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AT&T’s Old ‘Unlimited’ Plan Has 2GB Throttle Threshold; For the Same $30, Get 3GB ‘Limited’ Plan

Lowering the bar on "unlimited use" customers.

Customers grandfathered on AT&T’s “unlimited use” data plan are starting to wonder whether AT&T’s definition of “unlimited” is worth the effort.

Stop the Cap! reader Earl shares news the wireless carrier has lowered the bar (and wireless speeds) on customers who consume just 2GB on an “unlimited” wireless plan the company charges $30 a month to keep.  That’s $15/GB before AT&T considers you a usage abuser.  Now customers are discovering for the same $30, they can buy a usage-limited plan that offers 3GB a month, one gigabyte more than the “unlimited plan” allows before AT&T considers you among the top 5% of its “heavy users” subject to a punishing speed throttle.

[From CNET’s ‘Ask Maggie’ column:]

Dear Maggie,
I am currently using an iPhone 3GS and am grandfathered into the unlimited data plan. I normally use between 3GB and 4GB of data a month without issue. I have now been notified after 2GB of data that my data consumption is in the top 5 percent of customers and my data will be throttled. I have noticed that this seems to be a common cutoff for other customers as well.

My question to you is–Does this make the unlimited data plan basically useless as the new 3GB plan will at least give me 1 extra gigabyte of data for the same price? Also, why don’t they just cancel the unlimited plan instead of forcing people to switch through throttling?

Dear Brian,
I think you’ve nailed this issue right on the head. AT&T’s throttling program seems to target customers, who are just over the 2GB threshold. And its new higher priced data plans that offer 3GB of data for $30 looks like an attempt to get customers to switch from their unlimited data plans to the 3GB plan for the same price.

Whether you can live with the slower data rates is up to you.

It’s increasingly apparent AT&T is engineering data plans to discourage customers from retaining their grandfathered unlimited-use plan.  By luring customers to ‘never-throttled’-tiered data plans, AT&T can expose customers to lucrative overlimit fees charged when plan allowances are exceeded.

Think Twice Before Switching to AT&T Cell Phone Service

Phillip Dampier January 24, 2012 AT&T, Competition, Consumer News, Data Caps, Video, Wireless Broadband Comments Off on Think Twice Before Switching to AT&T Cell Phone Service

[flv width=”480″ height=”290″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WTKR Norfolk ATT to raise prices on smartphone users 1-19-12.mp4[/flv]

A Virginia television station is warning customers planning to switch their wireless service to AT&T to think twice.  The company recently announced it was increasing prices on data plans for new customers, although existing ones can keep their current plans.  Virginians considering leaving Sprint, Verizon Wireless, or T-Mobile will find themselves locked into the new, higher prices if they move to AT&T, WTKR in Norfolk reports.  The “grandfathered” service plan, exempted from price hikes and service restrictions, is increasingly becoming a customer retention tool.  (1 minute)

The Internet Overcharger’s Numbers Game: AT&T Raises Prices on Smartphone Data Plans

Phillip Dampier January 19, 2012 AT&T, Competition, Data Caps, Wireless Broadband 4 Comments

AT&T has announced an across-the-board rate increase for smartphone and tablet data plans, raising prices $5 Sunday for most plans while including incrementally larger usage allowances:

  • Lite Usage: 200MB for $15 is now 300MB for $20;
  • Average Usage: 2GB for $25 is now 3GB for $30;
  • Higher Usage: 4GB for $45 is now 5GB for $50.
  • Regular Tablet Plan:  2GB for $25 is now 3GB for $30.
  • A new, higher use tablet plan will offer 5GB for $50.
  • Overlimit fees are now $20 for 300MB of additional usage on the lite usage plan, $10/GB on all other plans.

AT&T originally charged $29.99 for unlimited-use data plans.  The company claimed in the summer of 2010 its new limited-use plans would save most customers money, but except for very light users, that is no longer true.

AT&T's throttles are engaged.

AT&T says the new usage allowances reflect customer resistance to paying overlimit fees when they exceed AT&T’s existing caps.  But the company has also previously said the vast majority of its customers never exceed the old allowances. According to AT&T, 65 percent of its customers use less than 200MB per month and 98 percent of its smartphone customers use less than 2GB of data per month. That effectively means every customer will now face a $5 rate hike for increased usage allowances most will not currently use.

Existing customers can hang on to their old data plans indefinitely, but those who bounce between carriers will be forced to choose from a more limited, and expensive, menu of options.

Considering that AT&T’s most significant rival Verizon Wireless currently charges $30 for just 2GB per month, AT&T officials are still able to claim their new prices represent a “great value.”

