in Chattanooga, paying off network construction costs and allowing the public utility to invest in smart-grid technology, which could benefit electric ratepayers as well.

Christopher Mitchell at Community Broadband Networks notes Chattanooga is not alone seeing significant job gains from investment in public broadband.  Just 100 miles to the northeast is Bristol, Virginia, another city that is transforming itself to support 21st century knowledge economy jobs.  Bristol’s public fiber network delivers service across most of southwestern Virginia, across an area long ignored or under-served by larger commercial providers.

For cities stuck with whatever AT&T, Comcast, and Time Warner Cable decide to offer, the trickling job migration to better-wired cities could eventually become a fast-running stream.  That’s why WBIR-TV questioned Knoxville city officials about why they abandoned consideration of their own public fiber network.

The City of Knoxville’s chief policy officer, Bill Lyons, told 10News there has been some discussion about constructing network infrastructure in the past.

“We did discuss this general topic very briefly early in the last administration and did not pursue it,” wrote Lyons.  “There was no systematic assessment, but rather a sense that the associated investment in infrastructure was not needed given the service that was already available.”

[…] “The question we as citizens need to ask is this something we’d be willing to spend money on,” said Thompson.  “I think you’d have to ask if you built this kind of network would more businesses come here.  And if they would, do the tax dollars [gained by attracting news business] offset the cost that we as citizens would have to pay.”

Good-enough-for-you broadband at take-it-or-leave-it sky high prices has been the state of broadband across the mid-south for years.  Unfortunately for Knoxville and other cities in Tennessee and the Carolinas, high-tech businesses are quickly discovering they don’t have to take it anymore.  What cities like Knoxville lose, Chattanooga gains.

[flv]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WBIR Knoxville Chattanooga Fiber Attracts Jobs 12-27-11.mp4[/flv]

WBIR in Knoxville explores Chattanooga’s success in broadband, which is now starting to come at the expense of other Tennessee cities who don’t have the infrastructure to compete.  (3 minutes)

AT&T’s U-verse a Flop in Chattanooga — Only 821 Signed Up; EPB Wins Comcast Customers

Phillip Dampier December 27, 2011 AT&T, Broadband Speed, Comcast/Xfinity, Community Networks, Competition, Consumer News, Data Caps, EPB Fiber Comments Off on AT&T’s U-verse a Flop in Chattanooga — Only 821 Signed Up; EPB Wins Comcast Customers

AT&T’s fiber to the neighborhood service is not exactly winning consumers over in Chattanooga, Tenn.  As of this past spring, AT&T only managed to convince 821 local customers to sign up for U-verse service, in part because the competition delivers faster service, and one doesn’t slap broadband customers with an Internet Overcharging scheme.

While Comcast remains the dominant cable company in the city with more than 100,000 customers, community-owned EPB Fiber has made major advances, primarily against Comcast, picking up at least 33,000 customers in the city since the summer of 2010.

EPB is turning into a major success story for community-owned broadband, typically maligned as a financial failure by cable and phone company competitors.  EPB offers residential customers usage cap free gigabit broadband, television, and telephone service and is competing effectively against the nation’s largest cable operator.

EPB has been raking in more than $3.8 million a month in telecommunications revenue from residential customers alone.  In less than two years, EPB, which also delivers electricity in Chattanooga, has built a $45 million a year telecommunications business.  As a community-owned utility, most of that revenue stays in Chattanooga, benefiting the local economy and allowing EPB to reinvest in its network and improve service.

Comcast, in contrast, has seen its revenue drop by 8.4 percent during the first six months of 2011, primarily because of departing customers. That has forced the dominant cable company to become more aggressive in its efforts to retain those calling to cancel, primarily by slashing prices if wavering customers agree to stay.

Remarkably, AT&T’s U-verse has merited also-ran third place status — the victim of limited availability, the ongoing trend of customers dropping landline service, and the far-superior broadband speeds available from the competition.  AT&T’s Internet Overcharging scheme is also the stingiest, limiting broadband customers to just 150GB for its DSL service, 250GB for U-verse broadband, charging overlimit fees when the caps are exceeded.  Comcast has a usage cap of 250GB with no overlimit fee.  EPB has no limits.

