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KBTV Beaumont – How Beaumont TV Broke the Bad News: You’re Still Capped

Phillip Dampier April 26, 2009 Video Comments Off on KBTV Beaumont – How Beaumont TV Broke the Bad News: You’re Still Capped

KBTV Beaumont broke the bad news to its viewers that despite the temporary reprieve in other Time Warner cities across the country, Beaumont was still saddled with the same usage caps and tiered pricing they’ve been dealing with since last summer. Time Warner elected to continue the “experiment” in rationing Internet service despite Sen. Charles Schumer’s announcement that the “experiment” was over.

thumbs-up9KBTV produced this segment as part of an afternoon news roundup for April 16, 2009.  The Time Warner segment appears last.

An Irreverent Look at Turning Back the Clock on the Internet With Bandwidth Caps

Phillip Dampier April 25, 2009 Broadband "Shortage", Video 2 Comments

Wallstrip condenses the entire bandwidth capping is a bad idea argument down to a few irreverent minutes and this:

Pretty soon we’ll all be over our 40GB limit.

WRAL Raleigh – The Wilson Debate Fast Forwarded to 2009

Phillip Dampier April 24, 2009 Community Networks, Public Policy & Gov't, Video 2 Comments

As I wrote earlier, this entire debate has barely budged in two years.  Wilson wants to run its municipal broadband service, and big cable and telco interests want to kill it if they can.  Two years after similar legislation died in the North Carolina legislature, the lobbyists and some co-opted state legislators are back for another round, trying to stop municipal broadband in its tracks with false statements about where these projects obtain funding.  The Wilson project, for example, was financed from a bond issue, with proceeds from subscription revenue going to repay bondholders.  No taxpayer funds are involved.  But cable lobbyists keep claiming otherwise, and also suggest they are being victimized by local governments.

The truth is, of course, the other way around.  Many smaller communities lack robust competition, and their citizens suffer for it.  System upgrades to bring additional speed at lower prices come to those areas where fierce competition exists.  Those stuck where competition is lacking or lackluster find upgrades slow in coming, if at all.  When a local government cannot convince companies to upgrade, they took it on themselves to get a better system up and running.  That can become a major selling point to attract new businesses, and keep residents on the cutting edge, usually at prices substantially lower than charged by incumbent providers.

Big corporate interests apparently cannot compete with better service and lower prices, so the next best thing is to find a politician willing to do your bidding to kill them off for you.  And as we’ve seen from Save NC Broadband’s reports, many of these legislators are so inept about comprehending the legislation they propose and support, they show their true colors when they simply defer to Time Warner’s own staff for speak for them!

thumbs-up11Another great report from WRAL that tells the story.  The “cable guy” is back claiming tax dollars are involved here.  What in the world Rep. Ty Harrell is thinking is beyond me.  Also, can we stop with the metaphor of the TV showing a snowy picture?  We’re about ready to check into a deluxe suite in Hotel Cliché with that.

Off Topic #1: When The Most “Provocative” Talk Show Host on TV Was John Davidson

Phillip Dampier April 24, 2009 Video 2 Comments

From time to time, I am going to go off topic a moment with something I find ironic or amusing and completely besides the point.  If you’re filled with the anger about usage caps, this is your place to take a deep breath and let it out.

One of my side interests is collecting older clips from radio and television.  Recalling when cable television was run by mom and pop cable companies who dutifully brought in those “superstations” we all wanted to see, one of them was WOR from New York (later WWOR from Secaucus, NJ).  While browsing around the Interweb Tubes, I ran into a promo for The John Davidson Show.  Now, for those “too young” to remember, Davidson and his hair were staples on network television variety shows, game shows, and anything that had an “all star cast” in it.  That could range from The Love Boat to “a major motion picture made especially for television;” the man was not hard to find.

What was hard to believe was that WOR was running these ads for his show claiming he was the most “provocative” talk show host on television.  Well, perhaps then.  But chairs were never thrown and hair was never yanked out on his program.  This was the era of Gary Collins on Hour Magazine after all.  The only thing controversial I ever recall Davidson doing was in 1974 when he turned up as a guest star in the Streets of San Francisco, as a cross-dressing lounge singer who killed his fans while in drag.

Plus, there has never been anything provocative about Bert Convy either, who turns up as a guest in the clip.  Trivia question, who is the other guest in this clip?

If you are 40ish, you’ll remember the big flying “9.”

WRAL Raleigh: David vs. Goliath – Wilson Faces Cable Industry Boot Crushing Municipal Broadband

Phillip Dampier April 24, 2009 Community Networks, Video 3 Comments

Apparently not being sufficiently warned off by Time Warner’s earlier statements that municipal broadband would be expensive and a pain for the community of Wilson to administer, they found some friendly legislators in state government and helped push a bill that would effectively hamper, if not terminate the Wilson community’s broadband initiative. In a well orchestrated lobbying effort, cable industry officials began claiming that taxpayer funds were being used to leverage the public sector’s broadband product at the expense of “the free market.” But as Wilson city officials explained, their Greenlight project is firewalled from using public tax revenue. The project was paid for by a bond offering and is expected to be self-sustaining through ongoing customer receipts.

Cable industry officials continued to attack municipal broadband projects as failures waiting to happen, pointing to earlier projects that often relied on wireless networks, wi-fi, or older technology. Many cities with these projects have been unable to scale them to grow with expected demand, or have had difficulty expanding their network into other areas of the community. Others outsourced them to be administered by private providers in return for public considerations, such as free/discounted access in certain areas.

Fiber optic broadband projects are new to most municipal broadband projects, and come as a result of a lack of comparable service from private providers unwilling to meet the needs of communities. So having not succeeded in dissuading municipal competition, they now seek to effectively kill it with handcrafted legislation passed into friendly hands.

thumbs-up8WRAL continues its in-depth coverage on the challenges Wilson, NC faces in building their municipal fiber network.  Time Warner officials, among others, make some unproven accusations and statements in this report that go unchallenged, but overall it provides a balanced look at the growing controversy.

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