Customers grandfathered under AT&T’s old unlimited-use plans are also discovering they are anything but unlimited.  So-called “heavy users” who exceed 2GB of use per month are first warned by AT&T they are in the “top 5%” of usage-hungry users, after which their wireless connection is throttled to as little as 15kbps for the remainder of the billing cycle.

AT&T Gouges Californians With 25% Telephone Rate Increase

Phillip Dampier January 17, 2012 AT&T, Consumer News, Public Policy & Gov't 3 Comments

Years ago, phone companies could not simply raise rates willy-nilly.  They had to justify rate increases before an oversight body, usually on the state level.  But after spending millions to lobby state lawmakers to deregulate the phone business, AT&T is set to recoup their investment with a dramatic 25 percent rate increase for landline phone service in the state of California.

Some residential customers have kept basic landline service as a last resort, switching to “measured service,” where customers pay a small charge for every call they make or receive a calling allowance that covers several calls a day.  Measured service can deliver substantial savings over traditional flat rate service.  But now AT&T is targeting these “budget customers” for some stunning rate hikes.

Starting March 1st, AT&T is raising rates by nearly 25% for measured service — from $12.37 to $15.37 a month — a $3 increase.  After your calling allowance is exhausted, each additional local call will cost three cents per minute.

Customers with flat rate service will also pay AT&T $1.05 more — $21 a month (before taxes, fees, and surcharges) for basic flat rate, unlimited local calling.

Best of all (for AT&T), the company does not have to explain or justify the rate increase.  That attitude was evident when reading the Los Angeles Timesaccount of the rate hike, complete with an arrogant, shoulder-shrugging AT&T spokesman:

Lane Kasselman, an AT&T spokesman, said fees for measured and flat-rate calling plans are going up because, well, because.

“Goods and services go up,” he told me. “That’s how our economy works.”

The increase is expected to hit seniors and low income consumers the hardest — they are the biggest constituency of the 10 percent of AT&T customers who choose measured-rate, budget service.  They are also the least likely to have cut the cord on their traditional landline service in favor of a cell phone or competing Voice Over IP provider.

AT&T hints that the rate increase is partly to push customers into multi-service bundles that include phone, Internet, and television service.  By hiking the price of individual services, the bundled price suddenly seems to deliver the best “savings” for customers.

Critics call that price pumping — artificially raising the price of a-la-carte services to create phantom savings for the company’s higher-revenue bundled service packages.

A San Francisco advocacy group calls it something else.

“It’s extortion, pure and simple,” said Regina Costa, telecom research director for the Utility Reform Network, or TURN, a consumer group. “There’s no proof that these price increases are justified.”

Thanks to California’s deregulation of the landline phone business, no proof is required.

Rate Increases for One and All: AT&T, Comcast, Cox, DirecTV — Up, Up and Away

Customers of some of the largest cable, phone, and satellite companies will pay an average of 3-6 percent more for service in a series of rate increases taking effect between now and the end of February.

AT&T U-verse

If your introductory offer has expired, expect to pay more for just about everything as of Feb. 9.

Cable TV:

  • U-family will increase from $54 to $57,
  • U100 will increase for some from $54 to $59 and for others from $59 to $64,
  • U200 will increase from $69 to $72/U200 Latino will increase from $79 to $82,
  • U300 will increase from $84 to $87/U300 Latino will increase from $94 to $97,
  • U400 will increase from $109 to $114,
  • U450 will increase from $117 to $119/U450 Latino will increase from $127 to $129.

For high speed Internet customers who ordered their current speed before June 12, 2011, effective with the February 2012 billing statement, the monthly price for Basic will increase from $19.95 to $25, Express will increase from $30 to $33, Pro will increase from $35 to $38, Elite will increase from $40 to $43, and Max will increase from $45 to $48. If you are paying a monthly high speed Internet equipment fee for the Residential Gateway, the amount will increase from $4 to $6.

For Voice Unlimited, effective on February 1, 2012, the monthly price will increase from $33 to $35.

AT&T blames increased programming costs and “the cost of doing business” for the rate increases.  AT&T is increasing broadband pricing despite enjoying further cost reductions from their Internet Overcharging scheme implemented in 2011.


Comcast implements rate increases at different times of the year throughout its national service area.  But a preview of what is forthcoming can be seen in south Florida and Minnesota, where Comcast’s new rates for 2012 have increased an average of 5.8 percent.  That comes after a 2 percent rate hike last year.  It’s a bitter pill for many customers to swallow, because Comcast has also been moving popular cable channels like Turner Classic Movies into the more expensive Digital Preferred package.  The price of that full basic package will now run just short of $85 a month. Customers in Minneapolis are staring down these new rates:

  • Basic 1: no change in most franchise areas.
  • Digital Economy: increases from $29.95 a month to $34.95 a month, or 16.7 percent.
  • Digital Starter: increases from $62.99 a month to $66.49 a month, or 5.6 percent.
  • Digital Preferred: increases from $80.99 a month to $84.49 a month, or 4.3 percent.