The Chattanooga Times Free Press compares all three providers’ strengths and weaknesses:

EPB Broadband speeds are the fastest in the nation.

AT&T — Very aggressively priced introductory offers, more HD channels than its competitors, plus a “quad-play” bundle that includes AT&T wireless service.  But AT&T’s landline network is still the least equipped to compete on broadband speed, an increasing number of residents continue to turn their back on AT&T when they cut landline service, and U-verse’s usage caps come with overlimit fees.

Comcast — Has a substantial number of on-demand programs to access, can be cheaper than EPB during the initial year of service, and is testing home security and automation services.  Also offers two-hour service call windows and aggressively priced retention deals.  But Comcast’s regular prices are high, its broadband service usage-limited, and its reputation questionable after more than a decade of rate hikes and service complaints.

EPB — The fastest broadband speeds anywhere, EPB runs an advanced fiber to the home network, and maintains a very aggressive attitude about expanding and improving service.  EPB is a formidable competitor.  Community-0wned, its service benefits local residents with a locally-staffed call center, revenues that stay in Chattanooga, and management that answers to customers, not Wall Street.  No caps either.  But EPB can be a harder initial sell for price-sensitive customers because it doesn’t offer heavily discounted service to attract new customers.  But EPB prices don’t rise dramatically after the first year, either.  EPB’s television lineup is less robust than others, in part because it lacks a nationwide presence that brings the kind of volume discounts AT&T and Comcast receive.

Chattanoogans Speak Out About Why EPB Fiber Optics is 1st Class Broadband

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/EPB Fiber Optics Testimonials 9-11.flv[/flv]

Consumers and businesses across Chattanooga, Tenn. are saying goodbye to Internet Overcharging from AT&T and Comcast, making the switch to EPB Fiber Optics.  While Big Telecom companies claim community-owned broadband is a business failure, see why so many businesses and consumers in southeast Tennessee reject that claim and have made the switch.  Speed that blows Comcast away, prices that deliver a much better value than AT&T, service and support that is fast and reliable, and a community-owned provider that keeps its earnings right at home working for the people of greater Chattanooga.  EPB is one of Stop the Cap!’s most highly-recommended broadband providers.  If you are lucky enough to live or work in their service area, we can’t say enough about EPB, and that’s an unsolicited testimonial from us!  You can call them at (423) 648-1372.

Watch these testimonials from actual customers, sign up, and spread the word.  (10 minutes)

Commentary: Plans to Expand EPB’s 1 Gigabit Fiber Network Shelved After a Festival of Lies

Commercial providers and their pals in the legislature will go to any length — even lie — to protect their cozy duopoly, charging high rates for poor quality service.

That fact of life has been proven once again in the state of Tennessee, where an effort to expand EPB Fiber — a community owned fiber network — to nearby communities outside of Chattanooga, was killed thanks to a lobbying blitzkrieg by Big Telecom interests.

The “Broadband Infrastructure for Regional Economic Development Act of 2011,” supported by chief sponsor House Majority Leader Gerald McCormick, (R-Chattanooga), is dead after telecom industry lobbyists unleashed a full court press to stop the legislation from passing into Tennessee law.

The bill would have permitted EPB and five other municipal electric services that have or are developing broadband infrastructure to expand service up to 30 miles outside of their service area, where appropriate, to meet the needs of businesses or consumers.

With the legislation, EPB could bring its 1 gigabit fiber broadband service to Bradley County, home to a future Amazon.com distribution center.  Amazon already operates a huge warehouse in Hamilton County, where it was able to obtain EPB’s super-fast broadband service.  According to Harold DePriest, EPB President and CEO, Chattanooga’s fiber network is helping sell the city as a high-tech mecca for business, where broadband connectivity is never a problem.

DePriest says EPB’s network has been a proven job-creator, and Amazon.com’s ongoing expansion in the region is just one example.

Chattanooga residents and businesses now have the fastest broadband service in the southern United States, at prices often far less than what the competition charges.  Expanding EPB’s success to other parts of Tennessee represents a major threat to the likes of Comcast and AT&T, the state’s dominant telecom companies.

EPB provides municipal power, broadband, television, and telephone service for residents in Chattanooga, Tennessee

Lobbyists fought the bill off with some whopper tall tales about the “horrors” of community broadband.

Some Republican lawmakers friendly to Comcast and AT&T’s point of view have bent their philosophical positions on government and regulation into logic pretzels.  One has even called for EPB to be regulated by Tennessee’s Regulatory Authority, a body many state Republicans feel is about as helpful as a tax increase.

Despite that, there was Rep. Curry Todd (R-Collierville) at a recent hearing telling fellow lawmakers EPB and other community providers should be regulated by the TRA to protect ratepayers from the “loss of tremendous amounts of money coming out of taxpayers’ pockets.”

Does Todd think Comcast and AT&T should also be regulated?  Of course not.  Nobody should protect consumers from AT&T’s and Comcast’s relentless rate hikes.  Todd cannot even get his facts straight.

After 19 months, EPB has 25,500 customers — far ahead of its projections, and is well ahead of its financial plan, according to DePriest.  So much for being a “financial failure.”

Rep. Curry Todd has trouble with the facts, but has no problem counting campaign contributions amounting to more than $12,000 from Comcast, AT&T, the state cable lobby and other telecom companies

On cue, the same cable industry that tried to sue EPB Fiber out of existence is now comparing the Chattanooga fiber network to Memphis Networx, a disastrous effort by that city to build a public-private wholesale fiber optic network only business and institutions could directly access.  It’s hard to earn critical revenue from consumers when you run a wholesale network.  Even harder when you build it just before the dot.com crash.

EPB sells its service directly to business and consumers, so it gets to keep the revenue it earns, paying back bondholders and delivering earning power.

Stop the Cap! reader John Lenoir notes some of the local tea party groups are also being encouraged to oppose EPB’s efforts to expand.

“Just as Americans for (Corporate) Prosperity is lying about North Carolina’s community broadband, these corporate front groups are also engaged in demagoguery over EPB in Tennessee,” Lenoir says.  “In addition to the usual claims EPB represents ‘socialism,’ the locals are also being told EPB wants to use their fiber network to run smart meters, which some of these people suspect are spying on them or will tell people when they can and can’t use their electric appliances.”

Lenoir in unimpressed with the telecom industry arguments.

“AT&T’s opposition is downright laughable, considering this company raised its rates on U-verse and will slap usage limits on every broadband customer in a few weeks,” Lenoir adds.  “We thank God EPB is here because it means we can tell AT&T to stick their usage limits and Comcast can take their overpriced (and usage limited) broadband somewhere else.”

Lenoir thinks EPB should embarrass both AT&T and Comcast, but since neither company feels any shame in his view, it’s more about business reality.

“Why do business with AT&T or Comcast and their gouging ways when you can sign up for something far better and support the local community,” Lenoir asks.

AT&T spokesman Chris Walker complains that the phone company is somehow faced with an unlevel playing field in Tennessee, despite the legislature’s repeated acquiescence to nearly every AT&T-sponsored deregulatory initiative brought before it.  The company wants a “level playing-field” statute like the very-provider-friendly (it should be — it was written by them) one currently before the North Carolina state Senate.

Comcast questions whether anyone needs 1 gigabit service, but the cable company’s Chattanooga vice president and general manager Jim Weigert told the Times Free Press it could deliver 1 gigabit service… to business customers… assuming any asked.

DePriest questions that, noting Comcast tops out its broadband service at 105Mbps, and only for downstream speeds.  Comcast upload speeds top out at 5Mbps.  EPB can deliver the same upstream and downstream speeds to customers and do it today.

Chattanooga: Our Broadband is Better Than Your Broadband

While big cable and phone companies tell you that you don’t need fiber optic broadband speeds, EPB, a publicly-owned utility in Chattanooga, Tenn., thinks otherwise.

[flv width=”512″ height=”308″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/EPB Network Feature 2-15-11.flv[/flv]

While you plod along with 3-10Mbps, learn more about Chattanooga’s 1Gbps broadband network delivering truly lightning-fast speeds today — right now — at an affordable price.  What has your broadband provider done for you lately?  (6 minutes)

(Thanks, as always, to Community Broadband Networks for another great video find.)

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