Comcast blames increased programming costs and upgrade expenses associated with its now completed DOCSIS 3 project.  Comcast also has converted many of its service areas to all-digital service, which has opened up additional room to sell more expensive broadband packages, add additional HD channels, and make room for new product lines relating to home automation and security.

Cox Cable

Broadband Reports readers are sharing anecdotal evidence Cox has begun its own 2012 rate increase campaign.  In Florida, cable TV rates are up yet again:

Prices for Cox TV and Cox Advanced TV will be as follows:

  • Cox TV Starter will change from $19.55 to $22.85/mo.
  • Advanced TV will change from $5.50 to $4.20/mo.
  • Advanced TV Standard Definition receivers will change from $5.55 to $6.99/mo.
  • Advanced TV High Definition, High Definition/DVR & DVR receivers will change from $7.45 to $7.99/mo.

Advanced TV Paks will change:

  • Any 1 Pak (excluding Variety Pak) from $4.00 to $4.25/mo.
  • Any 2 Paks (excluding Variety Pak) from $8.05 to $8.50/mo.
  • Any 3 Paks from $12.00 to $12.50/mo.
  • Variety Pak will be $4.00/mo.

Premium pricing will change:

  • 1 premium channel from $13.99 to $14.99/mo;
  • 2 premium channels from $23.99 to $24.99/mo;
  • 3 premium channels from $30.99 to $34.99/mo;
  • 4 premium channels from $36.99 to $44.99/mo.
  • (Pricing for the 3rd and 4th Premium channels will be grandfathered at the current price for existing customers.)

Cox’s Preferred Internet tier is increasing from $49.99 to $53.99 a month.  Basic phone service increases from $11.75 to $13.18, and popular calling features like Caller ID are also increasing (from $5.95 to $9.00 per month).

Rates vary in different franchise areas.


The satellite TV provider will raise rates on Feb. 9 by 4 percent on average. Its costs are going up by more than that, the company said on its website: “The programming costs we pay to owners of TV channels will increase by about 10 percent.”

DirecTV defends its rate increase, noting it will introduce new features in 2012 that include more than 170 HD channels and the most 3D viewing options of any television provider.  The full breakdown is provided from DirecTV:

Rate increases effective February 2012. Click image to enlarge.

Consumer Tips

  1. Customers who subscribe to bundled services will see the fewest rate increases.  The more services you bundle, the lower the typical cost of each component within the bundle.  It rarely pays to have one company as a TV provider and another delivering your broadband because standalone service pricing is increasingly the most expensive option.
  2. Ask for an extension of your introductory or promotional rate.  Request pricing from the competition and be prepared to summarize it with your current provider when arguing for a lower rate.  If your current provider thinks you are serious about jumping to another provider, they may lower your rates to keep your business.
  3. Be prepared to switch.  Cable companies base their retention offers on several factors: what the competition offers, how long you have been a customer (2+ years guarantees a better retention deal) and how you pay your bill.  If you are a late payer, expect a much more difficult time negotiating a lower rate.  You may encounter a brick wall if you are labeled a “flipper” that jumps between providers’ introductory pricing offers.  But even these customers will be welcomed back, with lower rates, when they inevitably return.  They just won’t get their promotional offer renewed.
  4. Some companies reserve their most aggressive pricing for customers who actually schedule a disconnect or turn in their equipment.  Cable companies have gotten wise to empty threats from negotiating customers.  If you schedule a complete service disconnection two weeks in advance, some companies will take you seriously and call you with the most aggressive “win back” offers available, especially if you turned in your cable equipment.
  5. Dump extras overboard.  Premium channel pricing has skyrocketed recently after remaining relatively stable for nearly two decades.  HBO is now at or above $15 a month in many areas.  As customers try to economize, premium movie channels are usually the first to go, and many cable operators are starting to lose preferred wholesale volume pricing discounts.  They are passing along new, higher prices to the dwindling number of premium customers left.  Scrutinize your cable bill carefully for potential savings.  Look for mini-pay tiers of HD channels you never watch, consider downgrading your “digital phone” package to local-only calling if you rarely make long distance calls, and consider tossing “Turbo” broadband speed packages that only incrementally increase download speed.  Many customers originally signed up to obtain higher upload speeds, but as cable companies boost speeds for all of their customers, the extra boost may no longer be worth the money.

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